blob: 00b2989b9699a93cb80be90c3dacb5955d97d461 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/stats/R/aov.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2017 The R Core Team
# Copyright (C) 1998 B. D. Ripley
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
aov <- function(formula, data = NULL, projections = FALSE, qr = TRUE,
contrasts = NULL, ...)
Terms <- if(missing(data))
terms(formula, "Error")
else terms(formula, "Error", data = data)
indError <- attr(Terms, "specials")$Error
## NB: this is only used for n > 1, so singular form makes no sense
## in English. But some languages have multiple plurals.
if(length(indError) > 1L)
"there are %d Error terms: only 1 is allowed",
"there are %d Error terms: only 1 is allowed"),
length(indError)), domain = NA)
lmcall <- Call <-
## need stats:: for non-standard evaluation
lmcall[[1L]] <- quote(stats::lm)
lmcall$singular.ok <- TRUE
if(projections) qr <- lmcall$qr <- TRUE
lmcall$projections <- NULL
if(is.null(indError)) {
## no Error term
fit <- eval(lmcall, parent.frame())
fit$call <- Call # fixup 'lmcall'
class = c(if(inherits(fit, "mlm")) "maov",
"aov", oldClass(fit)),
projections = if(projections) proj(fit))
} else {
if(pmatch("weights", names(Call), 0L))
stop("weights are not supported in a multistratum aov() fit")
deparseb <- function(expr) deparse(expr, width.cutoff = 500L, backtick = TRUE)
## Helmert contrasts can be helpful: do we want to force them?
## this version does for the Error model.
opcons <- options("contrasts")
options(contrasts = c("contr.helmert", "contr.poly"))
allTerms <- Terms
errorterm <- attr(Terms, "variables")[[1L + indError]]
intercept <- attr(Terms, "intercept")
ecall <- lmcall
ecall$formula <-
as.formula(paste(deparseb(formula [[2L]]), "~",
deparseb(errorterm[[2L]]), if(!intercept) "- 1"),
env = environment(formula))
ecall$method <- "qr"
ecall$qr <- TRUE
ecall$contrasts <- NULL <- eval(ecall, parent.frame())
nmstrata <- attr(terms(, "term.labels")
## remove backticks from simple labels for strata (only)
nmstrata <- sub("^`(.*)`$", "\\1", nmstrata)
nmstrata <- c("(Intercept)", nmstrata)
qr.e <-$qr
rank.e <-$rank
if(rank.e < NROW($coefficients))
warning("Error() model is singular")
qty <-$residuals
maov <- is.matrix(qty)
asgn.e <-$assign[qr.e$pivot[1L:rank.e]]
## we want this to label the rows of qtx, not cols of x.
maxasgn <- length(nmstrata) - 1L
nobs <- NROW(qty)
len <- if(nobs > rank.e) {
asgn.e[(rank.e+1L):nobs] <- maxasgn + 1L
nmstrata <- c(nmstrata, "Within")
maxasgn + 2L
} else maxasgn + 1L
result <- setNames(vector("list", len), nmstrata)
lmcall$formula <- form <-
update(formula, paste(". ~ .-", deparseb(errorterm)))
Terms <- terms(form)
lmcall$method <- "model.frame"
mf <- eval(lmcall, parent.frame())
xlev <- .getXlevels(Terms, mf)
resp <- model.response(mf)
qtx <- model.matrix(Terms, mf, contrasts)
cons <- attr(qtx, "contrasts")
dnx <- colnames(qtx)
asgn.t <- attr(qtx, "assign")
if(length(wts <- model.weights(mf))) {
wts <- sqrt(wts)
resp <- resp * wts
qtx <- qtx * wts
qty <- as.matrix(qr.qty(qr.e, resp))
if((nc <- ncol(qty)) > 1L) {
dny <- colnames(resp)
if(is.null(dny)) dny <- paste0("Y", 1L:nc)
dimnames(qty) <- list(seq(nrow(qty)), dny)
} else dimnames(qty) <- list(seq(nrow(qty)), NULL)
qtx <- qr.qty(qr.e, qtx)
dimnames(qtx) <- list(seq(nrow(qtx)) , dnx)
for(i in seq_along(nmstrata)) {
select <- asgn.e == (i-1L)
ni <- sum(select)
if(!ni) next
## helpful to drop constant columns.
xi <- qtx[select, , drop = FALSE]
cols <- colSums(xi^2) > 1e-5
if(any(cols)) {
xi <- xi[, cols, drop = FALSE]
attr(xi, "assign") <- asgn.t[cols]
fiti <-, qty[select,,drop=FALSE])
fiti$terms <- Terms
} else {
y <- qty[select,,drop=FALSE]
fiti <- list(coefficients = numeric(), residuals = y,
fitted.values = 0 * y, weights = wts, rank = 0L,
df.residual = NROW(y))
if(projections) fiti$projections <- proj(fiti)
class(fiti) <- c(if(maov) "maov", "aov", oldClass(
result[[i]] <- fiti
structure(class = c("aovlist", "listof"),
## drop empty strata:
result[!vapply(result, is.null, NA)],
error.qr = if(qr) qr.e,
call = Call,
weights = if(length(wts)) wts,
terms = allTerms,
contrasts = cons,
xlevels = xlev)
print.aov <-
function(x, intercept = FALSE, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), ...)
if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
cat("Call:\n ")
dput(cl, control = NULL)
qrx <- if(x$rank) qr(x)
asgn <- x$assign[qrx$pivot[1L:x$rank]]
effects <- x$effects
effects <- as.matrix(effects)[seq_along(asgn),,drop=FALSE]
rdf <- x$df.residual
resid <- as.matrix(x$residuals)
wt <- x$weights
if(!is.null(wt)) resid <- resid * sqrt(wt)
RSS <- colSums(resid^2)
uasgn <- unique(asgn)
nmeffect <- c("(Intercept)", attr(x$terms, "term.labels"))[1+uasgn]
nterms <- length(uasgn)
nresp <- NCOL(effects)
df <- numeric(nterms)
ss <- matrix(NA, nterms, nresp)
if(nterms) {
for(i in seq(nterms)) {
ai <- asgn == uasgn[i]
df[i] <- sum(ai)
ef <- effects[ai,, drop=FALSE]
ss[i, ] <- if(sum(ai) > 1) colSums(ef^2) else ef^2
keep <- df > 0L
if(!intercept && uasgn[1L] == 0) keep[1L] <- FALSE
nmeffect <- nmeffect[keep]
df <- df[keep]
ss <- ss[keep, , drop = FALSE]
nterms <- length(df)
if(nterms == 0L) {
## empty model
if(rdf > 0L) {
ss <- RSS
ssp <- sapply(ss, format)
if(!is.matrix(ssp)) ssp <- t(ssp)
tmp <- as.matrix(c(ssp, format(rdf)))
if(length(ss) > 1L) {
rn <- colnames(x$fitted.values)
if(is.null(rn)) rn <- paste("resp", seq_along(ss))
} else rn <- "Sum of Squares"
dimnames(tmp) <- list(c(rn, "Deg. of Freedom"), "Residuals")
print(tmp, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
rs <- sqrt(RSS/rdf)
cat(if(length(rs) > 1L) "Residual standard errors:"
else "Residual standard error:", sapply(rs, format))
} else
print(matrix(0, 2L, 1L, dimnames =
list(c("Sum of Squares", "Deg. of Freedom"), "<empty>")))
} else {
if(rdf > 0L) {
nterms <- nterms + 1L
df <- c(df, rdf)
ss <- rbind(ss, RSS)
nmeffect <- c(nmeffect, "Residuals")
ssp <- apply(zapsmall(ss), 2L, format)
tmp <- t(cbind(ssp, format(df)))
if(ncol(effects) > 1L) {
rn <- colnames(x$coefficients)
if(is.null(rn)) rn <- paste("resp", seq(ncol(effects)))
} else rn <- "Sum of Squares"
dimnames(tmp) <- list(c(rn, "Deg. of Freedom"), nmeffect)
print(tmp, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
rank <- x$rank
# int <- attr(x$terms, "intercept")
# nobs <- NROW(x$residuals) - !(is.null(int) || int == 0)
if(rdf > 0L) {
rs <- sqrt(RSS/rdf)
cat(if(length(rs) > 1L) "Residual standard errors:"
else "Residual standard error:", sapply(rs, format))
coef <- as.matrix(x$coefficients)[, 1L]
R <- qrx$qr
R <- R[1L:min(dim(R)), , drop=FALSE]
R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0
if(rank < (nc <- length(coef))) {
cat(paste(nc - rank, "out of", nc, "effects not estimable\n"))
R <- R[, 1L:rank, drop = FALSE]
d2 <- sum(abs(diag(R)))
diag(R) <- 0
if(sum(abs(R))/d2 > tol)
cat("Estimated effects may be unbalanced\n")
else cat("Estimated effects are balanced\n")
if(nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action))) cat(mess, "\n", sep = "")
summary.aov <- function(object, intercept = FALSE, split,
expand.split = TRUE, = TRUE, ...)
splitInteractions <- function(split, factors, names, asgn, df.names)
ns <- names(split)
for(i in unique(asgn)) {
if(i == 0 || names[i+1L] %in% ns) next
f <- rownames(factors)[factors[, i] > 0]
sp <- f %in% ns
if(any(sp)) { # some marginal terms are split
if(sum(sp) > 1L) {
old <- split[ f[sp] ]
nn <- setNames(nm = f[sp])
marg <- lapply(nn, function(x)
df.names[asgn == (match(x, names) - 1L)])
term.coefs <- strsplit(df.names[asgn == i], ":", fixed=TRUE)
ttc <- sapply(term.coefs, function(x) x[sp])
rownames(ttc) <- nn
splitnames <-
setNames(nm = apply(expand.grid(lapply(old, names)), 1L,
function(x) paste(x, collapse=".")))
tmp <- sapply(nn, function(i)
names(old[[i]])[match(ttc[i, ], marg[[i]])] )
tmp <- apply(tmp, 1L, function(x) paste(x, collapse="."))
new <- lapply(splitnames, function(x) match(x, tmp))
split[[ names[i+1L] ]] <-
new[sapply(new, function(x) length(x) > 0L)]
} else {
old <- split[[ f[sp] ]]
marg.coefs <- df.names[asgn == (match(f[sp], names) - 1L)]
term.coefs <- strsplit(df.names[asgn == i], ":", fixed=TRUE)
ttc <- sapply(term.coefs, function(x) x[sp])
new <- lapply(old, function(x)
seq_along(ttc)[ttc %in% marg.coefs[x]])
split[[ names[i+1L] ]] <- new
asgn <- object$assign[object$qr$pivot[1L:object$rank]]
uasgn <- unique(asgn)
nterms <- length(uasgn)
effects <- object$effects
effects <- as.matrix(effects)[seq_along(asgn),,drop=FALSE]
rdf <- object$df.residual
nmeffect <- c("(Intercept)", attr(object$terms, "term.labels"))
coef <- as.matrix(object$coefficients)
resid <- as.matrix(object$residuals)
wt <- object$weights
if(!is.null(wt)) resid <- resid * sqrt(wt)
nresp <- NCOL(resid)
ans <- vector("list", nresp)
if(nresp > 1) {
names(ans) <- character(nresp)
for (y in 1L:nresp) {
cn <- colnames(resid)[y]
if(is.null(cn) || cn == "") cn <- y
names(ans)[y] <- paste(" Response", cn)
if(!is.null(effects) && !missing(split)) {
ns <- names(split)
if(!is.null(Terms <- object$terms)) {
stop("the 'split' argument must be a list")
if(!all(ns %in% nmeffect)) {
na <- sum(!ns %in% nmeffect)
"unknown name %s in the 'split' list",
"unknown names %s in the 'split' list"),
paste(sQuote(ns[na]), collapse = ", ")),
domain = NA)
if(expand.split) {
df.names <- names(coef(object))
split <- splitInteractions(split, attr(Terms, "factors"),
nmeffect, asgn, df.names)
ns <- names(split)
for (y in 1L:nresp) {
if(is.null(effects)) {
nterms <- 0L
df <- ss <- ms <- numeric()
nmrows <- character()
} else {
df <- ss <- numeric()
nmrows <- character()
for(i in seq(nterms)) {
ai <- (asgn == uasgn[i])
df <- c(df, sum(ai))
ss <- c(ss, sum(effects[ai, y]^2))
nmi <- nmeffect[1 + uasgn[i]]
nmrows <- c(nmrows, nmi)
if(!missing(split) && ! <- match(nmi, ns))) {
df <- c(df, lengths(split[[int]]))
if(is.null(nms <- names(split[[int]])))
nms <- paste0("C", seq_along(split[[int]]))
ss <- c(ss, unlist(lapply(split[[int]],
function(i, e)
sum(e[i]^2), effects[ai, y])))
nmrows <- c(nmrows, paste0(" ", nmi, ": ", nms))
if(rdf > 0L) {
df <- c(df, rdf)
ss <- c(ss, sum(resid[, y]^2))
nmrows <- c(nmrows, "Residuals")
nt <- length(df)
ms <- ifelse(df > 0L, ss/df, NA)
x <- list(Df = df, "Sum Sq" = ss, "Mean Sq" = ms)
if(rdf > 0L) {
TT <- ms/ms[nt]
TP <- pf(TT, df, rdf, lower.tail = FALSE)
TT[nt] <- TP[nt] <- NA
x$"F value" <- TT
x$"Pr(>F)" <- TP
## 'nterms' ~= 'Residuals' have no P-value
class(x) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(x, "row.names") <- format(nmrows)
if(! x <- x[df > 0L, ]
pm <- pmatch("(Intercept)", row.names(x), 0L)
if(!intercept && pm > 0L) x <- x[-pm ,]
ans[[y]] <- x
class(ans) <- c("summary.aov", "listof")
attr(ans, "na.action") <- object$na.action
print.summary.aov <-
function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
symbolic.cor = FALSE,
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
if (length(x) == 1L)
print(x[[1L]], digits = digits, symbolic.cor = symbolic.cor,
signif.stars = signif.stars)
else NextMethod()
if(nzchar(mess <- naprint(attr(x, "na.action")))) cat(mess, "\n", sep = "")
## coef.aov() := coef.default _but_ with different default for 'complete'
## --> in ./models.R
# For maov objects, the coefficients are a matrix and
# NAs can't sensibly be removed (PR#16380)
coef.maov <- function(object, ...)
alias <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("alias")
alias.formula <- function(object, data, ...)
lm.obj <- if(missing(data)) aov(object) else aov(object, data)
alias(lm.obj, ...)
alias.lm <- function(object, complete = TRUE, partial = FALSE,
partial.pattern = FALSE, ...)
CompPatt <- function(x, ...) {
x[abs(x) < 1e-6] <- 0
PartPatt <- function(x) {
z <- zapsmall(x) != 0
if(any(z)) {
xx <- abs(signif(x[z], 2))
ll <- length(unique(xx))
if(ll > 10L) xx <- cut(xx, 9L) else if(ll == 1L) x[] <- 1
x[z] <- paste0(ifelse(x[z] > 0, " ", "-"), xx)
x[!z] <- ""
collabs <- colnames(x)
collabs <- if(length(collabs)) abbreviate(sub("\\.", "", collabs), 3L)
else 1L:ncol(x)
colnames(x) <- collabs
class(x) <- "mtable"
Model <- object$terms
attributes(Model) <- NULL
value <- list(Model = Model)
R <- qr(object)$qr
R <- R[1L:min(dim(R)), , drop=FALSE]
R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0
d <- dim(R)
rank <- object$rank
p <- d[2L]
if(complete) { # full rank, no aliasing
value$Complete <-
if(is.null(p) || rank == p) NULL else {
p1 <- 1L:rank
X <- R[p1, p1]
Y <- R[p1, -p1, drop = FALSE]
beta12 <- as.matrix(qr.coef(qr(X), Y))
# dimnames(beta12) <- list(dn[p1], dn[ -p1])
if(partial) {
## We only want one aspect of the summary, which we know to be reliable
tmp <- suppressWarnings(summary.lm(object)$cov.unscaled)
ses <- sqrt(diag(tmp))
beta11 <- tmp /outer(ses, ses)
beta11[row(beta11) >= col(beta11)] <- 0
beta11[abs(beta11) < 1e-6] <- 0
if(all(beta11 == 0)) beta11 <- NULL
else if(partial.pattern) beta11 <- PartPatt(beta11)
value$Partial <- beta11
class(value) <- "listof"
print.aovlist <- function(x, ...)
cl <- attr(x, "call")
if(!is.null(cl)) {
if(!is.null(attr(x, "weights")))
cat("Note: The results below are on the weighted scale\n")
nx <- names(x)
if(nx[1L] == "(Intercept)") {
mn <- x[[1L]]$coefficients
if(is.matrix(mn)) {
cat("\nGrand Means:\n")
print(format(mn[1,]), quote = FALSE)
} else cat("\nGrand Mean: ", format(mn[1L]), "\n", sep = "")
nx <- nx[-1L]
for(ii in seq_along(nx)) {
i <- nx[ii]
cat("\nStratum ", ii, ": ", i, "\n", sep = "")
xi <- x[[i]]
print(xi, ...)
summary.aovlist <- function(object, ...)
if(!is.null(attr(object, "weights")))
cat("Note: The results below are on the weighted scale\n")
dots <- list(...)
strata <- names(object)
if(strata[1L] == "(Intercept)") {
strata <- strata[-1L]
object <- object[-1L]
x <- setNames(vector(length = length(strata), mode = "list"),
paste("Error:", strata))
for(i in seq_along(strata))
x[[i]] <-"summary", c(list(object = object[[i]]), dots))
class(x) <- "summary.aovlist"
print.summary.aovlist <- function(x, ...)
nn <- names(x)
for (i in nn) {
cat("\n", i, "\n", sep = "")
print(x[[i]], ...)
coef.listof <- function(object, ...)
val <- setNames(vector("list", length(object)), names(object))
for(i in seq_along(object)) val[[i]] <- coef(object[[i]])
class(val) <- "listof"
se.contrast <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("se.contrast")
se.contrast.aov <-
function(object, contrast.obj,
coef = contr.helmert(ncol(contrast))[, 1L],
data = NULL, ...)
contrast.weight.aov <- function(object, contrast)
qro <- qr(object)
asgn <- object$assign[qro$pivot[1L:object$rank]]
uasgn <- unique(asgn)
nterms <- length(uasgn)
nmeffect <- c("(Intercept)",
attr(object$terms, "term.labels"))[1L + uasgn]
effects <- as.matrix(qr.qty(qro, contrast))
res <- matrix(0, nrow = nterms, ncol = ncol(effects),
dimnames = list(nmeffect, colnames(contrast)))
for(i in seq(nterms)) {
select <- (asgn == uasgn[i])
res[i,] <- colSums(effects[seq_along(asgn)[select], , drop = FALSE]^2)
if(is.null(data)) contrast.obj <- eval(contrast.obj)
else contrast.obj <- eval(substitute(contrast.obj), data, parent.frame())
if(!is.matrix(contrast.obj)) { # so a list
if(!missing(coef)) {
if(sum(coef) != 0)
stop("'coef' must define a contrast, i.e., sum to 0")
if(length(coef) != length(contrast.obj))
stop("'coef' must have same length as 'contrast.obj'")
contrast <-
sapply(contrast.obj, function(x)
stop(gettextf("each element of '%s' must be logical",
domain = NA)
if(!length(contrast) || all(
stop("the contrast defined is empty (has no TRUE elements)")
contrast <- contrast %*% coef
} else {
contrast <- contrast.obj
if(any(abs(colSums(contrast)) > 1e-8))
stop("columns of 'contrast.obj' must define a contrast (sum to zero)")
colnames(contrast) <- paste("Contrast", seq(ncol(contrast)))
weights <- contrast.weight.aov(object, contrast)
rdf <- object$df.residual
if(rdf == 0L) stop("no degrees of freedom for residuals")
resid <- as.matrix(object$residuals)
wt <- object$weights
if(!is.null(wt)) resid <- resid * sqrt(wt)
rse <- sum(resid^2)/rdf
if(!is.matrix(contrast.obj)) sqrt(sum(weights) * rse)
else sqrt(rse * colSums(weights))
se.contrast.aovlist <-
function(object, contrast.obj,
coef = contr.helmert(ncol(contrast))[, 1L],
data = NULL, ...)
contrast.weight.aovlist <- function(object, contrast)
e.qr <- attr(object, "error.qr")
if(!inherits(e.qr, "qr"))
stop("'object' does not include an error 'qr' component")
c.qr <- qr.qty(e.qr, contrast)
e.assign <- attr(e.qr$qr, "assign")
n.object <- length(object)
e.assign <- c(e.assign, - 1L, nrow(c.qr) - length(e.assign)))
res <- setNames(vector("list", n.object), names(object))
for(j in seq_along(names(object))) {
strata <- object[[j]]
if(is.qr(strata$qr)) {
scontrast <- c.qr[e.assign == (j - 1L), , drop = FALSE]
effects <- as.matrix(qr.qty(strata$qr, scontrast))
asgn <- strata$assign[strata$qr$pivot[1L:strata$rank]]
uasgn <- unique(asgn)
nm <- c("(Intercept)", attr(strata$terms, "term.labels"))
res.i <-
matrix(0, length(uasgn), ncol(effects),
dimnames = list(nm[1L + uasgn], colnames(contrast)))
for(i in seq_along(uasgn)) {
select <- (asgn == uasgn[i])
res.i[i, ] <-
colSums(effects[seq_along(asgn)[select], , drop = FALSE]^2)
res[[j]] <- res.i
SS <- function(aov.object)
rdf <- aov.object$df.residual
if(is.null(rdf)) {
nobs <- length(aov.object$residuals)
rank <- aov.object$rank
rdf <- nobs - rank
if(rdf == 0L) return(NA)
resid <- as.matrix(aov.object$residuals)
wt <- aov.object$weights
if(!is.null(wt)) resid <- resid * sqrt(wt)
if(is.null(attr(object, "error.qr"))) {
message("Refitting model to allow projection")
object <- update(object, qr = TRUE)
contrast.obj <-
if(is.null(data)) eval(contrast.obj)
else eval(substitute(contrast.obj), data, parent.frame())
if(!is.matrix(contrast.obj)) {
if(!missing(coef)) {
if(sum(coef) != 0)
stop("'coef' must define a contrast, i.e., sum to 0")
if(length(coef) != length(contrast.obj))
stop("'coef' must have same length as 'contrast.obj'")
contrast <-
function(x) {
stop(gettextf("each element of '%s' must be logical",
domain = NA)
if(!length(contrast) || all(
stop("the contrast defined is empty (has no TRUE elements)")
contrast <- contrast %*% coef
else {
contrast <- contrast.obj
if(any(abs(colSums(contrast)) > 1e-8))
stop("columns of 'contrast.obj' must define a contrast(sum to zero)")
colnames(contrast) <- paste("Contrast", seq(ncol(contrast)))
weights <- contrast.weight.aovlist(object, contrast)
weights <- weights[-match("(Intercept)", names(weights))]
effic <- eff.aovlist(object)
## Need to identify the lowest stratum where each nonzero term appears
eff.used <- apply(effic, 2L,
function(x, ind = seq_along(x)) {
temp <- (x > 0)
if(sum(temp) == 1) temp
else max(ind[temp]) == ind
if(is.matrix(eff.used)) {
strata.nms <- rownames(effic)[row(eff.used)[eff.used]]
var.nms <- colnames(effic)[col(eff.used)[eff.used]]
} else {
strata.nms <- rownames(effic)
var.nms <- colnames(effic)
rse.list <- sapply(object[unique(strata.nms)], SS)
wgt <- matrix(0, nrow = length(var.nms), ncol = ncol(contrast),
dimnames = list(var.nms, colnames(contrast)))
for(i in seq_along(var.nms))
wgt[i, ] <- weights[[strata.nms[i]]][var.nms[i], , drop = FALSE]
rse <- rse.list[strata.nms]
eff <- effic[eff.used]
drop(sqrt((rse/eff^2) %*% wgt))