blob: 441ac59f1aa7b928b38a6b054dc4b2982b911501 [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 1997--2018 The R Core Team
* Copyright (C) 2002--2009 The R Foundation
* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
# include <config.h>
#include <Defn.h>
#include <float.h> /* for DBL_MAX */
#include <Graphics.h>
#include <Print.h>
#include <Rmath.h> // Rexp10, fmin2, fmax2, imax2
#include "graphics.h"
static R_INLINE void TypeCheck(SEXP s, SEXPTYPE type)
if (TYPEOF(s) != type)
error("invalid type passed to graphics function");
* Is element i of a colour object NA (or NULL)?
Rboolean isNAcol(SEXP col, int index, int ncol)
Rboolean result = TRUE; /* -Wall */
if (isNull(col))
result = TRUE;
else {
if (isLogical(col))
result = LOGICAL(col)[index % ncol] == NA_LOGICAL;
else if (isString(col))
result = strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(col, index % ncol)), "NA") == 0;
else if (isInteger(col))
result = INTEGER(col)[index % ncol] == NA_INTEGER;
else if (isReal(col))
result = !R_FINITE(REAL(col)[index % ncol]);
error(_("invalid color specification"));
return result;
/* P A R A M E T E R U T I L I T I E S */
* Extract specified par from list of inline pars
static SEXP getInlinePar(SEXP s, char *name)
SEXP result = R_NilValue;
int found = 0;
if (isList(s) && !found) {
while (s != R_NilValue) {
if (isList(CAR(s))) {
result = getInlinePar(CAR(s), name);
if (result)
found = 1;
} else
if (TAG(s) != R_NilValue)
if (!strcmp(CHAR(PRINTNAME(TAG(s))), name)) {
result = CAR(s);
found = 1;
s = CDR(s);
return result;
/* dflt used to be used for < 0 values in R < 2.7.0,
now just used for NULL */
static SEXP FixupPch(SEXP pch, int dflt)
int i, n;
SEXP ans = R_NilValue;/* -Wall*/
n = length(pch);
if (n == 0) return ans = ScalarInteger(dflt);
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
if (isList(pch)) {
for (i = 0; pch != R_NilValue; pch = CDR(pch))
INTEGER(ans)[i++] = asInteger(CAR(pch));
else if (isInteger(pch)) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
INTEGER(ans)[i] = INTEGER(pch)[i];
else if (isReal(pch)) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
INTEGER(ans)[i] = R_FINITE(REAL(pch)[i]) ?
(int) REAL(pch)[i] : NA_INTEGER;
else if (isString(pch)) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
/* New in 2.7.0: negative values indicate Unicode points. */
INTEGER(ans)[i] = GEstring_to_pch(STRING_ELT(pch, i));
else if (isLogical(pch)) {/* NA, but not TRUE/FALSE */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
else error(_("only NA allowed in logical plotting symbol"));
else error(_("invalid plotting symbol"));
return ans;
SEXP FixupLty(SEXP lty, int dflt)
int i, n;
SEXP ans;
n = length(lty);
if (n == 0) {
ans = ScalarInteger(dflt);
else {
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
INTEGER(ans)[i] = GE_LTYpar(lty, i);
return ans;
SEXP FixupLwd(SEXP lwd, double dflt)
int i, n;
double w;
SEXP ans = NULL;
n = length(lwd);
if (n == 0)
ans = ScalarReal(dflt);
else {
PROTECT(lwd = coerceVector(lwd, REALSXP));
n = length(lwd);
ans = allocVector(REALSXP, n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
w = REAL(lwd)[i];
if (w < 0) w = NA_REAL;
REAL(ans)[i] = w;
return ans;
static SEXP FixupFont(SEXP font, int dflt)
int i, k, n;
SEXP ans = R_NilValue;/* -Wall*/
n = length(font);
if (n == 0) {
ans = ScalarInteger(dflt);
else if (isLogical(font)) {
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
k = LOGICAL(font)[i];
#ifndef Win32
if (k < 1 || k > 5) k = NA_INTEGER;
if (k < 1 || k > 32) k = NA_INTEGER;
INTEGER(ans)[i] = k;
else if (isInteger(font)) {
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
k = INTEGER(font)[i];
#ifndef Win32
if (k < 1 || k > 5) k = NA_INTEGER;
if (k < 1 || k > 32) k = NA_INTEGER;
INTEGER(ans)[i] = k;
else if (isReal(font)) {
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
k = (int) REAL(font)[i];
#ifndef Win32
if (k < 1 || k > 5) k = NA_INTEGER;
if (k < 1 || k > 32) k = NA_INTEGER;
INTEGER(ans)[i] = k;
else error(_("invalid font specification"));
return ans;
SEXP FixupCol(SEXP col, unsigned int dflt)
int i, n;
SEXP ans;
unsigned int bg = dpptr(GEcurrentDevice())->bg; /* col = 0 */
n = length(col);
if (n == 0) {
PROTECT(ans = ScalarInteger(dflt));
} else {
ans = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, n));
if (isList(col))
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
INTEGER(ans)[i] = RGBpar3(CAR(col), 0, bg);
col = CDR(col);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
INTEGER(ans)[i] = RGBpar3(col, i, bg);
return ans;
static SEXP FixupCex(SEXP cex, double dflt)
SEXP ans;
int i, n;
n = length(cex);
if (n == 0) {
ans = allocVector(REALSXP, 1);
if (R_FINITE(dflt) && dflt > 0)
REAL(ans)[0] = dflt;
REAL(ans)[0] = NA_REAL;
else {
double c;
ans = allocVector(REALSXP, n);
if (isReal(cex))
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
c = REAL(cex)[i];
if (R_FINITE(c) && c > 0)
REAL(ans)[i] = c;
REAL(ans)[i] = NA_REAL;
else if (isInteger(cex) || isLogical(cex))
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
c = INTEGER(cex)[i];
if (c == NA_INTEGER || c <= 0)
c = NA_REAL;
REAL(ans)[i] = c;
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "cex");
return ans;
SEXP FixupVFont(SEXP vfont) {
SEXP ans = R_NilValue;
if (!isNull(vfont)) {
SEXP vf;
int typeface, fontindex;
int minindex, maxindex=0;/* -Wall*/
int i;
PROTECT(vf = coerceVector(vfont, INTSXP));
if (length(vf) != 2)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "vfont");
typeface = INTEGER(vf)[0];
if (typeface < 1 || typeface > 8)
error(_("invalid 'vfont' value [typeface %d]"), typeface);
/* For each of the typefaces {1..8}, there are several fontindices
available; how many depends on the typeface.
The possible combinations are "given" in ./g_fontdb.c
and also listed in help(Hershey).
minindex = 1;
switch (typeface) {
case 1: /* serif */
maxindex = 7; break;
case 2: /* sans serif */
case 7: /* serif symbol */
maxindex = 4; break;
case 3: /* script */
maxindex = 3; break;
case 4: /* gothic english */
case 5: /* gothic german */
case 6: /* gothic italian */
maxindex = 1; break;
case 8: /* sans serif symbol */
maxindex = 2;
fontindex = INTEGER(vf)[1];
if (fontindex < minindex || fontindex > maxindex)
error(_("invalid 'vfont' value [typeface = %d, fontindex = %d]"),
typeface, fontindex);
ans = allocVector(INTSXP, 2);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) INTEGER(ans)[i] = INTEGER(vf)[i];
return ans;
/* GetTextArg() : extract and possibly set text arguments
* ("label", col=, cex=, font=)
* Main purpose: Treat things like title(main = list("This Title", font= 4))
* Called from Title() [only, currently]
static void
GetTextArg(SEXP spec, SEXP *ptxt, rcolor *pcol, double *pcex, int *pfont)
int i, n, font, colspecd;
rcolor col;
double cex;
SEXP txt, nms;
txt = R_NilValue;
cex = NA_REAL;
colspecd = 0;
font = NA_INTEGER;
/* It doesn't look as if this protection is needed */
switch (TYPEOF(spec)) {
case SYMSXP:
REPROTECT(txt = coerceVector(spec, EXPRSXP), pi);
case VECSXP:
if (length(spec) == 0) {
*ptxt = R_NilValue;
else {
nms = getAttrib(spec, R_NamesSymbol);
if (nms == R_NilValue){ /* PR#1939 */
txt = VECTOR_ELT(spec, 0);
if (TYPEOF(txt) == LANGSXP || TYPEOF(txt) == SYMSXP )
REPROTECT(txt = coerceVector(txt, EXPRSXP), pi);
else if (!isExpression(txt))
REPROTECT(txt = coerceVector(txt, STRSXP), pi);
} else {
n = length(nms);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(nms, i)), "cex")) {
cex = asReal(VECTOR_ELT(spec, i));
else if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(nms, i)), "col")) {
SEXP colsxp = VECTOR_ELT(spec, i);
if (!isNAcol(colsxp, 0, LENGTH(colsxp))) {
col = asInteger(FixupCol(colsxp, R_TRANWHITE));
colspecd = 1;
else if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(nms, i)), "font")) {
font = asInteger(FixupFont(VECTOR_ELT(spec, i), NA_INTEGER));
else if (!strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(nms, i)), "")) {
txt = VECTOR_ELT(spec, i);
if (TYPEOF(txt) == LANGSXP || TYPEOF(txt) == SYMSXP)
REPROTECT(txt = coerceVector(txt, EXPRSXP), pi);
else if (!isExpression(txt))
REPROTECT(txt = coerceVector(txt, STRSXP), pi);
else error(_("invalid graphics parameter"));
case STRSXP:
txt = spec;
REPROTECT(txt = coerceVector(spec, STRSXP), pi);
if (txt != R_NilValue) {
*ptxt = txt;
if (R_FINITE(cex)) *pcex = cex;
if (colspecd) *pcol = col;
if (font != NA_INTEGER) *pfont = font;
}/* GetTextArg */
SEXP C_plot_new(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
/* - create a new plot "frame" */
pGEDevDesc dd;
dd = GEcurrentDevice();
* If user is prompted before new page, user has opportunity
* to kill current device. GNewPlot returns (potentially new)
* current device.
dd = GNewPlot(GRecording(call, dd));
dpptr(dd)->xlog = gpptr(dd)->xlog = FALSE;
dpptr(dd)->ylog = gpptr(dd)->ylog = FALSE;
GScale(0.0, 1.0, 1, dd);
GScale(0.0, 1.0, 2, dd);
GSetState(1, dd);
if (GRecording(call, dd))
GErecordGraphicOperation(op, args, dd);
return R_NilValue;
* plot.window(xlim, ylim, log="", asp=NA)
* This function sets up the world coordinates for a graphics
* window. Note that if asp is a finite positive value then
* the window is set up so that one data unit in the y direction
* is equal in length to one data unit in the x direction divided
* by asp.
* The special case asp == 1 produces plots where distances
* between points are represented accurately on screen.
* The use of asp can have weird effects when axis is an
* interpreted function. It has to be internal so that the
* full computation is captured in the display list.
SEXP C_plot_window(SEXP args)
SEXP xlim, ylim, logarg;
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 3)
error(_("at least 3 arguments required"));
xlim = CAR(args);
if (!isNumeric(xlim) || LENGTH(xlim) != 2)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "xlim");
args = CDR(args);
ylim = CAR(args);
if (!isNumeric(ylim) || LENGTH(ylim) != 2)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "ylim");
args = CDR(args);
logarg = CAR(args);
if (!isString(logarg))
error(_("\"log=\" specification must be character"));
Rboolean logscale = FALSE;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
const char *p = CHAR(STRING_ELT(logarg, 0));
while (*p) {
switch (*p) {
case 'x':
dpptr(dd)->xlog = gpptr(dd)->xlog = logscale = TRUE;
case 'y':
dpptr(dd)->ylog = gpptr(dd)->ylog = logscale = TRUE;
error(_("invalid \"log=%s\" specification"), p);
args = CDR(args);
double asp = (logscale) ? NA_REAL : asReal(CAR(args));;
args = CDR(args);
/* This reads [xy]axs and lab, used in GScale */
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
if (isInteger(xlim)) {
if (INTEGER(xlim)[0] == NA_INTEGER || INTEGER(xlim)[1] == NA_INTEGER)
error(_("NAs not allowed in 'xlim'"));
xmin = INTEGER(xlim)[0];
xmax = INTEGER(xlim)[1];
else {
if (!R_FINITE(REAL(xlim)[0]) || !R_FINITE(REAL(xlim)[1]))
error(_("need finite 'xlim' values"));
xmin = REAL(xlim)[0];
xmax = REAL(xlim)[1];
if (isInteger(ylim)) {
if (INTEGER(ylim)[0] == NA_INTEGER || INTEGER(ylim)[1] == NA_INTEGER)
error(_("NAs not allowed in 'ylim'"));
ymin = INTEGER(ylim)[0];
ymax = INTEGER(ylim)[1];
else {
if (!R_FINITE(REAL(ylim)[0]) || !R_FINITE(REAL(ylim)[1]))
error(_("need finite 'ylim' values"));
ymin = REAL(ylim)[0];
ymax = REAL(ylim)[1];
if ((dpptr(dd)->xlog && (xmin < 0 || xmax < 0)) ||
(dpptr(dd)->ylog && (ymin < 0 || ymax < 0)))
error(_("Logarithmic axis must have positive limits"));
if (R_FINITE(asp) && asp > 0) {
double pin1, pin2, scale, xdelta, ydelta, xscale, yscale, xadd, yadd;
pin1 = GConvertXUnits(1.0, NPC, INCHES, dd);
pin2 = GConvertYUnits(1.0, NPC, INCHES, dd);
xdelta = fabs(xmax - xmin) / asp;
ydelta = fabs(ymax - ymin);
if(xdelta == 0.0 && ydelta == 0.0) {
/* We really do mean zero: small non-zero values work.
Mimic the behaviour of GScale for the x axis. */
xadd = yadd = ((xmin == 0.0) ? 1 : 0.4) * asp;
xadd *= asp;
} else {
xscale = pin1 / xdelta;
yscale = pin2 / ydelta;
scale = (xscale < yscale) ? xscale : yscale;
xadd = .5 * (pin1 / scale - xdelta) * asp;
yadd = .5 * (pin2 / scale - ydelta);
if(xmax < xmin) xadd *= -1;
if(ymax < ymin) yadd *= -1;
GScale(xmin - xadd, xmax + xadd, 1, dd);
GScale(ymin - yadd, ymax + yadd, 2, dd);
else { /* asp <= 0 or not finite -- includes logscale ! */
GScale(xmin, xmax, 1, dd);
GScale(ymin, ymax, 2, dd);
/* GScale set the [xy]axp parameters */
/* This has now clobbered the Rf_ggptr settings for coord system */
return R_NilValue;
//--- axis(side, at, labels, ...) -----------------------------------------
static void GetAxisLimits(double left, double right, Rboolean logflag,
// => compute
double *low, double *high)
/* Called from C_axis() such as
* GetAxisLimits(gpptr(dd)->usr[0], gpptr(dd)->usr[1], &low, &high)
* Computes *low < left, right < *high (even if left=right)
double eps;
if (logflag) {
left = log(left);
right = log(right);
if (left > right) {/* swap */
eps = left; left = right; right = eps;
eps = right - left;
if (eps == 0.)
eps = 0.5 * FLT_EPSILON;
*low = left - eps;
*high = right + eps;
if (logflag) {
*low = exp(*low);
*high = exp(*high);
SEXP labelformat(SEXP labels)
/* format(labels): i.e. from numbers to strings */
SEXP ans = R_NilValue;/* -Wall*/
int i, n, w, d, e, wi, di, ei;
const char *strp;
n = length(labels);
R_print.digits = 7;/* maximally 7 digits -- ``burnt in'';
S-PLUS <= 5.x has about 6
(but really uses single precision..) */
switch(TYPEOF(labels)) {
case LGLSXP:
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
strp = EncodeLogical(LOGICAL(labels)[i], 0);
SET_STRING_ELT(ans, i, mkChar(strp));
case INTSXP:
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
strp = EncodeInteger(INTEGER(labels)[i], 0);
SET_STRING_ELT(ans, i, mkChar(strp));
formatReal(REAL(labels), n, &w, &d, &e, 0);
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
strp = EncodeReal0(REAL(labels)[i], 0, d, e, OutDec);
SET_STRING_ELT(ans, i, mkChar(strp));
formatComplex(COMPLEX(labels), n, &w, &d, &e, &wi, &di, &ei, 0);
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
strp = EncodeComplex(COMPLEX(labels)[i], 0, d, e, 0, di, ei,
SET_STRING_ELT(ans, i, mkChar(strp));
case STRSXP:
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, n));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
SET_STRING_ELT(ans, i, STRING_ELT(labels, i));
error(_("invalid type for axis labels"));
return ans;
static double ComputePAdjValue(double padj, int side, int las)
if (!R_FINITE(padj)) {
switch(las) {
case 0:/* parallel to axis */
padj = 0.0; break;
case 1:/* horizontal */
switch(side) {
case 1:
case 3: padj = 0.0; break;
case 2:
case 4: padj = 0.5; break;
case 2:/* perpendicular to axis */
padj = 0.5; break;
case 3:/* vertical */
switch(side) {
case 1:
case 3: padj = 0.5; break;
case 2:
case 4: padj = 0.0; break;
return padj;
static void getxlimits(double *x, pGEDevDesc dd) {
* xpd = 0 means clip to current plot region
* xpd = 1 means clip to current figure region
* xpd = 2 means clip to device region
switch (gpptr(dd)->xpd) {
case 0:
x[0] = gpptr(dd)->usr[0];
x[1] = gpptr(dd)->usr[1];
case 1:
x[0] = GConvertX(0, NFC, USER, dd);
x[1] = GConvertX(1, NFC, USER, dd);
case 2:
x[0] = GConvertX(0, NDC, USER, dd);
x[1] = GConvertX(1, NDC, USER, dd);
static void getylimits(double *y, pGEDevDesc dd) {
switch (gpptr(dd)->xpd) {
case 0:
y[0] = gpptr(dd)->usr[2];
y[1] = gpptr(dd)->usr[3];
case 1:
y[0] = GConvertY(0, NFC, USER, dd);
y[1] = GConvertY(1, NFC, USER, dd);
case 2:
y[0] = GConvertY(0, NDC, USER, dd);
y[1] = GConvertY(1, NDC, USER, dd);
SEXP C_axis(SEXP args)
/* axis(side, at, labels, tick, line, pos,
outer, font, lty, lwd, lwd.ticks, col, col.ticks,
hadj, padj, gap.axis, ...)
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
/* Arity Check */
/* This is a builtin function, so it should always have */
/* the correct arity, but it doesn't hurt to be defensive. */
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 16)
error(_("too few arguments"));
PrintDefaults(); /* prepare for labelformat */
/* Required argument: "side" */
/* Which side of the plot the axis is to appear on. */
/* side = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4. */
int side = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (side < 1 || side > 4)
error(_("invalid axis number %d"), side);
Rboolean x_axis = (side == 1 || side == 3);
args = CDR(args);
/* Required argument: "at" */
/* This gives the tick-label locations. */
/* Note that these are coerced to the correct type below. */
SEXP at = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
/* Required argument: "labels" */
/* Labels can be a logical, indicating whether or not */
/* to label the axis; or it can be a vector of character */
/* strings or expressions which give the labels explicitly. */
/* The expressions are used to set mathematical labelling. */
Rboolean dolabels = TRUE;
SEXP lab = CAR(args);
int i;
if (isLogical(lab) && length(lab) > 0) {
i = asLogical(lab);
if (i == 0 || i == NA_LOGICAL)
dolabels = FALSE;
lab = R_NilValue;
} else if (TYPEOF(lab) == LANGSXP || TYPEOF(lab) == SYMSXP) {
lab = coerceVector(lab, EXPRSXP);
} else if (isExpression(lab)) {
} else {
lab = coerceVector(lab, STRSXP);
args = CDR(args);
/* Required argument "tick" :
* doticks := whether or not ticks and the axis line should be plotted:
* TRUE => show, FALSE => don't show. */
int larg = asLogical(CAR(args));
Rboolean doticks = (larg == NA_LOGICAL) ? TRUE : (Rboolean) larg;
args = CDR(args);
/* Optional argument: "line" */
/* Specifies an offset outward from the plot for the axis.
* The values in the par value "mgp" are interpreted
* relative to this value. */
double line = asReal(CAR(args));
/* defer processing until after in-line pars */
args = CDR(args);
/* Optional argument: "pos" */
/* Specifies a user coordinate at which the axis should be drawn. */
/* This overrides the value of "line". Again the "mgp" par values */
/* are interpreted relative to this value. */
double pos = asReal(CAR(args));
/* defer processing until after in-line pars */
args = CDR(args);
/* Optional argument: "outer" */
/* Should the axis be drawn in the outer margin. */
/* This only affects the computation of axis_base. */
larg = asLogical(CAR(args));
GUnit outer = (larg == NA_LOGICAL || larg == 0) ? NPC : NIC ;
args = CDR(args);
/* Optional argument: "font" */
int font = asInteger(FixupFont(CAR(args), NA_INTEGER));
args = CDR(args);
/* Optional argument: "lty" */
int lty = asInteger(FixupLty(CAR(args), 0));
args = CDR(args);
// Optional arguments "lwd", "lwd.ticks" :
double lwd = asReal(FixupLwd(CAR(args), 1));
args = CDR(args);
double lwdticks = asReal(FixupLwd(CAR(args), 1));
args = CDR(args);
// Optional arguments "col", "col.ticks" :
rcolor col = asInteger(FixupCol(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->fg));
args = CDR(args);
rcolor colticks = asInteger(FixupCol(CAR(args), col));
args = CDR(args);
/* Optional argument: "hadj" */
if (length(CAR(args)) != 1)
error(_("'hadj' must be of length one"));
double hadj = asReal(CAR(args));
args = CDR(args);
/* Optional argument: "padj" */
SEXP padj = PROTECT(coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
int npadj = length(padj);
if (npadj <= 0) error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "padj");
args = CDR(args);
/* Optional argument: "gap.axis" */
if (length(CAR(args)) != 1)
error(_("'gap.axis' must be of length one"));
double gap = asReal(CAR(args));
/* Now we process all the remaining inline par values:
we need to do it now as x/yaxp are retrieved next.
That will set gpptr, so we update that first - do_plotwindow
clobbered the gpptr settings. */
gpptr(dd)->xaxp[0] = dpptr(dd)->xaxp[0];
gpptr(dd)->xaxp[1] = dpptr(dd)->xaxp[1];
gpptr(dd)->xaxp[2] = dpptr(dd)->xaxp[2];
gpptr(dd)->yaxp[0] = dpptr(dd)->yaxp[0];
gpptr(dd)->yaxp[1] = dpptr(dd)->yaxp[1];
gpptr(dd)->yaxp[2] = dpptr(dd)->yaxp[2];
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
/* Notably, the axis-labels-only relevant
R's par() C code below
----------- -------------------
"font.axis" => gpptr(dd)->fontaxis
"cex.axis" => gpptr(dd)->cexaxis
"col.axis" => gpptr(dd)->colaxis
Rboolean perpendicular =
? (gpptr(dd)->las == 2 || gpptr(dd)->las == 3)
: (gpptr(dd)->las == 1 || gpptr(dd)->las == 2);
if (ISNAN(gap)) // default
gap = perpendicular ? 0.25 : 1.0;
else if (!R_FINITE(gap))
error(_("'gap.axis' must be NA or a finite number"));
/* Retrieve relevant "par" values. */
double axp[3], usr[2];
Rboolean logflag = FALSE;
int nint = 0;
if(x_axis) {
axp[0] = gpptr(dd)->xaxp[0];
axp[1] = gpptr(dd)->xaxp[1];
axp[2] = gpptr(dd)->xaxp[2];
usr[0] = dpptr(dd)->usr[0];
usr[1] = dpptr(dd)->usr[1];
logflag = dpptr(dd)->xlog;
nint = dpptr(dd)->lab[0];
} else { // y axis
axp[0] = gpptr(dd)->yaxp[0];
axp[1] = gpptr(dd)->yaxp[1];
axp[2] = gpptr(dd)->yaxp[2];
usr[0] = dpptr(dd)->usr[2];
usr[1] = dpptr(dd)->usr[3];
logflag = dpptr(dd)->ylog;
nint = dpptr(dd)->lab[1];
/* Deferred processing */
int lineoff = 0;
if (!R_FINITE(line)) {
/* Except that here mgp values are not relative to themselves */
line = gpptr(dd)->mgp[2];
lineoff = (int) line;
if (!R_FINITE(pos)) pos = NA_REAL; else lineoff = 0;
/* Determine the tickmark positions. Note that these may fall */
/* outside the plot window. We will clip them in the code below. */
Rboolean create_at = isNull(at);
if (create_at)
at = CreateAtVector(axp, usr, nint, logflag);
at = isReal(at) ? duplicate(at) : coerceVector(at, REALSXP);
int n = length(at); // to become #{finite 'at'} below
/* Check/setup the tick labels. This can mean using user-specified */
/* labels, or encoding the "at" positions as strings. */
if (dolabels) {
if (length(lab) == 0)
lab = labelformat(at);
else {
if (create_at)
error(_("'labels' is supplied and not 'at'"));
if (!isExpression(lab)) lab = labelformat(lab);
if (length(at) != length(lab))
error(_("'at' and 'labels' lengths differ, %d != %d"),
length(at), length(lab));
gpptr(dd)->font = (font == NA_INTEGER)? gpptr(dd)->fontaxis : font;
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * gpptr(dd)->cexaxis;
/* Check there are no NA, Inf or -Inf values for tick positions. */
/* The code here is long-winded. Couldn't we just inline things */
/* below. Hmmm - we need the min and max of the finite values ... */
int *ind = (int *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(int));
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) ind[i] = i;
rsort_with_index(REAL(at), ind, n);
int ntmp = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(R_FINITE(REAL(at)[i])) ntmp = i+1;
if (n > 0 && ntmp == 0)
error(_("no locations are finite"));
n = ntmp;
/* Ok, all systems are "GO". Let's get to it. */
#ifdef DEBUG_axis
REprintf("C_axis(side=%d): n=%d finite 'at' locations = (%g <= .. <= %g);\n"
" x_ax=%s, las=%d, perpendicular=%s, gap = %g,\n",
side, n, REAL(at)[0], REAL(at)[n-1],
x_axis?"TRUE":"FALSE", gpptr(dd)->las,
perpendicular?"TRUE":"FALSE", gap);
/* At this point we know the value of "xaxt" and "yaxt",
* so we test to see whether the relevant one is "n".
* If it is, we just bail out at this point. */
if ((n == 0) ||
( x_axis && gpptr(dd)->xaxt == 'n') ||
(!x_axis && gpptr(dd)->yaxt == 'n')) {
return R_NilValue;
gpptr(dd)->lty = lty;
gpptr(dd)->lwd = lwd;
double low, high, limits[2];
/* Draw the axis */
GMode(1, dd);
if(x_axis) { //--- x-axis -- horizontal ======================================
/* First set the clipping limits */
getxlimits(limits, dd);
/* Now override par("xpd") and force clipping to device region. */
gpptr(dd)->xpd = 2;
GetAxisLimits(limits[0], limits[1], logflag, &low, &high);
double axis_base, tck_offset,
axis_low = GConvertX(fmin2(high, fmax2(low, REAL(at)[ 0 ])), USER, NFC, dd),
axis_high = GConvertX(fmin2(high, fmax2(low, REAL(at)[n-1])), USER, NFC, dd);
if (side == 1) {
if (R_FINITE(pos))
axis_base = GConvertY(pos, USER, NFC, dd);
axis_base = GConvertY(0.0, outer, NFC, dd)
- GConvertYUnits(line, LINES, NFC, dd);
if (doticks) {
if (R_FINITE(gpptr(dd)->tck)) {
double len;
if(gpptr(dd)->tck > 0.5)
len = GConvertYUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, NFC, dd);
else {
xu = GConvertXUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, INCHES, dd),
yu = GConvertYUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, INCHES, dd);
xu = (fabs(xu) < fabs(yu)) ? xu : yu;
len = GConvertYUnits(xu, INCHES, NFC, dd);
tck_offset = + len;
} else
tck_offset = + GConvertYUnits(gpptr(dd)->tcl, LINES, NFC, dd);
else { // side == 3 :
if (R_FINITE(pos))
axis_base = GConvertY(pos, USER, NFC, dd);
axis_base = GConvertY(1.0, outer, NFC, dd)
+ GConvertYUnits(line, LINES, NFC, dd);
if (doticks) {
if (R_FINITE(gpptr(dd)->tck)) {
double len;
if(gpptr(dd)->tck > 0.5)
len = GConvertYUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, NFC, dd);
else {
xu = GConvertXUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, INCHES, dd),
yu = GConvertYUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, INCHES, dd);
xu = (fabs(xu) < fabs(yu)) ? xu : yu;
len = GConvertYUnits(xu, INCHES, NFC, dd);
tck_offset = - len;
} else
tck_offset = - GConvertYUnits(gpptr(dd)->tcl, LINES, NFC, dd);
if (doticks) {
gpptr(dd)->col = col;
if (lwd > 0.0)
GLine(axis_low, axis_base, axis_high, axis_base, NFC, dd);
gpptr(dd)->col = colticks;
gpptr(dd)->lwd = lwdticks;
double axis_tick = axis_base + tck_offset;
if (lwdticks > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double x = REAL(at)[i];
if (low <= x && x <= high) {
x = GConvertX(x, USER, NFC, dd);
GLine(x, axis_base, x, axis_tick, NFC, dd);
if (dolabels) { // Tickmark labels. ------------------------------------
double axis_lab, tlast = -1.0;
gap *= (perpendicular
? GConvertXUnits(GStrHeight("m", CE_ANY, DEVICE, dd),
: GStrWidth ("m", CE_ANY, NFC, dd));
#ifdef DEBUG_axis
REprintf(" gap=%g\n", gap);
gpptr(dd)->col = gpptr(dd)->colaxis;
gpptr(dd)->adj =
R_FINITE(hadj) ? hadj
: (perpendicular ? ((side == 1) ? 1 : 0)
: 0.5);
if (side == 1) {
axis_lab = - axis_base
+ GConvertYUnits(gpptr(dd)->mgp[1]-lineoff, LINES, NFC, dd)
+ GConvertY(0.0, NPC, NFC, dd);
else { /* side == 3 */
axis_lab = axis_base
+ GConvertYUnits(gpptr(dd)->mgp[1]-lineoff, LINES, NFC, dd)
- GConvertY(1.0, NPC, NFC, dd);
axis_lab = GConvertYUnits(axis_lab, NFC, LINES, dd);
/* The order of processing is important here. */
/* We must ensure that the labels are drawn left-to-right. */
/* The logic here is getting way too convoluted. */
/* This needs a serious rewrite. */
int istart, iend, incr;
if (gpptr(dd)->usr[0] > gpptr(dd)->usr[1]) {
istart = n - 1;
iend = -1;
incr = -1;
else {
istart = 0;
iend = n;
incr = 1;
for (i = istart; i != iend; i += incr) {
double x = REAL(at)[i];
if (!R_FINITE(x)) continue;
double padjval = REAL(padj)[i % npadj];
padjval = ComputePAdjValue(padjval, side, gpptr(dd)->las);
/* Clip tick labels to user coordinates. */
if (low < x && x < high) {
if (isExpression(lab)) {
GMMathText(VECTOR_ELT(lab, ind[i]), side,
axis_lab, 0, x, gpptr(dd)->las,
padjval, dd);
else {
SEXP label = STRING_ELT(lab, ind[i]);
if(label != NA_STRING) {
const char *ss = CHAR(label);
double // NFC coord
temp = GConvertX(x, USER, NFC, dd),
labw = (perpendicular
? GConvertXUnits(
GStrHeight(ss, getCharCE(label), DEVICE, dd),
: GStrWidth (ss, getCharCE(label), NFC, dd)),
tnew = temp - 0.5 * labw;
#ifdef DEBUG_axis
REprintf("tnew-tlast = %9g-%9g=%9g %2s gap\n", tnew, tlast,
tnew-tlast, (tnew - tlast >= gap) ? ">=" : "<");
if (tnew - tlast >= gap) {
GMtext(ss, getCharCE(label),
side, axis_lab, 0, x,
gpptr(dd)->las, padjval, dd);
tlast = temp + 0.5 *labw;// == tnew + labw
} // if(dolabels)
else { //--- y-axis -- vertical =============================================
/* First set the clipping limits */
getylimits(limits, dd);
/* Now override par("xpd") and force clipping to device region. */
gpptr(dd)->xpd = 2;
GetAxisLimits(limits[0], limits[1], logflag, &low, &high);
double axis_base, tck_offset,
axis_low = GConvertY(fmin2(high, fmax2(low, REAL(at)[ 0 ])), USER, NFC, dd),
axis_high = GConvertY(fmin2(high, fmax2(low, REAL(at)[n-1])), USER, NFC, dd);
if (side == 2) {
if (R_FINITE(pos))
axis_base = GConvertX(pos, USER, NFC, dd);
axis_base = GConvertX(0.0, outer, NFC, dd)
- GConvertXUnits(line, LINES, NFC, dd);
if (doticks) {
if (R_FINITE(gpptr(dd)->tck)) {
double len;
if(gpptr(dd)->tck > 0.5)
len = GConvertXUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, NFC, dd);
else {
xu = GConvertXUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, INCHES, dd),
yu = GConvertYUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, INCHES, dd);
xu = (fabs(xu) < fabs(yu)) ? xu : yu;
len = GConvertXUnits(xu, INCHES, NFC, dd);
tck_offset = + len;
} else
tck_offset = + GConvertXUnits(gpptr(dd)->tcl, LINES, NFC, dd);
else { // side == 4 :
if (R_FINITE(pos))
axis_base = GConvertX(pos, USER, NFC, dd);
axis_base = GConvertX(1.0, outer, NFC, dd)
+ GConvertXUnits(line, LINES, NFC, dd);
if (doticks) {
if (R_FINITE(gpptr(dd)->tck)) {
double len;
if(gpptr(dd)->tck > 0.5)
len = GConvertXUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, NFC, dd);
else {
xu = GConvertXUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, INCHES, dd),
yu = GConvertYUnits(gpptr(dd)->tck, NPC, INCHES, dd);
xu = (fabs(xu) < fabs(yu)) ? xu : yu;
len = GConvertXUnits(xu, INCHES, NFC, dd);
tck_offset = - len;
} else
tck_offset = - GConvertXUnits(gpptr(dd)->tcl, LINES, NFC, dd);
if (doticks) {
gpptr(dd)->col = col;
if (lwd > 0.0)
GLine(axis_base, axis_low, axis_base, axis_high, NFC, dd);
gpptr(dd)->col = colticks;
gpptr(dd)->lwd = lwdticks;
double axis_tick = axis_base + tck_offset;
if (lwdticks > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double y = REAL(at)[i];
if (low <= y && y <= high) {
y = GConvertY(y, USER, NFC, dd);
GLine(axis_base, y, axis_tick, y, NFC, dd);
if (dolabels) { // Tickmark labels. ------------------------------------
double axis_lab, tlast = -1.0;
gap *= (perpendicular
? GStrHeight("m", CE_ANY, NFC, dd)
: GConvertYUnits(GStrWidth ("m", CE_ANY, DEVICE, dd),
DEVICE, NFC, dd));
# ifdef DEBUG_axis
REprintf(" gap=%g\n", gap);
# endif
gpptr(dd)->col = gpptr(dd)->colaxis;
gpptr(dd)->adj =
R_FINITE(hadj) ? hadj
: (perpendicular ? ((side == 2) ? 1 : 0)
: 0.5);
if (side == 2) {
axis_lab = - axis_base
+ GConvertXUnits(gpptr(dd)->mgp[1]-lineoff, LINES, NFC, dd)
+ GConvertX(0.0, NPC, NFC, dd);
else { /* side == 4 */
axis_lab = axis_base
+ GConvertXUnits(gpptr(dd)->mgp[1]-lineoff, LINES, NFC, dd)
- GConvertX(1.0, NPC, NFC, dd);
axis_lab = GConvertXUnits(axis_lab, NFC, LINES, dd);
/* The order of processing is important here. */
/* We must ensure that the labels are drawn left-to-right. */
/* The logic here is getting way too convoluted. */
/* This needs a serious rewrite. */
int istart, iend, incr;
if (gpptr(dd)->usr[2] > gpptr(dd)->usr[3]) {
istart = n - 1;
iend = -1;
incr = -1;
else {
istart = 0;
iend = n;
incr = 1;
for (i = istart; i != iend; i += incr) {
double y = REAL(at)[i];
if (!R_FINITE(y)) continue;
double padjval = REAL(padj)[i % npadj];
padjval = ComputePAdjValue(padjval, side, gpptr(dd)->las);
/* Clip tick labels to user coordinates. */
if (low < y && y < high) {
if (isExpression(lab)) {
GMMathText(VECTOR_ELT(lab, ind[i]), side,
axis_lab, 0, y, gpptr(dd)->las,
padjval, dd);
else {
SEXP label = STRING_ELT(lab, ind[i]);
if(label != NA_STRING) {
const char *ss = CHAR(label);
double // NFC coord
temp = GConvertY(y, USER, NFC, dd),
labw = (perpendicular
? GStrHeight(ss, getCharCE(label), NFC, dd)
: GConvertYUnits(
GStrWidth (ss, getCharCE(label), DEVICE, dd),
DEVICE, NFC, dd)),
tnew = temp - 0.5 * labw;
#ifdef DEBUG_axis
REprintf("tnew-tlast = %9g-%9g=%9g %2s gap\n", tnew, tlast,
tnew-tlast, (tnew - tlast >= gap) ? ">=" : "<");
if (tnew - tlast >= gap) {
GMtext(ss, getCharCE(label),
side, axis_lab, 0, y,
gpptr(dd)->las, padjval, dd);
tlast = temp + 0.5 *labw;// == tnew + labw
} // if(dolabels)
} // else (y - axis)
GMode(0, dd);
UNPROTECT(4); /* lab, at, lab, padj again */
return at;
} /* C_axis */
SEXP C_plotXY(SEXP args)
/* plot.xy(xy, type, pch, lty, col, bg, cex, lwd, ...)
* plot points or lines of various types
SEXP sxy, sx, sy, pch, cex, col, bg, lty, lwd;
double *x, *y, xold, yold, xx, yy, thiscex, thislwd;
int i, n, npch, ncex, ncol, nbg, nlwd, type=0, start=0, thispch;
rcolor thiscol, thisbg;
const void *vmax = NULL /* -Wall */;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
/* Basic Checks */
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 7)
error(_("too few arguments"));
/* Required Arguments */
#define PLOT_XY_DEALING(subname) \
sx = R_NilValue; /* -Wall */ \
sy = R_NilValue; /* -Wall */ \
sxy = CAR(args); \
if (isNewList(sxy) && length(sxy) >= 2) { \
TypeCheck(sx = VECTOR_ELT(sxy, 0), REALSXP); \
TypeCheck(sy = VECTOR_ELT(sxy, 1), REALSXP); \
} \
else if (isList(sxy) && length(sxy) >= 2) { \
TypeCheck(sx = CAR(sxy), REALSXP); \
TypeCheck(sy = CADR(sxy), REALSXP); \
} \
else \
error(_("invalid plotting structure")); \
if (LENGTH(sx) != LENGTH(sy)) \
error(_("'x' and 'y' lengths differ in %s()"), subname);\
n = LENGTH(sx); \
args = CDR(args)
if (isNull(CAR(args))) type = 'p';
else {
if (isString(CAR(args)) && LENGTH(CAR(args)) == 1 &&
LENGTH(pch = STRING_ELT(CAR(args), 0)) >= 1) {
if(LENGTH(pch) > 1)
warning(_("plot type '%s' will be truncated to first character"),
type = CHAR(pch)[0];
else error(_("invalid plot type"));
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(pch = FixupPch(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->pch));
npch = length(pch);
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(lty = FixupLty(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lty));
args = CDR(args);
/* Default col was NA_INTEGER (0x80000000) which was interpreted
as zero (black) or "don't draw" depending on line/rect/circle
situation. Now we set the default to zero and don't plot at all
if col==NA.
FIXME: bg needs similar change, but that requires changes to
the specific drivers. */
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(CAR(args), 0)); args = CDR(args);
ncol = LENGTH(col);
PROTECT(bg = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE)); args = CDR(args);
nbg = LENGTH(bg);
PROTECT(cex = FixupCex(CAR(args), 1.0)); args = CDR(args);
ncex = LENGTH(cex);
PROTECT(lwd = FixupLwd(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lwd)); args = CDR(args);
nlwd = LENGTH(lwd);
/* Miscellaneous Graphical Parameters */
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
x = REAL(sx);
y = REAL(sy);
if (INTEGER(lty)[0] != NA_INTEGER)
gpptr(dd)->lty = INTEGER(lty)[0];
if (R_FINITE( (thislwd = REAL(lwd)[0]) ))
gpptr(dd)->lwd = thislwd; /* but do recycle for "p" etc */
GMode(1, dd);
/* Line drawing :*/
switch(type) {
case 'l':
case 'o':
/* lines and overplotted lines and points */
gpptr(dd)->col = INTEGER(col)[0];
xold = NA_REAL;
yold = NA_REAL;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xx = x[i];
yy = y[i];
/* do the conversion now to check for non-finite */
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if ((R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) &&
!(R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)))
start = i;
else if ((R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)) &&
!(R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy))) {
if (i-start > 1)
GPolyline(i-start, x+start, y+start, USER, dd);
else if ((R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)) && (i == n-1))
GPolyline(n-start, x+start, y+start, USER, dd);
xold = xx;
yold = yy;
case 'b':
case 'c': /* broken lines (with points in between if 'b') */
double d, f;
d = GConvertYUnits(0.5, CHARS, INCHES, dd);
gpptr(dd)->col = INTEGER(col)[0];
xold = NA_REAL;
yold = NA_REAL;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xx = x[i];
yy = y[i];
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, INCHES, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold) &&
R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) {
// might divide by zero
if (d < 0.5 * hypot(xx-xold, yy-yold)) {
f = d/hypot(xx-xold, yy-yold);
GLine(xold + f * (xx - xold),
yold + f * (yy - yold),
xx + f * (xold - xx),
yy + f * (yold - yy),
INCHES, dd);
xold = xx;
yold = yy;
case 's': /* step function I */
double *xtemp, *ytemp;
int n0 = 0;
if(n <= 1000) {
xtemp = (double *) alloca(2*n*sizeof(double));
ytemp = (double *) alloca(2*n*sizeof(double));
} else {
vmax = vmaxget();
xtemp = (double *) R_alloc(2*n, sizeof(double));
ytemp = (double *) R_alloc(2*n, sizeof(double));
gpptr(dd)->col = INTEGER(col)[0];
xold = NA_REAL;
yold = NA_REAL;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xx = x[i];
yy = y[i];
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if ((R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) &&
(R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold))) {
if(n0 == 0) { xtemp[n0] = xold; ytemp[n0++] = yold; }
xtemp[n0] = xx; ytemp[n0++] = yold;/* <-only diff 's' <-> 'S' */
xtemp[n0] = xx; ytemp[n0++] = yy;
} else if( (R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)) &&
!(R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) && n0 > 0) {
GPolyline(n0, xtemp, ytemp, DEVICE, dd);
n0 = 0;
xold = xx;
yold = yy;
if(n0 > 0) GPolyline(n0, xtemp, ytemp, DEVICE, dd);
if(n > 1000) vmaxset(vmax);
case 'S': /* step function II */
double *xtemp, *ytemp;
int n0 = 0;
if(n < 1000) {
xtemp = (double *) alloca(2*n*sizeof(double));
ytemp = (double *) alloca(2*n*sizeof(double));
} else {
vmax = vmaxget();
xtemp = (double *) R_alloc(2*n, sizeof(double));
ytemp = (double *) R_alloc(2*n, sizeof(double));
gpptr(dd)->col = INTEGER(col)[0];
xold = NA_REAL;
yold = NA_REAL;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xx = x[i];
yy = y[i];
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if ((R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) &&
(R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold))) {
if(n0 == 0) {xtemp[n0] = xold; ytemp[n0++] = yold;}
xtemp[n0] = xold; ytemp[n0++] = yy;
xtemp[n0] = xx; ytemp[n0++] = yy;
} else if( (R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)) &&
!(R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) && n0 > 0) {
GPolyline(n0, xtemp, ytemp, DEVICE, dd);
n0 = 0;
xold = xx;
yold = yy;
if(n0 > 0) GPolyline(n0, xtemp, ytemp, DEVICE, dd);
if(n > 1000) vmaxset(vmax);
case 'h': /* h[istogram] (bar plot) */
if (gpptr(dd)->ylog)
yold = gpptr(dd)->usr[2];/* DBL_MIN fails.. why ???? */
yold = 0.0;
yold = GConvertY(yold, USER, DEVICE, dd);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xx = x[i];
yy = y[i];
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)
&& !R_TRANSPARENT(thiscol = INTEGER(col)[i % ncol])) {
gpptr(dd)->col = thiscol;
GLine(xx, yold, xx, yy, DEVICE, dd);
case 'p':
case 'n': /* nothing here */
default:/* OTHERWISE */
error(_("invalid plot type '%c'"), type);
} /* End {switch(type)} - for lines */
/* Points : */
if (type == 'p' || type == 'b' || type == 'o') {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xx = x[i];
yy = y[i];
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) {
if (R_FINITE( (thiscex = REAL(cex)[i % ncex]) ) &&
(thispch = INTEGER(pch)[i % npch]) != NA_INTEGER) {
/* FIXME: should this skip 0-sized symbols? */
thiscol = INTEGER(col)[i % ncol];
thisbg = INTEGER(bg)[i % nbg];
if (!(R_TRANSPARENT(thiscol) &&
R_TRANSPARENT(thisbg))) {
gpptr(dd)->cex = thiscex * gpptr(dd)->cexbase;
gpptr(dd)->col = thiscol;
if(nlwd > 1 &&
R_FINITE((thislwd = REAL(lwd)[i % nlwd])))
gpptr(dd)->lwd = thislwd;
gpptr(dd)->bg = thisbg;
GSymbol(xx, yy, DEVICE, thispch, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
} /* C_plotXY */
/* Checks for ... , x0, y0, x1, y1 ... */
static void xypoints(SEXP args, int *n)
int k=0,/* -Wall */ kmin;
if (!isNumeric(CAR(args)))
error(_("invalid first argument"));
SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
k = LENGTH(CAR(args));
*n = k; kmin = k;
args = CDR(args);
if (!isNumeric(CAR(args)))
error(_("invalid second argument"));
k = LENGTH(CAR(args));
SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
if (k > *n) *n = k;
if (k < kmin) kmin = k;
args = CDR(args);
if (!isNumeric(CAR(args)))
error(_("invalid third argument"));
SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
k = LENGTH(CAR(args));
if (k > *n) *n = k;
if (k < kmin) kmin = k;
args = CDR(args);
if (!isNumeric(CAR(args)))
error(_("invalid fourth argument"));
SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
k = LENGTH(CAR(args));
if (k > *n) *n = k;
if (k < kmin) kmin = k;
args = CDR(args);
if (*n > 0 && kmin == 0)
error(_("cannot mix zero-length and non-zero-length coordinates"));
SEXP C_segments(SEXP args)
/* segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col, lty, lwd, ...) */
SEXP sx0, sx1, sy0, sy1, col, lty, lwd;
double *x0, *x1, *y0, *y1;
double xx[2], yy[2];
int nx0, nx1, ny0, ny1, i, n, ncol, nlty, nlwd;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 4) error(_("too few arguments"));
xypoints(args, &n);
if(n == 0) return R_NilValue;
sx0 = CAR(args); nx0 = length(sx0); args = CDR(args);
sy0 = CAR(args); ny0 = length(sy0); args = CDR(args);
sx1 = CAR(args); nx1 = length(sx1); args = CDR(args);
sy1 = CAR(args); ny1 = length(sy1); args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE));
ncol = LENGTH(col); args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(lty = FixupLty(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lty));
nlty = length(lty); args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(lwd = FixupLwd(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lwd));
nlwd = length(lwd); args = CDR(args);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
x0 = REAL(sx0);
y0 = REAL(sy0);
x1 = REAL(sx1);
y1 = REAL(sy1);
GMode(1, dd);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xx[0] = x0[i % nx0];
yy[0] = y0[i % ny0];
xx[1] = x1[i % nx1];
yy[1] = y1[i % ny1];
GConvert(xx, yy, USER, DEVICE, dd);
GConvert(xx+1, yy+1, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx[0]) && R_FINITE(yy[0]) &&
R_FINITE(xx[1]) && R_FINITE(yy[1]))
int thiscol = INTEGER(col)[i % ncol];
if(!R_TRANSPARENT(thiscol)) {
gpptr(dd)->col = thiscol;
gpptr(dd)->lty = INTEGER(lty)[i % nlty];
gpptr(dd)->lwd = REAL(lwd)[i % nlwd];
GLine(xx[0], yy[0], xx[1], yy[1], DEVICE, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP C_rect(SEXP args)
/* rect(xl, yb, xr, yt, col, border, lty, ...) */
SEXP sxl, sxr, syb, syt, col, lty, lwd, border;
double *xl, *xr, *yb, *yt, x0, y0, x1, y1;
int i, n, nxl, nxr, nyb, nyt, ncol, nlty, nlwd, nborder;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 4) error(_("too few arguments"));
xypoints(args, &n);
if(n == 0) return R_NilValue;
sxl = CAR(args); nxl = length(sxl); args = CDR(args);/* x_left */
syb = CAR(args); nyb = length(syb); args = CDR(args);/* y_bottom */
sxr = CAR(args); nxr = length(sxr); args = CDR(args);/* x_right */
syt = CAR(args); nyt = length(syt); args = CDR(args);/* y_top */
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE));
ncol = LENGTH(col);
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(border = FixupCol(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->fg));
nborder = LENGTH(border);
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(lty = FixupLty(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lty));
nlty = length(lty);
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(lwd = FixupLwd(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lwd));
nlwd = length(lwd);
args = CDR(args);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
xl = REAL(sxl);
xr = REAL(sxr);
yb = REAL(syb);
yt = REAL(syt);
GMode(1, dd);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (nlty && INTEGER(lty)[i % nlty] != NA_INTEGER)
gpptr(dd)->lty = INTEGER(lty)[i % nlty];
gpptr(dd)->lty = dpptr(dd)->lty;
if (nlwd && REAL(lwd)[i % nlwd] != NA_REAL)
gpptr(dd)->lwd = REAL(lwd)[i % nlwd];
gpptr(dd)->lwd = dpptr(dd)->lwd;
x0 = xl[i % nxl];
y0 = yb[i % nyb];
x1 = xr[i % nxr];
y1 = yt[i % nyt];
GConvert(&x0, &y0, USER, DEVICE, dd);
GConvert(&x1, &y1, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if (R_FINITE(x0) && R_FINITE(y0) && R_FINITE(x1) && R_FINITE(y1))
GRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, DEVICE, INTEGER(col)[i % ncol],
INTEGER(border)[i % nborder], dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP C_path(SEXP args)
/* path(x, y, col, border, lty, ...) */
SEXP sx, sy, nper, rule, col, border, lty;
int i, nx, npoly;
double *xx, *yy;
const void *vmax = NULL /* -Wall */;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 2) error(_("too few arguments"));
/* (x,y) is checked in R via xy.coords() ; no need here : */
sx = SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); args = CDR(args);
sy = SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); args = CDR(args);
nx = LENGTH(sx);
PROTECT(nper = CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
npoly = LENGTH(nper);
PROTECT(rule = CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE)); args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(border = FixupCol(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->fg)); args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(lty = FixupLty(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lty)); args = CDR(args);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
GMode(1, dd);
vmax = vmaxget();
* Work in device coordinates because that is what the
* graphics engine needs.
xx = (double*) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
yy = (double*) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
if (!xx || !yy)
error("unable to allocate memory (in GPath)");
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
xx[i] = REAL(sx)[i];
yy[i] = REAL(sy)[i];
GConvert(&(xx[i]), &(yy[i]), USER, DEVICE, dd);
if (!(R_FINITE(xx[i]) && R_FINITE(yy[i])))
error("invalid 'x' or 'y' (in 'GPath')");
if (INTEGER(lty)[0] == NA_INTEGER)
gpptr(dd)->lty = dpptr(dd)->lty;
gpptr(dd)->lty = INTEGER(lty)[0];
GPath(xx, yy, npoly, INTEGER(nper), INTEGER(rule)[0] == 1,
INTEGER(col)[0], INTEGER(border)[0], dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP C_raster(SEXP args)
/* raster(image, xl, yb, xr, yt, angle, interpolate, ...) */
const void *vmax;
unsigned int *image;
SEXP raster, dim, sxl, sxr, syb, syt, angle, interpolate;
double *xl, *xr, *yb, *yt, x0, y0, x1, y1;
int i, n, nxl, nxr, nyb, nyt;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 7) error(_("too few arguments"));
raster = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
n = LENGTH(raster);
if (n <= 0) error(_("Empty raster"));
dim = getAttrib(raster, R_DimSymbol);
vmax = vmaxget();
/* raster is rather inefficient so allow a native representation as
an integer array which requires no conversion */
if (inherits(raster, "nativeRaster") && isInteger(raster))
image = (unsigned int *) INTEGER(raster);
else {
image = (unsigned int *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(unsigned int));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
image[i] = RGBpar3(raster, i, R_TRANWHITE);
xypoints(args, &n);
if(n == 0) return R_NilValue;
sxl = CAR(args); nxl = length(sxl); args = CDR(args);/* x_left */
syb = CAR(args); nyb = length(syb); args = CDR(args);/* y_bottom */
sxr = CAR(args); nxr = length(sxr); args = CDR(args);/* x_right */
syt = CAR(args); nyt = length(syt); args = CDR(args);/* y_top */
angle = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
interpolate = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
xl = REAL(sxl);
xr = REAL(sxr);
yb = REAL(syb);
yt = REAL(syt);
GMode(1, dd);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
x0 = xl[i % nxl];
y0 = yb[i % nyb];
x1 = xr[i % nxr];
y1 = yt[i % nyt];
GConvert(&x0, &y0, USER, DEVICE, dd);
GConvert(&x1, &y1, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if (R_FINITE(x0) && R_FINITE(y0) && R_FINITE(x1) && R_FINITE(y1))
GRaster(image, INTEGER(dim)[1], INTEGER(dim)[0],
x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0,
REAL(angle)[i % LENGTH(angle)],
LOGICAL(interpolate)[i % LENGTH(interpolate)], dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP C_arrows(SEXP args)
/* arrows(x0, y0, x1, y1, length, angle, code, col, lty, lwd, ...) */
SEXP sx0, sx1, sy0, sy1, col, lty, lwd;
double *x0, *x1, *y0, *y1;
double xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1;
double hlength, angle;
int code;
int nx0, nx1, ny0, ny1, i, n, ncol, nlty, nlwd;
rcolor thiscol;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 4) error(_("too few arguments"));
xypoints(args, &n);
if(n == 0) return R_NilValue;
sx0 = CAR(args); nx0 = length(sx0); args = CDR(args);
sy0 = CAR(args); ny0 = length(sy0); args = CDR(args);
sx1 = CAR(args); nx1 = length(sx1); args = CDR(args);
sy1 = CAR(args); ny1 = length(sy1); args = CDR(args);
hlength = asReal(CAR(args));
if (!R_FINITE(hlength) || hlength < 0)
error(_("invalid arrow head length"));
args = CDR(args);
angle = asReal(CAR(args));
if (!R_FINITE(angle))
error(_("invalid arrow head angle"));
args = CDR(args);
code = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (code == NA_INTEGER || code < 0 || code > 3)
error(_("invalid arrow head specification"));
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE));
ncol = LENGTH(col);
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(lty = FixupLty(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lty));
nlty = length(lty);
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(lwd = FixupLwd(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lwd));
nlwd = length(lwd);
args = CDR(args);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
x0 = REAL(sx0);
y0 = REAL(sy0);
x1 = REAL(sx1);
y1 = REAL(sy1);
GMode(1, dd);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xx0 = x0[i % nx0];
yy0 = y0[i % ny0];
xx1 = x1[i % nx1];
yy1 = y1[i % ny1];
GConvert(&xx0, &yy0, USER, DEVICE, dd);
GConvert(&xx1, &yy1, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx0) && R_FINITE(yy0) && R_FINITE(xx1) && R_FINITE(yy1)
&& !R_TRANSPARENT(thiscol = INTEGER(col)[i % ncol])) {
gpptr(dd)->col = thiscol;
gpptr(dd)->lty = INTEGER(lty)[i % nlty];
gpptr(dd)->lwd = REAL(lwd)[i % nlwd];
GArrow(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1, DEVICE,
hlength, angle, code, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
static void drawPolygon(int n, double *x, double *y,
int lty, int fill, int border, pGEDevDesc dd)
if (lty == NA_INTEGER)
gpptr(dd)->lty = dpptr(dd)->lty;
gpptr(dd)->lty = lty;
GPolygon(n, x, y, USER, fill, border, dd);
SEXP C_polygon(SEXP args)
/* polygon(x, y, col, border, lty, ...) */
SEXP sx, sy, col, border, lty;
int nx;
int ncol, nborder, nlty, i, start=0;
int num = 0;
double *x, *y, xx, yy, xold, yold;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 2) error(_("too few arguments"));
/* (x,y) is checked in R via xy.coords() ; no need here : */
sx = SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); args = CDR(args);
sy = SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); args = CDR(args);
nx = LENGTH(sx);
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE)); args = CDR(args);
ncol = LENGTH(col);
PROTECT(border = FixupCol(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->fg)); args = CDR(args);
nborder = LENGTH(border);
PROTECT(lty = FixupLty(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lty)); args = CDR(args);
nlty = length(lty);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
GMode(1, dd);
x = REAL(sx);
y = REAL(sy);
xold = NA_REAL;
yold = NA_REAL;
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
xx = x[i];
yy = y[i];
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if ((R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) &&
!(R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)))
start = i; /* first point of current segment */
else if ((R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)) &&
!(R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy))) {
if (i-start > 1) {
drawPolygon(i-start, x+start, y+start,
INTEGER(border)[num%nborder], dd);
else if ((R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)) && (i == nx-1)) { /* last */
drawPolygon(nx-start, x+start, y+start,
INTEGER(border)[num%nborder], dd);
xold = xx;
yold = yy;
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP C_text(SEXP args)
/* text(xy, labels, adj, pos, offset,
* vfont, cex, col, font, ...)
SEXP sx, sy, sxy, txt, adj, pos, cex, col, rawcol, font, vfont;
int i, n, npos, ncex, ncol, nfont, ntxt;
double adjx = 0, adjy = 0, offset = 0.5;
double *x, *y;
double xx, yy;
Rboolean vectorFonts = FALSE;
SEXP string;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 3) error(_("too few arguments"));
/* labels */
txt = CAR(args);
if (isSymbol(txt) || isLanguage(txt))
txt = coerceVector(txt, EXPRSXP);
else if (!isExpression(txt))
txt = coerceVector(txt, STRSXP);
if (length(txt) <= 0)
error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "labels");
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(adj = CAR(args));
if (isNull(adj) || (isNumeric(adj) && length(adj) == 0)) {
adjx = gpptr(dd)->adj;
adjy = NA_REAL;
else if (isReal(adj)) {
if (LENGTH(adj) == 1) {
adjx = REAL(adj)[0];
adjy = NA_REAL;
else {
adjx = REAL(adj)[0];
adjy = REAL(adj)[1];
else if (isInteger(adj)) {
if (LENGTH(adj) == 1) {
adjx = INTEGER(adj)[0];
adjy = NA_REAL;
else {
adjx = INTEGER(adj)[0];
adjy = INTEGER(adj)[1];
else error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "adj");
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(pos = coerceVector(CAR(args), INTSXP));
npos = length(pos);
for (i = 0; i < npos; i++)
if (INTEGER(pos)[i] < 1 || INTEGER(pos)[i] > 4)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "pos");
args = CDR(args);
offset = GConvertXUnits(asReal(CAR(args)), CHARS, INCHES, dd);
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(vfont = FixupVFont(CAR(args)));
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(cex = FixupCex(CAR(args), 1.0));
ncex = LENGTH(cex);
args = CDR(args);
rawcol = CAR(args);
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(rawcol, R_TRANWHITE));
ncol = LENGTH(col);
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(font = FixupFont(CAR(args), NA_INTEGER));
nfont = LENGTH(font);
args = CDR(args);
x = REAL(sx);
y = REAL(sy);
/* n = LENGTH(sx) = LENGTH(sy) */
ntxt = LENGTH(txt);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
/* Done here so 'vfont' trumps inline 'family' */
if (!isNull(vfont) && !isExpression(txt)) {
strncpy(gpptr(dd)->family, "Hershey ", 201);
gpptr(dd)->family[7] = (char) INTEGER(vfont)[0];
vectorFonts = TRUE;
GMode(1, dd);
if (n == 0 && ntxt > 0)
error(_("no coordinates were supplied"));
for (i = 0; i < imax2(n,ntxt); i++) {
xx = x[i % n];
yy = y[i % n];
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, INCHES, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) {
if (ncol && !isNAcol(rawcol, i, ncol))
gpptr(dd)->col = INTEGER(col)[i % ncol];
gpptr(dd)->col = dpptr(dd)->col;
if (ncex && R_FINITE(REAL(cex)[i % ncex]))
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * REAL(cex)[i % ncex];
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase;
if (vectorFonts) gpptr(dd)->font = INTEGER(vfont)[1];
else if (nfont && INTEGER(font)[i % nfont] != NA_INTEGER)
gpptr(dd)->font = INTEGER(font)[i % nfont];
gpptr(dd)->font = dpptr(dd)->font;
if (npos > 0) {
switch(INTEGER(pos)[i % npos]) {
case 1:
yy = yy - offset;
adjx = 0.5;
adjy = 1 - (0.5 - dd->dev->yCharOffset);
case 2:
xx = xx - offset;
adjx = 1;
adjy = dd->dev->yCharOffset;
case 3:
yy = yy + offset;
adjx = 0.5;
adjy = 0;
case 4:
xx = xx + offset;
adjx = 0;
adjy = dd->dev->yCharOffset;
if (isExpression(txt)) {
GMathText(xx, yy, INCHES, VECTOR_ELT(txt, i % ntxt),
adjx, adjy, gpptr(dd)->srt, dd);
} else {
string = STRING_ELT(txt, i % ntxt);
if(string != NA_STRING)
GText(xx, yy, INCHES, CHAR(string), getCharCE(string),
adjx, adjy, gpptr(dd)->srt, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
static double ComputeAdjValue(double adj, int side, int las)
if (!R_FINITE(adj)) {
switch(las) {
case 0:/* parallel to axis */
adj = 0.5; break;
case 1:/* horizontal */
switch(side) {
case 1:
case 3: adj = 0.5; break;
case 2: adj = 1.0; break;
case 4: adj = 0.0; break;
case 2:/* perpendicular to axis */
switch(side) {
case 1:
case 2: adj = 1.0; break;
case 3:
case 4: adj = 0.0; break;
case 3:/* vertical */
switch(side) {
case 1: adj = 1.0; break;
case 3: adj = 0.0; break;
case 2:
case 4: adj = 0.5; break;
return adj;
static double ComputeAtValueFromAdj(double adj, int side, Rboolean outer,
pGEDevDesc dd)
double at = 0; /* -Wall */
switch(side % 2) {
case 0:
at = outer ? adj : yNPCtoUsr(adj, dd);
case 1:
at = outer ? adj : xNPCtoUsr(adj, dd);
return at;
static double ComputeAtValue(double at, double adj,
int side, int las, Rboolean outer,
pGEDevDesc dd)
if (!R_FINITE(at)) {
/* If the text is parallel to the axis, use "adj" for "at"
* Otherwise, centre the text
switch(las) {
case 0:/* parallel to axis */
at = ComputeAtValueFromAdj(adj, side, outer, dd);
case 1:/* horizontal */
switch(side) {
case 1:
case 3:
at = ComputeAtValueFromAdj(adj, side, outer, dd);
case 2:
case 4:
at = outer ? 0.5 : yNPCtoUsr(0.5, dd);
case 2:/* perpendicular to axis */
switch(side) {
case 1:
case 3:
at = outer ? 0.5 : xNPCtoUsr(0.5, dd);
case 2:
case 4:
at = outer ? 0.5 : yNPCtoUsr(0.5, dd);
case 3:/* vertical */
switch(side) {
case 1:
case 3:
at = outer ? 0.5 : xNPCtoUsr(0.5, dd);
case 2:
case 4:
at = ComputeAtValueFromAdj(adj, side, outer, dd);
return at;
/* mtext(text,
side = 3,
line = 0,
outer = TRUE,
at = NA,
adj = NA,
padj = NA,
cex = NA,
col = NA,
font = NA,
...) */
SEXP C_mtext(SEXP args)
SEXP text, side, line, outer, at, adj, padj, cex, col, font, string;
SEXP rawcol;
int ntext, nside, nline, nouter, nat, nadj, npadj, ncex, ncol, nfont;
Rboolean dirtyplot = FALSE, gpnewsave = FALSE, dpnewsave = FALSE;
int i, n, fontsave, colsave;
double cexsave;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 9)
error(_("too few arguments"));
/* Arg1 : text= */
text = CAR(args);
if (isSymbol(text) || isLanguage(text))
text = coerceVector(text, EXPRSXP);
else if (!isExpression(text))
text = coerceVector(text, STRSXP);
n = ntext = length(text);
if (ntext <= 0)
error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "text");
args = CDR(args);
/* Arg2 : side= */
PROTECT(side = coerceVector(CAR(args), INTSXP));
nside = length(side);
if (nside <= 0) error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "side");
if (n < nside) n = nside;
args = CDR(args);
/* Arg3 : line= */
PROTECT(line = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
nline = length(line);
if (nline <= 0) error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "line");
if (n < nline) n = nline;
args = CDR(args);
/* Arg4 : outer= */
/* outer == NA => outer <- 0 */
PROTECT(outer = coerceVector(CAR(args), INTSXP));
nouter = length(outer);
if (nouter <= 0) error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "outer");
if (n < nouter) n = nouter;
args = CDR(args);
/* Arg5 : at= */
PROTECT(at = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
nat = length(at);
if (nat <= 0) error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "at");
if (n < nat) n = nat;
args = CDR(args);
/* Arg6 : adj= */
PROTECT(adj = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
nadj = length(adj);
if (nadj <= 0) error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "adj");
if (n < nadj) n = nadj;
args = CDR(args);
/* Arg7 : padj= */
PROTECT(padj = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
npadj = length(padj);
if (npadj <= 0) error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "padj");
if (n < npadj) n = npadj;
args = CDR(args);
/* Arg8 : cex */
PROTECT(cex = FixupCex(CAR(args), 1.0));
ncex = length(cex);
if (ncex <= 0) error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "cex");
if (n < ncex) n = ncex;
args = CDR(args);
/* Arg9 : col */
rawcol = CAR(args);
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(rawcol, R_TRANWHITE));
ncol = length(col);
if (ncol <= 0) error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "col");
if (n < ncol) n = ncol;
args = CDR(args);
/* Arg10 : font */
PROTECT(font = FixupFont(CAR(args), NA_INTEGER));
nfont = length(font);
if (nfont <= 0) error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "font");
if (n < nfont) n = nfont;
args = CDR(args);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
/* If we only scribble in the outer margins, */
/* we don't want to mark the plot as dirty. */
dirtyplot = FALSE;
gpnewsave = gpptr(dd)->new;
dpnewsave = dpptr(dd)->new;
cexsave = gpptr(dd)->cex;
fontsave = gpptr(dd)->font;
colsave = gpptr(dd)->col;
/* override par("xpd") and force clipping to figure region
NOTE: don't override to _reduce_ clipping region */
if (gpptr(dd)->xpd < 1)
gpptr(dd)->xpd = 1;
if (outer) {
gpnewsave = gpptr(dd)->new;
dpnewsave = dpptr(dd)->new;
/* override par("xpd") and force clipping to device region */
gpptr(dd)->xpd = 2;
GMode(1, dd);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
double atval = REAL(at)[i % nat];
double adjval = REAL(adj)[i % nadj];
double padjval = REAL(padj)[i % npadj];
double cexval = REAL(cex)[i % ncex];
double lineval = REAL(line)[i % nline];
int outerval = INTEGER(outer)[i % nouter];
int sideval = INTEGER(side)[i % nside];
int fontval = INTEGER(font)[i % nfont];
int colval = INTEGER(col)[i % ncol];
if (outerval == NA_INTEGER) outerval = 0;
/* Note : we ignore any shrinking produced */
/* by mfrow / mfcol specs here. I.e. don't */
/* gpptr(dd)->cexbase. */
if (R_FINITE(cexval)) gpptr(dd)->cex = cexval;
else cexval = cexsave;
gpptr(dd)->font = (fontval == NA_INTEGER) ? fontsave : fontval;
if (isNAcol(rawcol, i, ncol))
gpptr(dd)->col = colsave;
gpptr(dd)->col = colval;
gpptr(dd)->adj = ComputeAdjValue(adjval, sideval, gpptr(dd)->las);
padjval = ComputePAdjValue(padjval, sideval, gpptr(dd)->las);
atval = ComputeAtValue(atval, gpptr(dd)->adj, sideval, gpptr(dd)->las,
outerval, dd);
if (isExpression(text))
GMMathText(VECTOR_ELT(text, i % ntext),
sideval, lineval, outerval, atval, gpptr(dd)->las,
padjval, dd);
else {
string = STRING_ELT(text, i % ntext);
if(string != NA_STRING)
GMtext(CHAR(string), getCharCE(string), sideval, lineval,
outerval, atval, gpptr(dd)->las, padjval, dd);
if (outerval == 0) dirtyplot = TRUE;
GMode(0, dd);
if (!dirtyplot) {
gpptr(dd)->new = gpnewsave;
dpptr(dd)->new = dpnewsave;
return R_NilValue;
} /* C_mtext */
SEXP C_title(SEXP args)
/* Annotation for plots :
title(main, sub, xlab, ylab,
line, outer,
...) */
SEXP Main, xlab, ylab, sub, string;
double adj, adjy, cex, offset, line, hpos, vpos;
int i, n, font, outer, where;
rcolor col;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 6) error(_("too few arguments"));
Main = sub = xlab = ylab = R_NilValue;
if (CAR(args) != R_NilValue && length(CAR(args)) > 0)
Main = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
if (CAR(args) != R_NilValue && length(CAR(args)) > 0)
sub = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
if (CAR(args) != R_NilValue && length(CAR(args)) > 0)
xlab = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
if (CAR(args) != R_NilValue && length(CAR(args)) > 0)
ylab = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
line = asReal(CAR(args));
args = CDR(args);
outer = asLogical(CAR(args));
if (outer == NA_LOGICAL) outer = 0;
args = CDR(args);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
/* override par("xpd") and force clipping to figure region
NOTE: don't override to _reduce_ clipping region */
if (gpptr(dd)->xpd < 1)
gpptr(dd)->xpd = 1;
if (outer)
gpptr(dd)->xpd = 2;
adj = gpptr(dd)->adj;
GMode(1, dd);
if (Main != R_NilValue) {
cex = gpptr(dd)->cexmain;
col = gpptr(dd)->colmain;
font = gpptr(dd)->fontmain;
/* GetTextArg may coerce, so protect the result */
GetTextArg(Main, &Main, &col, &cex, &font);
gpptr(dd)->col = col;
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * cex;
gpptr(dd)->font = font;
if (outer) {
if (R_FINITE(line)) {
vpos = line;
adjy = 0;
else {
vpos = 0.5 * gpptr(dd)->oma[2];
adjy = 0.5;
hpos = adj;
where = OMA3;
else {
if (R_FINITE(line)) {
vpos = line;
adjy = 0;
else {
vpos = 0.5 * gpptr(dd)->mar[2];
adjy = 0.5;
hpos = GConvertX(adj, NPC, USER, dd);
where = MAR3;
if (isExpression(Main)) {
GMathText(hpos, vpos, where, VECTOR_ELT(Main, 0),
adj, 0.5, 0.0, dd);
else {
n = length(Main);
offset = 0.5 * (n - 1) + vpos;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
string = STRING_ELT(Main, i);
if(string != NA_STRING)
GText(hpos, offset - i, where, CHAR(string), getCharCE(string),
adj, adjy, 0.0, dd);
if (sub != R_NilValue) {
cex = gpptr(dd)->cexsub;
col = gpptr(dd)->colsub;
font = gpptr(dd)->fontsub;
/* GetTextArg may coerce, so protect the result */
GetTextArg(sub, &sub, &col, &cex, &font);
gpptr(dd)->col = col;
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * cex;
gpptr(dd)->font = font;
if (R_FINITE(line))
vpos = line;
vpos = gpptr(dd)->mgp[0] + 1;
if (outer) {
hpos = adj;
where = 1;
else {
hpos = GConvertX(adj, NPC, USER, dd);
where = 0;
if (isExpression(sub))
GMMathText(VECTOR_ELT(sub, 0), 1, vpos, where,
hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
else {
n = length(sub);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
string = STRING_ELT(sub, i);
if(string != NA_STRING)
GMtext(CHAR(string), getCharCE(string), 1, vpos, where,
hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
if (xlab != R_NilValue) {
cex = gpptr(dd)->cexlab;
col = gpptr(dd)->collab;
font = gpptr(dd)->fontlab;
/* GetTextArg may coerce, so protect the result */
GetTextArg(xlab, &xlab, &col, &cex, &font);
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * cex;
gpptr(dd)->col = col;
gpptr(dd)->font = font;
if (R_FINITE(line))
vpos = line;
vpos = gpptr(dd)->mgp[0];
if (outer) {
hpos = adj;
where = 1;
else {
hpos = GConvertX(adj, NPC, USER, dd);
where = 0;
if (isExpression(xlab))
GMMathText(VECTOR_ELT(xlab, 0), 1, vpos, where,
hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
else {
n = length(xlab);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
string = STRING_ELT(xlab, i);
if(string != NA_STRING)
GMtext(CHAR(string), getCharCE(string), 1, vpos + i,
where, hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
if (ylab != R_NilValue) {
cex = gpptr(dd)->cexlab;
col = gpptr(dd)->collab;
font = gpptr(dd)->fontlab;
/* GetTextArg may coerce, so protect the result */
GetTextArg(ylab, &ylab, &col, &cex, &font);
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * cex;
gpptr(dd)->col = col;
gpptr(dd)->font = font;
if (R_FINITE(line))
vpos = line;
vpos = gpptr(dd)->mgp[0];
if (outer) {
hpos = adj;
where = 1;
else {
hpos = GConvertY(adj, NPC, USER, dd);
where = 0;
if (isExpression(ylab))
GMMathText(VECTOR_ELT(ylab, 0), 2, vpos, where,
hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
else {
n = length(ylab);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
string = STRING_ELT(ylab, i);
if(string != NA_STRING)
GMtext(CHAR(string), getCharCE(string), 2, vpos - i,
where, hpos, 0, 0.0, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
} /* C_title */
/* abline(a, b, h, v, col, lty, lwd, ...)
draw lines in intercept/slope form. */
SEXP C_abline(SEXP args)
SEXP a, b, h, v, untf, col, lty, lwd;
int i, ncol, nlines, nlty, nlwd, lstart, lstop;
double aa, bb, x[2], y[2]={0.,0.} /* -Wall */;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 5) error(_("too few arguments"));
if ((a = CAR(args)) != R_NilValue)
SETCAR(args, a = coerceVector(a, REALSXP));
args = CDR(args);
if ((b = CAR(args)) != R_NilValue)
SETCAR(args, b = coerceVector(b, REALSXP));
args = CDR(args);
if ((h = CAR(args)) != R_NilValue)
SETCAR(args, h = coerceVector(h, REALSXP));
args = CDR(args);
if ((v = CAR(args)) != R_NilValue)
SETCAR(args, v = coerceVector(v, REALSXP));
args = CDR(args);
if ((untf = CAR(args)) != R_NilValue)
SETCAR(args, untf = coerceVector(untf, LGLSXP));
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE)); args = CDR(args);
ncol = LENGTH(col);
PROTECT(lty = FixupLty(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lty)); args = CDR(args);
nlty = length(lty);
PROTECT(lwd = FixupLwd(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->lwd)); args = CDR(args);
nlwd = length(lwd);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
nlines = 0;
if (a != R_NilValue) { /* case where a ans b are supplied */
if (b == R_NilValue) {
if (LENGTH(a) != 2)
error(_("invalid a=, b= specification"));
aa = REAL(a)[0];
bb = REAL(a)[1];
else {
aa = asReal(a);
bb = asReal(b);
if (!R_FINITE(aa) || !R_FINITE(bb))
error(_("'a' and 'b' must be finite"));
gpptr(dd)->col = INTEGER(col)[0];
gpptr(dd)->lwd = REAL(lwd)[0];
if (nlty && INTEGER(lty)[0] != NA_INTEGER)
gpptr(dd)->lty = INTEGER(lty)[0];
gpptr(dd)->lty = dpptr(dd)->lty;
GMode(1, dd);
* Seems like the logic here is just draw from xmin to xmax
* and you're guaranteed to draw at least from ymin to ymax
* This MAY cause a problem at some stage when the line being
* drawn is VERY steep -- and the problem is worse now that
* abline will potentially draw to the extents of the device
* (when xpd = NA). NOTE that R's internal clipping protects the
* device drivers from stupidly large numbers, BUT there is
* still a risk that we could produce a number which is too
* big for the computer's brain.
* Paul.
* The problem is worse -- you could get NaN, which at least the
* X11 device coerces to -2^31 <TSL>
getxlimits(x, dd);/* -> (x[0], x[1]) */
if (R_FINITE(gpptr(dd)->lwd)) {
Rboolean xlog = gpptr(dd)->xlog, ylog = gpptr(dd)->ylog;
if (LOGICAL(untf)[0] && (xlog || ylog)) {
#define NS 100
/* Plot curve, linear on original scales */
double xx[NS+1], yy[NS+1];
if(xlog) {
/* x_i should be equidistant in log-scale, i.e., equi-ratio */
double x_f = x[1] / DBL_MAX;
xx[0] = x[0] = fmax2(x[0], 1.01 *x_f); /* > 0 */
x_f = pow(x[1]/x[0], 1./NS);
for (i = 1; i < NS; i++)
xx[i] = xx[i-1] * x_f;
} else {
double xstep = (x[1] - x[0])/NS;
for (i = 0; i < NS; i++)
xx[i] = x[0] + i*xstep;
xx[NS] = x[1];
for (i = 0; i <= NS; i++)
yy[i] = aa + xx[i] * bb;
/* now get rid of -ve values */
lstart = 0;lstop = NS;
if (xlog) {
for(; lstart < NS+1 && xx[lstart] <= 0 ; lstart++);
for(; lstop > 0 && xx[lstop] <= 0 ; lstop--);
if (ylog) {
for(; lstart < NS+1 && yy[lstart] <= 0 ; lstart++);
for(; lstop > 0 && yy[lstop] <= 0 ; lstop--);
GPolyline(lstop-lstart+1, xx+lstart, yy+lstart, USER, dd);
#undef NS
} else { /* non-log plots, possibly with log scales */
y[0] = aa + (xlog ? log10(x[0]) : x[0]) * bb;
y[1] = aa + (xlog ? log10(x[1]) : x[1]) * bb;
if (ylog) {
y[0] = Rexp10(y[0]);
y[1] = Rexp10(y[1]);
GLine(x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1], USER, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
if (h != R_NilValue) { /* horizontal line */
GMode(1, dd);
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(h); i++) {
gpptr(dd)->col = INTEGER(col)[nlines % ncol];
if (nlty && INTEGER(lty)[nlines % nlty] != NA_INTEGER)
gpptr(dd)->lty = INTEGER(lty)[nlines % nlty];
gpptr(dd)->lty = dpptr(dd)->lty;
gpptr(dd)->lwd = REAL(lwd)[nlines % nlwd];
aa = REAL(h)[i];
if (R_FINITE(aa) && R_FINITE(gpptr(dd)->lwd)) {
getxlimits(x, dd);
y[0] = aa;
y[1] = aa;
GLine(x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1], USER, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
if (v != R_NilValue) { /* vertical line */
GMode(1, dd);
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(v); i++) {
gpptr(dd)->col = INTEGER(col)[nlines % ncol];
if (nlty && INTEGER(lty)[nlines % nlty] != NA_INTEGER)
gpptr(dd)->lty = INTEGER(lty)[nlines % nlty];
gpptr(dd)->lty = dpptr(dd)->lty;
gpptr(dd)->lwd = REAL(lwd)[nlines % nlwd];
aa = REAL(v)[i];
if (R_FINITE(aa) && R_FINITE(gpptr(dd)->lwd)) {
getylimits(y, dd);
x[0] = aa;
x[1] = aa;
GLine(x[0], y[0], x[1], y[1], USER, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
} /* C_abline */
SEXP C_box(SEXP args)
/* box(which="plot", lty="solid", ...)
--- which is coded, 1 = plot, 2 = figure, 3 = inner, 4 = outer.
int which, col;
SEXP colsxp, fgsxp;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
which = asInteger(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
if (which < 1 || which > 4)
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "which");
* If specified non-NA col then use that, else ...
* if specified non-NA fg then use that, else ...
* else use par("col")
col= gpptr(dd)->col;
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
colsxp = getInlinePar(args, "col");
if (isNAcol(colsxp, 0, 1)) {
fgsxp = getInlinePar(args, "fg");
if (isNAcol(fgsxp, 0, 1))
gpptr(dd)->col = col;
gpptr(dd)->col = gpptr(dd)->fg;
/* override par("xpd") and force clipping to device region */
gpptr(dd)->xpd = 2;
GMode(1, dd);
GBox(which, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
static void drawPointsLines(double xp, double yp, double xold, double yold,
char type, int first, pGEDevDesc dd)
if (type == 'p' || type == 'o')
GSymbol(xp, yp, DEVICE, gpptr(dd)->pch, dd);
if ((type == 'l' || type == 'o') && !first)
GLine(xold, yold, xp, yp, DEVICE, dd);
SEXP C_locator(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
SEXP x, y, nobs, ans, saveans, stype = R_NilValue;
int i, n;
char type = 'p';
double xp, yp, xold=0, yold=0;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
SEXP name = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
/* If replaying, just draw the points and lines that were recorded */
if (call == R_NilValue) {
x = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
y = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
nobs = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
n = INTEGER(nobs)[0];
stype = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
type = CHAR(STRING_ELT(stype, 0))[0];
if (type != 'n') {
GMode(1, dd);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xp = REAL(x)[i];
yp = REAL(y)[i];
GConvert(&xp, &yp, USER, DEVICE, dd);
drawPointsLines(xp, yp, xold, yold, type, i==0, dd);
xold = xp;
yold = yp;
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
} else {
n = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (n <= 0 || n == NA_INTEGER)
error(_("invalid number of points in %s"), "locator()");
args = CDR(args);
if (isString(CAR(args)) && LENGTH(CAR(args)) == 1)
stype = CAR(args);
error(_("invalid plot type"));
type = CHAR(STRING_ELT(stype, 0))[0];
PROTECT(x = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
PROTECT(y = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
GMode(2, dd);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!GLocator(&(REAL(x)[i]), &(REAL(y)[i]), USER, dd)) break;
if (type != 'n') {
GMode(1, dd);
xp = REAL(x)[i];
yp = REAL(y)[i];
GConvert(&xp, &yp, USER, DEVICE, dd);
drawPointsLines(xp, yp, xold, yold, type, i==0, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
GMode(2, dd);
xold = xp; yold = yp;
GMode(0, dd);
INTEGER(nobs)[0] = i;
for (; i < n; i++) {
REAL(x)[i] = NA_REAL;
REAL(y)[i] = NA_REAL;
PROTECT(ans = allocList(3));
SETCAR(ans, x);
SETCADR(ans, y);
SETCADDR(ans, nobs);
if (GRecording(call, dd)) {
PROTECT(saveans = allocList(5));
SETCAR(saveans, name);
SETCADR(saveans, x);
SETCADDR(saveans, y);
SETCADDDR(saveans, nobs);
SETCAD4R(saveans, CAR(args));
/* Record the points and lines that were drawn in the display list */
GErecordGraphicOperation(op, saveans, dd);
return ans;
static void drawLabel(double xi, double yi, int pos, double offset,
const char *l, cetype_t enc, pGEDevDesc dd)
switch (pos) {
case 4:
xi = xi+offset;
GText(xi, yi, INCHES, l, enc, 0.0,
dd->dev->yCharOffset, 0.0, dd);
case 2:
xi = xi-offset;
GText(xi, yi, INCHES, l, enc, 1.0,
dd->dev->yCharOffset, 0.0, dd);
case 3:
yi = yi+offset;
GText(xi, yi, INCHES, l, enc, 0.5,
0.0, 0.0, dd);
case 1:
yi = yi-offset;
GText(xi, yi, INCHES, l, enc, 0.5,
0.0, dd);
case 0:
GText(xi, yi, INCHES, l, enc, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, dd);
SEXP C_identify(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
SEXP ans, x, y, l, ind, pos, order, Offset, draw, saveans;
double xi, yi, xp, yp, d, dmin, offset, tol;
int atpen, i, imin, k, n, nl, npts, plot, posi, warn;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
SEXP name = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
/* If we are replaying the display list, then just redraw the
labels beside the identified points */
if (call == R_NilValue) {
ind = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
pos = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
x = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
y = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
Offset = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
l = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
draw = CAR(args);
n = LENGTH(x);
nl = LENGTH(l);
* Most of the appropriate settings have been set up in
* R code by par(...)
* Hence no GSavePars() or ProcessInlinePars() here
* (also because this function is unusual in that it does
* different things when run by a user compared to when
* run from the display list)
* BUT par(cex) only sets cexbase, so here we set cex from cexbase
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase;
offset = GConvertXUnits(asReal(Offset), CHARS, INCHES, dd);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
plot = LOGICAL(ind)[i];
if (LOGICAL(draw)[0] && plot) {
xi = REAL(x)[i];
yi = REAL(y)[i];
GConvert(&xi, &yi, USER, INCHES, dd);
posi = INTEGER(pos)[i];
drawLabel(xi, yi, posi, offset,
CHAR(STRING_ELT(l, i % nl)),
getCharCE(STRING_ELT(l, i % nl)), dd);
return R_NilValue;
else {
x = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
y = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
l = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
npts = asInteger(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
plot = asLogical(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
Offset = CAR(args); args = CDR(args);
tol = asReal(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
atpen = asLogical(CAR(args));
if (npts <= 0 || npts == NA_INTEGER)
error(_("invalid number of points in %s"), "identify()");
if (!isReal(x) || !isReal(y) || !isString(l) || !isReal(Offset))
error(_("incorrect argument type"));
if (tol <= 0 || ISNAN(tol))
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "tolerance");
if (plot == NA_LOGICAL)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "plot");
if (atpen == NA_LOGICAL)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "atpen");
nl = LENGTH(l);
if (nl <= 0)
error(_("zero-length '%s' specified"), "labels");
n = LENGTH(x);
if (n != LENGTH(y))
error(_("different argument lengths"));
if (nl > n)
warning(_("more 'labels' than points"));
* Most of the appropriate settings have been set up in
* R code by par(...)
* Hence no GSavePars() or ProcessInlinePars() here
* (also because this function is unusual in that it does
* different things when run by a user compared to when
* run from the display list)
* BUT par(cex) only sets cexbase, so here we set cex from cexbase
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase;
offset = GConvertXUnits(asReal(Offset), CHARS, INCHES, dd);
PROTECT(ind = allocVector(LGLSXP, n));
PROTECT(pos = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
PROTECT(order = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
LOGICAL(ind)[i] = 0;
INTEGER(order)[i] = 0;
k = 0;
GMode(2, dd);
PROTECT(x = duplicate(x));
PROTECT(y = duplicate(y));
while (k < npts) {
if (!GLocator(&xp, &yp, INCHES, dd)) break;
* Repeat cex setting from cexbase within loop
* so that if window is redrawn
* (e.g., conver/uncover window)
* during identifying (i.e., between clicks)
* we reset cex properly.
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase;
dmin = DBL_MAX;
imin = -1;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
xi = REAL(x)[i];
yi = REAL(y)[i];
GConvert(&xi, &yi, USER, INCHES, dd);
if (!R_FINITE(xi) || !R_FINITE(yi)) continue;
d = hypot(xp-xi, yp-yi);
if (d < dmin) {
imin = i;
dmin = d;
/* can't use warning because we want to print immediately */
/* might want to handle warn=2? */
warn = asInteger(GetOption1(install("warn")));
if (dmin > tol) {
if(warn >= 0) {
REprintf(_("warning: no point within %.2f inches\n"), tol);
else if (LOGICAL(ind)[imin]) {
if(warn >= 0 ) {
REprintf(_("warning: nearest point already identified\n"));
else {
LOGICAL(ind)[imin] = 1;
INTEGER(order)[imin] = k;
if (atpen) {
xi = xp;
yi = yp;
INTEGER(pos)[imin] = 0;
/* now record where to replot if necessary */
GConvert(&xp, &yp, INCHES, USER, dd);
REAL(x)[imin] = xp; REAL(y)[imin] = yp;
} else {
xi = REAL(x)[imin];
yi = REAL(y)[imin];
GConvert(&xi, &yi, USER, INCHES, dd);
if (fabs(xp-xi) >= fabs(yp-yi)) {
if (xp >= xi)
INTEGER(pos)[imin] = 4;
INTEGER(pos)[imin] = 2;
} else {
if (yp >= yi)
INTEGER(pos)[imin] = 3;
INTEGER(pos)[imin] = 1;
if (plot) {
drawLabel(xi, yi, INTEGER(pos)[imin], offset,
CHAR(STRING_ELT(l, imin % nl)),
getCharCE(STRING_ELT(l, imin % nl)), dd);
GMode(0, dd);
GMode(2, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
PROTECT(ans = allocList(3));
SETCAR(ans, ind);
SETCADR(ans, pos);
SETCADDR(ans, order);
if (GRecording(call, dd)) {
/* If we are recording, save enough information to be able to
redraw the text labels beside identified points */
PROTECT(saveans = allocList(8));
SETCAR(saveans, name);
SETCADR(saveans, ind);
SETCADDR(saveans, pos);
SETCADDDR(saveans, x);
SETCAD4R(saveans, y);
SETCAR(nthcdr(saveans,5), Offset);
SETCAR(nthcdr(saveans,6), l);
SETCAR(nthcdr(saveans,7), ScalarLogical(plot));
GErecordGraphicOperation(op, saveans, dd);
return ans;
/* strheight(str, units, cex, font, vfont, ...) || strwidth() */
#define DO_STR_DIM(KIND) \
{ \
SEXP ans, str, ch, font, vfont; \
int i, n, units; \
double cex, cexsave; \
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice(); \
args = CDR(args); \
if (length(args) < 5) error(_("too few arguments")); \
str = CAR(args); \
if (isSymbol(str) || isLanguage(str)) \
str = coerceVector(str, EXPRSXP); \
else if (!isExpression(str)) \
str = coerceVector(str, STRSXP); \
PROTECT(str); \
args = CDR(args); \
if ((units = asInteger(CAR(args))) == NA_INTEGER || units < 0) \
error(_("invalid units")); \
if(units == 1) GCheckState(dd); \
args = CDR(args); \
if (isNull(CAR(args))) \
cex = gpptr(dd)->cex; \
else if (!R_FINITE((cex = asReal(CAR(args)))) || cex <= 0.0) \
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "cex"); \
args = CDR(args); \
PROTECT(font = FixupFont(CAR(args), NA_INTEGER)); args = CDR(args); \
PROTECT(vfont = FixupVFont(CAR(args))); args = CDR(args); \
GSavePars(dd); \
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd); \
/* 'vfont' trumps inline 'family' */ \
if (!isNull(vfont) && !isExpression(str)) { \
strncpy(gpptr(dd)->family, "Hershey ", 201); \
gpptr(dd)->family[7] = (char)INTEGER(vfont)[0]; \
gpptr(dd)->font = INTEGER(vfont)[1]; \
} else if (INTEGER(font)[0] != NA_INTEGER) { \
gpptr(dd)->font = INTEGER(font)[0]; \
} \
n = LENGTH(str); \
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, n)); \
cexsave = gpptr(dd)->cex; \
gpptr(dd)->cex = cex * gpptr(dd)->cexbase; \
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) \
if (isExpression(str)) \
REAL(ans)[i] = GExpression ## KIND(VECTOR_ELT(str, i), \
GMapUnits(units), dd); \
else { \
ch = STRING_ELT(str, i); \
REAL(ans)[i] = (ch == NA_STRING) ? 0.0 : \
GStr ## KIND(CHAR(ch), getCharCE(ch), GMapUnits(units), dd); \
} \
gpptr(dd)->cex = cexsave; \
GRestorePars(dd); \
return ans; \
SEXP C_strHeight(SEXP args)
SEXP C_strWidth (SEXP args)
#undef DO_STR_DIM
/* C_dend() and C_dendwindow() called only from plotHclust() from stats:::plot.hclust() :
* ==> all *vertical* dendrograms
* In contrast: plot.dendrogram() only calls R level graphics functions
static int *dnd_lptr;
static int *dnd_rptr;
static double *dnd_hght;
static double *dnd_xpos;
static double dnd_hang;
static double dnd_offset;
static void drawdend(int node, double *x, double *y, SEXP dnd_llabels,
pGEDevDesc dd)
/* Recursive function for 'hclust' dendrogram drawing:
* Do left + Do right + Do myself
* "do" : 1) label leafs (if there are) and __
* 2) find coordinates to draw the | |
* 3) return (*x,*y) of "my anchor"
double xl, xr, yl, yr;
double xx[4], yy[4];
int k;
*y = dnd_hght[node-1];
/* left part */
k = dnd_lptr[node-1];
if (k > 0) drawdend(k, &xl, &yl, dnd_llabels, dd);
else {
xl = dnd_xpos[-k-1];
yl = (dnd_hang >= 0) ? *y - dnd_hang : 0;
if(STRING_ELT(dnd_llabels, -k-1) != NA_STRING)
GText(xl, yl-dnd_offset, USER,
CHAR(STRING_ELT(dnd_llabels, -k-1)),
getCharCE(STRING_ELT(dnd_llabels, -k-1)),
1.0, 0.3, 90.0, dd);
/* right part */
k = dnd_rptr[node-1];
if (k > 0) drawdend(k, &xr, &yr, dnd_llabels, dd);
else {
xr = dnd_xpos[-k-1];
yr = (dnd_hang >= 0) ? *y - dnd_hang : 0;
if(STRING_ELT(dnd_llabels, -k-1) != NA_STRING)
GText(xr, yr-dnd_offset, USER,
CHAR(STRING_ELT(dnd_llabels, -k-1)),
getCharCE(STRING_ELT(dnd_llabels, -k-1)),
1.0, 0.3, 90.0, dd);
xx[0] = xl; yy[0] = yl;
xx[1] = xl; yy[1] = *y;
xx[2] = xr; yy[2] = *y;
xx[3] = xr; yy[3] = yr;
GPolyline(4, xx, yy, USER, dd);
*x = 0.5 * (xl + xr);
SEXP C_dend(SEXP args)
double x, y;
int n;
SEXP dnd_llabels, xpos;
pGEDevDesc dd;
dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 6)
error(_("too few arguments"));
/* n */
n = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (n == NA_INTEGER || n < 2)
goto badargs;
args = CDR(args);
/* merge */
if (TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != INTSXP || length(CAR(args)) != 2*n)
goto badargs;
dnd_lptr = &(INTEGER(CAR(args))[0]);
dnd_rptr = &(INTEGER(CAR(args))[n]);
args = CDR(args);
/* height */
if (TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != REALSXP || length(CAR(args)) != n)
goto badargs;
dnd_hght = REAL(CAR(args));
args = CDR(args);
/* ord = order(x$order) */
if (length(CAR(args)) != n+1)
goto badargs;
PROTECT(xpos = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP));
dnd_xpos = REAL(xpos);
args = CDR(args);
/* hang */
dnd_hang = asReal(CAR(args));
if (!R_FINITE(dnd_hang))
goto badargs;
dnd_hang = dnd_hang * (dnd_hght[n-1] - dnd_hght[0]);
args = CDR(args);
/* labels */
if (TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != STRSXP || length(CAR(args)) != n+1)
goto badargs;
dnd_llabels = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * gpptr(dd)->cex;
dnd_offset = GConvertYUnits(GStrWidth("m", CE_ANY, INCHES, dd), INCHES,
USER, dd);
/* override par("xpd") and force clipping to figure region
NOTE: don't override to _reduce_ clipping region */
if (gpptr(dd)->xpd < 1)
gpptr(dd)->xpd = 1;
GMode(1, dd);
drawdend(n, &x, &y, dnd_llabels, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
error(_("invalid dendrogram input"));
return R_NilValue;/* never used; to keep -Wall happy */
SEXP C_dendwindow(SEXP args)
int i, imax, n;
double pin, *ll, tmp, yval, *y, ymin, ymax, yrange, m;
SEXP merge, height, llabels, str;
const void *vmax;
pGEDevDesc dd;
dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 5)
error(_("too few arguments"));
n = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (n == NA_INTEGER || n < 2)
goto badargs;
args = CDR(args);
if (TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != INTSXP || length(CAR(args)) != 2 * n)
goto badargs;
merge = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
if (TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != REALSXP || length(CAR(args)) != n)
goto badargs;
height = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
dnd_hang = asReal(CAR(args));
if (!R_FINITE(dnd_hang))
goto badargs;
args = CDR(args);
if (TYPEOF(CAR(args)) != STRSXP || length(CAR(args)) != n + 1)
goto badargs;
llabels = CAR(args);
args = CDR(args);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
gpptr(dd)->cex = gpptr(dd)->cexbase * gpptr(dd)->cex;
dnd_offset = GStrWidth("m", CE_ANY, INCHES, dd);
vmax = vmaxget();
/* n is the number of merges, so the points are labelled 1 ... n+1 */
y = (double*)R_alloc(n+1, sizeof(double));
ll = (double*)R_alloc(n+1, sizeof(double));
dnd_lptr = &(INTEGER(merge)[0]);
dnd_rptr = &(INTEGER(merge)[n]);
ymax = ymin = REAL(height)[0];
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
m = REAL(height)[i];
if (m > ymax)
ymax = m;
else if (m < ymin)
ymin = m;
pin = gpptr(dd)->pin[1];
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
str = STRING_ELT(llabels, i);
ll[i] = (str == NA_STRING) ? 0.0 :
GStrWidth(CHAR(str), getCharCE(str), INCHES, dd) + dnd_offset;
imax = -1; yval = -DBL_MAX;
if (dnd_hang >= 0) {
ymin = ymax - (1 + dnd_hang) * (ymax - ymin);
yrange = ymax - ymin;
/* determine leaf heights */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (dnd_lptr[i] < 0)
y[-dnd_lptr[i] - 1] = REAL(height)[i];
if (dnd_rptr[i] < 0)
y[-dnd_rptr[i] - 1] = REAL(height)[i];
/* determine the most extreme label depth */
/* assuming that we are using the full plot */
/* window for the tree itself */
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
tmp = ((ymax - y[i]) / yrange) * pin + ll[i];
if (tmp > yval) {
yval = tmp;
imax = i;
else {
yrange = ymax;
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
tmp = pin + ll[i];
if (tmp > yval) {
yval = tmp;
imax = i;
/* now determine how much to scale */
ymin = ymax - (pin/(pin - ll[imax])) * yrange;
GScale(1.0, n+1.0, 1 /* x */, dd);
GScale(ymin, ymax, 2 /* y */, dd);
return R_NilValue;
error(_("invalid dendrogram input"));
return R_NilValue;/* never used; to keep -Wall happy */
SEXP C_erase(SEXP args)
SEXP col;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE));
GMode(1, dd);
GRect(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, NDC, INTEGER(col)[0], R_TRANWHITE, dd);
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
/* symbols(..) in ../R/symbols.R : */
/* utility just computing range() */
static Rboolean SymbolRange(double *x, int n, double *xmax, double *xmin)
int i;
*xmax = -DBL_MAX;
*xmin = DBL_MAX;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (R_FINITE(x[i])) {
if (*xmax < x[i]) *xmax = x[i];
if (*xmin > x[i]) *xmin = x[i];
return(*xmax >= *xmin && *xmin >= 0);
static void CheckSymbolPar(SEXP p, int *nr, int *nc)
SEXP dim = getAttrib(p, R_DimSymbol);
switch(length(dim)) {
case 0:
*nr = LENGTH(p);
*nc = 1;
case 1:
*nr = INTEGER(dim)[0];
*nc = 1;
case 2:
*nr = INTEGER(dim)[0];
*nc = INTEGER(dim)[1];
*nr = 0;
*nc = 0;
if (*nr == 0 || *nc == 0)
error(_("invalid symbol parameter vector"));
/* Internal symbols(x, y, type, data, inches, bg, fg, ...) */
SEXP C_symbols(SEXP args)
SEXP x, y, p, fg, bg;
int i, j, nr, nc, nbg, nfg, type;
double pmax, pmin, inches, rx, ry;
double xx, yy, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4;
double *pp, *xp, *yp;
const void *vmax;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 7)
error(_("too few arguments"));
PROTECT(x = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(y = coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); args = CDR(args);
if (!isNumeric(x) || !isNumeric(y) || length(x) <= 0 || LENGTH(x) <= 0)
error(_("invalid symbol coordinates"));
type = asInteger(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
/* data: */
p = PROTECT(coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); args = CDR(args);
CheckSymbolPar(p, &nr, &nc);
if (LENGTH(x) != nr || LENGTH(y) != nr)
error(_("x/y/parameter length mismatch"));
inches = asReal(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
if (!R_FINITE(inches) || inches < 0)
inches = 0;
PROTECT(bg = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE)); args = CDR(args);
nbg = LENGTH(bg);
PROTECT(fg = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE)); args = CDR(args);
nfg = LENGTH(fg);
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
GMode(1, dd);
switch (type) {
case 1: /* circles */
if (nc != 1)
error(_("invalid circles data"));
if (!SymbolRange(REAL(p), nr, &pmax, &pmin))
error(_("invalid symbol parameter"));
for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
if (R_FINITE(REAL(x)[i]) && R_FINITE(REAL(y)[i]) &&
R_FINITE(REAL(p)[i])) {
rx = REAL(p)[i];
/* For GCircle the radius is always in INCHES */
if (inches > 0)
rx *= inches / pmax;
rx = GConvertXUnits(rx, USER, INCHES, dd);
/* GCircle sets radius zero to one pixel, but does
not change very small non-zero radii */
GCircle(REAL(x)[i], REAL(y)[i], USER, rx,
INTEGER(bg)[i % nbg], INTEGER(fg)[i % nfg], dd);
case 2: /* squares */
if(nc != 1)
error(_("invalid squares data"));
if(!SymbolRange(REAL(p), nr, &pmax, &pmin))
error(_("invalid symbol parameter"));
for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
if (R_FINITE(REAL(x)[i]) && R_FINITE(REAL(y)[i]) &&
R_FINITE(REAL(p)[i])) {
p0 = REAL(p)[i];
xx = REAL(x)[i];
yy = REAL(y)[i];
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, DEVICE, dd);
if (inches > 0) {
p0 *= inches / pmax;
rx = GConvertXUnits(0.5 * p0, INCHES, DEVICE, dd);
else {
rx = GConvertXUnits(0.5 * p0, USER, DEVICE, dd);
/* FIXME: should this skip 0-sized symbols? */
GRect(xx - rx, yy - rx, xx + rx, yy + rx, DEVICE,
INTEGER(bg)[i % nbg], INTEGER(fg)[i % nfg], dd);
case 3: /* rectangles */
if (nc != 2)
error(_("invalid rectangles data (need 2 columns)"));
if (!SymbolRange(REAL(p), 2 * nr, &pmax, &pmin))
error(_("invalid symbol parameter"));
for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
if (R_FINITE(REAL(x)[i]) && R_FINITE(REAL(y)[i]) &&
R_FINITE(REAL(p)[i]) && R_FINITE(REAL(p)[i+nr])) {
xx = REAL(x)[i];
yy = REAL(y)[i];
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, DEVICE, dd);
p0 = REAL(p)[i];
p1 = REAL(p)[i+nr];
if (inches > 0) {
p0 *= inches / pmax;
p1 *= inches / pmax;
rx = GConvertXUnits(0.5 * p0, INCHES, DEVICE, dd);
ry = GConvertYUnits(0.5 * p1, INCHES, DEVICE, dd);
else {
rx = GConvertXUnits(0.5 * p0, USER, DEVICE, dd);
ry = GConvertYUnits(0.5 * p1, USER, DEVICE, dd);
/* FIXME: should this skip 0-sized symbols? */
GRect(xx - rx, yy - ry, xx + rx, yy + ry, DEVICE,
INTEGER(bg)[i % nbg], INTEGER(fg)[i % nfg], dd);
case 4: /* stars */
if (nc < 3)
error(_("invalid stars data"));
if (!SymbolRange(REAL(p), nc * nr, &pmax, &pmin))
error(_("invalid symbol parameter"));
vmax = vmaxget();
pp = (double*)R_alloc(nc, sizeof(double));
xp = (double*)R_alloc(nc, sizeof(double));
yp = (double*)R_alloc(nc, sizeof(double));
p1 = 2.0 * M_PI / nc;
for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
xx = REAL(x)[i];
yy = REAL(y)[i];
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) {
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, NDC, dd);
if (inches > 0) {
for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
p0 = REAL(p)[i + j * nr];
if (!R_FINITE(p0)) p0 = 0;
pp[j] = (p0 / pmax) * inches;
else {
for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
p0 = REAL(p)[i + j * nr];
if (!R_FINITE(p0)) p0 = 0;
pp[j] = GConvertXUnits(p0, USER, INCHES, dd);
/* FIXME: should this skip 0-sized symbols? */
for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
xp[j] = GConvertXUnits(pp[j] * cos(j * p1),
INCHES, NDC, dd) + xx;
yp[j] = GConvertYUnits(pp[j] * sin(j * p1),
INCHES, NDC, dd) + yy;
GPolygon(nc, xp, yp, NDC,
INTEGER(bg)[i % nbg], INTEGER(fg)[i % nfg], dd);
case 5: /* thermometers */
if (nc != 3 && nc != 4)
error(_("invalid thermometers data (need 3 or 4 columns)"));
SymbolRange(REAL(p)+2*nr/* <-- pointer arith*/, nr, &pmax, &pmin);
if (pmax < pmin)
error(_("invalid 'thermometers[, %s]'"),
(nc == 4)? "3:4" : "3");
if (pmin < 0. || pmax > 1.) /* S-PLUS has an error here */
warning(_("'thermometers[, %s]' not in [0,1] -- may look funny"),
(nc == 4)? "3:4" : "3");
if (!SymbolRange(REAL(p), 2 * nr, &pmax, &pmin))
error(_("invalid 'thermometers[, 1:2]'"));
for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
xx = REAL(x)[i];
yy = REAL(y)[i];
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) {
p0 = REAL(p)[i];
p1 = REAL(p)[i + nr];
p2 = REAL(p)[i + 2 * nr];
p3 = (nc == 4)? REAL(p)[i + 3 * nr] : 0.;
if (R_FINITE(p0) && R_FINITE(p1) &&
R_FINITE(p2) && R_FINITE(p3)) {
if (p2 < 0) p2 = 0; else if (p2 > 1) p2 = 1;
if (p3 < 0) p3 = 0; else if (p3 > 1) p3 = 1;
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, NDC, dd);
if (inches > 0) {
p0 *= inches / pmax;
p1 *= inches / pmax;
rx = GConvertXUnits(0.5 * p0, INCHES, NDC, dd);
ry = GConvertYUnits(0.5 * p1, INCHES, NDC, dd);
else {
rx = GConvertXUnits(0.5 * p0, USER, NDC, dd);
ry = GConvertYUnits(0.5 * p1, USER, NDC, dd);
GRect(xx - rx, yy - ry, xx + rx, yy + ry, NDC,
INTEGER(bg)[i % nbg], INTEGER(fg)[i % nfg], dd);
GRect(xx - rx, yy - (1 - 2 * p2) * ry,
xx + rx, yy - (1 - 2 * p3) * ry,
INTEGER(fg)[i % nfg], INTEGER(fg)[i % nfg], dd);
GLine(xx - rx, yy, xx - 1.5 * rx, yy, NDC, dd);
GLine(xx + rx, yy, xx + 1.5 * rx, yy, NDC, dd);
case 6: /* boxplots (wid, hei, loWhsk, upWhsk, medProp) */
if (nc != 5)
error(_("invalid 'boxplots' data (need 5 columns)"));
pmax = -DBL_MAX;
pmin = DBL_MAX;
for(i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
p4 = REAL(p)[i + 4 * nr]; /* median proport. in [0,1] */
if (pmax < p4) pmax = p4;
if (pmin > p4) pmin = p4;
if (pmin < 0. || pmax > 1.) /* S-PLUS has an error here */
warning(_("'boxplots[, 5]' outside [0,1] -- may look funny"));
if (!SymbolRange(REAL(p), 4 * nr, &pmax, &pmin))
error(_("invalid 'boxplots[, 1:4]'"));
for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
xx = REAL(x)[i];
yy = REAL(y)[i];
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy)) {
p0 = REAL(p)[i]; /* width */
p1 = REAL(p)[i + nr]; /* height */
p2 = REAL(p)[i + 2 * nr];/* lower whisker */
p3 = REAL(p)[i + 3 * nr];/* upper whisker */
p4 = REAL(p)[i + 4 * nr];/* median proport. in [0,1] */
if (R_FINITE(p0) && R_FINITE(p1) &&
R_FINITE(p2) && R_FINITE(p3) && R_FINITE(p4)) {
GConvert(&xx, &yy, USER, NDC, dd);
if (inches > 0) {
p0 *= inches / pmax;
p1 *= inches / pmax;
p2 *= inches / pmax;
p3 *= inches / pmax;
p0 = GConvertXUnits(p0, INCHES, NDC, dd);
p1 = GConvertYUnits(p1, INCHES, NDC, dd);
p2 = GConvertYUnits(p2, INCHES, NDC, dd);
p3 = GConvertYUnits(p3, INCHES, NDC, dd);
else {
p0 = GConvertXUnits(p0, USER, NDC, dd);
p1 = GConvertYUnits(p1, USER, NDC, dd);
p2 = GConvertYUnits(p2, USER, NDC, dd);
p3 = GConvertYUnits(p3, USER, NDC, dd);
rx = 0.5 * p0;
ry = 0.5 * p1;
p4 = (1 - p4) * (yy - ry) + p4 * (yy + ry);
/* Box */
GRect(xx - rx, yy - ry, xx + rx, yy + ry, NDC,
INTEGER(bg)[i % nbg], INTEGER(fg)[i % nfg], dd);
/* Median */
GLine(xx - rx, p4, xx + rx, p4, NDC, dd);
/* Lower Whisker */
GLine(xx, yy - ry, xx, yy - ry - p2, NDC, dd);
/* Upper Whisker */
GLine(xx, yy + ry, xx, yy + ry + p3, NDC, dd);
error(_("invalid symbol type"));
GMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP C_xspline(SEXP args)
SEXP sx, sy, ss, col, border, res, ans = R_NilValue;
int i, nx;
int ncol, nborder;
double *x, *y;
Rboolean open, repEnds, draw;
double *xx;
double *yy;
const void *vmaxsave;
R_GE_gcontext gc;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
if (length(args) < 6) error(_("too few arguments"));
/* (x,y) is checked in R via xy.coords() ; no need here : */
sx = SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); args = CDR(args);
sy = SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); args = CDR(args);
nx = LENGTH(sx);
ss = SETCAR(args, coerceVector(CAR(args), REALSXP)); args = CDR(args);
open = asLogical(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
repEnds = asLogical(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
draw = asLogical(CAR(args)); args = CDR(args);
PROTECT(col = FixupCol(CAR(args), R_TRANWHITE)); args = CDR(args);
ncol = LENGTH(col);
if(ncol < 1)
error(_("incorrect length for '%s' argument"), "col");
if(ncol > 1)
warning(_("incorrect length for '%s' argument"), "col");
PROTECT(border = FixupCol(CAR(args), gpptr(dd)->fg)); args = CDR(args);
nborder = LENGTH(border);
if(nborder < 1)
error(_("incorrect length for '%s' argument"), "border");
if(nborder > 1)
warning(_("incorrect length for '%s' argument"), "border");
ProcessInlinePars(args, dd);
/* Paul 2008-12-05
* Convert GP to gcontext AFTER ProcessInlinePars
gcontextFromGP(&gc, dd);
GMode(1, dd);
x = REAL(sx);
y = REAL(sy);
vmaxsave = vmaxget();
xx = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
yy = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
if (!xx || !yy)
error("unable to allocate memory (in xspline)");
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
xx[i] = x[i];
yy[i] = y[i];
GConvert(&(xx[i]), &(yy[i]), USER, DEVICE, dd);
gc.col = INTEGER(border)[0];
gc.fill = INTEGER(col)[0];
res = GEXspline(nx, xx, yy, REAL(ss), open, repEnds, draw, &gc, dd);
if(!draw) {
SEXP nm, tmpx, tmpy;
double *xx, *yy, *x0, *y0;
PROTECT(ans = res);
PROTECT(nm = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
SET_STRING_ELT(nm, 0, mkChar("x"));
SET_STRING_ELT(nm, 1, mkChar("y"));
setAttrib(ans, R_NamesSymbol, nm);
nx = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0));
x0 = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0));
y0 = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1));
PROTECT(tmpx = allocVector(REALSXP, nx));
PROTECT(tmpy = allocVector(REALSXP, nx));
xx = REAL(tmpx);
yy = REAL(tmpy);
for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
xx[i] = x0[i];
yy[i] = y0[i];
GConvert(&(xx[i]), &(yy[i]), DEVICE, USER, dd);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0, tmpx);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(ans, 1, tmpy);
GMode(0, dd);
return ans;
/* clip(x1, x2, y1, y2) */
SEXP C_clip(SEXP args)
SEXP ans = R_NilValue;
double x1, x2, y1, y2;
pGEDevDesc dd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
x1 = asReal(CAR(args));
if(!R_FINITE(x1)) error("invalid '%s' argument", "x1");
args = CDR(args);
x2 = asReal(CAR(args));
if(!R_FINITE(x2)) error("invalid '%s' argument", "x2");
args = CDR(args);
y1 = asReal(CAR(args));
if(!R_FINITE(y1)) error("invalid '%s' argument", "y1");
args = CDR(args);
y2 = asReal(CAR(args));
if(!R_FINITE(y2)) error("invalid '%s' argument", "y2");
GConvert(&x1, &y1, USER, DEVICE, dd);
GConvert(&x2, &y2, USER, DEVICE, dd);
GESetClip(x1, y1, x2, y2, dd);
/* avoid GClip resetting this */
gpptr(dd)->oldxpd = gpptr(dd)->xpd;
return ans;
/* convert[XY](x, from to) */
SEXP C_convertX(SEXP args)
SEXP ans = R_NilValue, x;
int from, to, i, n;
double *rx;
pGEDevDesc gdd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
x = CAR(args);
if (TYPEOF(x) != REALSXP) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "x");
n = LENGTH(x);
from = asInteger(CADR(args));
if (from == NA_INTEGER || from <= 0 || from > 17 )
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "from");
to = asInteger(CADDR(args));
if (to == NA_INTEGER || to <= 0 || to > 17 )
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "to");
from--; to--;
PROTECT(ans = duplicate(x));
rx = REAL(ans);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) rx[i] = GConvertX(rx[i], from, to, gdd);
return ans;
SEXP C_convertY(SEXP args)
SEXP ans = R_NilValue, x;
int from, to, i, n;
double *rx;
pGEDevDesc gdd = GEcurrentDevice();
args = CDR(args);
x = CAR(args);
if (TYPEOF(x) != REALSXP) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "x");
n = LENGTH(x);
from = asInteger(CADR(args));
if (from == NA_INTEGER || from <= 0 || from > 17 )
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "from");
to = asInteger(CADDR(args));
if (to == NA_INTEGER || to <= 0 || to > 17 )
error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "to");
from--; to--;
PROTECT(ans = duplicate(x));
rx = REAL(ans);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) rx[i] = GConvertY(rx[i], from, to, gdd);
return ans;