blob: 5c354abaa3d8afd722353c184e32e1a58310a5aa [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 2001-3 Paul Murrell
* 2003-2013 The R Core Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
#define GRID_MAIN
#include "grid.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>
/* NOTE:
* The extensive use of L or L_ prefixes dates back to when this
* package used to be called "lattice"
void getDeviceSize(pGEDevDesc dd, double *devWidthCM, double *devHeightCM)
double left, right, bottom, top;
dd->dev->size(&left, &right, &bottom, &top, dd->dev);
*devWidthCM = fabs(right - left) * dd->dev->ipr[0] * 2.54;
*devHeightCM = fabs(top - bottom) * dd->dev->ipr[1] * 2.54;
static Rboolean deviceChanged(double devWidthCM, double devHeightCM,
SEXP currentvp)
Rboolean result = FALSE;
SEXP pvpDevWidthCM, pvpDevHeightCM;
if (fabs(REAL(pvpDevWidthCM)[0] - devWidthCM) > 1e-6) {
result = TRUE;
REAL(pvpDevWidthCM)[0] = devWidthCM;
if (fabs(REAL(pvpDevHeightCM)[0] - devHeightCM) > 1e-6) {
result = TRUE;
REAL(pvpDevHeightCM)[0] = devHeightCM;
return result;
/* Register grid with R's graphics engine
SEXP L_initGrid(SEXP GridEvalEnv)
R_gridEvalEnv = GridEvalEnv;
GEregisterSystem(gridCallback, &gridRegisterIndex);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_killGrid()
return R_NilValue;
/* Get the current device (the graphics engine creates one if nec.)
pGEDevDesc getDevice()
return GEcurrentDevice();
/* If this is the first time that a grid operation has occurred for
* this device, do some initialisation.
void dirtyGridDevice(pGEDevDesc dd) {
if (!LOGICAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GRIDDEVICE))[0]) {
SEXP gsd, griddev;
/* Record the fact that this device has now received grid output
gsd = (SEXP) dd->gesd[gridRegisterIndex]->systemSpecific;
PROTECT(griddev = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
LOGICAL(griddev)[0] = TRUE;
* Start the first page on the device
* (But only if no other graphics system has not already done so)
if (!GEdeviceDirty(dd)) {
R_GE_gcontext gc;
SEXP currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
gcontextFromgpar(currentgp, 0, &gc, dd);
GENewPage(&gc, dd);
* Only initialise viewport once new page has started
* (required for postscript output [at least])
SEXP L_gridDirty()
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return R_NilValue;
void getViewportContext(SEXP vp, LViewportContext *vpc)
fillViewportContextFromViewport(vp, vpc);
SEXP L_currentViewport()
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
SEXP doSetViewport(SEXP vp,
* Are we setting the top-level viewport?
Rboolean topLevelVP,
* Are we pushing a new viewport?
* (or just revisiting an already-pushed viewport?)
Rboolean pushing,
pGEDevDesc dd)
int i, j;
double devWidthCM, devHeightCM;
double xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2;
SEXP currentClip, widthCM, heightCM;
/* Get the current device size
getDeviceSize((dd), &devWidthCM, &devHeightCM);
if (!topLevelVP && pushing) {
SEXP parent = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
/* Set the viewport's parent
* Need to do this in here so that redrawing via R BASE display
* list works
* Make this viewport a child of its parent
* This involves assigning a value in the parent's
* children slot (which is an environment), using
* the viewport's name as the symbol name.
* NOTE that we are deliberately using defineVar to
* assign the vp SEXP itself, NOT a copy.
defineVar(installChar(STRING_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(vp, VP_NAME), 0)),
/* Calculate the transformation for the viewport.
* This will hopefully only involve updating the transformation
* from the previous viewport.
* However, if the device has changed size, we will need to
* recalculate the transformation from the top-level viewport
* all the way down.
* NEVER incremental for top-level viewport
calcViewportTransform(vp, viewportParent(vp),
!topLevelVP &&
!deviceChanged(devWidthCM, devHeightCM,
viewportParent(vp)), dd);
* We must "turn off" clipping
* We set the clip region to be the entire device
* (actually, as for the top-level viewport, we set it
* to be slightly larger than the device to avoid
* "edge effects")
if (viewportClip(vp) == NA_LOGICAL) {
xx1 = toDeviceX(-0.5*devWidthCM/2.54, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy1 = toDeviceY(-0.5*devHeightCM/2.54, GE_INCHES, dd);
xx2 = toDeviceX(1.5*devWidthCM/2.54, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy2 = toDeviceY(1.5*devHeightCM/2.54, GE_INCHES, dd);
GESetClip(xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, dd);
/* If we are supposed to clip to this viewport ...
* NOTE that we will only clip if there is no rotation
else if (viewportClip(vp)) {
double rotationAngle = REAL(viewportRotation(vp))[0];
if (rotationAngle != 0 &&
rotationAngle != 90 &&
rotationAngle != 270 &&
rotationAngle != 360) {
warning(_("cannot clip to rotated viewport"));
/* Still need to set clip region for this viewport.
So "inherit" parent clip region.
In other words, 'clip=TRUE' + 'rot=15' = 'clip=FALSE'
SEXP parentClip;
PROTECT(parentClip = viewportClipRect(viewportParent(vp)));
xx1 = REAL(parentClip)[0];
yy1 = REAL(parentClip)[1];
xx2 = REAL(parentClip)[2];
yy2 = REAL(parentClip)[3];
} else {
/* Calculate a clipping region and set it
SEXP x1, y1, x2, y2;
LViewportContext vpc;
double vpWidthCM = REAL(viewportWidthCM(vp))[0];
double vpHeightCM = REAL(viewportHeightCM(vp))[0];
R_GE_gcontext gc;
LTransform transform;
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
for (j=0; j<3; j++)
transform[i][j] =
REAL(viewportTransform(vp))[i + 3*j];
if (!topLevelVP) {
PROTECT(x1 = unit(0, L_NPC));
PROTECT(y1 = unit(0, L_NPC));
PROTECT(x2 = unit(1, L_NPC));
PROTECT(y2 = unit(1, L_NPC));
} else {
/* Special case for top-level viewport.
* Set clipping region outside device boundaries.
* This means that we have set the clipping region to
* something, but avoids problems if the nominal device
* limits are actually within its physical limits
* (e.g., PostScript)
PROTECT(x1 = unit(-.5, L_NPC));
PROTECT(y1 = unit(-.5, L_NPC));
PROTECT(x2 = unit(1.5, L_NPC));
PROTECT(y2 = unit(1.5, L_NPC));
getViewportContext(vp, &vpc);
gcontextFromViewport(vp, &gc, dd);
transformLocn(x1, y1, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&xx1, &yy1);
transformLocn(x2, y2, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&xx2, &yy2);
UNPROTECT(4); /* unprotect x1, y1, x2, y2 */
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx1 = toDeviceX(xx1, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy1 = toDeviceY(yy1, GE_INCHES, dd);
xx2 = toDeviceX(xx2, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy2 = toDeviceY(yy2, GE_INCHES, dd);
GESetClip(xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, dd);
} else {
/* If we haven't set the clipping region for this viewport
* we need to save the clipping region from its parent
* so that when we pop this viewport we can restore that.
/* NOTE that we are relying on grid.R setting clip=TRUE
* for the top-level viewport, else *BOOM*!
SEXP parentClip;
PROTECT(parentClip = viewportClipRect(viewportParent(vp)));
xx1 = REAL(parentClip)[0];
yy1 = REAL(parentClip)[1];
xx2 = REAL(parentClip)[2];
yy2 = REAL(parentClip)[3];
/* If we are revisiting a viewport that inherits a clip
* region from a parent viewport, we may need to reset
* the clip region (at worst, we generate a redundant clip)
if (!pushing) {
GESetClip(xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, dd);
PROTECT(currentClip = allocVector(REALSXP, 4));
REAL(currentClip)[0] = xx1;
REAL(currentClip)[1] = yy1;
REAL(currentClip)[2] = xx2;
REAL(currentClip)[3] = yy2;
* Save the current device size
PROTECT(widthCM = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
REAL(widthCM)[0] = devWidthCM;
PROTECT(heightCM = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
REAL(heightCM)[0] = devHeightCM;
return vp;
SEXP L_setviewport(SEXP invp, SEXP hasParent)
SEXP vp;
SEXP pushedvp, fcall;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
* Duplicate the viewport passed in because we are going
* to modify it to hell and gone.
PROTECT(vp = duplicate(invp));
* Call R function pushedvp()
PROTECT(fcall = lang2(install("pushedvp"),
PROTECT(pushedvp = eval(fcall, R_gridEvalEnv));
pushedvp = doSetViewport(pushedvp, !LOGICAL(hasParent)[0], TRUE, dd);
/* Set the value of the current viewport for the current device
* Need to do this in here so that redrawing via R BASE display
* list works
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP, pushedvp);
return R_NilValue;
* Find a viewport in the current viewport tree by name
* Have to do this in C code so that we get THE SEXP in
* the tree, NOT a copy of it.
* Some helper functions to call R code because I have no idea
* how to do this in C code
static Rboolean noChildren(SEXP children)
SEXP result, fcall;
PROTECT(fcall = lang2(install("no.children"),
PROTECT(result = eval(fcall, R_gridEvalEnv));
return LOGICAL(result)[0];
static Rboolean childExists(SEXP name, SEXP children)
SEXP result, fcall;
PROTECT(fcall = lang3(install("child.exists"),
name, children));
PROTECT(result = eval(fcall, R_gridEvalEnv));
return LOGICAL(result)[0];
static SEXP childList(SEXP children)
SEXP result, fcall;
PROTECT(fcall = lang2(install("child.list"),
PROTECT(result = eval(fcall, R_gridEvalEnv));
return result;
/* <- function(name, children) {
cpvps <- ls(env=children)
ncpvp <- length(cpvps)
count <- 0
found <- FALSE
while (count < ncpvp && !found) {
result <- find.viewport(name, get(cpvps[count+1], env=children))
found <- result$found
count <- count + 1
if (!found)
result <- list(found=FALSE, pvp=NULL)
static SEXP findViewport(SEXP name, SEXP strict, SEXP vp, int depth);
static SEXP findInChildren(SEXP name, SEXP strict, SEXP children, int depth)
SEXP childnames = childList(children);
int n = LENGTH(childnames);
int count = 0;
Rboolean found = FALSE;
SEXP result = R_NilValue;
while (count < n && !found) {
result = findViewport(name, strict,
PROTECT(findVar(installChar(STRING_ELT(childnames, count)),
found = INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(result, 0))[0] > 0;
count = count + 1;
if (!found) {
SEXP temp, zeroDepth;
PROTECT(temp = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
PROTECT(zeroDepth = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
INTEGER(zeroDepth)[0] = 0;
SET_VECTOR_ELT(temp, 0, zeroDepth);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(temp, 1, R_NilValue);
result = temp;
return result;
find.viewport <- function(name, pvp) {
found <- FALSE
if (length(ls(env=pvp$children)) == 0)
return(list(found=FALSE, pvp=NULL))
if (exists(name, env=pvp$children, inherits=FALSE))
pvp=get(name, env=pvp$children, inherits=FALSE)))
else, pvp$children)
static SEXP findViewport(SEXP name, SEXP strict, SEXP vp, int depth)
SEXP result, zeroDepth, curDepth;
PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
PROTECT(zeroDepth = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
INTEGER(zeroDepth)[0] = 0;
PROTECT(curDepth = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
INTEGER(curDepth)[0] = depth;
* If there are no children, we fail
if (noChildren(viewportChildren(vp))) {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, zeroDepth);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, R_NilValue);
} else if (childExists(name, viewportChildren(vp))) {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, curDepth);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1,
* Does this do inherits=FALSE?
findVar(installChar(STRING_ELT(name, 0)),
} else {
* If this is a strict match, fail
* Otherwise recurse into children
if (LOGICAL(strict)[0]) {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, zeroDepth);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, R_NilValue);
} else {
result = findInChildren(name, strict, viewportChildren(vp),
depth + 1);
return result;
SEXP L_downviewport(SEXP name, SEXP strict)
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
/* Get the value of the current viewport for the current device
* Need to do this in here so that redrawing via R BASE display
* list works
SEXP gvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
* Try to find the named viewport
SEXP found, vp;
int depth = 1;
PROTECT(found = findViewport(name, strict, gvp, depth));
if (INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(found, 0))[0]) {
vp = doSetViewport(VECTOR_ELT(found, 1), FALSE, FALSE, dd);
/* Set the value of the current viewport for the current device
* Need to do this in here so that redrawing via R BASE display
* list works
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP, vp);
} else {
/* Important to have an error here, rather than back in
* R code AFTER this point. Otherwise, an unsuccessful
* downViewport() will be recorded on the engine DL!
char msg[1024];
snprintf(msg, 1024, "Viewport '%s' was not found",
CHAR(STRING_ELT(name, 0)));
return VECTOR_ELT(found, 0);
* Find a viewport PATH in the current viewport tree by name
* Similar to L_downviewport
static Rboolean pathMatch(SEXP path, SEXP pathsofar, SEXP strict)
SEXP result, fcall;
PROTECT(fcall = lang4(install("pathMatch"),
path, pathsofar, strict));
PROTECT(result = eval(fcall, R_gridEvalEnv));
return LOGICAL(result)[0];
static SEXP growPath(SEXP pathsofar, SEXP name)
SEXP result, fcall;
if (isNull(pathsofar))
result = name;
else {
PROTECT(fcall = lang3(install("growPath"),
pathsofar, name));
PROTECT(result = eval(fcall, R_gridEvalEnv));
return result;
static SEXP findvppath(SEXP path, SEXP name, SEXP strict,
SEXP pathsofar, SEXP vp, int depth);
static SEXP findvppathInChildren(SEXP path, SEXP name,
SEXP strict, SEXP pathsofar,
SEXP children, int depth)
SEXP childnames = childList(children);
int n = LENGTH(childnames);
int count = 0;
Rboolean found = FALSE;
SEXP result = R_NilValue;
while (count < n && !found) {
SEXP vp, newpathsofar;
PROTECT(vp = findVar(installChar(STRING_ELT(childnames, count)),
PROTECT(newpathsofar = growPath(pathsofar,
result = findvppath(path, name, strict, newpathsofar, vp, depth);
found = INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(result, 0))[0] > 0;
count = count + 1;
if (!found) {
SEXP temp, zeroDepth;
PROTECT(temp = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
PROTECT(zeroDepth = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
INTEGER(zeroDepth)[0] = 0;
SET_VECTOR_ELT(temp, 0, zeroDepth);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(temp, 1, R_NilValue);
result = temp;
return result;
static SEXP findvppath(SEXP path, SEXP name, SEXP strict,
SEXP pathsofar, SEXP vp, int depth)
SEXP result, zeroDepth, curDepth;
PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
PROTECT(zeroDepth = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
INTEGER(zeroDepth)[0] = 0;
PROTECT(curDepth = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
INTEGER(curDepth)[0] = depth;
* If there are no children, we fail
if (noChildren(viewportChildren(vp))) {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, zeroDepth);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, R_NilValue);
* Check for the viewport name AND whether the rest
* of the path matches (possibly strictly)
else if (childExists(name, viewportChildren(vp)) &&
pathMatch(path, pathsofar, strict)) {
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, curDepth);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1,
* Does this do inherits=FALSE?
findVar(installChar(STRING_ELT(name, 0)),
} else {
result = findvppathInChildren(path, name, strict, pathsofar,
viewportChildren(vp), depth + 1);
return result;
SEXP L_downvppath(SEXP path, SEXP name, SEXP strict)
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
/* Get the value of the current viewport for the current device
* Need to do this in here so that redrawing via R BASE display
* list works
SEXP gvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
* Try to find the named viewport
SEXP found, vp;
int depth = 1;
PROTECT(found = findvppath(path, name, strict, R_NilValue, gvp, depth));
if (INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(found, 0))[0]) {
vp = doSetViewport(VECTOR_ELT(found, 1), FALSE, FALSE, dd);
/* Set the value of the current viewport for the current device
* Need to do this in here so that redrawing via R BASE display
* list works
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP, vp);
} else {
/* Important to have an error here, rather than back in
* R code AFTER this point. Otherwise, an unsuccessful
* downViewport() will be recorded on the engine DL!
char msg[1024];
snprintf(msg, 1024, "Viewport '%s' was not found",
CHAR(STRING_ELT(name, 0)));
return VECTOR_ELT(found, 0);
/* This is similar to L_setviewport, except that it will NOT
* recalculate the viewport transform if the device has not changed size
SEXP L_unsetviewport(SEXP n)
int i;
double xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2;
double devWidthCM, devHeightCM;
SEXP parentClip;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
/* Get the value of the current viewport for the current device
* Need to do this in here so that redrawing via R BASE display
* list works
SEXP gvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
/* NOTE that the R code has already checked that .grid.viewport$parent
* is non-NULL
* BUT this may not be called from R code !!
* (e.g., when the graphics engine display list is replayed;
* problems can occur when grid output is mixed with base output;
* for example, is called between a viewport push and pop)
if (isNull(newvp))
error(_("cannot pop the top-level viewport ('grid' and 'graphics' output mixed?)"));
for (i = 1; i < INTEGER(n)[0]; i++) {
gvp = newvp;
newvp = VECTOR_ELT(gvp, PVP_PARENT);
if (isNull(newvp))
error(_("cannot pop the top-level viewport ('grid' and 'graphics' output mixed?)"));
* Remove the child (gvp) from the parent's (newvp) "list" of
* children
* This has to be done via a call to R-level ...
* remove(gvp$name, envir=newvp$children, inherits=FALSE)
* ... because RemoveVariable in envir.c is not exported (why not?)
* I tried to model this on the example in the section
* "System and foreign language interfaces ... Evaluating R expressions"
* in the "Writing R Extensions" manual, but the compiler didn't
* like CAR(t) as an lvalue.
PROTECT(gvp); PROTECT(newvp);
SEXP fcall, false, t;
PROTECT(false = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1));
LOGICAL(false)[0] = FALSE;
PROTECT(fcall = lang4(install("remove"),
t = fcall;
t = CDR(CDR(t));
SET_TAG(t, install("envir"));
t = CDR(t);
SET_TAG(t, install("inherits"));
eval(fcall, R_gridEvalEnv);
UNPROTECT(2); /* false, fcall */
/* Get the current device size
getDeviceSize(dd, &devWidthCM, &devHeightCM);
if (deviceChanged(devWidthCM, devHeightCM, newvp))
calcViewportTransform(newvp, viewportParent(newvp), 1, dd);
* Enforce the current viewport settings
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR, viewportgpar(newvp));
/* Set the clipping region to the parent's cur.clip
parentClip = viewportClipRect(newvp);
xx1 = REAL(parentClip)[0];
yy1 = REAL(parentClip)[1];
xx2 = REAL(parentClip)[2];
yy2 = REAL(parentClip)[3];
GESetClip(xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, dd);
/* Set the value of the current viewport for the current device
* Need to do this in here so that redrawing via R BASE display
* list works
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP, newvp);
* Remove the parent from the child
* This is not strictly necessary, but it is conceptually
* more complete and makes it more likely that we will
* detect incorrect code elsewhere (because it is likely to
* trigger a segfault if other code is incorrect)
* NOTE: Do NOT do this any earlier or you will
* remove the PROTECTive benefit of newvp pointing
* to part of the (global) grid state
UNPROTECT(2); /* gvp, newvp */
return R_NilValue;
/* This is similar to L_unsetviewport, except that it will NOT
* modify parent-child relations
SEXP L_upviewport(SEXP n)
int i;
double xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2;
double devWidthCM, devHeightCM;
SEXP parentClip;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
/* Get the value of the current viewport for the current device
* Need to do this in here so that redrawing via R BASE display
* list works
SEXP gvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
if (isNull(newvp))
error(_("cannot pop the top-level viewport ('grid' and 'graphics' output mixed?)"));
for (i = 1; i < INTEGER(n)[0]; i++) {
gvp = newvp;
newvp = VECTOR_ELT(gvp, PVP_PARENT);
if (isNull(newvp))
error(_("cannot pop the top-level viewport ('grid' and 'graphics' output mixed?)"));
/* Get the current device size
getDeviceSize(dd, &devWidthCM, &devHeightCM);
if (deviceChanged(devWidthCM, devHeightCM, newvp))
calcViewportTransform(newvp, viewportParent(newvp), 1, dd);
* Enforce the current viewport settings
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR, viewportgpar(newvp));
/* Set the clipping region to the parent's cur.clip
parentClip = viewportClipRect(newvp);
xx1 = REAL(parentClip)[0];
yy1 = REAL(parentClip)[1];
xx2 = REAL(parentClip)[2];
yy2 = REAL(parentClip)[3];
GESetClip(xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, dd);
#if 0
/* This is a VERY short term fix to avoid mucking
* with the core graphics during feature freeze
* It should be removed post R 1.4 release
dd->dev->clipLeft = fmin2(xx1, xx2);
dd->dev->clipRight = fmax2(xx1, xx2);
dd->dev->clipTop = fmax2(yy1, yy2);
dd->dev->clipBottom = fmin2(yy1, yy2);
/* Set the value of the current viewport for the current device
* Need to do this in here so that redrawing via R BASE display
* list works
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP, newvp);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_getDisplayList()
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return gridStateElement(dd, GSS_DL);
SEXP L_setDisplayList(SEXP dl)
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_DL, dl);
return R_NilValue;
* Get the element at index on the DL
SEXP L_getDLelt(SEXP index)
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
SEXP dl, result;
PROTECT(dl = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_DL));
result = VECTOR_ELT(dl, INTEGER(index)[0]);
return result;
/* Add an element to the display list at the current location
* Location is maintained in R code
SEXP L_setDLelt(SEXP value)
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
SEXP dl;
PROTECT(dl = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_DL));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(dl, INTEGER(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_DLINDEX))[0], value);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_getDLindex()
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return gridStateElement(dd, GSS_DLINDEX);
SEXP L_setDLindex(SEXP index)
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_DLINDEX, index);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_getDLon()
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return gridStateElement(dd, GSS_DLON);
SEXP L_setDLon(SEXP value)
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
SEXP prev;
prev = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_DLON);
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_DLON, value);
return prev;
SEXP L_getEngineDLon()
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return gridStateElement(dd, GSS_ENGINEDLON);
SEXP L_setEngineDLon(SEXP value)
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_ENGINEDLON, value);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_getCurrentGrob()
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return gridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRGROB);
SEXP L_setCurrentGrob(SEXP value)
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRGROB, value);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_getEngineRecording()
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return gridStateElement(dd, GSS_ENGINERECORDING);
SEXP L_setEngineRecording(SEXP value)
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_ENGINERECORDING, value);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_currentGPar()
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
SEXP L_newpagerecording()
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
if (dd->ask) {
* User may have killed device during pause for prompt
if (NoDevices())
error(_("attempt to plot on null device"));
* Should throw an error if dd != GECurrentDevice ?
dd = GEcurrentDevice();
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_newpage()
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
R_GE_gcontext gc;
* Has the device been drawn on yet?
Rboolean deviceDirty = GEdeviceDirty(dd);
* Has the device been drawn on BY GRID yet?
Rboolean deviceGridDirty = LOGICAL(gridStateElement(dd,
* Initialise grid on device
* If no drawing on device yet, does a new page
if (!deviceGridDirty) {
* If device has previously been drawn on (by grid or other system)
* do a new page
if (deviceGridDirty || deviceDirty) {
SEXP currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
gcontextFromgpar(currentgp, 0, &gc, dd);
GENewPage(&gc, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_initGPar()
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_initViewportStack()
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_initDisplayList()
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
return R_NilValue;
void getViewportTransform(SEXP currentvp,
pGEDevDesc dd,
double *vpWidthCM, double *vpHeightCM,
LTransform transform, double *rotationAngle)
int i, j;
double devWidthCM, devHeightCM;
getDeviceSize((dd), &devWidthCM, &devHeightCM) ;
if (deviceChanged(devWidthCM, devHeightCM, currentvp)) {
/* IF the device has changed, recalculate the viewport transform
calcViewportTransform(currentvp, viewportParent(currentvp), 1, dd);
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
for (j=0; j<3; j++)
transform[i][j] =
REAL(viewportTransform(currentvp))[i + 3*j];
*rotationAngle = REAL(viewportRotation(currentvp))[0];
*vpWidthCM = REAL(viewportWidthCM(currentvp))[0];
*vpHeightCM = REAL(viewportHeightCM(currentvp))[0];
* Given a unit object and whether it is a location/dimension,
* convert to location/dimension in unit B
* NOTE: When this is used to convert a mouse click on a device to
* a location/dimension, the conversion of the mouse click to
* a unit within the current viewport has to be done elsewhere.
* e.g., in interactive.R, this is done by applying the inverse
* of the current viewport transformation to get a location in
* inches within the current viewport.
* This should ideally create a unit object to ensure that the
* values it returns are treated as values in the correct
* coordinate system. For now, this is MUCH easier to do in
* R code, so it is the responsibility of the R code calling this
* to create the unit object correctly/honestly.
* NOTE also that the unitto supplied should be a "valid" integer
* (the best way to get that is to use the valid.units()
* function in unit.R)
* what = 0 means x, 1 means y, 2 means width, 3 means height
SEXP L_convert(SEXP x, SEXP whatfrom,
SEXP whatto, SEXP unitto) {
int i, nx;
SEXP answer;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
int TOunit, FROMaxis, TOaxis;
Rboolean relConvert;
* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
* We do not need the current transformation, but
* we need the side effects of calculating it in
* case the device has been resized (or only just created)
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
nx = unitLength(x);
PROTECT(answer = allocVector(REALSXP, nx));
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
TOunit = INTEGER(unitto)[i % LENGTH(unitto)];
FROMaxis = INTEGER(whatfrom)[0];
TOaxis = INTEGER(whatto)[0];
* Special case: FROM unit is just a plain, relative unit AND
* TO unit is relative AND
* NOT converting from 'x' to 'y' (or vice versa) ...
* ... AND relevant widthCM or heightCM is zero
* In these cases do NOT transform thru INCHES
* (to avoid divide-by-zero, but still do something useful)
relConvert = (!isUnitArithmetic(x) && !isUnitList(x) &&
(unitUnit(x, i) == L_NATIVE || unitUnit(x, i) == L_NPC) &&
(TOunit == L_NATIVE || TOunit == L_NPC) &&
((FROMaxis == TOaxis) ||
(FROMaxis == 0 && TOaxis == 2) ||
(FROMaxis == 2 && TOaxis == 0) ||
(FROMaxis == 1 && TOaxis == 3) ||
(FROMaxis == 3 && TOaxis == 1)));
* First, convert the unit object passed in to a value in INCHES
* (within the current viewport)
switch (FROMaxis) {
case 0:
if (relConvert && vpWidthCM < 1e-6) {
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformXYtoNPC(unitValue(x, i), unitUnit(x, i),
vpc.xscalemin, vpc.xscalemax);
} else {
relConvert = FALSE;
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformXtoINCHES(x, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
case 1:
if (relConvert && vpHeightCM < 1e-6) {
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformXYtoNPC(unitValue(x, i), unitUnit(x, i),
vpc.yscalemin, vpc.yscalemax);
} else {
relConvert = FALSE;
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformYtoINCHES(x, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
case 2:
if (relConvert && vpWidthCM < 1e-6) {
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformWHtoNPC(unitValue(x, i), unitUnit(x, i),
vpc.xscalemin, vpc.xscalemax);
} else {
relConvert = FALSE;
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformWidthtoINCHES(x, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
case 3:
if (relConvert && vpHeightCM < 1e-6) {
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformWHtoNPC(unitValue(x, i), unitUnit(x, i),
vpc.yscalemin, vpc.yscalemax);
} else {
relConvert = FALSE;
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformHeighttoINCHES(x, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
* Now, convert the values in INCHES to a value in the specified
* coordinate system
* (within the current viewport)
* BUT do NOT do this step for the special "relConvert" case
switch (TOaxis) {
case 0:
if (relConvert) {
REAL(answer)[i] = transformXYfromNPC(REAL(answer)[i], TOunit,
} else {
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformXYFromINCHES(REAL(answer)[i], TOunit,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
case 1:
if (relConvert) {
REAL(answer)[i] = transformXYfromNPC(REAL(answer)[i], TOunit,
} else {
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformXYFromINCHES(REAL(answer)[i], TOunit,
vpHeightCM, vpWidthCM,
case 2:
if (relConvert) {
REAL(answer)[i] = transformWHfromNPC(REAL(answer)[i], TOunit,
} else {
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformWidthHeightFromINCHES(REAL(answer)[i], TOunit,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
case 3:
if (relConvert) {
REAL(answer)[i] = transformWHfromNPC(REAL(answer)[i], TOunit,
} else {
REAL(answer)[i] =
transformWidthHeightFromINCHES(REAL(answer)[i], TOunit,
vpHeightCM, vpWidthCM,
return answer;
* Convert locations or dimensions to device inches
SEXP L_devLoc(SEXP x, SEXP y) {
double xx, yy;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc;
LTransform transform;
SEXP devx, devy, result;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
int i, maxn, ny;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
gcontextFromgpar(currentgp, 0, &gc, dd);
/* Convert the x and y values to device inches locations */
maxn = unitLength(x);
ny = unitLength(y);
if (ny > maxn)
maxn = ny;
PROTECT(devx = allocVector(REALSXP, maxn));
PROTECT(devy = allocVector(REALSXP, maxn));
PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
for (i=0; i<maxn; i++) {
transformLocn(x, y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&xx, &yy);
REAL(devx)[i] = xx;
REAL(devy)[i] = yy;
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, devx);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, devy);
return result;
SEXP L_devDim(SEXP x, SEXP y) {
double xx, yy;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc;
LTransform transform;
SEXP devx, devy, result;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
int i, maxn, ny;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
gcontextFromgpar(currentgp, 0, &gc, dd);
/* Convert the x and y values to device inches locations */
maxn = unitLength(x);
ny = unitLength(y);
if (ny > maxn)
maxn = ny;
PROTECT(devx = allocVector(REALSXP, maxn));
PROTECT(devy = allocVector(REALSXP, maxn));
PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
for (i=0; i<maxn; i++) {
transformDimn(x, y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, rotationAngle,
&xx, &yy);
REAL(devx)[i] = xx;
REAL(devy)[i] = yy;
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, devx);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, devy);
return result;
* Given a layout.pos.row and a layout.pos.col, calculate
* the region allocated by the layout of the current viewport
* Not a conversion as such, but similarly vulnerable to device resizing
SEXP L_layoutRegion(SEXP layoutPosRow, SEXP layoutPosCol) {
LViewportLocation vpl;
SEXP answer;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp;
* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
//currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
* We do not need the current transformation, but
* we need the side effects of calculating it in
* case the device has been resized (or only just created)
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
* Only proceed if there is a layout currently defined
if (isNull(viewportLayout(currentvp)))
error(_("there is no layout defined"));
* The result is a numeric containing left, bottom, width, and height
PROTECT(answer = allocVector(REALSXP, 4));
* NOTE: We are assuming here that calcViewportLocationFromLayout
* returns the allocated region with a ("left", "bottom")
* justification. This is CURRENTLY true, but ...
* I am not returning the units created in C code
* because they do not have the units attribute set
* so they do not behave nicely back in R code.
* Instead, I take the values and my knowledge that they
* are NPC units and construct real unit objects back in
* R code.
REAL(answer)[0] = unitValue(vpl.x, 0);
REAL(answer)[1] = unitValue(vpl.y, 0);
REAL(answer)[2] = unitValue(vpl.width, 0);
REAL(answer)[3] = unitValue(vpl.height, 0);
return answer;
* Calculate the point on the edge of a rectangle at angle theta
* 0 = East, 180 = West, etc ...
* Assumes that x- and y-values are in INCHES
* Assumes that theta is within [0, 360)
static void rectEdge(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax,
double theta,
double *edgex, double *edgey)
double xm = (xmin + xmax)/2;
double ym = (ymin + ymax)/2;
double dx = (xmax - xmin)/2;
double dy = (ymax - ymin)/2;
* FIXME: Special case 0 width or 0 height
* Special case angles
if (theta == 0) {
*edgex = xmax;
*edgey = ym;
} else if (theta == 270) {
*edgex = xm;
*edgey = ymin;
} else if (theta == 180) {
*edgex = xmin;
*edgey = ym;
} else if (theta == 90) {
*edgex = xm;
*edgey = ymax;
} else {
double cutoff = dy/dx;
double angle = theta/180*M_PI;
double tanTheta = tan(angle);
double cosTheta = cos(angle);
double sinTheta = sin(angle);
if (fabs(tanTheta) < cutoff) { /* Intersect with side */
if (cosTheta > 0) { /* Right side */
*edgex = xmax;
*edgey = ym + tanTheta*dx;
} else { /* Left side */
*edgex = xmin;
*edgey = ym - tanTheta*dx;
} else { /* Intersect with top/bottom */
if (sinTheta > 0) { /* Top */
*edgey = ymax;
*edgex = xm + dy/tanTheta;
} else { /* Bottom */
*edgey = ymin;
*edgex = xm - dy/tanTheta;
* Calculate the point on the edge of a rectangle at angle theta
* 0 = East, 180 = West, etc ...
* Assumes that x- and y-values are in INCHES
* Assumes that theta is within [0, 360)
static void circleEdge(double x, double y, double r,
double theta,
double *edgex, double *edgey)
double angle = theta/180*M_PI;
*edgex = x + r*cos(angle);
*edgey = y + r*sin(angle);
* Calculate the point on the edge of a *convex* polygon at angle theta
* 0 = East, 180 = West, etc ...
* Assumes that x- and y-values are in INCHES
* Assumes that vertices are in clock-wise order
* Assumes that theta is within [0, 360)
static void polygonEdge(double *x, double *y, int n,
double theta,
double *edgex, double *edgey) {
int i, v1, v2;
double xm, ym;
double xmin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double xmax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
int found = 0;
double angle = theta/180*M_PI;
double vangle1, vangle2;
* Find "centre" of polygon
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (x[i] < xmin)
xmin = x[i];
if (x[i] > xmax)
xmax = x[i];
if (y[i] < ymin)
ymin = y[i];
if (y[i] > ymax)
ymax = y[i];
xm = (xmin + xmax)/2;
ym = (ymin + ymax)/2;
* Special case zero-width or zero-height
if (fabs(xmin - xmax) < 1e-6) {
*edgex = xmin;
if (theta == 90)
*edgey = ymax;
else if (theta == 270)
*edgey = ymin;
*edgey = ym;
if (fabs(ymin - ymax) < 1e-6) {
*edgey = ymin;
if (theta == 0)
*edgex = xmax;
else if (theta == 180)
*edgex = xmin;
*edgex = xm;
* Find edge that intersects line from centre at angle theta
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
v1 = i;
v2 = v1 + 1;
if (v2 == n)
v2 = 0;
* Result of atan2 is in range -PI, PI so convert to
* 0, 360 to correspond to angle
vangle1 = atan2(y[v1] - ym, x[v1] - xm);
if (vangle1 < 0)
vangle1 = vangle1 + 2*M_PI;
vangle2 = atan2(y[v2] - ym, x[v2] - xm);
if (vangle2 < 0)
vangle2 = vangle2 + 2*M_PI;
* If vangle1 < vangle2 then angles are either side of 0
* so check is more complicated
if ((vangle1 >= vangle2 &&
vangle1 >= angle && vangle2 <= angle) ||
(vangle1 < vangle2 &&
((vangle1 >= angle && 0 <= angle) ||
(vangle2 <= angle && 2*M_PI >= angle)))) {
found = 1;
* Find intersection point of "line from centre to bounding rect"
* and edge
if (found) {
double x1 = xm;
double y1 = ym;
double x2, y2;
double x3 = x[v1];
double y3 = y[v1];
double x4 = x[v2];
double y4 = y[v2];
double numa, denom, ua;
rectEdge(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, theta,
&x2, &y2);
numa = ((x4 - x3)*(y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3)*(x1 - x3));
denom = ((y4 - y3)*(x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3)*(y2 - y1));
ua = numa/denom;
if (!R_FINITE(ua)) {
* Should only happen if lines are parallel, which
* shouldn't happen! Unless, perhaps the polygon has
* zero extent vertically or horizontally ... ?
error(_("polygon edge not found (zero-width or zero-height?)"));
* numb = ((x2 - x1)*(y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1)*(x1 - x3));
* ub = numb/denom;
*edgex = x1 + ua*(x2 - x1);
*edgey = y1 + ua*(y2 - y1);
} else {
error(_("polygon edge not found"));
* Given a set of points, calculate the convex hull then
* find the edge of that hull
* NOTE: assumes that 'grDevices' package has been loaded
* so that chull() is available (grid depends on grDevices)
static void hullEdge(double *x, double *y, int n,
double theta,
double *edgex, double *edgey)
const void *vmax;
int i, nh;
double *hx, *hy;
SEXP xin, yin, chullFn, R_fcall, hull;
int adjust = 0;
double *xkeep, *ykeep;
vmax = vmaxget();
/* Remove any NA's because chull() can't cope with them */
xkeep = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
ykeep = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (!R_FINITE(x[i]) || !R_FINITE(y[i])) {
} else {
xkeep[i + adjust] = x[i];
ykeep[i + adjust] = y[i];
n = n + adjust;
PROTECT(xin = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
PROTECT(yin = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
REAL(xin)[i] = xkeep[i];
REAL(yin)[i] = ykeep[i];
* Determine convex hull
PROTECT(chullFn = findFun(install("chull"), R_gridEvalEnv));
PROTECT(R_fcall = lang3(chullFn, xin, yin));
PROTECT(hull = eval(R_fcall, R_gridEvalEnv));
nh = LENGTH(hull);
hx = (double *) R_alloc(nh, sizeof(double));
hy = (double *) R_alloc(nh, sizeof(double));
for (i=0; i<nh; i++) {
hx[i] = x[INTEGER(hull)[i] - 1];
hy[i] = y[INTEGER(hull)[i] - 1];
* Find edge of that hull
polygonEdge(hx, hy, nh, theta,
edgex, edgey);
* Draw an arrow head, given the vertices of the arrow head.
* Assume vertices are in DEVICE coordinates.
static void drawArrow(double *x, double *y, SEXP type, int i,
const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd)
int nt = LENGTH(type);
switch (INTEGER(type)[i % nt]) {
case 1:
GEPolyline(3, x, y, gc, dd);
case 2:
GEPolygon(3, x, y, gc, dd);
* Calculate vertices for drawing an arrow head.
* Assumes that x and y locations are in INCHES.
* Returns vertices in DEVICE coordinates.
static void calcArrow(double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2,
SEXP angle, SEXP length, int i,
LViewportContext vpc,
double vpWidthCM, double vpHeightCM,
double *vertx, double *verty,
const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd)
int na = LENGTH(angle);
int nl = LENGTH(length);
double xc, yc, rot;
double l1, l2, l, a;
l1 = transformWidthtoINCHES(length, i % nl, vpc, gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
l2 = transformHeighttoINCHES(length, i % nl, vpc, gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
l = fmin2(l1, l2);
a = DEG2RAD * REAL(angle)[i % na];
xc = x2 - x1;
yc = y2 - y1;
rot= atan2(yc, xc);
vertx[0] = toDeviceX(x1 + l * cos(rot+a),
verty[0] = toDeviceY(y1 + l * sin(rot+a),
vertx[1] = toDeviceX(x1,
verty[1] = toDeviceY(y1,
vertx[2] = toDeviceX(x1 + l * cos(rot-a),
verty[2] = toDeviceY(y1 + l * sin(rot-a),
* Assumes x and y are at least length 2
* Also assumes x and y are in DEVICE coordinates
static void arrows(double *x, double *y, int n,
SEXP arrow, int i,
* Which ends we are allowed to draw arrow heads on
* (we may be drawing a line segment that has been
* broken by NAs)
Rboolean start, Rboolean end,
LViewportContext vpc,
double vpWidthCM, double vpHeightCM,
const pGEcontext gc, pGEDevDesc dd)
* Write a checkArrow() function to make
* sure 'a' is a valid arrow description ?
* If someone manages to sneak in a
* corrupt arrow description ... BOOM!
int ne = LENGTH(ends);
double vertx[3], verty[3];
Rboolean first, last;
if (n < 2)
error(_("require at least two points to draw arrow"));
first = TRUE;
last = TRUE;
switch (INTEGER(ends)[i % ne]) {
case 2:
first = FALSE;
case 1:
last = FALSE;
if (first && start) {
calcArrow(fromDeviceX(x[0], GE_INCHES, dd),
fromDeviceY(y[0], GE_INCHES, dd),
fromDeviceX(x[1], GE_INCHES, dd),
fromDeviceY(y[1], GE_INCHES, dd),
i, vpc, vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM, vertx, verty, gc, dd);
drawArrow(vertx, verty,
gc, dd);
if (last && end) {
calcArrow(fromDeviceX(x[n - 1], GE_INCHES, dd),
fromDeviceY(y[n - 1], GE_INCHES, dd),
fromDeviceX(x[n - 2], GE_INCHES, dd),
fromDeviceY(y[n - 2], GE_INCHES, dd),
i, vpc, vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM, vertx, verty, gc, dd);
drawArrow(vertx, verty,
gc, dd);
SEXP L_moveTo(SEXP x, SEXP y)
double xx, yy;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc;
LTransform transform;
SEXP devloc, prevloc;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
PROTECT(prevloc = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_PREVLOC));
PROTECT(devloc = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRLOC));
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
gcontextFromgpar(currentgp, 0, &gc, dd);
/* Convert the x and y values to CM locations */
transformLocn(x, y, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&xx, &yy);
* Non-finite values are ok here
* L_lineTo figures out what to draw
* when values are non-finite
REAL(prevloc)[0] = REAL(devloc)[0];
REAL(prevloc)[1] = REAL(devloc)[1];
REAL(devloc)[0] = xx;
REAL(devloc)[1] = yy;
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_lineTo(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP arrow)
double xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1;
double xx, yy;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc;
LTransform transform;
SEXP devloc, prevloc;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
PROTECT(prevloc = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_PREVLOC));
PROTECT(devloc = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRLOC));
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
gcontextFromgpar(currentgp, 0, &gc, dd);
/* Convert the x and y values to CM locations */
transformLocn(x, y, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&xx, &yy);
REAL(prevloc)[0] = REAL(devloc)[0];
REAL(prevloc)[1] = REAL(devloc)[1];
REAL(devloc)[0] = xx;
REAL(devloc)[1] = yy;
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx0 = toDeviceX(REAL(prevloc)[0], GE_INCHES, dd);
yy0 = toDeviceY(REAL(prevloc)[1], GE_INCHES, dd),
xx1 = toDeviceX(xx, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy1 = toDeviceY(yy, GE_INCHES, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx0) && R_FINITE(yy0) &&
R_FINITE(xx1) && R_FINITE(yy1)) {
GEMode(1, dd);
GELine(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1, &gc, dd);
if (!isNull(arrow)) {
double ax[2], ay[2];
ax[0] = xx0;
ax[1] = xx1;
ay[0] = yy0;
ay[1] = yy1;
arrows(ax, ay, 2,
arrow, 0, TRUE, TRUE,
vpc, vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM, &gc, dd);
GEMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
/* We are assuming here that the R code has checked that x and y
* are unit objects and that vp is a viewport
SEXP L_lines(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP index, SEXP arrow)
int i, j, nx, nl, start=0;
double *xx, *yy;
double xold, yold;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
const void *vmax;
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
GEMode(1, dd);
* Number of lines
nl = LENGTH(index);
for (j=0; j<nl; j++) {
SEXP indices = VECTOR_ELT(index, j);
updateGContext(currentgp, j, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
* Number of vertices
* x and y same length forced in R code
nx = LENGTH(indices);
/* Convert the x and y values to CM locations */
vmax = vmaxget();
xx = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
yy = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
xold = NA_REAL;
yold = NA_REAL;
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
transformLocn(x, y, INTEGER(indices)[i] - 1, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&(xx[i]), &(yy[i]));
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx[i] = toDeviceX(xx[i], GE_INCHES, dd);
yy[i] = toDeviceY(yy[i], GE_INCHES, dd);
if ((R_FINITE(xx[i]) && R_FINITE(yy[i])) &&
!(R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)))
start = i;
else if ((R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)) &&
!(R_FINITE(xx[i]) && R_FINITE(yy[i]))) {
if (i-start > 1) {
GEPolyline(i-start, xx+start, yy+start, &gc, dd);
if (!isNull(arrow)) {
* Can draw an arrow at the start if the points
* include the first point.
* CANNOT draw an arrow at the end point
* because we have just broken the line for an NA.
arrows(xx+start, yy+start, i-start,
arrow, j, start == 0, FALSE,
vpc, vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM, &gc, dd);
else if ((R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)) &&
(i == nx-1)) {
GEPolyline(nx-start, xx+start, yy+start, &gc, dd);
if (!isNull(arrow)) {
* Can draw an arrow at the start if the points
* include the first point.
* Can draw an arrow at the end point.
arrows(xx+start, yy+start, nx-start,
arrow, j, start == 0, TRUE,
vpc, vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM, &gc, dd);
xold = xx[i];
yold = yy[i];
GEMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
/* We are assuming here that the R code has checked that x and y
* are unit objects
SEXP gridXspline(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP s, SEXP o, SEXP a, SEXP rep, SEXP index,
double theta, Rboolean draw, Rboolean trace)
int i, j, nx, np, nloc;
double *xx, *yy, *ss;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
SEXP tracePts = R_NilValue;
SEXP result = R_NilValue;
double edgex, edgey;
double xmin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double xmax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
* Number of xsplines
np = LENGTH(index);
PROTECT(tracePts = allocVector(VECSXP, np));
nloc = 0;
for (i=0; i<np; i++) {
const void *vmax;
SEXP indices = VECTOR_ELT(index, i);
SEXP points;
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
* Number of vertices
* Check in R code that x and y same length
nx = LENGTH(indices);
/* Convert the x and y values to CM locations */
vmax = vmaxget();
if (draw)
GEMode(1, dd);
xx = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
yy = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
ss = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
for (j=0; j<nx; j++) {
ss[j] = REAL(s)[(INTEGER(indices)[j] - 1) % LENGTH(s)];
* If drawing, convert to INCHES on device
* If just calculating bounds, convert to INCHES within current vp
if (draw) {
transformLocn(x, y, INTEGER(indices)[j] - 1, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&(xx[j]), &(yy[j]));
} else {
xx[j] = transformXtoINCHES(x, INTEGER(indices)[j] - 1,
vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
yy[j] = transformYtoINCHES(y, INTEGER(indices)[j] - 1,
vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx[j] = toDeviceX(xx[j], GE_INCHES, dd);
yy[j] = toDeviceY(yy[j], GE_INCHES, dd);
if (!(R_FINITE(xx[j]) && R_FINITE(yy[j]))) {
error(_("non-finite control point in Xspline"));
PROTECT(points = GEXspline(nx, xx, yy, ss,
LOGICAL(o)[0], LOGICAL(rep)[0],
draw, &gc, dd));
* In some cases, GEXspline seems to produce identical points
* (at least observed at end of spline)
* so trim identical points from the ends
* (so arrow heads are drawn at correct angle)
int np = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(points, 0));
double *px = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(points, 0));
double *py = REAL(VECTOR_ELT(points, 1));
int start = 0;
int end = np - 1;
int k;
for (k=0; k<np; k++) {
GESymbol(px[k], py[k], 16, 3, &gc, dd);
while (np > 1 &&
(px[start] == px[start + 1]) &&
(py[start] == py[start + 1])) {
while (np > 1 &&
(px[end] == px[end - 1]) &&
(py[end] == py[end - 1])) {
if (trace) {
int k;
int count = end - start + 1;
double *keepXptr, *keepYptr;
SEXP keepPoints, keepX, keepY;
PROTECT(keepPoints = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
PROTECT(keepX = allocVector(REALSXP, count));
PROTECT(keepY = allocVector(REALSXP, count));
keepXptr = REAL(keepX);
keepYptr = REAL(keepY);
for (k=start; k<(end + 1); k++) {
keepXptr[k - start] = fromDeviceX(px[k], GE_INCHES, dd);
keepYptr[k - start] = fromDeviceY(py[k], GE_INCHES, dd);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(keepPoints, 0, keepX);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(keepPoints, 1, keepY);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(tracePts, i, keepPoints);
UNPROTECT(3); /* keepPoints & keepX & keepY */
if (draw && !isNull(a) && !isNull(points)) {
* Can draw an arrow at the either end.
arrows(&(px[start]), &(py[start]), np,
a, i, TRUE, TRUE,
vpc, vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM, &gc, dd);
if (!draw && !trace && !isNull(points)) {
* Update bounds
int j, n = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(points, 0));
double *pxx = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
double *pyy = (double *) R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
pxx[j] = fromDeviceX(px[j], GE_INCHES, dd);
pyy[j] = fromDeviceY(py[j], GE_INCHES, dd);
if (R_FINITE(pxx[j]) && R_FINITE(pyy[j])) {
if (pxx[j] < xmin)
xmin = pxx[j];
if (pxx[j] > xmax)
xmax = pxx[j];
if (pyy[j] < ymin)
ymin = pyy[j];
if (pyy[j] > ymax)
ymax = pyy[j];
* Calculate edgex and edgey for case where this is
* the only xspline
hullEdge(pxx, pyy, n, theta, &edgex, &edgey);
} /* End of trimming-redundant-points code */
UNPROTECT(1); /* points */
if (draw)
GEMode(0, dd);
if (!draw && !trace && nloc > 0) {
PROTECT(result = allocVector(REALSXP, 4));
* If there is more than one xspline, just produce edge
* based on bounding rect of all xsplines
if (np > 1) {
rectEdge(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, theta,
&edgex, &edgey);
* Reverse the scale adjustment (zoom factor)
* when calculating physical value to return to user-level
REAL(result)[0] = edgex /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[1] = edgey /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[2] = (xmax - xmin) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[3] = (ymax - ymin) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
UNPROTECT(1); /* result */
} else if (trace) {
result = tracePts;
UNPROTECT(1); /* tracePts */
return result;
SEXP L_xspline(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP s, SEXP o, SEXP a, SEXP rep, SEXP index)
gridXspline(x, y, s, o, a, rep, index, 0, TRUE, FALSE);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_xsplineBounds(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP s, SEXP o, SEXP a, SEXP rep,
SEXP index, SEXP theta)
return gridXspline(x, y, s, o, a, rep, index, REAL(theta)[0],
SEXP L_xsplinePoints(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP s, SEXP o, SEXP a, SEXP rep,
SEXP index, SEXP theta)
return gridXspline(x, y, s, o, a, rep, index, REAL(theta)[0],
SEXP L_segments(SEXP x0, SEXP y0, SEXP x1, SEXP y1, SEXP arrow)
int i, nx0, ny0, nx1, ny1, maxn;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
maxn = nx0 = unitLength(x0);
ny0 = unitLength(y0);
nx1 = unitLength(x1);
ny1 = unitLength(y1);
if (ny0 > maxn)
maxn = ny0;
if (nx1 > maxn)
maxn = nx1;
if (ny1 > maxn)
maxn = ny1;
/* Convert the x and y values to INCHES locations */
/* FIXME: Need to check for NaN's and NA's
GEMode(1, dd);
for (i=0; i<maxn; i++) {
double xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1;
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
transformLocn(x0, y0, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, transform, &xx0, &yy0);
transformLocn(x1, y1, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, transform, &xx1, &yy1);
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx0 = toDeviceX(xx0, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy0 = toDeviceY(yy0, GE_INCHES, dd);
xx1 = toDeviceX(xx1, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy1 = toDeviceY(yy1, GE_INCHES, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx0) && R_FINITE(yy0) &&
R_FINITE(xx1) && R_FINITE(yy1)) {
GELine(xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1, &gc, dd);
if (!isNull(arrow)) {
double ax[2], ay[2];
ax[0] = xx0;
ax[1] = xx1;
ay[0] = yy0;
ay[1] = yy1;
arrows(ax, ay, 2,
arrow, i, TRUE, TRUE,
vpc, vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM, &gc, dd);
GEMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
static int getArrowN(SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP xnm1, SEXP xn,
SEXP y1, SEXP y2, SEXP ynm1, SEXP yn)
int nx2, nxnm1, nxn, ny1, ny2, nynm1, nyn, maxn;
maxn = 0;
* x1, y1, xnm1, and ynm1 could be NULL if this is adding
* arrows to a
if (isNull(y1))
ny1 = 0;
ny1 = unitLength(y1);
nx2 = unitLength(x2);
ny2 = unitLength(y2);
if (isNull(xnm1))
nxnm1 = 0;
nxnm1 = unitLength(xnm1);
if (isNull(ynm1))
nynm1 = 0;
nynm1 = unitLength(ynm1);
nxn = unitLength(xn);
nyn = unitLength(yn);
if (ny1 > maxn)
maxn = ny1;
if (nx2 > maxn)
maxn = nx2;
if (ny2 > maxn)
maxn = ny2;
if (nxnm1 > maxn)
maxn = nxnm1;
if (nynm1 > maxn)
maxn = nynm1;
if (nxn > maxn)
maxn = nxn;
if (nyn > maxn)
maxn = nyn;
return maxn;
SEXP L_arrows(SEXP x1, SEXP x2, SEXP xnm1, SEXP xn,
SEXP y1, SEXP y2, SEXP ynm1, SEXP yn,
SEXP angle, SEXP length, SEXP ends, SEXP type)
int i, maxn;
int ne;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
Rboolean first, last;
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
SEXP devloc = R_NilValue; /* -Wall */
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
maxn = getArrowN(x1, x2, xnm1, xn,
y1, y2, ynm1, yn);
ne = LENGTH(ends);
/* Convert the x and y values to INCHES locations */
/* FIXME: Need to check for NaN's and NA's
GEMode(1, dd);
for (i=0; i<maxn; i++) {
double xx1, xx2, xxnm1, xxn, yy1, yy2, yynm1, yyn;
double vertx[3];
double verty[3];
first = TRUE;
last = TRUE;
switch (INTEGER(ends)[i % ne]) {
case 2:
first = FALSE;
case 1:
last = FALSE;
gcontextFromgpar(currentgp, i, &gc, dd);
* If we're adding arrows to a
* x1 will be NULL
if (isNull(x1))
PROTECT(devloc = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRLOC));
if (first) {
if (isNull(x1)) {
xx1 = REAL(devloc)[0];
yy1 = REAL(devloc)[1];
} else
transformLocn(x1, y1, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, transform, &xx1, &yy1);
transformLocn(x2, y2, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, transform, &xx2, &yy2);
calcArrow(xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, angle, length, i,
vpc, vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
vertx, verty, &gc, dd);
* Only draw arrow if both ends of first segment
* are not non-finite
if (R_FINITE(toDeviceX(xx2, GE_INCHES, dd)) &&
R_FINITE(toDeviceY(yy2, GE_INCHES, dd)) &&
R_FINITE(vertx[1]) && R_FINITE(verty[1]))
drawArrow(vertx, verty, type, i, &gc, dd);
if (last) {
if (isNull(xnm1)) {
xxnm1 = REAL(devloc)[0];
yynm1 = REAL(devloc)[1];
} else
transformLocn(xnm1, ynm1, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, transform, &xxnm1, &yynm1);
transformLocn(xn, yn, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, transform, &xxn, &yyn);
calcArrow(xxn, yyn, xxnm1, yynm1, angle, length, i,
vpc, vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
vertx, verty, &gc, dd);
* Only draw arrow if both ends of laste segment are
* not non-finite
if (R_FINITE(toDeviceX(xxnm1, GE_INCHES, dd)) &&
R_FINITE(toDeviceY(yynm1, GE_INCHES, dd)) &&
R_FINITE(vertx[1]) && R_FINITE(verty[1]))
drawArrow(vertx, verty, type, i, &gc, dd);
if (isNull(x1))
GEMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_polygon(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP index)
int i, j, nx, np, start=0;
double *xx, *yy;
double xold, yold;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
GEMode(1, dd);
* Number of polygons
np = LENGTH(index);
for (i=0; i<np; i++) {
const void *vmax;
SEXP indices = VECTOR_ELT(index, i);
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
* Number of vertices
* Check in R code that x and y same length
nx = LENGTH(indices);
/* Convert the x and y values to CM locations */
vmax = vmaxget();
xx = (double *) R_alloc(nx + 1, sizeof(double));
yy = (double *) R_alloc(nx + 1, sizeof(double));
xold = NA_REAL;
yold = NA_REAL;
for (j=0; j<nx; j++) {
transformLocn(x, y, INTEGER(indices)[j] - 1, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&(xx[j]), &(yy[j]));
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx[j] = toDeviceX(xx[j], GE_INCHES, dd);
yy[j] = toDeviceY(yy[j], GE_INCHES, dd);
if ((R_FINITE(xx[j]) && R_FINITE(yy[j])) &&
!(R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)))
start = j; /* first point of current segment */
else if ((R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)) &&
!(R_FINITE(xx[j]) && R_FINITE(yy[j]))) {
if (j-start > 1) {
GEPolygon(j-start, xx+start, yy+start, &gc, dd);
else if ((R_FINITE(xold) && R_FINITE(yold)) && (j == nx-1)) {
/* last */
GEPolygon(nx-start, xx+start, yy+start, &gc, dd);
xold = xx[j];
yold = yy[j];
GEMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
static SEXP gridCircle(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP r,
double theta, Rboolean draw)
int i, nx, ny, nr, ncirc;
double xx, yy, rr1, rr2, rr = 0.0 /* -Wall */;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
SEXP result = R_NilValue;
double xmin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double xmax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
double edgex, edgey;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
nx = unitLength(x);
ny = unitLength(y);
nr = unitLength(r);
if (ny > nx)
nx = ny;
if (nr > nx)
nx = nr;
if (draw) {
GEMode(1, dd);
ncirc = 0;
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
* If drawing, convert to INCHES on device
* If just calculating bounds, convert to INCHES within current vp
if (draw) {
transformLocn(x, y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&xx, &yy);
} else {
xx = transformXtoINCHES(x, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
yy = transformYtoINCHES(y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
/* These two will give the same answer unless r is in "native",
* "npc", or some other relative units; in those cases, just
* take the smaller of the two values.
rr1 = transformWidthtoINCHES(r, i % nr, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
rr2 = transformHeighttoINCHES(r, i % nr, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
* A negative radius is silently converted to absolute value
rr = fmin2(fabs(rr1), fabs(rr2));
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy) && R_FINITE(rr)) {
if (draw) {
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx = toDeviceX(xx, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy = toDeviceY(yy, GE_INCHES, dd);
rr = toDeviceWidth(rr, GE_INCHES, dd);
GECircle(xx, yy, rr, &gc, dd);
} else {
if (xx + rr < xmin)
xmin = xx + rr;
if (xx + rr > xmax)
xmax = xx + rr;
if (xx - rr < xmin)
xmin = xx - rr;
if (xx - rr > xmax)
xmax = xx - rr;
if (yy + rr < ymin)
ymin = yy + rr;
if (yy + rr > ymax)
ymax = yy + rr;
if (yy - rr < ymin)
ymin = yy - rr;
if (yy - rr > ymax)
ymax = yy - rr;
if (draw) {
GEMode(0, dd);
} else if (ncirc > 0) {
result = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
if (ncirc == 1) {
* Produce edge of actual circle
circleEdge(xx, yy, rr, theta, &edgex, &edgey);
} else {
* Produce edge of rect bounding all circles
rectEdge(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, theta,
&edgex, &edgey);
* Reverse the scale adjustment (zoom factor)
* when calculating physical value to return to user-level
REAL(result)[0] = edgex /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[1] = edgey /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[2] = (xmax - xmin) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[3] = (ymax - ymin) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
return result;
SEXP L_circle(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP r)
gridCircle(x, y, r, 0, TRUE);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_circleBounds(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP r, SEXP theta)
return gridCircle(x, y, r, REAL(theta)[0], FALSE);
/* We are assuming here that the R code has checked that
* x, y, w, and h are all unit objects and that vp is a viewport
static SEXP gridRect(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP w, SEXP h,
SEXP hjust, SEXP vjust, double theta, Rboolean draw)
double xx, yy, ww, hh;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
int i, ny, nw, nh, maxn, nrect;
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
SEXP result = R_NilValue;
double edgex, edgey;
double xmin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double xmax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
maxn = unitLength(x);
ny = unitLength(y);
nw = unitLength(w);
nh = unitLength(h);
if (ny > maxn)
maxn = ny;
if (nw > maxn)
maxn = nw;
if (nh > maxn)
maxn = nh;
if (draw) {
GEMode(1, dd);
nrect = 0;
for (i=0; i<maxn; i++) {
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
* If drawing, convert to INCHES on device
* If just calculating bounds, convert to INCHES within current vp
if (draw) {
transformLocn(x, y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&xx, &yy);
} else {
xx = transformXtoINCHES(x, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
yy = transformYtoINCHES(y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
ww = transformWidthtoINCHES(w, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
hh = transformHeighttoINCHES(h, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
/* If the total rotation angle is zero then we can draw a
* rectangle as the devices understand rectangles
* Otherwise we have to draw a polygon equivalent.
if (draw) {
if (rotationAngle == 0) {
xx = justifyX(xx, ww, REAL(hjust)[i % LENGTH(hjust)]);
yy = justifyY(yy, hh, REAL(vjust)[i % LENGTH(vjust)]);
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx = toDeviceX(xx, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy = toDeviceY(yy, GE_INCHES, dd);
ww = toDeviceWidth(ww, GE_INCHES, dd);
hh = toDeviceHeight(hh, GE_INCHES, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy) &&
R_FINITE(ww) && R_FINITE(hh))
GERect(xx, yy, xx + ww, yy + hh, &gc, dd);
} else {
/* We have to do a little bit of work to figure out where the
* corners of the rectangle are.
double xxx[5], yyy[5], xadj, yadj;
double dw, dh;
SEXP zeroInches, xadjInches, yadjInches, wwInches, hhInches;
int tmpcol;
PROTECT(zeroInches = unit(0, L_INCHES));
/* Find bottom-left location */
justification(ww, hh,
REAL(hjust)[i % LENGTH(hjust)],
REAL(vjust)[i % LENGTH(vjust)],
&xadj, &yadj);
PROTECT(xadjInches = unit(xadj, L_INCHES));
PROTECT(yadjInches = unit(yadj, L_INCHES));
transformDimn(xadjInches, yadjInches, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, rotationAngle,
&dw, &dh);
xxx[0] = xx + dw;
yyy[0] = yy + dh;
/* Find top-left location */
PROTECT(hhInches = unit(hh, L_INCHES));
transformDimn(zeroInches, hhInches, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, rotationAngle,
&dw, &dh);
xxx[1] = xxx[0] + dw;
yyy[1] = yyy[0] + dh;
/* Find top-right location */
PROTECT(wwInches = unit(ww, L_INCHES));
transformDimn(wwInches, hhInches, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, rotationAngle,
&dw, &dh);
xxx[2] = xxx[0] + dw;
yyy[2] = yyy[0] + dh;
/* Find bottom-right location */
transformDimn(wwInches, zeroInches, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, rotationAngle,
&dw, &dh);
xxx[3] = xxx[0] + dw;
yyy[3] = yyy[0] + dh;
if (R_FINITE(xxx[0]) && R_FINITE(yyy[0]) &&
R_FINITE(xxx[1]) && R_FINITE(yyy[1]) &&
R_FINITE(xxx[2]) && R_FINITE(yyy[2]) &&
R_FINITE(xxx[3]) && R_FINITE(yyy[3])) {
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xxx[0] = toDeviceX(xxx[0], GE_INCHES, dd);
yyy[0] = toDeviceY(yyy[0], GE_INCHES, dd);
xxx[1] = toDeviceX(xxx[1], GE_INCHES, dd);
yyy[1] = toDeviceY(yyy[1], GE_INCHES, dd);
xxx[2] = toDeviceX(xxx[2], GE_INCHES, dd);
yyy[2] = toDeviceY(yyy[2], GE_INCHES, dd);
xxx[3] = toDeviceX(xxx[3], GE_INCHES, dd);
yyy[3] = toDeviceY(yyy[3], GE_INCHES, dd);
/* Close the polygon */
xxx[4] = xxx[0];
yyy[4] = yyy[0];
/* Do separate fill and border to avoid border being
* drawn on clipping boundary when there is a fill
tmpcol = gc.col;
gc.col = R_TRANWHITE;
GEPolygon(5, xxx, yyy, &gc, dd);
gc.col = tmpcol;
gc.fill = R_TRANWHITE;
GEPolygon(5, xxx, yyy, &gc, dd);
} else { /* Just calculating boundary */
xx = justifyX(xx, ww, REAL(hjust)[i % LENGTH(hjust)]);
yy = justifyY(yy, hh, REAL(vjust)[i % LENGTH(vjust)]);
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy) &&
R_FINITE(ww) && R_FINITE(hh)) {
if (xx < xmin)
xmin = xx;
if (xx > xmax)
xmax = xx;
if (xx + ww < xmin)
xmin = xx + ww;
if (xx + ww > xmax)
xmax = xx + ww;
if (yy < ymin)
ymin = yy;
if (yy > ymax)
ymax = yy;
if (yy + hh < ymin)
ymin = yy + hh;
if (yy + hh > ymax)
ymax = yy + hh;
* Calculate edgex and edgey for case where this is
* the only rect
rectEdge(xx, yy, xx + ww, yy + hh, theta,
&edgex, &edgey);
if (draw) {
GEMode(0, dd);
if (nrect > 0) {
result = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
* If there is more than one rect, just produce edge
* based on bounding rect of all rects
if (nrect > 1) {
rectEdge(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, theta,
&edgex, &edgey);
* Reverse the scale adjustment (zoom factor)
* when calculating physical value to return to user-level
REAL(result)[0] = edgex /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[1] = edgey /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[2] = (xmax - xmin) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[3] = (ymax - ymin) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
return result;
SEXP L_rect(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP w, SEXP h, SEXP hjust, SEXP vjust)
gridRect(x, y, w, h, hjust, vjust, 0, TRUE);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_rectBounds(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP w, SEXP h, SEXP hjust, SEXP vjust,
SEXP theta)
return gridRect(x, y, w, h, hjust, vjust, REAL(theta)[0], FALSE);
/* FIXME: need to add L_pathBounds ? */
SEXP L_path(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP index, SEXP rule)
int i, j, k, h, npoly, *nper, ntot;
double *xx, *yy;
const void *vmax;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
GEMode(1, dd);
* Iterate over all paths
for (h = 0; h < LENGTH(index); h++) {
SEXP polyInd = VECTOR_ELT(index, h);
* Number of polygons
npoly = LENGTH(polyInd);
* Total number of points and
* Number of points per polygon
ntot = 0;
nper = (int *) R_alloc(npoly, sizeof(int));
for (i=0; i < npoly; i++) {
nper[i] = LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(polyInd, i));
ntot = ntot + nper[i];
vmax = vmaxget();
xx = (double *) R_alloc(ntot, sizeof(double));
yy = (double *) R_alloc(ntot, sizeof(double));
k = 0;
for (i=0; i < npoly; i++) {
int *indices = INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(polyInd, i));
for (j=0; j < nper[i]; j++) {
transformLocn(x, y, indices[j] - 1, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&(xx[k]), &(yy[k]));
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx[k] = toDeviceX(xx[k], GE_INCHES, dd);
yy[k] = toDeviceY(yy[k], GE_INCHES, dd);
/* NO NA values allowed in 'x' or 'y'
if (!R_FINITE(xx[k]) || !R_FINITE(yy[k]))
error(_("non-finite x or y in graphics path"));
updateGContext(currentgp, h, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
GEPath(xx, yy, npoly, nper, INTEGER(rule)[0], &gc, dd);
GEMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
/* FIXME: need to add L_rasterBounds */
/* FIXME: Add more checks on correct inputs,
e.g., Raster should be a matrix of R colors */
SEXP L_raster(SEXP raster, SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP w, SEXP h,
SEXP hjust, SEXP vjust, SEXP interpolate)
const void *vmax;
int i, n, ny, nw, nh, maxn;
double xx, yy, ww, hh;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
SEXP dim;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
unsigned int *image;
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
/* Convert the raster matrix to R internal colours */
n = LENGTH(raster);
if (n <= 0) {
error(_("Empty raster"));
vmax = vmaxget();
/* raster is rather inefficient so allow a native representation as
an integer array which requires no conversion */
if (inherits(raster, "nativeRaster") && isInteger(raster)) {
image = (unsigned int*) INTEGER(raster);
} else {
image = (unsigned int*) R_alloc(n, sizeof(unsigned int));
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
image[i] = RGBpar3(raster, i, R_TRANWHITE);
dim = getAttrib(raster, R_DimSymbol);
maxn = unitLength(x);
ny = unitLength(y);
nw = unitLength(w);
nh = unitLength(h);
if (ny > maxn)
maxn = ny;
if (nw > maxn)
maxn = nw;
if (nh > maxn)
maxn = nh;
GEMode(1, dd);
for (i=0; i<maxn; i++) {
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
transformLocn(x, y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&xx, &yy);
ww = transformWidthtoINCHES(w, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
hh = transformHeighttoINCHES(h, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
if (rotationAngle == 0) {
xx = justifyX(xx, ww, REAL(hjust)[i % LENGTH(hjust)]);
yy = justifyY(yy, hh, REAL(vjust)[i % LENGTH(vjust)]);
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx = toDeviceX(xx, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy = toDeviceY(yy, GE_INCHES, dd);
ww = toDeviceWidth(ww, GE_INCHES, dd);
hh = toDeviceHeight(hh, GE_INCHES, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy) &&
R_FINITE(ww) && R_FINITE(hh))
GERaster(image, INTEGER(dim)[1], INTEGER(dim)[0],
xx, yy, ww, hh, rotationAngle,
LOGICAL(interpolate)[i % LENGTH(interpolate)],
&gc, dd);
} else {
/* We have to do a little bit of work to figure out where the
* bottom-left corner of the image is.
double xbl, ybl, xadj, yadj;
double dw, dh;
SEXP xadjInches, yadjInches;
/* Find bottom-left location */
justification(ww, hh,
REAL(hjust)[i % LENGTH(hjust)],
REAL(vjust)[i % LENGTH(vjust)],
&xadj, &yadj);
PROTECT(xadjInches = unit(xadj, L_INCHES));
PROTECT(yadjInches = unit(yadj, L_INCHES));
transformDimn(xadjInches, yadjInches, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
dd, rotationAngle,
&dw, &dh);
xbl = xx + dw;
ybl = yy + dh;
xbl = toDeviceX(xbl, GE_INCHES, dd);
ybl = toDeviceY(ybl, GE_INCHES, dd);
ww = toDeviceWidth(ww, GE_INCHES, dd);
hh = toDeviceHeight(hh, GE_INCHES, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xbl) && R_FINITE(ybl) &&
R_FINITE(ww) && R_FINITE(hh)) {
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
GERaster(image, INTEGER(dim)[1], INTEGER(dim)[0],
xbl, ybl, ww, hh, rotationAngle,
LOGICAL(interpolate)[i % LENGTH(interpolate)],
&gc, dd);
GEMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_cap()
int i, col, row, nrow, ncol, size;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
int *rint;
SEXP raster;
/* The raster is R internal colours, so convert to
* R external colours (strings)
* AND the raster is BY ROW so need to rearrange it
* to be BY COLUMN (though the dimensions are correct) */
SEXP image, idim;
PROTECT(raster = GECap(dd));
/* Non-complying devices will return NULL */
if (isNull(raster)) {
image = raster;
} else {
size = LENGTH(raster);
nrow = INTEGER(getAttrib(raster, R_DimSymbol))[0];
ncol = INTEGER(getAttrib(raster, R_DimSymbol))[1];
PROTECT(image = allocVector(STRSXP, size));
rint = INTEGER(raster);
for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
col = i % ncol + 1;
row = i / ncol + 1;
SET_STRING_ELT(image, (col - 1)*nrow + row - 1,
PROTECT(idim = allocVector(INTSXP, 2));
INTEGER(idim)[0] = nrow;
INTEGER(idim)[1] = ncol;
setAttrib(image, R_DimSymbol, idim);
return image;
* Code to draw OR size text
* Combined to avoid code replication
static SEXP gridText(SEXP label, SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP hjust, SEXP vjust,
SEXP rot, SEXP checkOverlap, double theta, Rboolean draw)
int i, nx, ny;
double *xx, *yy;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP txt, result = R_NilValue;
double edgex, edgey;
double xmin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double xmax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
* Bounding rectangles for checking overlapping
* Initialised to shut up compiler
LRect *bounds = NULL;
LRect trect;
int numBounds = 0;
int overlapChecking = LOGICAL(checkOverlap)[0];
const void *vmax;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
nx = unitLength(x);
ny = unitLength(y);
if (ny > nx)
nx = ny;
vmax = vmaxget();
xx = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
yy = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
* If drawing, convert to INCHES on device
* If just calculating bounds, convert to INCHES within current vp
if (draw) {
transformLocn(x, y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&(xx[i]), &(yy[i]));
} else {
xx[i] = transformXtoINCHES(x, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
yy[i] = transformYtoINCHES(y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
/* The label can be a string or an expression
PROTECT(txt = label);
if (isSymbol(txt) || isLanguage(txt))
txt = coerceVector(txt, EXPRSXP);
else if (!isExpression(txt))
txt = coerceVector(txt, STRSXP);
if (overlapChecking || !draw) {
bounds = (LRect *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(LRect));
* Check we have any text to draw
if (LENGTH(txt) > 0) {
int ntxt = 0;
if (draw) {
* Drawing text
GEMode(1, dd);
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
int doDrawing = 1;
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
* Generate bounding boxes when checking for overlap
* or sizing text
if (overlapChecking || !draw) {
int j = 0;
textRect(xx[i], yy[i], txt, i, &gc,
REAL(hjust)[i % LENGTH(hjust)],
REAL(vjust)[i % LENGTH(vjust)],
* When calculating bounding rect for text
* only consider rotation of text within
* local context, not relative to device
* (so don't add rotationAngle)
numeric(rot, i % LENGTH(rot)),
dd, &trect);
while (doDrawing && (j < numBounds))
if (intersect(trect, bounds[j++]))
doDrawing = 0;
if (doDrawing) {
copyRect(trect, &(bounds[numBounds]));
if (draw && doDrawing) {
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx[i] = toDeviceX(xx[i], GE_INCHES, dd);
yy[i] = toDeviceY(yy[i], GE_INCHES, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx[i]) && R_FINITE(yy[i])) {
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
if (isExpression(txt))
GEMathText(xx[i], yy[i],
VECTOR_ELT(txt, i % LENGTH(txt)),
REAL(hjust)[i % LENGTH(hjust)],
REAL(vjust)[i % LENGTH(vjust)],
numeric(rot, i % LENGTH(rot)) +
&gc, dd);
GEText(xx[i], yy[i],
CHAR(STRING_ELT(txt, i % LENGTH(txt))),
(gc.fontface == 5) ? CE_SYMBOL :
getCharCE(STRING_ELT(txt, i % LENGTH(txt))),
REAL(hjust)[i % LENGTH(hjust)],
REAL(vjust)[i % LENGTH(vjust)],
numeric(rot, i % LENGTH(rot)) +
&gc, dd);
if (!draw) {
double minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
* Sizing text
if (R_FINITE(xx[i]) && R_FINITE(yy[i])) {
minx = fmin2(trect.x1,
fmin2(trect.x3, trect.x4)));
if (minx < xmin)
xmin = minx;
maxx = fmax2(trect.x1,
fmax2(trect.x3, trect.x4)));
if (maxx > xmax)
xmax = maxx;
miny = fmin2(trect.y1,
fmin2(trect.y3, trect.y4)));
if (miny < ymin)
ymin = miny;
maxy = fmax2(trect.y1,
fmax2(trect.y3, trect.y4)));
if (maxy > ymax)
ymax = maxy;
* Calculate edgex and edgey for case where this is
* the only rect
double xxx[4], yyy[4];
* Must be in clock-wise order for polygonEdge
xxx[0] = trect.x4; yyy[0] = trect.y4;
xxx[1] = trect.x3; yyy[1] = trect.y3;
xxx[2] = trect.x2; yyy[2] = trect.y2;
xxx[3] = trect.x1; yyy[3] = trect.y1;
polygonEdge(xxx, yyy, 4, theta,
&edgex, &edgey);
if (draw) {
GEMode(0, dd);
if (ntxt > 0) {
result = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
* If there is more than one text, just produce edge
* based on bounding rect of all text
if (ntxt > 1) {
* Produce edge of rect bounding all text
rectEdge(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, theta,
&edgex, &edgey);
* Reverse the scale adjustment (zoom factor)
* when calculating physical value to return to user-level
REAL(result)[0] = edgex /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[1] = edgey /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[2] = (xmax - xmin) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[3] = (ymax - ymin) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
return result;
SEXP L_text(SEXP label, SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP hjust, SEXP vjust,
SEXP rot, SEXP checkOverlap)
gridText(label, x, y, hjust, vjust, rot, checkOverlap, 0, TRUE);
return R_NilValue;
* Return four values representing boundary of text (which may consist
* of multiple pieces of text, unaligned, and/or rotated)
* in INCHES.
* Result is (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
* Return NULL if no text to draw; R code will generate unit from that
SEXP L_textBounds(SEXP label, SEXP x, SEXP y,
SEXP hjust, SEXP vjust, SEXP rot, SEXP theta)
SEXP checkOverlap = allocVector(LGLSXP, 1);
LOGICAL(checkOverlap)[0] = FALSE;
return gridText(label, x, y, hjust, vjust, rot, checkOverlap,
REAL(theta)[0], FALSE);
SEXP L_points(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP pch, SEXP size)
int i, nx, npch, nss;
/* double *xx, *yy;*/
double *xx, *yy, *ss;
int *ps;
int pType;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
double symbolSize;
const void *vmax;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
nx = unitLength(x);
npch = LENGTH(pch);
* Need to take vector gpar elements into account that may affect unit size
* calculations
nss = unitLength(size) * LENGTH(VECTOR_ELT(currentgp, GP_FONTSIZE)) *
nss = nss > nx ? nx : nss;
/* Convert the x and y values to CM locations */
vmax = vmaxget();
xx = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
yy = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
transformLocn(x, y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&(xx[i]), &(yy[i]));
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx[i] = toDeviceX(xx[i], GE_INCHES, dd);
yy[i] = toDeviceY(yy[i], GE_INCHES, dd);
ss = (double *) R_alloc(nss, sizeof(double));
for (i=0; i < nss; i++) {
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
ss[i] = transformWidthtoINCHES(size, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM, dd);
ss[i] = toDeviceWidth(ss[i], GE_INCHES, dd);
ps = (int *) R_alloc(npch, sizeof(int));
if (isString(pch)) pType = 0;
else if (isInteger(pch)) pType = 1;
else if (isReal(pch)) pType = 2;
else pType = 3;
for (i=0; i < npch; i++) {
switch (pType) {
case 0:
* Resolve any differences between this and FixupPch()
* in plot.c ?
ps[i] = GEstring_to_pch(STRING_ELT(pch, i));
case 1:
ps[i] = INTEGER(pch)[i];
case 2:
ps[i] = R_FINITE(REAL(pch)[i]) ? (int) REAL(pch)[i] : NA_INTEGER;
GEMode(1, dd);
for (i=0; i<nx; i++)
if (R_FINITE(xx[i]) && R_FINITE(yy[i])) {
/* FIXME: The symbols will not respond to viewport
* rotations !!!
int ipch = NA_INTEGER /* -Wall */;
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
symbolSize = ss[i % nss];
if (R_FINITE(symbolSize)) {
if (pType == 3) {
error(_("invalid plotting symbol"));
ipch = ps[i % npch];
* special case for pch = "."
if (ipch == 46) symbolSize = gpCex(currentgp, i);
* For character-based symbols, we need to modify
* gc->cex so that the FONT size corresponds to
* the specified symbolSize.
GESymbol(xx[i], yy[i], ipch, symbolSize, &gc, dd);
GEMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_clip(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP w, SEXP h, SEXP hjust, SEXP vjust)
double xx, yy, ww, hh;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp, currentClip;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
GEMode(1, dd);
* Only set ONE clip rectangle (i.e., NOT vectorised)
gcontextFromgpar(currentgp, 0, &gc, dd);
transformLocn(x, y, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
&xx, &yy);
ww = transformWidthtoINCHES(w, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
hh = transformHeighttoINCHES(h, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
* We can ONLY clip if the total rotation angle is zero.
if (rotationAngle == 0) {
xx = justifyX(xx, ww, REAL(hjust)[0]);
yy = justifyY(yy, hh, REAL(vjust)[0]);
/* The graphics engine only takes device coordinates
xx = toDeviceX(xx, GE_INCHES, dd);
yy = toDeviceY(yy, GE_INCHES, dd);
ww = toDeviceWidth(ww, GE_INCHES, dd);
hh = toDeviceHeight(hh, GE_INCHES, dd);
if (R_FINITE(xx) && R_FINITE(yy) &&
R_FINITE(ww) && R_FINITE(hh)) {
GESetClip(xx, yy, xx + ww, yy + hh, dd);
* ALSO set the current clip region for the
* current viewport so that, if a viewport
* is pushed within the current viewport,
* when that viewport gets popped again,
* the clip region returns to what was set
* by THIS clipGrob (NOT to the current
* viewport's previous setting)
PROTECT(currentClip = allocVector(REALSXP, 4));
REAL(currentClip)[0] = xx;
REAL(currentClip)[1] = yy;
REAL(currentClip)[2] = xx + ww;
REAL(currentClip)[3] = yy + hh;
SET_VECTOR_ELT(currentvp, PVP_CLIPRECT, currentClip);
} else {
warning(_("unable to clip to rotated rectangle"));
GEMode(0, dd);
return R_NilValue;
SEXP L_pretty(SEXP scale) {
double min = numeric(scale, 0);
double max = numeric(scale, 1);
double temp;
/* FIXME: This is just a dummy pointer because we do not have
* log scales. This will cause death and destruction if it is
* not addressed when log scales are added !
double *usr = NULL;
double axp[3];
/* FIXME: Default preferred number of ticks hard coded ! */
int n = 5;
Rboolean swap = min > max;
* Feature:
* like R, something like xscale = c(100,0) just works
if(swap) {
temp = min; min = max; max = temp;
GEPretty(&min, &max, &n);
if(swap) {
temp = min; min = max; max = temp;
axp[0] = min;
axp[1] = max;
axp[2] = n;
/* FIXME: "log" flag hard-coded to FALSE because we do not
* have log scales yet
return Rf_CreateAtVector(axp, usr, n, FALSE);
* NOTE: This does not go through the graphics engine, but
* skips straight to the device to obtain a mouse click.
* This is because I do not want to put a GELocator in the
* graphics engine; that would be a crappy long term solution.
* I will wait for a better event-loop/call-back solution before
* doing something with the graphics engine.
* This is a stop gap in the meantime.
* The answer is in INCHES
SEXP L_locator() {
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
SEXP answer;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
GEMode(2, dd);
PROTECT(answer = allocVector(REALSXP, 2));
* Get a mouse click
* Fails if user did not click mouse button 1
if(dd->dev->locator && dd->dev->locator(&x, &y, dd->dev)) {
REAL(answer)[0] = fromDeviceX(x, GE_INCHES, dd);
REAL(answer)[1] = fromDeviceY(y, GE_INCHES, dd);
} else {
REAL(answer)[0] = NA_REAL;
REAL(answer)[1] = NA_REAL;
GEMode(0, dd);
return answer;
* ****************************************
* Calculating boundaries of primitives
* ****************************************
* Return four values representing boundary of set of locations
* in INCHES.
* Result is (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
* Used for lines, segments, polygons
SEXP L_locnBounds(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP theta)
int i, nx, ny, nloc;
double *xx, *yy;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
SEXP result = R_NilValue;
const void *vmax;
double xmin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double xmax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymin = DOUBLE_XMAX;
double ymax = -DOUBLE_XMAX;
double edgex, edgey;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
nx = unitLength(x);
ny = unitLength(y);
if (ny > nx)
nx = ny;
nloc = 0;
vmax = vmaxget();
if (nx > 0) {
xx = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
yy = (double *) R_alloc(nx, sizeof(double));
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
xx[i] = transformXtoINCHES(x, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
yy[i] = transformYtoINCHES(y, i, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
* Determine min/max x/y values
if (R_FINITE(xx[i]) && R_FINITE(yy[i])) {
if (xx[i] < xmin)
xmin = xx[i];
if (xx[i] > xmax)
xmax = xx[i];
if (yy[i] < ymin)
ymin = yy[i];
if (yy[i] > ymax)
ymax = yy[i];
if (nloc > 0) {
hullEdge(xx, yy, nx, REAL(theta)[0], &edgex, &edgey);
result = allocVector(REALSXP, 4);
* Reverse the scale adjustment (zoom factor)
* when calculating physical value to return to user-level
REAL(result)[0] = edgex /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[1] = edgey /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[2] = (xmax - xmin) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(result)[3] = (ymax - ymin) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
return result;
* ****************************************
* Calculating text metrics
* ****************************************
SEXP L_stringMetric(SEXP label)
int i, n;
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
int gpIsScalar[15] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc, gcCache;
LTransform transform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
SEXP txt;
SEXP result = R_NilValue;
SEXP ascent = R_NilValue;
SEXP descent = R_NilValue;
SEXP width = R_NilValue;
const void *vmax;
double asc, dsc, wid;
/* Get the current device
pGEDevDesc dd = getDevice();
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
getViewportContext(currentvp, &vpc);
initGContext(currentgp, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
/* The label can be a string or an expression: is protected.
txt = label;
if (isSymbol(txt) || isLanguage(txt))
txt = coerceVector(txt, EXPRSXP);
else if (!isExpression(txt))
txt = coerceVector(txt, STRSXP);
n = LENGTH(txt);
vmax = vmaxget();
PROTECT(ascent = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
PROTECT(descent = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
PROTECT(width = allocVector(REALSXP, n));
if (n > 0) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
updateGContext(currentgp, i, &gc, dd, gpIsScalar, &gcCache);
if (isExpression(txt))
GEExpressionMetric(VECTOR_ELT(txt, i % LENGTH(txt)), &gc,
&asc, &dsc, &wid,
GEStrMetric(CHAR(STRING_ELT(txt, i)),
getCharCE(STRING_ELT(txt, i)), &gc,
&asc, &dsc, &wid,
* Reverse the scale adjustment (zoom factor)
* when calculating physical value to return to user-level
REAL(ascent)[i] = fromDeviceHeight(asc, GE_INCHES, dd) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(descent)[i] = fromDeviceHeight(dsc, GE_INCHES, dd) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
REAL(width)[i] = fromDeviceWidth(wid, GE_INCHES, dd) /
REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
PROTECT(result = allocVector(VECSXP, 3));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 0, ascent);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 1, descent);
SET_VECTOR_ELT(result, 2, width);
return result;