blob: ff0f09ab38c7e6eeb050832c198c03b892f1c111 [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 2001-3 Paul Murrell
* 2003-2016 The R Core Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
#include "grid.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>
int isUnitArithmetic(SEXP ua) {
return inherits(ua, "unit.arithmetic");
int isUnitList(SEXP ul) {
return inherits(ul, "unit.list");
/* Function to build a single-value unit SEXP internally.
* Cannot build units requiring data as yet.
SEXP unit(double value, int unit)
SEXP u, units, classname;
PROTECT(u = ScalarReal(value));
PROTECT(units = ScalarInteger(unit));
/* NOTE that we do not set the "unit" attribute */
setAttrib(u, install("valid.unit"), units);
setAttrib(u, install("data"), R_NilValue);
PROTECT(classname = mkString("unit"));
classgets(u, classname);
return u;
/* Accessor functions for unit objects
* This is an attempt to extract a single numeric value from
* a unit. This is ONLY designed for use on "simple" units
* (i.e., NOT unitLists or unitArithmetics)
double unitValue(SEXP unit, int index) {
/* Recycle values if necessary (used in unit arithmetic)
int n = LENGTH(unit);
return numeric(unit, index % n);
int unitUnit(SEXP unit, int index) {
SEXP units = getAttrib(unit, install("valid.unit"));
/* Recycle units if necessary
int n = LENGTH(units);
return INTEGER(units)[index % n];
SEXP unitData(SEXP unit, int index) {
SEXP result;
SEXP data = getAttrib(unit, install("data"));
if (isNull(data))
result = R_NilValue;
else if(TYPEOF(data) == VECSXP) {
/* Recycle data if necessary
int n = LENGTH(data);
result = VECTOR_ELT(data, index % n);
} else {
warning("unit attribute 'data' is of incorrect type");
return R_NilValue;
return result;
/* Accessor functions for unit arithmetic object
const char* fName(SEXP ua) {
return CHAR(STRING_ELT(getListElement(ua, "fname"), 0));
SEXP arg1(SEXP ua) {
return getListElement(ua, "arg1");
SEXP arg2(SEXP ua) {
return getListElement(ua, "arg2");
int fNameMatch(SEXP ua, char *aString) {
return !strcmp(fName(ua), aString);
int addOp(SEXP ua) {
return fNameMatch(ua, "+");
int minusOp(SEXP ua) {
return fNameMatch(ua, "-");
int timesOp(SEXP ua) {
return fNameMatch(ua, "*");
int fOp(SEXP ua) {
return addOp(ua) || minusOp(ua) || timesOp(ua);
int minFunc(SEXP ua) {
return fNameMatch(ua, "min");
int maxFunc(SEXP ua) {
return fNameMatch(ua, "max");
int sumFunc(SEXP ua) {
return fNameMatch(ua, "sum");
/* Functions in lattice.c should use this to determine the length
* of a unit/unitArithmetic object rather than just LENGTH.
int unitLength(SEXP u)
int result = 0;
if (isUnitList(u)) {
result = LENGTH(u);
} else if (isUnitArithmetic(u)) {
if (fOp(u)) {
if (timesOp(u)) {
* arg1 is always the numeric vector
int n1 = LENGTH(arg1(u));
int n2 = unitLength(arg2(u));
result = (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2;
} else { /* must be "+" or "-" */
int n1 = unitLength(arg1(u));
int n2 = unitLength(arg2(u));
result = (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2;
} else { /* must be "min" or "max" or "sum" */
result = 1; /* unitLength(arg1(u)); */
} else if (inherits(u, "unit")) { /* a "plain" unit object */
result = LENGTH(u);
} else {
error(_("object is not a unit, unit.list, or unitArithmetic object"));
return result;
* Code for handling "null" units
/* Global mode indicators:
* The value returned for a "null" unit depends on ...
* (i) whether layout is calling for evaluation of a "pure null" unit
* (in which case, the value of the "null" unit is returned)
* (ii) the sort of arithmetic that is being performed
* (in which case, an "identity" value is returned)
* Evaluate a "null" _value_ dependent on the evaluation context
static double evaluateNullUnit(double value, double thisCM,
int nullLayoutMode, int nullArithmeticMode) {
double result = value;
if (!nullLayoutMode)
switch (nullArithmeticMode) {
case L_plain:
case L_adding:
case L_subtracting:
case L_summing:
result = 0;
case L_multiplying:
result = 0;
case L_maximising:
result = 0;
case L_minimising:
result = thisCM;
return result;
* Evaluate a "null" _unit_
* This is used by layout code to get a single "null" _value_
* from a pureNullUnit (which may be a unitList or a unitArithmetic)
* This must ONLY be called on a unit which has passed the
* pureNullUnit test below.
double pureNullUnitValue(SEXP unit, int index)
double result = 0;
if (isUnitArithmetic(unit)) {
int i;
if (addOp(unit)) {
result = pureNullUnitValue(arg1(unit), index) +
pureNullUnitValue(arg2(unit), index);
else if (minusOp(unit)) {
result = pureNullUnitValue(arg1(unit), index) -
pureNullUnitValue(arg2(unit), index);
else if (timesOp(unit)) {
result = REAL(arg1(unit))[index] *
pureNullUnitValue(arg2(unit), index);
else if (minFunc(unit)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(unit));
double temp = DBL_MAX;
result = pureNullUnitValue(arg1(unit), 0);
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
temp = pureNullUnitValue(arg1(unit), i);
if (temp < result)
result = temp;
else if (maxFunc(unit)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(unit));
double temp = DBL_MIN;
result = pureNullUnitValue(arg1(unit), 0);
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
temp = pureNullUnitValue(arg1(unit), i);
if (temp > result)
result = temp;
else if (sumFunc(unit)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(unit));
result = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
result += pureNullUnitValue(arg1(unit), i);
error(_("unimplemented unit function"));
} else if (isUnitList(unit)) {
* Recycle if necessary; it is up to the calling code
* to limit indices to unit length if desired
int n = unitLength(unit);
result = pureNullUnitValue(VECTOR_ELT(unit, index % n), 0);
} else
result = unitValue(unit, index);
return result;
int pureNullUnitArithmetic(SEXP unit, int index, pGEDevDesc dd);
int pureNullUnit(SEXP unit, int index, pGEDevDesc dd) {
int result;
if (isUnitArithmetic(unit))
result = pureNullUnitArithmetic(unit, index, dd);
else if (isUnitList(unit)) {
* Recycle if necessary; it is up to the calling code
* to limit indices to unit length if desired
int n = unitLength(unit);
result = pureNullUnit(VECTOR_ELT(unit, index % n), 0, dd);
} else { /* Just a plain unit */
/* Special case: if "grobwidth" or "grobheight" unit
* and width/height(grob) is pure null
if (unitUnit(unit, index) == L_GROBWIDTH) {
SEXP grob, updatedgrob, width;
SEXP widthPreFn, widthFn, widthPostFn, findGrobFn;
SEXP R_fcall0, R_fcall1, R_fcall2, R_fcall3;
SEXP savedgpar, savedgrob;
* The data could be a gPath to a grob
* In this case, need to find the grob first, and in order
* to do that correctly, need to call pre/postDraw code
PROTECT(grob = unitData(unit, index));
PROTECT(savedgpar = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR));
PROTECT(savedgrob = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRGROB));
PROTECT(widthPreFn = findFun(install("preDraw"),
PROTECT(widthFn = findFun(install("width"), R_gridEvalEnv));
PROTECT(widthPostFn = findFun(install("postDraw"),
if (inherits(grob, "gPath")) {
if (isNull(savedgrob)) {
PROTECT(findGrobFn = findFun(install("findGrobinDL"),
PROTECT(R_fcall0 = lang2(findGrobFn,
getListElement(grob, "name")));
grob = eval(R_fcall0, R_gridEvalEnv);
} else {
PROTECT(findGrobFn =findFun(install("findGrobinChildren"),
PROTECT(R_fcall0 = lang3(findGrobFn,
getListElement(grob, "name"),
grob = eval(R_fcall0, R_gridEvalEnv);
PROTECT(R_fcall1 = lang2(widthPreFn, grob));
PROTECT(updatedgrob = eval(R_fcall1, R_gridEvalEnv));
PROTECT(R_fcall2 = lang2(widthFn, updatedgrob));
PROTECT(width = eval(R_fcall2, R_gridEvalEnv));
result = pureNullUnit(width, 0, dd);
PROTECT(R_fcall3 = lang2(widthPostFn, updatedgrob));
eval(R_fcall3, R_gridEvalEnv);
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR, savedgpar);
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRGROB, savedgrob);
} else if (unitUnit(unit, index) == L_GROBHEIGHT) {
SEXP grob, updatedgrob, height;
SEXP heightPreFn, heightFn, heightPostFn, findGrobFn;
SEXP R_fcall0, R_fcall1, R_fcall2, R_fcall3;
SEXP savedgpar, savedgrob;
* The data could be a gPath to a grob
* In this case, need to find the grob first, and in order
* to do that correctly, need to call pre/postDraw code
PROTECT(grob = unitData(unit, index));
PROTECT(savedgpar = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR));
PROTECT(savedgrob = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRGROB));
PROTECT(heightPreFn = findFun(install("preDraw"),
PROTECT(heightFn = findFun(install("height"), R_gridEvalEnv));
PROTECT(heightPostFn = findFun(install("postDraw"),
if (inherits(grob, "gPath")) {
if (isNull(savedgrob)) {
PROTECT(findGrobFn = findFun(install("findGrobinDL"),
PROTECT(R_fcall0 = lang2(findGrobFn,
getListElement(grob, "name")));
grob = eval(R_fcall0, R_gridEvalEnv);
} else {
PROTECT(findGrobFn =findFun(install("findGrobinChildren"),
PROTECT(R_fcall0 = lang3(findGrobFn,
getListElement(grob, "name"),
grob = eval(R_fcall0, R_gridEvalEnv);
PROTECT(R_fcall1 = lang2(heightPreFn, grob));
PROTECT(updatedgrob = eval(R_fcall1, R_gridEvalEnv));
PROTECT(R_fcall2 = lang2(heightFn, updatedgrob));
PROTECT(height = eval(R_fcall2, R_gridEvalEnv));
result = pureNullUnit(height, 0, dd);
PROTECT(R_fcall3 = lang2(heightPostFn, updatedgrob));
eval(R_fcall3, R_gridEvalEnv);
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR, savedgpar);
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRGROB, savedgrob);
} else
result = unitUnit(unit, index) == L_NULL;
return result;
int pureNullUnitArithmetic(SEXP unit, int index, pGEDevDesc dd) {
* Initialised to shut up compiler
int result = 0;
if (addOp(unit) || minusOp(unit)) {
result = pureNullUnit(arg1(unit), index, dd) &&
pureNullUnit(arg2(unit), index, dd);
else if (timesOp(unit)) {
result = pureNullUnit(arg2(unit), index, dd);
else if (minFunc(unit) || maxFunc(unit) || sumFunc(unit)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(unit));
int i = 0;
result = 1;
while (result && i<n) {
result = result && pureNullUnit(arg1(unit), i, dd);
i += 1;
error(_("unimplemented unit function"));
return result;
* Code for handling "grobwidth" units
/* NOTE: this code calls back to R code to perform
* set.gpar operations, which will impact on grid state variables
* BUT that's ok(ish) because we save and restore the relevant state
* variables in here so that the overall effect is NULL.
* FIXME: OTOH, the calls back to R Code may also perform
* viewport operations. Again, we restore state as much as possible,
* but this can "pollute" the viewport tree in some cases.
double evaluateGrobUnit(double value, SEXP grob,
double vpwidthCM, double vpheightCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode,
* Evaluation type
* 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = width, 3 = height
int evalType,
pGEDevDesc dd)
double vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM;
double rotationAngle;
LViewportContext vpc;
R_GE_gcontext gc;
LTransform transform, savedTransform;
SEXP currentvp, currentgp;
SEXP preFn, postFn, findGrobFn;
SEXP evalFnx = R_NilValue, evalFny = R_NilValue;
SEXP R_fcall0, R_fcall1, R_fcall2x, R_fcall2y, R_fcall3;
SEXP savedgpar, savedgrob, updatedgrob;
SEXP unitx = R_NilValue, unity = R_NilValue;
double result = 0.0;
Rboolean protectedGrob = FALSE;
* We are just doing calculations, not drawing, so
* we don't want anything recorded on the graphics engine DL
* FIXME: This should probably be done via a GraphicsEngine.h
* function call rather than directly playing with dd->recordGraphics
Rboolean record = dd->recordGraphics;
dd->recordGraphics = FALSE;
* Save the current viewport transform
* (use to convert location relative to current viewport)
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
savedTransform, &rotationAngle);
* Save the current gpar state and restore it at the end
PROTECT(savedgpar = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR));
* Save the current grob and restore it at the end
PROTECT(savedgrob = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRGROB));
* Set up for calling R functions
PROTECT(preFn = findFun(install("preDraw"), R_gridEvalEnv));
switch(evalType) {
case 0:
case 1:
PROTECT(evalFnx = findFun(install("xDetails"), R_gridEvalEnv));
PROTECT(evalFny = findFun(install("yDetails"), R_gridEvalEnv));
case 2:
PROTECT(evalFnx = findFun(install("width"), R_gridEvalEnv));
case 3:
PROTECT(evalFny = findFun(install("height"), R_gridEvalEnv));
case 4:
PROTECT(evalFny = findFun(install("ascentDetails"), R_gridEvalEnv));
case 5:
PROTECT(evalFny = findFun(install("descentDetails"), R_gridEvalEnv));
PROTECT(postFn = findFun(install("postDraw"), R_gridEvalEnv));
* If grob is actually a gPath, use it to find an actual grob
if (inherits(grob, "gPath")) {
* If the current grob is NULL then we are at the top level
* and we search the display list, otherwise we search the
* children of the current grob
* NOTE: assume here that only gPath of depth == 1 are valid
if (isNull(savedgrob)) {
PROTECT(findGrobFn = findFun(install("findGrobinDL"),
PROTECT(R_fcall0 = lang2(findGrobFn,
getListElement(grob, "name")));
PROTECT(grob = eval(R_fcall0, R_gridEvalEnv));
} else {
PROTECT(findGrobFn = findFun(install("findGrobinChildren"),
PROTECT(R_fcall0 = lang3(findGrobFn,
getListElement(grob, "name"),
getListElement(savedgrob, "children")));
PROTECT(grob = eval(R_fcall0, R_gridEvalEnv));
* Flag to make sure we UNPROTECT these at the end
protectedGrob = TRUE;
/* Call preDraw(grob)
PROTECT(R_fcall1 = lang2(preFn, grob));
PROTECT(updatedgrob = eval(R_fcall1, R_gridEvalEnv));
* The call to preDraw may have pushed viewports and/or
* enforced gpar settings, SO we need to re-establish the
* current viewport and gpar settings before evaluating the
* width unit.
* NOTE: we are really relying on the grid state to be coherent
* when we do stuff like this (i.e., not to have changed since
* we started evaluating the unit [other than the changes we may
* have deliberately made above by calling preDraw]). In other
* words we are relying on no other drawing occurring at the
* same time as we are doing this evaluation. In other other
* words, we are relying on there being only ONE process
* (i.e., NOT multi-threaded).
currentvp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_VP);
currentgp = gridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR);
getViewportTransform(currentvp, dd,
&vpWidthCM, &vpHeightCM,
transform, &rotationAngle);
fillViewportContextFromViewport(currentvp, &vpc);
/* Call whatever(grob)
* to get the unit representing the x/y/width/height
switch (evalType) {
case 0:
case 1:
* When evaluating grobX/grobY, the value of the unit
* is an angle that gets passed to xDetails/yDetails
SEXP val;
PROTECT(val = ScalarReal(value));
PROTECT(R_fcall2x = lang3(evalFnx, updatedgrob, val));
PROTECT(unitx = eval(R_fcall2x, R_gridEvalEnv));
PROTECT(R_fcall2y = lang3(evalFny, updatedgrob, val));
PROTECT(unity = eval(R_fcall2y, R_gridEvalEnv));
case 2:
PROTECT(R_fcall2x = lang2(evalFnx, updatedgrob));
PROTECT(unitx = eval(R_fcall2x, R_gridEvalEnv));
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
PROTECT(R_fcall2y = lang2(evalFny, updatedgrob));
PROTECT(unity = eval(R_fcall2y, R_gridEvalEnv));
* Transform the unit
* NOTE: We transform into INCHES so can produce final answer in terms
* of NPC for original context
/* Special case for "null" units
gcontextFromgpar(currentgp, 0, &gc, dd);
switch(evalType) {
case 0:
case 1:
if (evalType && pureNullUnit(unity, 0, dd)) {
result = evaluateNullUnit(pureNullUnitValue(unity, 0),
nullLMode, nullAMode);
} else if (pureNullUnit(unitx, 0, dd)) {
result = evaluateNullUnit(pureNullUnitValue(unitx, 0),
nullLMode, nullAMode);
} else {
* Transform to device (to allow for viewports in grob)
* then adjust relative to current viewport.
double xx, yy;
LLocation lin, lout;
LTransform invt;
invTransform(savedTransform, invt);
transformLocn(unitx, unity, 0,
vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM, dd,
transform, &xx, &yy);
location(xx, yy, lin);
trans(lin, invt, lout);
xx = locationX(lout);
yy = locationY(lout);
if (evalType)
result = yy;
result = xx;
case 2:
if (pureNullUnit(unitx, 0, dd)) {
result = evaluateNullUnit(pureNullUnitValue(unitx, 0),
nullLMode, nullAMode);
} else {
result = transformWidthtoINCHES(unitx, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
if (pureNullUnit(unity, 0, dd)) {
result = evaluateNullUnit(pureNullUnitValue(unity, 0),
nullLMode, nullAMode);
} else {
result = transformHeighttoINCHES(unity, 0, vpc, &gc,
vpWidthCM, vpHeightCM,
/* Call postDraw(grob)
PROTECT(R_fcall3 = lang2(postFn, updatedgrob));
eval(R_fcall3, R_gridEvalEnv);
* Restore the saved gpar state and grob
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_GPAR, savedgpar);
setGridStateElement(dd, GSS_CURRGROB, savedgrob);
if (protectedGrob)
switch(evalType) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
/* Return the transformed width
* If there is an error or user-interrupt in the above
* evaluation, dd->recordGraphics is set to TRUE
* on all graphics devices (see GEonExit(); called in errors.c)
dd->recordGraphics = record;
return result;
double evaluateGrobXUnit(double value, SEXP grob,
double vpheightCM, double vpwidthCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode,
pGEDevDesc dd)
return evaluateGrobUnit(value, grob, vpheightCM, vpwidthCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, 0, dd);
double evaluateGrobYUnit(double value, SEXP grob,
double vpheightCM, double vpwidthCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode,
pGEDevDesc dd)
return evaluateGrobUnit(value, grob, vpheightCM, vpwidthCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, 1, dd);
double evaluateGrobWidthUnit(SEXP grob,
double vpheightCM, double vpwidthCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode,
pGEDevDesc dd)
return evaluateGrobUnit(1, grob, vpheightCM, vpwidthCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, 2, dd);
double evaluateGrobHeightUnit(SEXP grob,
double vpheightCM, double vpwidthCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode,
pGEDevDesc dd)
return evaluateGrobUnit(1, grob, vpheightCM, vpwidthCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, 3, dd);
double evaluateGrobAscentUnit(SEXP grob,
double vpheightCM, double vpwidthCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode,
pGEDevDesc dd)
return evaluateGrobUnit(1, grob, vpheightCM, vpwidthCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, 4, dd);
double evaluateGrobDescentUnit(SEXP grob,
double vpheightCM, double vpwidthCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode,
pGEDevDesc dd)
return evaluateGrobUnit(1, grob, vpheightCM, vpwidthCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, 5, dd);
/* Map a value from arbitrary units to INCHES */
* NULL units are a special case
* If L_nullLayoutMode = 1 then the value returned is a NULL unit value
* Otherwise it is an INCHES value
double transform(double value, int unit, SEXP data,
double scalemin, double scalemax,
const pGEcontext gc,
double thisCM, double otherCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode, pGEDevDesc dd)
double asc, dsc, wid;
double result = value;
switch (unit) {
case L_NPC:
result = (result * thisCM)/2.54; /* 2.54 cm per inch */
case L_CM:
result = result/2.54;
case L_INCHES:
/* FIXME: The following two assume that the pointsize specified
* by the user is actually the pointsize provided by the
* device. This is NOT a safe assumption
* One possibility would be to do a call to GReset(), just so
* that mapping() gets called, just so that things like
* xNDCPerLine are up-to-date, THEN call GStrHeight("M")
* or somesuch.
case L_CHAR:
case L_MYCHAR: /* FIXME: Remove this when I can */
result = (result * gc->ps * gc->cex)/72; /* 72 points per inch */
case L_LINES:
case L_MYLINES: /* FIXME: Remove this when I can */
result = (result * gc->ps * gc->cex * gc->lineheight)/72;
case L_SNPC:
if (thisCM <= otherCM)
result = (result * thisCM)/2.54;
result = (result * otherCM)/2.54;
case L_MM:
result = (result/10)/2.54;
/* Maybe an opportunity for some constants below here (!)
case L_POINTS:
result = result/72.27;
case L_PICAS:
result = (result*12)/72.27;
result = result/72;
case L_DIDA:
result = result/1157*1238/72.27;
case L_CICERO:
result = result*12/1157*1238/72.27;
result = result/65536/72.27;
case L_MYSTRINGWIDTH: /* FIXME: Remove this when I can */
if (isExpression(data))
result = result*
fromDeviceWidth(GEExpressionWidth(VECTOR_ELT(data, 0), gc, dd),
result = result*
fromDeviceWidth(GEStrWidth(CHAR(STRING_ELT(data, 0)),
getCharCE(STRING_ELT(data, 0)),
gc, dd),
case L_MYSTRINGHEIGHT: /* FIXME: Remove this when I can */
if (isExpression(data))
result = result*
fromDeviceHeight(GEExpressionHeight(VECTOR_ELT(data, 0),
gc, dd),
/* FIXME: what encoding is this? */
result = result*
fromDeviceHeight(GEStrHeight(CHAR(STRING_ELT(data, 0)), -1,
gc, dd),
if (isExpression(data))
GEExpressionMetric(VECTOR_ELT(data, 0), gc,
&asc, &dsc, &wid,
GEStrMetric(CHAR(STRING_ELT(data, 0)),
getCharCE(STRING_ELT(data, 0)), gc,
&asc, &dsc, &wid,
result = result*fromDeviceHeight(asc, GE_INCHES, dd);
if (isExpression(data))
GEExpressionMetric(VECTOR_ELT(data, 0), gc,
&asc, &dsc, &wid,
GEStrMetric(CHAR(STRING_ELT(data, 0)),
getCharCE(STRING_ELT(data, 0)), gc,
&asc, &dsc, &wid,
result = result*fromDeviceHeight(dsc, GE_INCHES, dd);
case L_GROBX:
result = evaluateGrobXUnit(value, data, thisCM, otherCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
case L_GROBY:
result = evaluateGrobYUnit(value, data, otherCM, thisCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
result = value*evaluateGrobWidthUnit(data, thisCM, otherCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
result = value*evaluateGrobHeightUnit(data, otherCM, thisCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
result = value*evaluateGrobAscentUnit(data, otherCM, thisCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
result = value*evaluateGrobDescentUnit(data, otherCM, thisCM,
nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
case L_NULL:
result = evaluateNullUnit(result, thisCM, nullLMode, nullAMode);
error(_("invalid unit or unit not yet implemented"));
* For physical units, scale the result by GSS_SCALE (a "zoom" factor)
switch (unit) {
case L_INCHES:
case L_CM:
case L_MM:
case L_POINTS:
case L_PICAS:
case L_DIDA:
case L_CICERO:
result = result * REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
* No need to scale relative coordinates (NPC, NATIVE, NULL)
* CHAR and LINES already scaled because of scaling in gcontextFromGPar()
* GROBWIDTH/HEIGHT recurse into here so scaling already done
return result;
/* FIXME: scales are only linear at the moment */
double transformLocation(double location, int unit, SEXP data,
double scalemin, double scalemax,
const pGEcontext gc,
double thisCM, double otherCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode, pGEDevDesc dd)
double result = location;
switch (unit) {
case L_NATIVE:
/* It is invalid to create a viewport with identical limits on scale
* so we are protected from divide-by-zero
result = ((result - scalemin)/(scalemax - scalemin))*thisCM/2.54;
result = transform(location, unit, data, scalemin, scalemax,
gc, thisCM, otherCM, nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
return result;
double transformXArithmetic(SEXP x, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, pGEDevDesc dd);
double transformX(SEXP x, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode, pGEDevDesc dd)
double result;
int unit;
SEXP data;
if (isUnitArithmetic(x))
result = transformXArithmetic(x, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, nullLMode, dd);
else if (isUnitList(x)) {
int n = unitLength(x);
result = transformX(VECTOR_ELT(x, index % n), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
} else { /* Just a plain unit */
int nullamode;
if (nullAMode == 0)
nullamode = L_plain;
nullamode = nullAMode;
result = unitValue(x, index);
unit = unitUnit(x, index);
PROTECT(data = unitData(x, index));
result = transformLocation(result, unit, data,
vpc.xscalemin, vpc.xscalemax, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
return result;
double transformYArithmetic(SEXP y, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, pGEDevDesc dd);
double transformY(SEXP y, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode, pGEDevDesc dd)
double result;
int unit;
SEXP data;
if (isUnitArithmetic(y))
result = transformYArithmetic(y, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, nullLMode, dd);
else if (isUnitList(y)) {
int n = unitLength(y);
result = transformY(VECTOR_ELT(y, index % n), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
} else { /* Just a unit object */
int nullamode;
if (nullAMode == 0)
nullamode = L_plain;
nullamode = nullAMode;
result = unitValue(y, index);
unit = unitUnit(y, index);
PROTECT(data = unitData(y, index));
result = transformLocation(result, unit, data,
vpc.yscalemin, vpc.yscalemax, gc,
heightCM, widthCM,
return result;
double transformDimension(double dim, int unit, SEXP data,
double scalemin, double scalemax,
const pGEcontext gc,
double thisCM, double otherCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode,
pGEDevDesc dd)
double result = dim;
switch (unit) {
case L_NATIVE:
/* It is invalid to create a viewport with identical limits on scale
* so we are protected from divide-by-zero
result = ((dim)/(scalemax - scalemin))*thisCM/2.54;
result = transform(dim, unit, data, scalemin, scalemax, gc,
thisCM, otherCM, nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
return result;
double transformWidthArithmetic(SEXP width, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, pGEDevDesc dd);
double transformWidth(SEXP width, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode, pGEDevDesc dd)
double result;
int unit;
SEXP data;
if (isUnitArithmetic(width))
result = transformWidthArithmetic(width, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, nullLMode, dd);
else if (isUnitList(width)) {
int n = unitLength(width);
result = transformWidth(VECTOR_ELT(width, index % n), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
} else { /* Just a unit object */
int nullamode;
if (nullAMode == 0)
nullamode = L_plain;
nullamode = nullAMode;
result = unitValue(width, index);
unit = unitUnit(width, index);
PROTECT(data = unitData(width, index));
result = transformDimension(result, unit, data,
vpc.xscalemin, vpc.xscalemax, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
return result;
double transformHeightArithmetic(SEXP height, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, pGEDevDesc dd);
double transformHeight(SEXP height, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, int nullAMode, pGEDevDesc dd)
double result;
int unit;
SEXP data;
if (isUnitArithmetic(height))
result = transformHeightArithmetic(height, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, nullLMode, dd);
else if (isUnitList(height)) {
int n = unitLength(height);
result = transformHeight(VECTOR_ELT(height, index % n), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, nullLMode, nullAMode, dd);
} else { /* Just a unit object */
int nullamode;
if (nullAMode == 0)
nullamode = L_plain;
nullamode = nullAMode;
result = unitValue(height, index);
unit = unitUnit(height, index);
PROTECT(data = unitData(height, index));
result = transformDimension(result, unit, data,
vpc.yscalemin, vpc.yscalemax, gc,
heightCM, widthCM,
return result;
double transformXArithmetic(SEXP x, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, pGEDevDesc dd)
int i;
double result = 0;
if (addOp(x)) {
result = transformX(arg1(x), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_adding,
dd) +
transformX(arg2(x), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_adding,
else if (minusOp(x)) {
result = transformX(arg1(x), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_subtracting,
dd) -
transformX(arg2(x), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_subtracting,
else if (timesOp(x)) {
result = REAL(arg1(x))[index % LENGTH(arg1(x))] *
transformX(arg2(x), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_multiplying, dd);
else if (minFunc(x)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(x));
double temp = DBL_MAX;
result = transformX(arg1(x), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_minimising,
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
temp = transformX(arg1(x), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_minimising,
if (temp < result)
result = temp;
else if (maxFunc(x)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(x));
double temp = DBL_MIN;
result = transformX(arg1(x), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_maximising,
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
temp = transformX(arg1(x), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_maximising,
if (temp > result)
result = temp;
else if (sumFunc(x)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(x));
result = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
result += transformX(arg1(x), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_summing, dd);
error(_("unimplemented unit function"));
return result;
double transformYArithmetic(SEXP y, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, pGEDevDesc dd)
int i;
double result = 0;
if (addOp(y)) {
result = transformY(arg1(y), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_adding,
dd) +
transformY(arg2(y), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_adding,
else if (minusOp(y)) {
result = transformY(arg1(y), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_subtracting,
dd) -
transformY(arg2(y), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_subtracting,
else if (timesOp(y)) {
result = REAL(arg1(y))[index % LENGTH(arg1(y))] *
transformY(arg2(y), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_multiplying, dd);
else if (minFunc(y)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(y));
double temp = DBL_MAX;
result = transformY(arg1(y), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_minimising,
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
temp = transformY(arg1(y), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_minimising,
if (temp < result)
result = temp;
else if (maxFunc(y)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(y));
double temp = DBL_MIN;
result = transformY(arg1(y), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_maximising,
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
temp = transformY(arg1(y), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_maximising,
if (temp > result)
result = temp;
else if (sumFunc(y)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(y));
result = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
result += transformY(arg1(y), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_summing, dd);
error(_("unimplemented unit function"));
return result;
double transformWidthArithmetic(SEXP width, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, pGEDevDesc dd)
int i;
double result = 0;
if (addOp(width)) {
result = transformWidth(arg1(width), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_adding,
dd) +
transformWidth(arg2(width), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_adding,
else if (minusOp(width)) {
result = transformWidth(arg1(width), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_subtracting,
dd) -
transformWidth(arg2(width), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_subtracting,
else if (timesOp(width)) {
result = REAL(arg1(width))[index % LENGTH(arg1(width))] *
transformWidth(arg2(width), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_multiplying, dd);
else if (minFunc(width)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(width));
double temp = DBL_MAX;
result = transformWidth(arg1(width), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_minimising,
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
temp = transformWidth(arg1(width), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_minimising,
if (temp < result)
result = temp;
else if (maxFunc(width)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(width));
double temp = DBL_MIN;
result = transformWidth(arg1(width), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_maximising,
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
temp = transformWidth(arg1(width), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_maximising,
if (temp > result)
result = temp;
else if (sumFunc(width)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(width));
result = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
result += transformWidth(arg1(width), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_summing, dd);
error(_("unimplemented unit function"));
return result;
double transformHeightArithmetic(SEXP height, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
int nullLMode, pGEDevDesc dd)
int i;
double result = 0;
if (addOp(height)) {
result = transformHeight(arg1(height), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_adding,
dd) +
transformHeight(arg2(height), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_adding,
else if (minusOp(height)) {
result = transformHeight(arg1(height), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_subtracting,
dd) -
transformHeight(arg2(height), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_subtracting,
else if (timesOp(height)) {
result = REAL(arg1(height))[index % LENGTH(arg1(height))] *
transformHeight(arg2(height), index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_multiplying, dd);
else if (minFunc(height)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(height));
double temp = DBL_MAX;
result = transformHeight(arg1(height), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_minimising,
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
temp = transformHeight(arg1(height), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_minimising,
if (temp < result)
result = temp;
else if (maxFunc(height)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(height));
double temp = DBL_MIN;
result = transformHeight(arg1(height), 0, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_maximising,
for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
temp = transformHeight(arg1(height), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_maximising,
if (temp > result)
result = temp;
else if (sumFunc(height)) {
int n = unitLength(arg1(height));
result = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
result += transformHeight(arg1(height), i, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM,
nullLMode, L_summing, dd);
error(_("unimplemented unit function"));
return result;
/* Code for transforming a location in INCHES using a transformation matrix.
* We work in INCHES so that rotations can be incorporated within the
* transformation matrix (i.e., the units are the same in both x- and
* y-directions).
* INCHES rather than CM because the R graphics engine only has INCHES.
/* The original transform[X | Y | Width | Height] functions
* were written to transform to NPC. Rather than muck with them,
* I am just wrappering them to get the new transformation to INCHES
* In other words, the reason for the apparent inefficiency here
* is historical.
/* It is even more inefficient-looking now because I ended up mucking
* with transform() to return INCHES (to fix bug if width/heightCM == 0)
* and by then there was too much code that called transformXtoINCHES
* to be bothered changing calls to it
/* The difference between transform*toINCHES and transformLocn/Dimn
* is that the former are just converting from one coordinate system
* to INCHES; the latter are converting from INCHES relative to
* the parent to INCHES relative to the device.
double transformXtoINCHES(SEXP x, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
pGEDevDesc dd)
return transformX(x, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, 0, 0, dd);
double transformYtoINCHES(SEXP y, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
pGEDevDesc dd)
return transformY(y, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, 0, 0, dd);
void transformLocn(SEXP x, SEXP y, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
pGEDevDesc dd,
LTransform t,
double *xx, double *yy)
LLocation lin, lout;
/* x and y are unit objects (i.e., values in any old coordinate
* system) so the first step is to convert them both to CM
*xx = transformXtoINCHES(x, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, dd);
*yy = transformYtoINCHES(y, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, dd);
location(*xx, *yy, lin);
trans(lin, t, lout);
*xx = locationX(lout);
*yy = locationY(lout);
double transformWidthtoINCHES(SEXP w, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
pGEDevDesc dd)
return transformWidth(w, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, 0, 0, dd);
double transformHeighttoINCHES(SEXP h, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
pGEDevDesc dd)
return transformHeight(h, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, 0, 0, dd);
void transformDimn(SEXP w, SEXP h, int index,
LViewportContext vpc,
const pGEcontext gc,
double widthCM, double heightCM,
pGEDevDesc dd,
double rotationAngle,
double *ww, double *hh)
LLocation din, dout;
LTransform r;
*ww = transformWidthtoINCHES(w, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, dd);
*hh = transformHeighttoINCHES(h, index, vpc, gc,
widthCM, heightCM, dd);
location(*ww, *hh, din);
rotation(rotationAngle, r);
trans(din, r, dout);
*ww = locationX(dout);
*hh = locationY(dout);
* ****************************
* Inverse Transformations
* ****************************
* Take a value in inches within the viewport and convert to some
* other coordinate system
double transformFromINCHES(double value, int unit,
const pGEcontext gc,
double thisCM, double otherCM,
pGEDevDesc dd)
* Convert to NPC
double result = value;
switch (unit) {
case L_NPC:
result = result/(thisCM/2.54);
case L_CM:
result = result*2.54;
case L_INCHES:
/* FIXME: The following two assume that the pointsize specified
* by the user is actually the pointsize provided by the
* device. This is NOT a safe assumption
* One possibility would be to do a call to GReset(), just so
* that mapping() gets called, just so that things like
* xNDCPerLine are up-to-date, THEN call GStrHeight("M")
* or somesuch.
case L_CHAR:
result = (result*72)/(gc->ps*gc->cex);
case L_LINES:
result = (result*72)/(gc->ps*gc->cex*gc->lineheight);
case L_MM:
result = result*2.54*10;
/* Maybe an opportunity for some constants below here (!)
case L_POINTS:
result = result*72.27;
case L_PICAS:
result = result/12*72.27;
result = result*72;
case L_DIDA:
result = result/1238*1157*72.27;
case L_CICERO:
result = result/1238*1157*72.27/12;
result = result*65536*72.27;
* I'm not sure the remaining ones makes any sense.
* For simplicity, these are just forbidden for now.
case L_SNPC:
case L_MYCHAR:
case L_GROBX:
case L_GROBY:
case L_NULL:
error(_("invalid unit or unit not yet implemented"));
* For physical units, reverse the scale by GSS_SCALE (a "zoom" factor)
switch (unit) {
case L_INCHES:
case L_CM:
case L_MM:
case L_POINTS:
case L_PICAS:
case L_DIDA:
case L_CICERO:
result = result / REAL(gridStateElement(dd, GSS_SCALE))[0];
* No need to scale relative coordinates (NPC, NATIVE, NULL)
* All other units forbidden anyway
return result;
* This corresponds to transform[X|Y]toINCHES() because
* it works only within the current viewport, BUT
* it is much simpler because it is supplied with a
* double value in INCHES (rather than a unit object in
* an arbitrary unit).
* For conceptual symmetry, it should probably return a
* unit object, but it only returns a double value.
* The construction of a unit object with the appropriate
* unit must be performed by the calling function (or higher).
* This is probably easiest done right up in R code.
double transformXYFromINCHES(double location, int unit,
double scalemin, double scalemax,
const pGEcontext gc,
double thisCM, double otherCM,
pGEDevDesc dd)
double result = location;
/* Special case if "thisCM == 0":
* If converting FROM relative unit, result will already be zero
* so leave it there.
* If converting FROM absolute unit that is zero, ditto.
* Otherwise (converting FROM non-zero absolute unit),
* converting to relative unit is an error.
if ((unit == L_NATIVE || unit == L_NPC) &&
thisCM < 1e-6) {
if (result != 0)
error(_("Viewport has zero dimension(s)"));
} else {
switch (unit) {
case L_NATIVE:
result = scalemin + (result/(thisCM/2.54))*(scalemax - scalemin);
result = transformFromINCHES(location, unit, gc,
thisCM, otherCM, dd);
return result;
double transformWidthHeightFromINCHES(double dimension, int unit,
double scalemin, double scalemax,
const pGEcontext gc,
double thisCM, double otherCM,
pGEDevDesc dd)
double result = dimension;
/* Special case if "thisCM == 0":
* If converting FROM relative unit, result will already be zero
* so leave it there.
* If converting FROM absolute unit that is zero, ditto.
* Otherwise (converting FROM non-zero absolute unit),
* converting to relative unit is an error.
if ((unit == L_NATIVE || unit == L_NPC) &&
thisCM < 1e-6) {
if (result != 0)
error(_("Viewport has zero dimension(s)"));
} else {
switch (unit) {
case L_NATIVE:
result = (result/(thisCM/2.54))*(scalemax - scalemin);
result = transformFromINCHES(dimension, unit, gc,
thisCM, otherCM, dd);
return result;
* Special case conversion from relative unit to relative unit,
* only used when relevant widthCM or heightCM is zero, so
* we cannot transform thru INCHES (or we get divide-by-zero)
* Protected from divide-by-zero here because viewport with
* identical scale limits is disallowed.
double transformXYtoNPC(double x, int from, double min, double max)
double result = x;
switch (from) {
case L_NPC:
case L_NATIVE:
result = (x - min)/(max - min);
error(_("Unsupported unit conversion"));
double transformWHtoNPC(double x, int from, double min, double max)
double result = x;
switch (from) {
case L_NPC:
case L_NATIVE:
result = x/(max - min);
error(_("Unsupported unit conversion"));
double transformXYfromNPC(double x, int to, double min, double max)
double result = x;
switch (to) {
case L_NPC:
case L_NATIVE:
result = min + x*(max - min);
error(_("Unsupported unit conversion"));
double transformWHfromNPC(double x, int to, double min, double max)
double result = x;
switch (to) {
case L_NPC:
case L_NATIVE:
result = x*(max - min);
error(_("Unsupported unit conversion"));
/* Attempt to make validating units faster
typedef struct {
char *name;
int code;
} UnitTab;
/* NOTE this table must match the order in grid.h
static UnitTab UnitTable[] = {
{ "npc", 0 },
{ "cm", 1 },
{ "inches", 2 },
{ "lines", 3 },
{ "native", 4 },
{ "null", 5 },
{ "snpc", 6 },
{ "mm", 7 },
{ "points", 8 },
{ "picas", 9 },
{ "bigpts", 10 },
{ "dida", 11 },
{ "cicero", 12 },
{ "scaledpts", 13 },
{ "strwidth", 14 },
{ "strheight", 15 },
{ "strascent", 16 },
{ "strdescent", 17 },
{ "char", 18 },
{ "grobx", 19 },
{ "groby", 20 },
{ "grobwidth", 21 },
{ "grobheight", 22 },
{ "grobascent", 23 },
{ "grobdescent", 24 },
{ "mylines", 103 },
{ "mychar", 104 },
{ "mystrwidth", 105 },
{ "mystrheight", 106 },
* Some pseudonyms
{ "centimetre", 1001 },
{ "centimetres", 1001 },
{ "centimeter", 1001 },
{ "centimeters", 1001 },
{ "in", 1002 },
{ "inch", 1002 },
{ "line", 1003 },
{ "millimetre", 1007 },
{ "millimetres", 1007 },
{ "millimeter", 1007 },
{ "millimeters", 1007 },
{ "point", 1008 },
{ "pt", 1008 },
{ NULL, -1 }
int convertUnit(SEXP unit, int index)
int i = 0;
int result = 0;
int found = 0;
while (result >= 0 && !found) {
if (UnitTable[i].name == NULL)
result = -1;
else {
found = !strcmp(CHAR(STRING_ELT(unit, index)), UnitTable[i].name);
if (found) {
result = UnitTable[i].code;
/* resolve pseudonyms */
if (result > 1000) {
result = result - 1000;
i += 1;
if (result < 0)
error(_("Invalid unit"));
return result;
SEXP validUnits(SEXP units)
int i;
int n = LENGTH(units);
SEXP answer = R_NilValue;
if (n > 0) {
if (isString(units)) {
PROTECT(answer = allocVector(INTSXP, n));
for (i = 0; i<n; i++)
INTEGER(answer)[i] = convertUnit(units, i);
} else {
error(_("'units' must be character"));
} else {
error(_("'units' must be of length > 0"));
return answer;