blob: 997ad8027deff045061dc014479c1572b01191ea [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
* Copyright (C) 1997--2014 The R Core Team.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
* GRZ-like state information.
* This is a quick knock-off of the GRZ library to provide a basic
* S-like graphics capability for R. Basically this bit of code
* provides the functionality of the "par" function in S.
* "The horror, the horror ..."
* Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now.
* Main functions:
* do_par(.) and
* do_layout(.) implement R's par(.), layout()rely on
* Specify(.) [ par(what = value) ]
* Specify2(.) [ <highlevelplot>(what = value) ]
* Query(.) [ par(what) ]
#include <config.h>
#include <Defn.h>
#include <Rmath.h>
#include <Graphics.h> /* "GPar" structure + COMMENTS */
#include "graphics.h"
typedef struct {
char *name;
int code; /* 0 normal, 1 not inline, 2 read-only
-1 unknown, -2 obselete, -3 graphical args
} ParTab;
static const ParTab
ParTable [] = {
{ "adj", 0 },
{ "ann", 0 },
{ "ask", 1 },
{ "bg", 0 },
{ "bty", 0 },
{ "cex", 0 },
{ "cex.axis", 0 },
{ "cex.lab", 0 },
{ "cex.main", 0 },
{ "cex.sub", 0 },
{ "cin", 2 },
{ "col", 0 },
{ "col.axis", 0 },
{ "col.lab", 0 },
{ "col.main", 0 },
{ "col.sub", 0 },
{ "cra", 2 },
{ "crt", 0 },
{ "csi", 2 },
{ "csy", 0 },
{ "cxy", 2 },
{ "din", 2 },
{ "err", 0 },
{ "family", 0 },
{ "fg", 0 },
{ "fig", 1 },
{ "fin", 1 },
{ "font", 0 },
{ "font.axis", 0 },
{ "font.lab", 0 },
{ "font.main", 0 },
{ "font.sub", 0 },
{ "lab", 0 },
{ "las", 0 },
{ "lend", 0 },
{ "lheight", 1 },
{ "ljoin", 0 },
{ "lmitre", 0 },
{ "lty", 0 },
{ "lwd", 0 },
{ "mai", 1 },
{ "mar", 1 },
{ "mex", 1 },
{ "mfcol", 1 },
{ "mfg", 1 },
{ "mfrow", 1 },
{ "mgp", 0 },
{ "mkh", 0 },
{ "new", 1 },
{ "oma", 1 },
{ "omd", 1 },
{ "omi", 1 },
{ "page", 2 },
{ "pch", 0 },
{ "pin", 1 },
{ "plt", 1 },
{ "ps", 1 },
{ "pty", 1 },
{ "smo", 0 },
{ "srt", 0 },
{ "tck", 0 },
{ "tcl", 0 },
{ "usr", 1 },
{ "xaxp", 0 },
{ "xaxs", 0 },
{ "xaxt", 0 },
{ "xlog", 1 },
{ "xpd", 0 },
{ "yaxp", 0 },
{ "yaxs", 0 },
{ "yaxt", 0 },
{ "ylbias", 1 },
{ "ylog", 1 },
/* Obsolete pars */
{ "gamma", -2},
{ "type", -2},
{ "tmag", -2},
/* Non-pars that might get passed to Specify2 */
{ "asp", -3},
{ "main", -3},
{ "sub", -3},
{ "xlab", -3},
{ "ylab", -3},
{ "xlim", -3},
{ "ylim", -3},
{ NULL, -1}
static int ParCode(const char *what)
int i;
for (i = 0; ParTable[i].name; i++)
if (!strcmp(what, ParTable[i].name)) return ParTable[i].code;
return -1;
static void NORET par_error(const char *what)
error(_("invalid value specified for graphical parameter \"%s\""), what);
static void lengthCheck(const char *what, SEXP v, int n)
if (length(v) != n)
error(_("graphical parameter \"%s\" has the wrong length"), what);
static void nonnegIntCheck(int x, const char *s)
if (x == NA_INTEGER || x < 0)
static void posIntCheck(int x, const char *s)
if (x == NA_INTEGER || x <= 0)
static void posRealCheck(double x, const char *s)
if (!R_FINITE(x) || x <= 0)
static void nonnegRealCheck(double x, const char *s)
if (!R_FINITE(x) || x < 0)
static void naRealCheck(double x, const char *s)
if (!R_FINITE(x))
static void logAxpCheck(int x, const char *s)
if (x == NA_INTEGER || x == 0 || x > 4)
static void BoundsCheck(double x, double a, double b, const char *s)
/* Check if a <= x <= b */
if (!R_FINITE(x) || (R_FINITE(a) && x < a) || (R_FINITE(b) && x > b))
/* When any one of the layout parameters (which can only be set via */
/* par(...)) is modified, must call GReset() to update the layout and */
/* the transformations between coordinate systems */
/* These will be defined differently for Specify() and Specify2() : */
/* <FIXME> do not need separate macros for a = b = c and b = a = c */
#define R_DEV__(_P_) dpptr(dd)->_P_ = gpptr(dd)->_P_
#define R_DEV_2(_P_) gpptr(dd)->_P_ = dpptr(dd)->_P_
/* In Emacs : -- only inside Specify() :
* (query-replace-regexp
"dpptr(dd)->\\([][A-Za-z0-9]+\\) = gpptr(dd)->\\(\\1\\)"
"R_DEV__(\\1)" nil nil nil)
"gpptr(dd)->\\([][A-Za-z0-9]+\\) = dpptr(dd)->\\(\\1\\)"
"R_DEV_2(\\1)" nil nil nil)
static void Specify(const char *what, SEXP value, pGEDevDesc dd)
/* If you ADD a NEW par, then do NOT forget to update the code in
* ../library/base/R/par.R
* Parameters in Specify(),
* which can*not* be specified in high-level functions,
* i.e., by Specify2() [below]:
* this list is in \details{.} of ../library/base/man/par.Rd
* ------------------------
* "ask",
* "family", "fig", "fin",
* "lheight",
* "mai", "mar", "mex", "mfrow", "mfcol", "mfg",
* "new",
* "oma", "omd", "omi",
* "pin", "plt", "ps", "pty"
* "usr",
* "xlog", "ylog"
* "ylbias",
double x;
int ix = 0;
char cx = '\0';
/* If we get here, Query has already checked that 'what' is valid */
if (ParCode(what) == 2) {
warning(_("graphical parameter \"%s\" cannot be set"), what);
#define FOR_PAR
#include "par-common.c"
#undef FOR_PAR
/* ------------ */
else if (streql(what, "bg")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
ix = RGBpar3(value, 0, dpptr(dd)->bg);
/* naIntCheck(ix, what); */
R_DEV__(bg) = ix;
R_DEV__(new) = FALSE;
/*--- and these are "Specify() only" {i.e. par(nam = val)} : */
else if (streql(what, "ask")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asLogical(value);
dd->ask = (ix == 1);/* NA |-> FALSE */
else if (streql(what, "fig")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 4);
if (0.0 <= REAL(value)[0] && REAL(value)[0] < REAL(value)[1] &&
REAL(value)[1] <= 1.0 &&
0.0 <= REAL(value)[2] && REAL(value)[2] < REAL(value)[3] &&
REAL(value)[3] <= 1.0) {
R_DEV_2(defaultFigure) = 0;
R_DEV_2(fUnits) = NIC;
R_DEV_2(numrows) = 1;
R_DEV_2(numcols) = 1;
R_DEV_2(heights[0]) = 1;
R_DEV_2(widths[0]) = 1;
R_DEV_2(cmHeights[0]) = 0;
R_DEV_2(cmWidths[0]) = 0;
R_DEV_2(order[0]) = 1;
R_DEV_2(currentFigure) = 1;
R_DEV_2(lastFigure) = 1;
R_DEV__(rspct) = 0;
R_DEV_2(fig[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV_2(fig[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV_2(fig[2]) = REAL(value)[2];
R_DEV_2(fig[3]) = REAL(value)[3];
else par_error(what);
else if (streql(what, "fin")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 2);
R_DEV_2(defaultFigure) = 0;
R_DEV_2(fUnits) = INCHES;
R_DEV_2(numrows) = 1;
R_DEV_2(numcols) = 1;
R_DEV_2(heights[0]) = 1;
R_DEV_2(widths[0]) = 1;
R_DEV_2(cmHeights[0]) = 0;
R_DEV_2(cmWidths[0]) = 0;
R_DEV_2(order[0]) = 1;
R_DEV_2(currentFigure) = 1;
R_DEV_2(lastFigure) = 1;
R_DEV__(rspct) = 0;
R_DEV_2(fin[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV_2(fin[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
/* -- */
else if (streql(what, "lheight")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
x = asReal(value);
posRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(lheight) = x;
else if (streql(what, "mai")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 4);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[0], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[1], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[2], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[3], what);
R_DEV__(mai[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV__(mai[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV__(mai[2]) = REAL(value)[2];
R_DEV__(mai[3]) = REAL(value)[3];
R_DEV__(mUnits) = INCHES;
R_DEV__(defaultPlot) = TRUE;
else if (streql(what, "mar")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 4);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[0], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[1], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[2], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[3], what);
R_DEV__(mar[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV__(mar[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV__(mar[2]) = REAL(value)[2];
R_DEV__(mar[3]) = REAL(value)[3];
R_DEV__(mUnits) = LINES;
R_DEV__(defaultPlot) = TRUE;
else if (streql(what, "mex")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); x = asReal(value);
posRealCheck(x, what);
R_DEV__(mex) = x;
else if (streql(what, "mfrow")) {
int nrow, ncol;
value = coerceVector(value, INTSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 2);
posIntCheck(INTEGER(value)[0], what);
posIntCheck(INTEGER(value)[1], what);
nrow = INTEGER(value)[0];
ncol = INTEGER(value)[1];
R_DEV_2(numrows) = nrow;
R_DEV_2(numcols) = ncol;
R_DEV_2(currentFigure) = nrow*ncol;
R_DEV_2(lastFigure) = nrow*ncol;
R_DEV_2(defaultFigure) = TRUE;
R_DEV_2(layout) = FALSE;
if (nrow > 2 || ncol > 2) {
R_DEV_2(cexbase) = 0.66;
R_DEV_2(mex) = 1.0;
else if (nrow == 2 && ncol == 2) {
R_DEV_2(cexbase) = 0.83;
R_DEV_2(mex) = 1.0;
else {
R_DEV_2(cexbase) = 1.0;
R_DEV_2(mex) = 1.0;
R_DEV__(mfind) = 0;
else if (streql(what, "mfcol")) {
int nrow, ncol;
value = coerceVector(value, INTSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 2);
posIntCheck(INTEGER(value)[0], what);
posIntCheck(INTEGER(value)[1], what);
nrow = INTEGER(value)[0];
ncol = INTEGER(value)[1];
R_DEV_2(numrows) = nrow;
R_DEV_2(numcols) = ncol;
R_DEV_2(currentFigure) = nrow*ncol;
R_DEV_2(lastFigure) = nrow*ncol;
R_DEV_2(defaultFigure) = TRUE;
R_DEV_2(layout) = FALSE;
if (nrow > 2 || ncol > 2) {
R_DEV_2(cexbase) = 0.66;
R_DEV_2(mex) = 1.0;
else if (nrow == 2 && ncol == 2) {
R_DEV_2(cexbase) = 0.83;
R_DEV_2(mex) = 1.0;
else {
R_DEV__(cexbase) = 1.0;
R_DEV__(mex) = 1.0;
R_DEV__(mfind) = 1;
else if (streql(what, "mfg")) {
int row, col, nrow, ncol, np;
PROTECT(value = coerceVector(value, INTSXP));
np = length(value);
if(np != 2 && np != 4)
error(_("parameter \"mfg\" has the wrong length"));
posIntCheck(INTEGER(value)[0], what);
posIntCheck(INTEGER(value)[1], what);
row = INTEGER(value)[0];
col = INTEGER(value)[1];
nrow = dpptr(dd)->numrows;
ncol = dpptr(dd)->numcols;
if(row <= 0 || row > nrow)
error(_("parameter \"i\" in \"mfg\" is out of range"));
if(col <= 0 || col > ncol)
error(_("parameter \"j\" in \"mfg\" is out of range"));
if(np == 4) {
posIntCheck(INTEGER(value)[2], what);
posIntCheck(INTEGER(value)[3], what);
if(nrow != INTEGER(value)[2])
warning(_("value of 'nr' in \"mfg\" is wrong and will be ignored"));
if(ncol != INTEGER(value)[3])
warning(_("value of 'nc' in \"mfg\" is wrong and will be ignored"));
R_DEV_2(lastFigure) = nrow*ncol;
/*R_DEV__(mfind) = 1;*/
/* currentFigure is 1-based */
dpptr(dd)->currentFigure = (col-1)*nrow + row;
else dpptr(dd)->currentFigure = (row-1)*ncol + col;
if (dpptr(dd)->currentFigure == 0)
dpptr(dd)->currentFigure = dpptr(dd)->lastFigure;
/* R_DEV_2(defaultFigure) = TRUE;
R_DEV_2(layout) = FALSE; */
R_DEV_2(new) = TRUE;
/* Force a device clip */
if (dd->dev->canClip) GForceClip(dd);
} /* mfg */
else if (streql(what, "new")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
ix = asLogical(value);
if(!gpptr(dd)->state) {
/* no need to warn with new=FALSE and no plot */
if(ix != 0) warning(_("calling par(new=TRUE) with no plot"));
} else R_DEV__(new) = (ix != 0);
/* -- */
else if (streql(what, "oma")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 4);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[0], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[1], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[2], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[3], what);
R_DEV__(oma[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV__(oma[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV__(oma[2]) = REAL(value)[2];
R_DEV__(oma[3]) = REAL(value)[3];
R_DEV__(oUnits) = LINES;
/* !!! Force eject of multiple figures !!! */
R_DEV__(currentFigure) = gpptr(dd)->lastFigure;
else if (streql(what, "omd")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 4);
BoundsCheck(REAL(value)[0], 0.0, 1.0, what);
BoundsCheck(REAL(value)[1], 0.0, 1.0, what);
BoundsCheck(REAL(value)[2], 0.0, 1.0, what);
BoundsCheck(REAL(value)[3], 0.0, 1.0, what);
R_DEV__(omd[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV__(omd[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV__(omd[2]) = REAL(value)[2];
R_DEV__(omd[3]) = REAL(value)[3];
R_DEV__(oUnits) = NDC;
/* Force eject of multiple figures */
R_DEV__(currentFigure) = gpptr(dd)->lastFigure;
else if (streql(what, "omi")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 4);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[0], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[1], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[2], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[3], what);
R_DEV__(omi[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV__(omi[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV__(omi[2]) = REAL(value)[2];
R_DEV__(omi[3]) = REAL(value)[3];
R_DEV__(oUnits) = INCHES;
/* Force eject of multiple figures */
R_DEV__(currentFigure) = gpptr(dd)->lastFigure;
/* -- */
else if (streql(what, "pin")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 2);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[0], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[1], what);
R_DEV__(pin[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV__(pin[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV__(pUnits) = INCHES;
R_DEV__(defaultPlot) = FALSE;
else if (streql(what, "plt")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 4);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[0], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[1], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[2], what);
nonnegRealCheck(REAL(value)[3], what);
R_DEV__(plt[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV__(plt[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV__(plt[2]) = REAL(value)[2];
R_DEV__(plt[3]) = REAL(value)[3];
R_DEV__(pUnits) = NFC;
R_DEV__(defaultPlot) = FALSE;
else if (streql(what, "ps")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asInteger(value);
nonnegIntCheck(ix, what);
R_DEV__(ps) = ix;
else if (streql(what, "pty")) {
if (!isString(value) || LENGTH(value) < 1)
cx = CHAR(STRING_ELT(value, 0))[0];
if (cx == 'm' || cx == 's') {
R_DEV__(pty) = cx;
R_DEV__(defaultPlot) = TRUE;
else par_error(what);
/* -- */
else if (streql(what, "usr")) {
value = coerceVector(value, REALSXP);
lengthCheck(what, value, 4);
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[0], what);
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[1], what);
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[2], what);
naRealCheck(REAL(value)[3], what);
if (REAL(value)[0] == REAL(value)[1] ||
REAL(value)[2] == REAL(value)[3])
if (gpptr(dd)->xlog) {
R_DEV_2(logusr[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV_2(logusr[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV_2(usr[0]) = Rexp10(REAL(value)[0]);
R_DEV_2(usr[1]) = Rexp10(REAL(value)[1]);
else {
R_DEV_2(usr[0]) = REAL(value)[0];
R_DEV_2(usr[1]) = REAL(value)[1];
R_DEV_2(logusr[0]) = R_Log10(REAL(value)[0]);
R_DEV_2(logusr[1]) = R_Log10(REAL(value)[1]);
if (gpptr(dd)->ylog) {
R_DEV_2(logusr[2]) = REAL(value)[2];
R_DEV_2(logusr[3]) = REAL(value)[3];
R_DEV_2(usr[2]) = Rexp10(REAL(value)[2]);
R_DEV_2(usr[3]) = Rexp10(REAL(value)[3]);
else {
R_DEV_2(usr[2]) = REAL(value)[2];
R_DEV_2(usr[3]) = REAL(value)[3];
R_DEV_2(logusr[2]) = R_Log10(REAL(value)[2]);
R_DEV_2(logusr[3]) = R_Log10(REAL(value)[3]);
/* Reset Mapping and Axis Parameters */
GSetupAxis(1, dd);
GSetupAxis(2, dd);
}/* usr */
else if (streql(what, "xlog")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asLogical(value);
if (ix == NA_LOGICAL)
R_DEV__(xlog) = (ix != 0);
else if (streql(what, "ylog")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1); ix = asLogical(value);
if (ix == NA_LOGICAL)
R_DEV__(ylog) = (ix != 0);
else if (streql(what, "ylbias")) {
lengthCheck(what, value, 1);
dd->dev->yLineBias = asReal(value);
/* We do not need these as Query will already have warned.
else if (streql(what, "type")) {
warning(_("graphical parameter \"%s\" is obsolete"), what);
else warning(_("unknown graphical parameter \"%s\""), what);
} /* Specify */
/* Specify2 -- parameters as arguments from higher-level graphics functions
* --------
* Many things in PARALLEL to Specify(.)
* for par()s not valid here, see comment there.
#undef R_DEV_2
#undef R_DEV__
/* Now defined differently in Specify2() : */
#define R_DEV__(_P_) gpptr(dd)->_P_
static void Specify2(const char *what, SEXP value, pGEDevDesc dd)
double x;
int ix = 0, ptype = ParCode(what);
char cx = '\0';
if (ptype == 1 || ptype == -3) {
/* 1: these are valid, but not settable inline
3: arguments, not pars
if (ptype == -2) {
warning(_("graphical parameter \"%s\" is obsolete"), what);
if (ptype < 0) {
warning(_("\"%s\" is not a graphical parameter"), what);
if (ptype == 2) {
warning(_("graphical parameter \"%s\" cannot be set"), what);
#include "par-common.c"
} /* Specify2 */
/* Do NOT forget to update ../library/base/R/par.R */
/* if you ADD a NEW par !! */
static SEXP Query(const char *what, pGEDevDesc dd)
SEXP value;
if (streql(what, "adj")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->adj;
else if (streql(what, "ann")) {
value = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1);
LOGICAL(value)[0] = (dpptr(dd)->ann != 0);
else if (streql(what, "ask")) {
value = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1);
LOGICAL(value)[0] = dd->ask;
else if (streql(what, "bg")) {
value = mkString(col2name(dpptr(dd)->bg));
else if (streql(what, "bty")) {
char buf[2];
buf[0] = dpptr(dd)->bty;
buf[1] = '\0';
value = mkString(buf);
else if (streql(what, "cex")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->cexbase;
else if (streql(what, "cex.main")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->cexmain;
else if (streql(what, "cex.lab")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->cexlab;
else if (streql(what, "cex.sub")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->cexsub;
else if (streql(what, "cex.axis")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->cexaxis;
else if (streql(what, "cin")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 2);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->scale * dd->dev->cra[0] * dd->dev->ipr[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->scale * dd->dev->cra[1] * dd->dev->ipr[1];
else if (streql(what, "col")) {
value = mkString(col2name(dpptr(dd)->col));
else if (streql(what, "col.main")) {
value = mkString(col2name(dpptr(dd)->colmain));
else if (streql(what, "col.lab")) {
value = mkString(col2name(dpptr(dd)->collab));
else if (streql(what, "col.sub")) {
value = mkString(col2name(dpptr(dd)->colsub));
else if (streql(what, "col.axis")) {
value = mkString(col2name(dpptr(dd)->colaxis));
else if (streql(what, "cra")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 2);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->scale * dd->dev->cra[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->scale * dd->dev->cra[1];
else if (streql(what, "crt")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->crt;
else if (streql(what, "csi")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = GConvertYUnits(1.0, CHARS, INCHES, dd);
else if (streql(what, "cxy")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 2);
/* == par("cin") / par("pin") : */
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->scale * dd->dev->cra[0]
* dd->dev->ipr[0] / dpptr(dd)->pin[0]
* (dpptr(dd)->usr[1] - dpptr(dd)->usr[0]);
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->scale * dd->dev->cra[1]
* dd->dev->ipr[1] / dpptr(dd)->pin[1]
* (dpptr(dd)->usr[3] - dpptr(dd)->usr[2]);
else if (streql(what, "din")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 2);
REAL(value)[0] = GConvertXUnits(1.0, NDC, INCHES, dd);
REAL(value)[1] = GConvertYUnits(1.0, NDC, INCHES, dd);
else if (streql(what, "err")) {
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
INTEGER(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->err;
else if (streql(what, "family")) {
value = mkString(dpptr(dd)->family);
else if (streql(what, "fg")) {
value = mkString(col2name(dpptr(dd)->fg));
else if (streql(what, "fig")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->fig[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->fig[1];
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->fig[2];
REAL(value)[3] = dpptr(dd)->fig[3];
else if (streql(what, "fin")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 2);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->fin[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->fin[1];
else if (streql(what, "font")) {
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
INTEGER(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->font;
else if (streql(what, "font.main")) {
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
INTEGER(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->fontmain;
else if (streql(what, "font.lab")) {
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
INTEGER(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->fontlab;
else if (streql(what, "font.sub")) {
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
INTEGER(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->fontsub;
else if (streql(what, "font.axis")) {
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
INTEGER(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->fontaxis;
else if (streql(what, "lab")) {
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 3);
INTEGER(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->lab[0];
INTEGER(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->lab[1];
INTEGER(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->lab[2];
else if (streql(what, "las")) {
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
INTEGER(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->las;
else if (streql(what, "lend")) {
value = GE_LENDget(dpptr(dd)->lend);
else if (streql(what, "lheight")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->lheight;
else if (streql(what, "ljoin")) {
value = GE_LJOINget(dpptr(dd)->ljoin);
else if (streql(what, "lmitre")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->lmitre;
else if (streql(what, "lty")) {
value = GE_LTYget(dpptr(dd)->lty);
else if (streql(what, "lwd")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->lwd;
else if (streql(what, "mai")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->mai[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->mai[1];
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->mai[2];
REAL(value)[3] = dpptr(dd)->mai[3];
else if (streql(what, "mar")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->mar[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->mar[1];
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->mar[2];
REAL(value)[3] = dpptr(dd)->mar[3];
else if (streql(what, "mex")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->mex;
/* NOTE that if a complex layout has been specified */
/* then this simple information may not be very useful. */
else if (streql(what, "mfrow") || streql(what, "mfcol")) {
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 2);
INTEGER(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->numrows;
INTEGER(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->numcols;
else if (streql(what, "mfg")) {
int row, col;
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 4);
currentFigureLocation(&row, &col, dd);
INTEGER(value)[0] = row+1;
INTEGER(value)[1] = col+1;
INTEGER(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->numrows;
INTEGER(value)[3] = dpptr(dd)->numcols;
else if (streql(what, "mgp")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 3);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->mgp[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->mgp[1];
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->mgp[2];
else if (streql(what, "mkh")) {
/* Unused in R, but settable */
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->mkh;
else if (streql(what, "new")) {
value = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1);
LOGICAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->new;
else if (streql(what, "oma")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->oma[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->oma[1];
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->oma[2];
REAL(value)[3] = dpptr(dd)->oma[3];
else if (streql(what, "omd")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->omd[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->omd[1];
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->omd[2];
REAL(value)[3] = dpptr(dd)->omd[3];
else if (streql(what, "omi")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->omi[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->omi[1];
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->omi[2];
REAL(value)[3] = dpptr(dd)->omi[3];
else if (streql(what, "page")) {
/* This calculation mimics the decision-making in GNewPlot()
* in graphics.c SO it MUST be kept in synch with the logic there
value = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1);
LOGICAL(value)[0] = 0;
if (dpptr(dd)->new) {
if (!dpptr(dd)->state)
LOGICAL(value)[0] = 1;
} else {
if (dpptr(dd)->currentFigure + 1 > dpptr(dd)->lastFigure)
LOGICAL(value)[0] = 1;
else if (streql(what, "pch")) {
int val = dpptr(dd)->pch;
/* we need to be careful that par("pch") is converted back
to the same value */
if (known_to_be_latin1 && val <= -32 && val >= -255) val = -val;
if(val >= ' ' && val <= (mbcslocale ? 127 : 255)) {
char buf[2];
buf[0] = (char) val;
buf[1] = '\0';
value = mkString(buf);
} else {
/* Could return as UTF-8 string */
value = ScalarInteger(val);
else if (streql(what, "pin")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 2);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->pin[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->pin[1];
else if (streql(what, "plt")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->plt[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->plt[1];
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->plt[2];
REAL(value)[3] = dpptr(dd)->plt[3];
else if (streql(what, "ps")) {
value = allocVector(INTSXP, 1);
/* was reporting unscaled prior to 2.7.0 */
INTEGER(value)[0] = (int)(dpptr(dd)->ps * dpptr(dd)->scale);
else if (streql(what, "pty")) {
char buf[2];
buf[0] = dpptr(dd)->pty;
buf[1] = '\0';
value = mkString(buf);
else if (streql(what, "smo")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->smo;
else if (streql(what, "srt")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->srt;
else if (streql(what, "tck")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->tck;
else if (streql(what, "tcl")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->tcl;
else if (streql(what, "usr")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
if (gpptr(dd)->xlog) {
REAL(value)[0] = gpptr(dd)->logusr[0];
REAL(value)[1] = gpptr(dd)->logusr[1];
else {
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->usr[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->usr[1];
if (gpptr(dd)->ylog) {
REAL(value)[2] = gpptr(dd)->logusr[2];
REAL(value)[3] = gpptr(dd)->logusr[3];
else {
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->usr[2];
REAL(value)[3] = dpptr(dd)->usr[3];
else if (streql(what, "xaxp")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 3);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->xaxp[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->xaxp[1];
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->xaxp[2];
else if (streql(what, "xaxs")) {
char buf[2];
buf[0] = dpptr(dd)->xaxs;
buf[1] = '\0';
value = mkString(buf);
else if (streql(what, "xaxt")) {
char buf[2];
buf[0] = dpptr(dd)->xaxt;
buf[1] = '\0';
value = mkString(buf);
else if (streql(what, "xlog")) {
value = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1);
LOGICAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->xlog;
else if (streql(what, "xpd")) {
value = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1);
if (dpptr(dd)->xpd == 2)
LOGICAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->xpd;
else if (streql(what, "yaxp")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 3);
REAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->yaxp[0];
REAL(value)[1] = dpptr(dd)->yaxp[1];
REAL(value)[2] = dpptr(dd)->yaxp[2];
else if (streql(what, "yaxs")) {
char buf[2];
buf[0] = dpptr(dd)->yaxs;
buf[1] = '\0';
value = mkString(buf);
else if (streql(what, "yaxt")) {
char buf[2];
buf[0] = dpptr(dd)->yaxt;
buf[1] = '\0';
value = mkString(buf);
else if (streql(what, "ylbias")) {
value = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
REAL(value)[0] = dd->dev->yLineBias;
else if (streql(what, "ylog")) {
value = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1);
LOGICAL(value)[0] = dpptr(dd)->ylog;
else if (ParCode(what) == -2) {
warning(_("graphical parameter \"%s\" is obsolete"), what);
value = R_NilValue;
else {
warning(_("\"%s\" is not a graphical parameter"), what);
value = R_NilValue;
return value;
SEXP C_par(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
SEXP value;
SEXP originalArgs = args;
pGEDevDesc dd;
int new_spec, nargs;
args = CDR(args);
dd = GEcurrentDevice();
new_spec = 0;
args = CAR(args);
nargs = length(args);
if (isNewList(args)) {
SEXP oldnames, newnames, tag, val;
int i;
PROTECT(newnames = allocVector(STRSXP, nargs));
PROTECT(value = allocVector(VECSXP, nargs));
oldnames = getAttrib(args, R_NamesSymbol);
for (i = 0 ; i < nargs ; i++) {
if (oldnames != R_NilValue)
tag = STRING_ELT(oldnames, i);
tag = R_NilValue;
val = VECTOR_ELT(args, i);
/* tags are all ASCII */
if (tag != R_NilValue && CHAR(tag)[0]) {
new_spec = 1;
SET_VECTOR_ELT(value, i, Query(CHAR(tag), dd));
SET_STRING_ELT(newnames, i, tag);
Specify(CHAR(tag), val, dd);
else if (isString(val) && length(val) > 0) {
tag = STRING_ELT(val, 0);
if (tag != R_NilValue && CHAR(tag)[0]) {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(value, i, Query(CHAR(tag), dd));
SET_STRING_ELT(newnames, i, tag);
else {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(value, i, R_NilValue);
SET_STRING_ELT(newnames, i, R_BlankString);
setAttrib(value, R_NamesSymbol, newnames);
else {
error(_("invalid argument passed to par()"));
return R_NilValue/* -Wall */;
/* should really only do this if specifying new pars ? yes! [MM] */
if (new_spec && GRecording(call, dd))
GErecordGraphicOperation(op, originalArgs, dd);
return value;
* Layout was written by Paul Murrell during 1997-1998 as a partial
* implementation of ideas in his PhD thesis. The orginal was
* written in common lisp provides rather more general capabilities.
* layout(
* num.rows,
* num.cols,
* mat,
* num.figures,
* col.widths,
* row.heights,
* cm.widths,
* cm.heights,
* respect,
* respect.mat
* )
SEXP C_layout(SEXP args)
int i, j, nrow, ncol, ncmrow, ncmcol;
pGEDevDesc dd;
args = CDR(args);
dd = GEcurrentDevice();
/* num.rows: */
nrow = dpptr(dd)->numrows = gpptr(dd)->numrows =
if (nrow > MAX_LAYOUT_ROWS)
error(_("too many rows in layout, limit %d"), MAX_LAYOUT_ROWS);
args = CDR(args);
/* num.cols: */
ncol = dpptr(dd)->numcols = gpptr(dd)->numcols =
if (ncol > MAX_LAYOUT_COLS)
error(_("too many columns in layout, limit %d"), MAX_LAYOUT_COLS);
if (nrow * ncol > MAX_LAYOUT_CELLS)
error(_("too many cells in layout, limit %d"), MAX_LAYOUT_CELLS);
args = CDR(args);
/* mat[i,j] == order[i+j*nrow] : */
for (i = 0; i < nrow * ncol; i++)
dpptr(dd)->order[i] = gpptr(dd)->order[i] =
(unsigned short) INTEGER(CAR(args))[i];
args = CDR(args);
/* num.figures: */
dpptr(dd)->currentFigure = gpptr(dd)->currentFigure =
dpptr(dd)->lastFigure = gpptr(dd)->lastFigure =
args = CDR(args);
/* col.widths: */
for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
dpptr(dd)->widths[j] = gpptr(dd)->widths[j] =
args = CDR(args);
/* row.heights: */
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
dpptr(dd)->heights[i] = gpptr(dd)->heights[i] =
args = CDR(args);
/* cm.widths: */
ncmcol = length(CAR(args));
for (j = 0; j < ncol; j++)
dpptr(dd)->cmWidths[j] = gpptr(dd)->cmWidths[j] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < ncmcol; j++) {
dpptr(dd)->cmWidths[INTEGER(CAR(args))[j] - 1]
= gpptr(dd)->cmWidths[INTEGER(CAR(args))[j] - 1]
= 1;
args = CDR(args);
/* cm.heights: */
ncmrow = length(CAR(args));
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
dpptr(dd)->cmHeights[i] = gpptr(dd)->cmHeights[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ncmrow; i++) {
dpptr(dd)->cmHeights[INTEGER(CAR(args))[i] - 1]
= gpptr(dd)->cmHeights[INTEGER(CAR(args))[i]-1]
= 1;
args = CDR(args);
/* respect = 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE), or 2 (matrix) : */
dpptr(dd)->rspct = gpptr(dd)->rspct = INTEGER(CAR(args))[0];
args = CDR(args);
/* respect.mat */
for (i = 0; i < nrow * ncol; i++)
dpptr(dd)->respect[i] = gpptr(dd)->respect[i]
= (unsigned char)INTEGER(CAR(args))[i];
if (nrow > 2 || ncol > 2) {
gpptr(dd)->cexbase = dpptr(dd)->cexbase = 0.66;
gpptr(dd)->mex = dpptr(dd)->mex = 1.0;
else if (nrow == 2 && ncol == 2) {
gpptr(dd)->cexbase = dpptr(dd)->cexbase = 0.83;
gpptr(dd)->mex = dpptr(dd)->mex = 1.0;
else {
gpptr(dd)->cexbase = dpptr(dd)->cexbase = 1.0;
gpptr(dd)->mex = dpptr(dd)->mex = 1.0;
dpptr(dd)->defaultFigure = gpptr(dd)->defaultFigure = TRUE;
dpptr(dd)->layout = gpptr(dd)->layout = TRUE;
return R_NilValue;
/* ProcessInLinePars handles inline par specifications
in graphics functions. */
void ProcessInlinePars(SEXP s, pGEDevDesc dd)
if (isList(s)) {
while (s != R_NilValue) {
if (isList(CAR(s)))
ProcessInlinePars(CAR(s), dd);
else if (TAG(s) != R_NilValue)
Specify2(CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(s))), CAR(s), dd);
s = CDR(s);
/*= Local Variables: **/
/*= mode: C **/
/*= kept-old-versions: 12 **/
/*= kept-new-versions: 30 **/
/*= End: **/