blob: a49173744d7f88fd1d4b4c5cbab82b48c686639d [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 1997-2012 The R Core Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
/* Graphical parameters which are treated identically by
* par( <nam> = <value> ) and highlevel plotfun (..., <nam> = <value> ).
* This is #included both from Specify() and Specify2() into ./par.c
if (streql(what, "adj")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
BoundsCheck(x, 0.0, 1.0, what);
R_DEV__(adj) = x;
else if (streql(what, "ann")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asLogical(value);
R_DEV__(ann) = (ix != 0);/* NA |-> TRUE */
else if (streql(what, "bg")) {
/* in par() this means the plot region, inline it means filled points */
#ifdef FOR_PAR
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
if (!isVector(value) || LENGTH(value) < 1) par_error(what);
R_DEV__(bg) = RGBpar3(value, 0, dpptr(dd)->bg);
#ifdef FOR_PAR
R_DEV__(new) = FALSE;
else if (streql(what, "bty")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
if (!isString(value))
cx = CHAR(STRING_ELT(value, 0))[0];
switch (cx) {
case 'o': case 'O':
case 'l': case 'L':
case '7':
case 'c': case 'C': case '[':
case ']':
case 'u': case 'U':
case 'n':
R_DEV__(bty) = cx;
else if (streql(what, "cex")) {
#ifdef FOR_PAR
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
/* else: cex can be a vector of length > 1, so pick off first value
(as e.g. pch always did) */
x = asReal(value);
posRealCheck(x, what);
#ifdef FOR_PAR
R_DEV__(cex) = 1.0;
R_DEV__(cexbase) = x;
R_DEV__(cex) = x; // not setting cexbase here
else if (streql(what, "cex.main")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
posRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(cexmain) = x;
else if (streql(what, "cex.lab")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
posRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(cexlab) = x;
else if (streql(what, "cex.sub")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
posRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(cexsub) = x;
else if (streql(what, "cex.axis")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
posRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(cexaxis) = x;
else if (streql(what, "col")) {
#ifdef FOR_PAR
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
if (!isVector(value) || LENGTH(value) < 1) par_error(what);
R_DEV__(col) = RGBpar3(value, 0, dpptr(dd)->bg);
else if (streql(what, "col.main")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
R_DEV__(colmain) = RGBpar3(value, 0, dpptr(dd)->bg);
else if (streql(what, "col.lab")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
R_DEV__(collab) = RGBpar3(value, 0, dpptr(dd)->bg);
else if (streql(what, "col.sub")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
R_DEV__(colsub) = RGBpar3(value, 0, dpptr(dd)->bg);
else if (streql(what, "col.axis")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
R_DEV__(colaxis) = RGBpar3(value, 0, dpptr(dd)->bg);
else if (streql(what, "crt")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
naRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(crt) = x;
else if (streql(what, "err")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asInteger(value);
if (ix == 0 || ix == -1)
R_DEV__(err) = ix;
else par_error(what);
else if (streql(what, "family")) {
const char *ss;
value = coerceVector(value, STRSXP);
if (STRING_ELT(value, 0) == NA_STRING) {
SET_STRING_ELT(value, 0, R_BlankString);
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
const void *vmax = vmaxget();
ss = translateChar(STRING_ELT(value, 0));
if(strlen(ss) > 200)
error(_("graphical parameter 'family' has a maximum length of 200 bytes"));
#ifdef FOR_PAR
strncpy(dpptr(dd)->family, ss, 200);
dpptr(dd)->family[200] = '\0';
strncpy(gpptr(dd)->family, ss, 200);
gpptr(dd)->family[200] = '\0';
else if (streql(what, "fg")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
ix = RGBpar3(value, 0, dpptr(dd)->bg);
#ifdef FOR_PAR
/* par(fg=) sets BOTH "fg" and "col" */
R_DEV__(col) = ix;
R_DEV__(fg) = ix;
else if (streql(what, "font")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asInteger(value);
posIntCheck(ix, what);
R_DEV__(font) = ix;
else if (streql(what, "font.main")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asInteger(value);
posIntCheck(ix, what);
R_DEV__(fontmain) = ix;
else if (streql(what, "font.lab")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asInteger(value);
posIntCheck(ix, what);
R_DEV__(fontlab) = ix;
else if (streql(what, "font.sub")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asInteger(value);
posIntCheck(ix, what);
R_DEV__(fontsub) = ix;
else if (streql(what, "font.axis")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asInteger(value);
posIntCheck(ix, what);
R_DEV__(fontaxis) = ix;
else if (streql(what, "lab")) {
value = coerceVector(value, INTSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 3);
posIntCheck (INTEGER(value)[0], what);
posIntCheck (INTEGER(value)[1], what);
nonnegIntCheck(INTEGER(value)[2], what);
R_DEV__(lab[0]) = INTEGER(value)[0];
R_DEV__(lab[1]) = INTEGER(value)[1];
R_DEV__(lab[2]) = INTEGER(value)[2];
else if (streql(what, "las")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asInteger(value);
if (0 <= ix && ix <= 3)
R_DEV__(las) = ix;
else par_error(what);
else if (streql(what, "lend")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
R_DEV__(lend) = GE_LENDpar(value, 0);
else if (streql(what, "ljoin")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
R_DEV__(ljoin) = GE_LJOINpar(value, 0);
else if (streql(what, "lmitre")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
x = asReal(value);
posRealCheck(x, what);
if (x < 1)
R_DEV__(lmitre) = x;
else if (streql(what, "lty")) {
#ifdef FOR_PAR
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
if (!isVector(value) || LENGTH(value) < 1) par_error(what);
R_DEV__(lty) = GE_LTYpar(value, 0);
else if (streql(what, "lwd")) {
#ifdef FOR_PAR
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
if (!isVector(value) || LENGTH(value) < 1) par_error(what);
x = asReal(value);
posRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(lwd) = x;
else if (streql(what, "mgp")) {
PROTECT(value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP));
lengthCheck(what, value, 3);
/* Since 1.6.x: Allow negative (S-compatibly): */
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[0], what);
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[1], what);
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[2], what);
if(REAL(value)[0] * REAL(value)[1] < 0 ||
REAL(value)[0] * REAL(value)[2] < 0)
warning("`mgp[1:3]' are of differing sign");
R_DEV__(mgp[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV__(mgp[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV__(mgp[2]) = REAL(value)[2];
else if (streql(what, "mkh")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
posRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(mkh) = x;
else if (streql(what, "pch")) {
#ifdef FOR_PAR
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
if (!isVector(value) || LENGTH(value) < 1) par_error(what);
if (isString(value)) {
ix = GEstring_to_pch(STRING_ELT(value, 0));
} else if (isNumeric(value)) {
ix = asInteger(value);
} else par_error(what);
if(ix == NA_INTEGER) par_error(what);
R_DEV__(pch) = ix;
else if (streql(what, "smo")) {
/* FIXME: not real */
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
nonnegRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(smo) = (int) x;
else if (streql(what, "srt")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
naRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(srt) = x;
/* NOTE: tck and tcl must be treated in parallel; if one is NA,
* the other must be non-NA. If tcl is NA, then setting tck to NA
* will reset tck to its initial default value. See also graphics.c. */
else if (streql(what, "tck")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
R_DEV__(tck) = x;
if (R_FINITE(x))
R_DEV__(tcl) = NA_REAL;
else if(!R_FINITE(dpptr(dd)->tcl))
R_DEV__(tcl) = -0.5;
else if (streql(what, "tcl")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
R_DEV__(tcl) = x;
if (R_FINITE(x))
R_DEV__(tck) = NA_REAL;
else if (!R_FINITE(dpptr(dd)->tck))
R_DEV__(tck) = -0.01; /* S Default -- was 0.02 till R 1.5.x */
else if (streql(what, "xaxp")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 3);
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[0], what);
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[1], what);
if ((R_DEV__(xlog)))
logAxpCheck((int) (REAL(value)[2]), what);
posIntCheck((int) (REAL(value)[2]), what);
R_DEV__(xaxp[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV__(xaxp[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV__(xaxp[2]) = (int)(REAL(value)[2]);
else if (streql(what, "xaxs")) {
if (!isString(value) || LENGTH(value) < 1)
cx = CHAR(STRING_ELT(value, 0))[0];
if (cx == 's' || cx == 'e' || cx == 'i' || cx == 'r' || cx == 'd')
R_DEV__(xaxs) = cx;
else par_error(what);
else if (streql(what, "xaxt")) {
if (!isString(value) || LENGTH(value) < 1)
cx = CHAR(STRING_ELT(value, 0))[0];
if (cx == 's' || cx == 'l' || cx == 't' || cx == 'n')
R_DEV__(xaxt) = cx;
else par_error(what);
else if (streql(what, "xpd")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
ix = asInteger(value);
if (ix == NA_INTEGER)
R_DEV__(xpd) = 2;
R_DEV__(xpd) = (ix != 0);
else if (streql(what, "yaxp")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 3);
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[0], what);
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[1], what);
if ((R_DEV__(ylog)))
logAxpCheck((int) (REAL(value)[2]), what);
posIntCheck((int) (REAL(value)[2]), what);
R_DEV__(yaxp[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV__(yaxp[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV__(yaxp[2]) = (int) (REAL(value)[2]);
else if (streql(what, "yaxs")) {
if (!isString(value) || LENGTH(value) < 1)
cx = CHAR(STRING_ELT(value, 0))[0];
if (cx == 's' || cx == 'e' || cx == 'i' || cx == 'r' || cx == 'd')
R_DEV__(yaxs) = cx;
else par_error(what);
else if (streql(what, "yaxt")) {
if (!isString(value) || LENGTH(value) < 1)
cx = CHAR(STRING_ELT(value, 0))[0];
if (cx == 's' || cx == 'l' || cx == 't' || cx == 'n')
R_DEV__(yaxt) = cx;
else par_error(what);