blob: 197a8e7fe58954a3445698700315ae440b175471 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/grid/R/frames.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2013 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
# frame class
# NOTE: make framevp separate slot (rather than combining with
# normal vp slot) so that it can be edited (e.g., by grid.pack)
frameGrob <- function(layout=NULL, name=NULL, gp=gpar(), vp=NULL) {
framevp <- if(!is.null(layout)) viewport(layout=layout) # else NULL
gTree(framevp=framevp, name=name, gp=gp, vp=vp, cl="frame")
# draw=TRUE will not draw anything, but will mean that
# additions to the frame are drawn
grid.frame <- function(layout=NULL, name=NULL, gp=gpar(), vp=NULL,
draw=TRUE) {
fg <- frameGrob(layout=layout, name=name, gp=gp, vp=vp)
if (draw)
makeContext.frame <- function(x) {
if (!is.null(x$framevp)) {
if (!is.null(x$vp)) {
x$vp <- vpStack(x$vp, x$framevp)
} else {
x$vp <- x$framevp
widthDetails.frame <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x$framevp))
unit(1, "null")
heightDetails.frame <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x$framevp))
unit(1, "null")
frameDim <- function(frame) {
if (is.null(frame$framevp))
rep(0, 2)
# cellGrob class
cellViewport <- function(col, row, border) {
vp <- viewport(layout.pos.col=col, layout.pos.row=row)
if (!is.null(border))
width =unit(1, "npc") - sum(border[c(2,4)]),
height=unit(1, "npc") - sum(border[c(1,3)]),
just=c("left", "bottom")))
else vp
cellGrob <- function(col, row, border, grob, dynamic, vp) {
gTree(col=col, row=row, border=border, dynamic=dynamic,
children=gList(grob), cellvp=vp, cl="cellGrob")
makeContext.cellGrob <- function(x) {
if (!is.null(x$cellvp)) {
if (!is.null(x$vp)) {
x$vp <- vpStack(x$vp, x$cellvp)
} else {
x$vp <- x$cellvp
# For dynamically packed grobs, need to be able to
# recalculate cell sizes
widthDetails.cellGrob <- function(x) {
if (x$dynamic)
unit(1, "grobwidth", gPath(x$children[[1L]]$name))
unit(1, "grobwidth", x$children[[1L]])
heightDetails.cellGrob <- function(x) {
if (x$dynamic)
unit(1, "grobheight", gPath(x$children[[1L]]$name))
unit(1, "grobheight", x$children[[1L]])
# Place an object into an already existing cell of a frame ...
# ... for a grob on the display list <- function(gPath, grob,
row=1, col=1,
redraw=TRUE) {
placeGrob(grid.get(gPath), grob, row, col),
# ... for a grob description
placeGrob <- function(frame, grob,
row=NULL, col=NULL) {
if (!inherits(frame, "frame"))
stop("invalid 'frame'")
if (!is.grob(grob))
stop("invalid 'grob'")
dim <- frameDim(frame)
if (is.null(row))
row <- c(1, dim[1L])
if (is.null(col))
col <- c(1, dim[2L])
if (length(row) == 1)
row <- rep(row, 2)
if (length(col) == 1)
col <- rep(col, 2)
if (min(row) < 1 || max(row) > dim[1L] ||
min(col) < 1 || max(col) > dim[2L])
stop("invalid 'row' and/or 'col' (no such cell in frame layout)")
cgrob <- cellGrob(col, row, NULL, grob, FALSE,
cellViewport(col, row, NULL))
addGrob(frame, cgrob)
# grid.pack
num.col.specs <- function(side, col, col.before, col.after) {
4 - sum(is.null(side) || any(c("top", "bottom") %in% side),
is.null(col), is.null(col.before), is.null(col.after))
# We are assuming that checking has been done so that only one
# of these specifications has been given
col.spec <- function(side, col, col.before, col.after, ncol) {
if (!is.null(side)) {
if (side == "left")
col <- 1
else if (side == "right")
col <- ncol + 1
else if (!is.null(col.before))
col <- col.before
else if (!is.null(col.after))
col <- col.after + 1
# We are assuming that checking has been done so that only one
# of these specifications has been given
new.col <- function(side, col, col.before, col.after, ncol) {
# Special case ncol==0 for first grob added to frame
result <- TRUE
if (!is.null(col)) {
# It is an error to specify a range for col which is outside 1..ncol
if (length(col) == 2)
if (col[1L] < 1 || col[2L] > ncol)
stop("'col' can only be a range of existing columns")
result <- FALSE
# It is also an error to specify a single col outside 1..ncol+1
if (col < 1 || col > ncol + 1)
stop("invalid 'col' specification")
result <- col == ncol+1
num.row.specs <- function(side, row, row.before, row.after) {
4 - sum(is.null(side) || any(c("left", "right") %in% side),
is.null(row), is.null(row.before), is.null(row.after))
# We are assuming that checking has been done so that only one
# of these specifications has been given
row.spec <- function(side, row, row.before, row.after, nrow) {
if (!is.null(side)) {
if (side == "top")
row <- 1
else if (side == "bottom")
row <- nrow + 1
else if (!is.null(row.before))
row <- row.before
else if (!is.null(row.after))
row <- row.after + 1
# We are assuming that checking has been done so that only one
# of these specifications has been given
new.row <- function(side, row, row.before, row.after, nrow) {
# Special case nrow==0 for first grob added to frame
result <- TRUE
if (!is.null(row)) {
# It is an error to specify a range for row which is outside 1..nrow
if (length(row) == 2)
if (row[1L] < 1 || row[2L] > nrow)
stop("'row' can only be a range of existing rows")
result <- FALSE
# It is also an error to specify a single row outside 1..nrow+1
if (row < 1 || row > nrow + 1)
stop("invalid 'row' specification")
result <- row == nrow+1
mod.dims <- function(dim, dims, index, new.index, nindex, force) {
# If adding a new row/col, add the new width/height to the list
if (new.index)
if (index == 1)
dims <- unit.c(dim, dims)
else if (index == nindex)
dims <- unit.c(dims, dim)
dims <- unit.c(dims[1L:(index-1)], dim, dims[index:nindex])
# Otherwise, if force=TRUE, we override previous width/heights for the
# row/col, otherotherwise, the width/height of the existing row/col
# is the maximum of the previous width/height and the new width/height
else {
if (!force)
dim <- max(dim, dims[index])
if (index==1)
if (nindex == 1)
dims <- dim
dims <- unit.c(dim, dims[2:nindex])
else if (index==nindex)
dims <- unit.c(dims[1L:(nindex-1)], dim)
dims <- unit.c(dims[1L:(index-1)], dim, dims[(index+1):nindex])
updateCol <- function(col, added.col) {
old.col <- col
# If grob$col is a range ...
if (length(old.col) == 2) {
if (added.col <= old.col[2L])
col <- c(old.col[1L], old.col[2L] + 1)
if (added.col <= old.col)
col <- old.col + 1
updateRow <- function(row, added.row) {
old.row <- row
# If grob$row is a range ...
if (length(old.row) == 2) {
if (added.row <= old.row[2L])
row <- c(old.row[1L], old.row[2L] + 1)
if (added.row <= old.row)
row <- old.row + 1
# FIXME: Allow specification of respect for new row/col
# Pack a child grob within a frame grob ...
# (a special sort of editing just for frame grobs)
# ... for a grob on the display list
grid.pack <- function(gPath, grob, redraw=TRUE,
row=NULL, row.before=NULL, row.after=NULL,
col=NULL, col.before=NULL, col.after=NULL,
width=NULL, height=NULL,
force.width=FALSE, force.height=FALSE,
border=NULL, dynamic=FALSE) {
packGrob(grid.get(gPath), grob, side,
row, row.before, row.after,
col, col.before, col.after,
width, height, force.width, force.height,
packGrob <- function(frame, grob,
row=NULL, row.before=NULL, row.after=NULL,
col=NULL, col.before=NULL, col.after=NULL,
width=NULL, height=NULL,
force.width=FALSE, force.height=FALSE,
border=NULL, dynamic=FALSE) {
if (!inherits(frame, "frame"))
stop("invalid 'frame'")
if (!is.grob(grob))
stop("invalid 'grob'")
# col/row can be given as a range, but I only want to know
# about the min and max
if (!is.null(col) & length(col) > 1) {
col <- range(col)
col.range <- TRUE
col.range <- FALSE
if (!is.null(row) & length(row) > 1) {
row <- range(row)
row.range <- TRUE
row.range <- FALSE
frame.vp <- frame$framevp
if (is.null(frame.vp))
frame.vp <- viewport()
lay <- viewport.layout(frame.vp)
if (is.null(lay)) {
ncol <- 0
nrow <- 0
} else {
ncol <- layout.ncol(lay)
nrow <- layout.nrow(lay)
# (i) Check that the specifications of the location of the grob
# give a unique location
ncs <- num.col.specs(side, col, col.before, col.after)
# If user does not specify a col, assume it is all cols
if (ncs == 0) {
# Allow for fact that this might be first grob packed
if (ncol > 0) {
col <- c(1, ncol)
col.range <- TRUE
col <- 1
ncs <- 1
if (ncs != 1)
stop("cannot specify more than one of 'side=[\"left\", \"right\"]', 'col', 'col.before', or 'col.after'")
nrs <- num.row.specs(side, row, row.before, row.after)
# If user does not specify a row, assume it is all rows
if (nrs == 0) {
# Allow for fact that this might be first grob packed
if (nrow > 0) {
row <- c(1, nrow)
row.range <- TRUE
row <- 1
nrs <- 1
if (nrs != 1)
stop("must specify exactly one of 'side=[\"top\", \"bottom\"]', 'row', 'row.before', or 'row.after'")
# (ii) Determine that location and check that it is valid
new.col <- new.col(side, col, col.before, col.after, ncol)
col <- col.spec(side, col, col.before, col.after, ncol)
new.row <- new.row(side, row, row.before, row.after, nrow)
row <- row.spec(side, row, row.before, row.after, nrow)
# Wrap the child in a "cellGrob" to maintain additional info
# (like row and col occupied in frame)
# Need to do this here so can create widths/heights based on this cell grob
if (!is.null(grob))
cgrob <- cellGrob(col, row, border, grob, dynamic,
cellViewport(col, row, border))
# (iii) If width and height are not given, take them from the child
# NOTE: if dynamic is TRUE then use a gPath to the child
if (is.null(width))
if (is.null(grob))
width <- unit(1, "null")
if (dynamic)
width <- unit(1, "grobwidth", gPath(cgrob$name))
width <- unit(1, "grobwidth", cgrob)
if (is.null(height))
if (is.null(grob))
height <- unit(1, "null")
if (dynamic)
height <- unit(1, "grobheight", gPath(cgrob$name))
height <- unit(1, "grobheight", cgrob)
# If there is a border, include it in the width/height
if (!is.null(border)) {
width <- sum(border[2L], width, border[4L])
height <- sum(border[1L], height, border[3L])
# (iv) Update the frame.vp of the frame (possibly add new row/col,
# possibly update existing widths/heights and respect)
if (new.col) ncol <- ncol + 1
if (new.row) nrow <- nrow + 1
# If we are creating the frame.vp$layout for the first time then
# we have to initialise the layout widths and heights
if (is.null(lay)) {
widths <- width
heights <- height
} else {
# DO NOT modify widths/heights if the grob is being added to
# multiple columns/rows
if (col.range)
widths <- layout.widths(lay)
widths <- mod.dims(width, layout.widths(lay), col, new.col, ncol,
if (row.range)
heights <- layout.heights(lay)
heights <- mod.dims(height, layout.heights(lay), row, new.row, nrow,
frame.vp$layout <- grid.layout(ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow,
widths=widths, heights=heights)
# Modify the locations (row, col) of existing children in the frame
if (new.col || new.row) {
for (i in childNames(frame)) {
child <- getGrob(frame, i)
if (new.col) {
newcol <- updateCol(child$col, col)
child <- editGrob(child, col=newcol,
cellvp=cellViewport(newcol, child$row, child$border))
if (new.row) {
newrow <- updateRow(child$row, row)
child <- editGrob(child, row=newrow,
cellvp=cellViewport(child$col, newrow, child$border))
frame <- addGrob(frame, child)
# Add the new grob to the frame
if (!is.null(grob)) {
frame <- addGrob(frame, cgrob)
editGrob(frame, framevp=frame.vp)