blob: f7f7b00503075a03dcba26a100053a51a8adcc02 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/stats/R/dendrogram.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2017 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
as.dendrogram <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("as.dendrogram")
as.dendrogram.dendrogram <- function(object, ...) object
as.dendrogram.hclust <- function (object, hang = -1, check = TRUE, ...)
## hang = 0.1 is default for plot.hclust
nolabels <- is.null(object$labels)
merge <- object$merge
if(check && !isTRUE(msg <- .validity.hclust(object, merge, order=nolabels)))
object$labels <- seq_along(object$order)
z <- list()
nMerge <- length(oHgt <- object$height)
hMax <- oHgt[nMerge]
for (k in 1L:nMerge) {
x <- merge[k, ]# no sort() anymore!
if (any(neg <- x < 0))
h0 <- if (hang < 0) 0 else max(0, oHgt[k] - hang * hMax)
if (all(neg)) { # two leaves
zk <- as.list(-x)
attr(zk, "members") <- 2L
attr(zk, "midpoint") <- 0.5 # mean( c(0,1) )
objlabels <- object$labels[-x]
attr(zk[[1L]], "label") <- objlabels[1L]
attr(zk[[2L]], "label") <- objlabels[2L]
attr(zk[[1L]], "members") <- attr(zk[[2L]], "members") <- 1L
attr(zk[[1L]], "height") <- attr(zk[[2L]], "height") <- h0
attr(zk[[1L]], "leaf") <- attr(zk[[2L]], "leaf") <- TRUE
else if (any(neg)) { # one leaf, one node
X <- as.character(x)
## Originally had "x <- sort(..) above => leaf always left, x[1L];
## don't want to assume this
isL <- x[1L] < 0 ## is leaf left?
zk <-
if(isL) list(-x[1L], z[[X[2L]]])
else list(z[[X[1L]]], -x[2L])
attr(zk, "members") <- attr(z[[X[1 + isL]]], "members") + 1L
attr(zk, "midpoint") <-
(.memberDend(zk[[1L]]) + attr(z[[X[1 + isL]]], "midpoint"))/2
attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "members") <- 1L
attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "height") <- h0
attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "label") <- object$labels[-x[2 - isL]]
attr(zk[[2 - isL]], "leaf") <- TRUE
z[[X[1 + isL]]] <- NULL
else { # two non-leaf nodes
x <- as.character(x)
## "merge" the two ('earlier') branches:
zk <- list(z[[x[1L]]], z[[x[2L]]])
attr(zk, "members") <- attr(z[[x[1L]]], "members") +
attr(z[[x[2L]]], "members")
attr(zk, "midpoint") <- (attr(z[[x[1L]]], "members") +
attr(z[[x[1L]]], "midpoint") +
attr(z[[x[2L]]], "midpoint"))/2
z[[x[1L]]] <- z[[x[2L]]] <- NULL
attr(zk, "height") <- oHgt[k]
z[[as.character(k)]] <- zk
structure(z[[as.character(k)]], class = "dendrogram")
## Count the number of leaves in a dendrogram.
nleaves <- function (node) {
if (is.leaf(node))
todo <- NULL # Non-leaf nodes to traverse after this one.
count <- 0L
repeat {
## For each child: count iff a leaf, add to todo list otherwise.
while (length(node)) {
child <- node[[1L]]
node <- node[-1L]
if (is.leaf(child)) {
count <- count + 1L
} else {
todo <- list(node=child, todo=todo)
## Advance to next node, terminating when no nodes left to count.
if (is.null(todo)) {
} else {
node <- todo$node
todo <- todo$todo
## Reversing as.dendrogram.hclust() above (as much as possible)
## is only possible for dendrograms with *binary* splits
as.hclust.dendrogram <- function(x, ...)
stopifnot(is.list(x), length(x) == 2L)
n <- nleaves(x)
stopifnot(n == attr(x, "members"))
## Ord and labels for each leaf node (in preorder).
ord <- integer(n)
labsu <- character(n)
## Height and (parent,index) for each internal node (in preorder).
n.h <- n - 1L
height <- numeric(n.h)
myIdx <- matrix(NA_integer_, 2L, n.h)
## Record merges initially in preorder traversal
## We will resort into merge order at end.
merge <- matrix(NA_integer_, 2L, n.h)
## Starting at root, traverse dendrogram recording
## information above about leaves and nodes encountered
position <- 0L # position within current node
stack <- NULL # parents of current node plus saved state
leafCount <- 0L # number of leaves seen
nodeCount <- 0L # number of nodes seen
repeat {
## Pre-order traversal of the current node.
## Will descend into non-leaf children pushing parents onto stack.
while (length(x)) {
## Record height and index list on first visit to each internal node.
if (position == 0L) {
nodeCount <- nodeCount + 1L
myNodeIndex <- nodeCount
if (nodeCount != 1L) {
myIdx[,nodeCount] <- c(stack$position, stack$myNodeIndex)
height[nodeCount] <- attr(x, "height")
position <- position + 1L
child <- x[[1L]]
x <- x[-1L]
if (is.leaf(child)) {
## Record information about leaf nodes.
leafCount <- leafCount + 1L
labsu[leafCount] <- attr(child,'label')
ord[leafCount] <- as.integer(child)
merge[position,myNodeIndex] <- - ord[leafCount]
} else {
stopifnot (length(child)==2L)
## Descend into non-leaf nodes, saving state on stack.
stack <- list(node=x, position=position,
myNodeIndex=myNodeIndex, stack=stack)
x <- child
position <- 0L
## All children of current node have been traversed.
## Terminate if current node was the root node.
if (is.null(stack)) {
## Otherwise, pop parent node and state.
position <- stack$position # Restore position in parent node.
x <- stack$node
myNodeIndex <- stack$myNodeIndex
stack <- stack$stack
iOrd <- sort.list(ord)
if(!identical(ord[iOrd], seq_len(n)))
"dendrogram entries must be 1,2,..,%d (in any order), to be coercible to \"hclust\"",
n), domain=NA)
## ties: break ties "compatibly" with above preorder traversal -- relies on stable sort here:
ii <- sort.list(height, decreasing=TRUE)[n.h:1L]
stopifnot(ii[n.h] == 1L)
## Record internal merges
k <- seq_len(n.h-1L)
merge[t(myIdx[,ii[k]])] <- + k
if (getOption("as.hclust.dendr", FALSE)) { # be verbose
for(k in seq_len(n.h)) {
cat(sprintf("ii[k=%2d]=%2d ", k, ii[k]))
cat("-> s=merge[[,ii[k]]]=")
structure(list(merge = t(merge[,ii]), # Resort into merge order
height = height[ii], # Resort into merge order
order = ord,
labels = labsu[iOrd],
call =,
method = NA_character_,
dist.method = NA_character_),
class = "hclust")
### MM: 'FIXME' (2002-05-14):
### =====
## We currently (mis)use a node's "members" attribute for two things:
## 1) #{sub nodes}
## 2) information about horizontal layout of the given node
## Because of that, cut.dend..() cannot correctly set "members" as it should!
## ==> start using "x.member" and the following function :
.memberDend <- function(x) {
r <- attr(x,"x.member")
if(is.null(r)) {
r <- attr(x,"members")
if(is.null(r)) r <- 1L
.midDend <- function(x)
if(is.null(mp <- attr(x, "midpoint"))) 0 else mp
midcache.dendrogram <- function (x, type = "hclust", quiet=FALSE)
## Recompute "midpoint" attributes of a dendrogram, e.g. after reorder().
type <- match.arg(type) ## currently only "hclust"
stopifnot( inherits(x, "dendrogram") )
verbose <- getOption("verbose", 0) >= 2 # non-public
setmid <- function(d, type) {
depth <- 0L
kk <- integer()
jj <- integer()
dd <- list()
repeat {
if(!is.leaf(d)) {# no "midpoint" for leaf
k <- length(d)
if(k < 1)
stop("dendrogram node with non-positive #{branches}")
depth <- depth + 1L
if(verbose) cat(sprintf(" depth(+)=%4d, k=%d\n", depth, k))
kk[depth] <- k
if(storage.mode(jj) != storage.mode(kk)) # (long vectors)
storage.mode(jj) <- storage.mode(kk)
dd[[depth]] <- d
d <- d[[jj[depth] <- 1L]]
while(depth) {
k <- kk[depth]
j <- jj[depth]
r <- dd[[depth]] # incl. attributes!
r[[j]] <- unclass(d)
if(j < k) break
depth <- depth - 1L
if(verbose) cat(sprintf(" depth(-)=%4d, k=%d\n", depth, k))
midS <- sum(vapply(r, .midDend, 0))
if(!quiet && type == "hclust" && k != 2)
warning("midcache() of non-binary dendrograms only partly implemented")
## compatible to as.dendrogram.hclust() {MM: doubtful if k > 2}
attr(r, "midpoint") <- (.memberDend(r[[1L]]) + midS) / 2
d <- r
if(!depth) break
dd[[depth]] <- r
d <- r[[jj[depth] <- j + 1L]]
setmid(x, type=type)
### Define a very concise print() method for dendrograms:
## Martin Maechler, 15 May 2002
print.dendrogram <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
cat("'dendrogram' ")
cat("leaf '", format(attr(x, "label"), digits = digits),"'", sep = "")
cat("with", length(x), "branches and",
attr(x,"members"), "members total")
cat(", at height", format(attr(x,"height"), digits = digits), "\n")
str.dendrogram <-
function (object, max.level = NA, digits.d = 3L, give.attr = FALSE,
wid = getOption("width"), nest.lev = 0L, indent.str = "",
last.str = getOption("str.dendrogram.last"), stem = "--", ...)
## TO DO: when object is part of a larger structure which is str()ed
## with default max.level= NA, it should not be str()ed to all levels,
## but only to e.g. level 2
## Implement via smarter default for 'max.level' (?)
pasteLis <- function(lis, dropNam, sep = " = ") {
## drop uninteresting "attributes" here
lis <- lis[!(names(lis) %in% dropNam)]
fl <- sapply(lis, format, digits = digits.d)
paste(paste(names(fl), fl, sep = sep), collapse = ", ")
todo <- NULL # Nodes to process after this one
repeat {
## when indent.str ends in a blank, i.e. "last" (see below)
istr <- sub(" $", last.str, indent.str)
cat(istr, stem, sep = "")
at <- attributes(object)
memb <- at[["members"]]
hgt <- at[["height"]]
if(!is.leaf(object)) {
le <- length(object)
if(give.attr) {
if(nzchar(at <- pasteLis(at, c("class", "height", "members"))))
at <- paste(",", at)
cat("[dendrogram w/ ", le, " branches and ", memb, " members at h = ",
format(hgt, digits = digits.d), if(give.attr) at, "]",
if(! && nest.lev == max.level)" ..", "\n", sep = "")
if ( || nest.lev < max.level) {
## Push children onto todo list in reverse order.
## Assumes at least one child.
nest.lev <- nest.lev + 1L
todo <- list(object=object[[le]], nest.lev = nest.lev,
indent.str = paste(indent.str, " "), todo = todo)
indent.str <- paste (indent.str, " |")
while ((le <- le - 1L) > 0L) {
todo <- list(object=object[[le]], nest.lev = nest.lev,
indent.str = indent.str, todo = todo)
} else { ## leaf
if(is.character(at$label)) paste("", at$label,"", sep = '"') else
format(object, digits = digits.d),"") <- hgt != 0
if( cat("(h=",format(hgt, digits = digits.d))
if(memb != 1) #MM: when can this happen?
cat(if(", " else { <- TRUE; "("}, "memb= ", memb, sep = "")
at <- pasteLis(at, c("class", "height", "members", "leaf", "label"))
if( || nzchar(at)) cat(if(!"(", at, ")")
## Advance to next node, if any.
if (is.null(todo)) {
} else {
object <- todo$object
nest.lev <- todo$nest.lev
indent.str <- todo$indent.str
todo <- todo$todo
## The ``generic'' method for "[[" (analogous to e.g., "[[.POSIXct"):
## --> subbranches (including leafs!) are dendrograms as well!
`[[.dendrogram` <- function(x, ..., drop = TRUE) {
if(!is.null(r <- NextMethod("[[")))
structure(r, class = "dendrogram")
nobs.dendrogram <- function(object, ...) attr(object, "members")
## FIXME: need larger par("mar")[1L] or [4L] for longish labels !
## {probably don't change, just print a warning ..}
plot.dendrogram <-
function (x, type = c("rectangle", "triangle"), center = FALSE,
edge.root = is.leaf(x) || !is.null(attr(x, "edgetext")),
nodePar = NULL, edgePar = list(),
leaflab = c("perpendicular", "textlike", "none"), dLeaf = NULL,
xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt="n", yaxt="s",
horiz = FALSE, frame.plot = FALSE, xlim, ylim, ...)
type <- match.arg(type)
leaflab <- match.arg(leaflab)
hgt <- attr(x, "height")
if (edge.root && is.logical(edge.root))
edge.root <- 0.0625 * if(is.leaf(x)) 1 else hgt
mem.x <- .memberDend(x)
yTop <- hgt + edge.root
if(center) { x1 <- 0.5 ; x2 <- mem.x + 0.5 }
else { x1 <- 1 ; x2 <- mem.x }
xl. <- c(x1 - 1/2, x2 + 1/2)
yl. <- c(0, yTop)
if (horiz) {## swap and reverse direction on `x':
tmp <- xl.; xl. <- rev(yl.); yl. <- tmp
tmp <- xaxt; xaxt <- yaxt; yaxt <- tmp
if(missing(xlim) || is.null(xlim)) xlim <- xl.
if(missing(ylim) || is.null(ylim)) ylim <- yl.
dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush())
plot(0, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xaxt = xaxt, yaxt = yaxt, frame.plot = frame.plot, ...)
dLeaf <- .75*(if(horiz) strwidth("w") else strheight("x"))
if (edge.root) {
### FIXME: the first edge + edgetext is drawn here, all others in plotNode()
### ----- maybe use trick with adding a single parent node to the top ?
x0 <- plotNodeLimit(x1, x2, x, center)$x
if (horiz)
segments(hgt, x0, yTop, x0)
else segments(x0, hgt, x0, yTop)
if (!is.null(et <- attr(x, "edgetext"))) {
my <- mean(hgt, yTop)
if (horiz)
text(my, x0, et)
else text(x0, my, et)
plotNode(x1, x2, x, type = type, center = center, leaflab = leaflab,
dLeaf = dLeaf, nodePar = nodePar, edgePar = edgePar, horiz = horiz)
### the work horse: plot node (if pch) and lines to all children
plotNode <-
function(x1, x2, subtree, type, center, leaflab, dLeaf,
nodePar, edgePar, horiz = FALSE)
wholetree <- subtree
depth <- 0L
llimit <- list()
KK <- integer()
kk <- integer()
repeat {
inner <- !is.leaf(subtree) && x1 != x2
yTop <- attr(subtree, "height")
bx <- plotNodeLimit(x1, x2, subtree, center)
xTop <- bx$x
depth <- depth + 1L
llimit[[depth]] <- bx$limit
## handle node specific parameters in "nodePar":
hasP <- !is.null(nPar <- attr(subtree, "nodePar"))
if(!hasP) nPar <- nodePar
if(getOption("verbose")) {
cat(if(inner)"inner node" else "leaf", ":")
if(!is.null(nPar)) { cat(" with node pars\n"); str(nPar) }
cat(if(inner )paste(" height", formatC(yTop),"; "),
"(x1,x2)= (", formatC(x1, width = 4), ",", formatC(x2, width = 4), ")",
"--> xTop=", formatC(xTop, width = 8), "\n", sep = "")
Xtract <- function(nam, L, default, indx)
rep(if(nam %in% names(L)) L[[nam]] else default,
length.out = indx)[indx]
asTxt <- function(x) # to allow 'plotmath' labels:
if(is.character(x) || is.expression(x) || is.null(x)) x else as.character(x)
i <- if(inner || hasP) 1 else 2 # only 1 node specific par
if(!is.null(nPar)) { ## draw this node
pch <- Xtract("pch", nPar, default = 1L:2, i)
cex <- Xtract("cex", nPar, default = c(1,1), i)
col <- Xtract("col", nPar, default = par("col"), i)
bg <- Xtract("bg", nPar, default = par("bg"), i)
points(if (horiz) cbind(yTop, xTop) else cbind(xTop, yTop),
pch = pch, bg = bg, col = col, cex = cex)
if(leaflab == "textlike")
p.col <- Xtract("p.col", nPar, default = "white", i)
lab.col <- Xtract("lab.col", nPar, default = par("col"), i)
lab.cex <- Xtract("lab.cex", nPar, default = c(1,1), i)
lab.font <- Xtract("lab.font", nPar, default = par("font"), i)
lab.xpd <- Xtract("xpd", nPar, default = c(TRUE, TRUE), i)
if (is.leaf(subtree)) {
## label leaf
if (leaflab == "perpendicular") { # somewhat like plot.hclust
if(horiz) {
X <- yTop + dLeaf * lab.cex
Y <- xTop; srt <- 0; adj <- c(0, 0.5)
else {
Y <- yTop - dLeaf * lab.cex
X <- xTop; srt <- 90; adj <- 1
nodeText <- asTxt(attr(subtree,"label"))
text(X, Y, nodeText, xpd = lab.xpd, srt = srt, adj = adj,
cex = lab.cex, col = lab.col, font = lab.font)
else if (inner) {
segmentsHV <- function(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
if (horiz)
segments(y0, x0, y1, x1, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
else segments(x0, y0, x1, y1, col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
for (k in seq_along(subtree)) {
child <- subtree[[k]]
## draw lines to the children and draw them recursively
yBot <- attr(child, "height")
if (getOption("verbose")) cat("ch.", k, "@ h=", yBot, "; ")
if (is.null(yBot))
yBot <- 0
xBot <-
if (center) mean(bx$limit[k:(k + 1)])
else bx$limit[k] + .midDend(child)
hasE <- !is.null(ePar <- attr(child, "edgePar"))
if (!hasE)
ePar <- edgePar
i <- if (!is.leaf(child) || hasE) 1 else 2
## define line attributes for segmentsHV():
col <- Xtract("col", ePar, default = par("col"), i)
lty <- Xtract("lty", ePar, default = par("lty"), i)
lwd <- Xtract("lwd", ePar, default = par("lwd"), i)
if (type == "triangle") {
segmentsHV(xTop, yTop, xBot, yBot)
else { # rectangle
segmentsHV(xTop,yTop, xBot,yTop)# h
segmentsHV(xBot,yTop, xBot,yBot)# v
vln <- NULL
if (is.leaf(child) && leaflab == "textlike") {
nodeText <- asTxt(attr(child,"label"))
cat('-- with "label"',format(nodeText))
hln <- 0.6 * strwidth(nodeText, cex = lab.cex)/2
vln <- 1.5 * strheight(nodeText, cex = lab.cex)/2
rect(xBot - hln, yBot,
xBot + hln, yBot + 2 * vln, col = p.col)
text(xBot, yBot + vln, nodeText, xpd = lab.xpd,
cex = lab.cex, col = lab.col, font = lab.font)
if (!is.null(attr(child, "edgetext"))) {
edgeText <- asTxt(attr(child, "edgetext"))
cat('-- with "edgetext"',format(edgeText))
if (!is.null(vln)) {
mx <-
if(type == "triangle")
(xTop+ xBot+ ((xTop - xBot)/(yTop - yBot)) * vln)/2
else xBot
my <- (yTop + yBot + 2 * vln)/2
else {
mx <- if(type == "triangle") (xTop + xBot)/2 else xBot
my <- (yTop + yBot)/2
## Both for "triangle" and "rectangle" : Diamond + Text
p.col <- Xtract("p.col", ePar, default = "white", i)
p.border <- Xtract("p.border", ePar, default = par("fg"), i)
## edge label pars: defaults from the segments pars
p.lwd <- Xtract("p.lwd", ePar, default = lwd, i)
p.lty <- Xtract("p.lty", ePar, default = lty, i)
t.col <- Xtract("t.col", ePar, default = col, i)
t.cex <- Xtract("t.cex", ePar, default = 1, i)
t.font <- Xtract("t.font", ePar, default = par("font"), i)
vlm <- strheight(c(edgeText,"h"), cex = t.cex)/2
hlm <- strwidth (c(edgeText,"m"), cex = t.cex)/2
hl3 <- c(hlm[1L], hlm[1L] + hlm[2L], hlm[1L])
if(horiz) {
polygon(my+ c(-hl3, hl3), mx + sum(vlm)*c(-1L:1L, 1L:-1L),
col = p.col, border = p.border,
lty = p.lty, lwd = p.lwd)
text(my, mx, edgeText, cex = t.cex, col = t.col,
font = t.font)
} else {
polygon(mx+ c(-hl3, hl3), my + sum(vlm)*c(-1L:1L, 1L:-1L),
col = p.col, border = p.border,
lty = p.lty, lwd = p.lwd)
text(mx, my, edgeText, cex = t.cex, col = t.col,
font = t.font)
if (inner && length(subtree)) {
KK[depth] <- length(subtree)
if (storage.mode(kk) != storage.mode(KK))
storage.mode(kk) <- storage.mode(KK)
## go to first child
kk[depth] <- 1L
x1 <- bx$limit[1L]
x2 <- bx$limit[2L]
subtree <- subtree[[1L]]
else {
repeat {
depth <- depth - 1L
if (!depth || kk[depth] < KK[depth]) break
if (!depth) break
length(kk) <- depth
kk[depth] <- k <- kk[depth] + 1L
x1 <- llimit[[depth]][k]
x2 <- llimit[[depth]][k + 1L]
subtree <- wholetree[[kk]]
} ## repeat
plotNodeLimit <- function(x1, x2, subtree, center)
## get the left borders limit[k] of all children k=1..K, and
## the handle point `x' for the edge connecting to the parent.
inner <- !is.leaf(subtree) && x1 != x2
limit <- c(x1,
if(inner) {
K <- length(subtree)
mTop <- .memberDend(subtree)
limit <- integer(K)
xx1 <- x1
for(k in 1L:K) {
m <- .memberDend(subtree[[k]])
##if(is.null(m)) m <- 1
xx1 <- xx1 + (if(center) (x2-x1) * m/mTop else m)
limit[k] <- xx1
} else ## leaf
mid <- attr(subtree, "midpoint")
center <- center || (inner && !is.numeric(mid))
x <- if(center) mean(c(x1,x2)) else x1 + (if(inner) mid else 0)
list(x = x, limit = limit)
cut.dendrogram <- function(x, h, ...)
LOWER <- list()
X <- 1
assignNodes <- function(subtree, h) {
if(!is.leaf(subtree)) {
if(!(K <- length(subtree)))
stop("non-leaf subtree of length 0")
new.mem <- 0L
for(k in 1L:K) {
sub <- subtree[[k]]
if(attr(sub, "height") <= h) {
## cut it, i.e. save to LOWER[] and make a leaf
at <- attributes(sub)
at$leaf <- TRUE
at$class <- NULL# drop it from leaf
at$x.member <- at$members
new.mem <- new.mem + (at$members <- 1L)
at$label <- paste("Branch", X)
subtree[[k]] <- X #paste("Branch", X)
attributes(subtree[[k]]) <- at
class(sub) <- "dendrogram"
LOWER[[X]] <<- sub
X <<- X+1
else { ## don't cut up here, possibly its children:
subtree[[k]] <- assignNodes(sub, h)
new.mem <- new.mem + attr(subtree[[k]], "members")
## re-count members:
attr(subtree,"x.member") <- attr(subtree,"members")
attr(subtree,"members") <- new.mem
}# assignNodes()
list(upper = assignNodes(x, h), lower = LOWER)
}## cut.dendrogram()
is.leaf <- function(object) (is.logical(L <- attr(object, "leaf"))) && L
## *Not* a method (yet):
order.dendrogram <- function(x) {
if( !inherits(x, "dendrogram") )
stop("'order.dendrogram' requires a dendrogram")
else ## leaf
##RG's first version -- for posterity
# order.dendrogram <- function(x) {
# if( !inherits(x, "dendrogram") )
# stop("order.dendrogram requires a dendrogram")
# ord <- function(x) {
# if( is.leaf(x) ) return(x[1L])
# return(c(ord(x[[1L]]), ord(x[[2L]])))
# }
# return(ord(x))
# }
reorder <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("reorder")
reorder.dendrogram <- function(x, wts, agglo.FUN = sum, ...)
if( !inherits(x, "dendrogram") )
stop("'reorder.dendrogram' requires a dendrogram")
agglo.FUN <-
oV <- function(x, wts) {
depth <- 0L
kk <- jj <- integer()
xx <- list()
repeat {
attr(x, "value") <- wts[x[1L]]
else {
k <- length(x)
if(k == 0L) stop("invalid (length 0) node in dendrogram")
depth <- depth + 1L
kk[depth] <- k
if(storage.mode(jj) != storage.mode(kk))
storage.mode(jj) <- storage.mode(kk)
## insert/compute 'wts' recursively down the branches:
xx[[depth]] <- x
x <- x[[jj[depth] <- 1L]]
while(depth) {
b <- x
x <- xx[[depth]]
j <- jj[depth]
x[[j]] <- b
if(j < kk[depth]) break
depth <- depth - 1L
vals <- vapply(x, attr, numeric(1L), which="value")
iOrd <- sort.list(vals)
attr(x, "value") <- agglo.FUN(vals[iOrd])
x[] <- x[iOrd]
if(!depth) break
xx[[depth]] <- x
x <- x[[jj[depth] <- j + 1L]]
midcache.dendrogram( oV(x, wts) )
rev.dendrogram <- function(x) {
k <- length(x)
if(k < 1)
stop("dendrogram non-leaf node with non-positive #{branches}")
r <- x # incl. attributes!
for(j in 1L:k) ## recurse
r[[j]] <- rev(x[[k+1-j]])
midcache.dendrogram( r )
labels.dendrogram <- function(object, ...) {
rapply(object, function(n) attr(n,"label"))
else # can "end" in a leaf here
attr(object, "label")
merge.dendrogram <- function(x, y, ..., height,
adjust = c("auto", "add.max", "none"))
stopifnot(inherits(x,"dendrogram"), inherits(y,"dendrogram"))
if((adjust <- match.arg(adjust)) == "auto")
adjust <-
## dendrograms as from hclust(), have entries {1,2,..,n}; "cheap" check:
if(min(unlist(x)) == 1 && min(unlist(y)) == 1)
else # for now, can imagine more:
if(adjust == "add.max") {
add.ifleaf <- function(i, add) if(is.leaf(i)) i + add else i
add <- max(unlist(x))
y <- dendrapply(y, add.ifleaf, add=add)
r <- list(x,y)
if(length(xtr <- list(...))) {
if(!all(is.d <- vapply(xtr, inherits, NA, what="dendrogram"))) {
xpr <- substitute(c(...))
nms <- sapply(xpr[-1][!is.d], deparse, nlines = 1L)
## do not simplify: xgettext needs this form
msg <- ngettext(length(nms),
"extra argument %s is not of class \"%s\"",
"extra arguments %s are not of class \"%s\"s")
stop(sprintf(msg, paste(nms, collapse=", "), "dendrogram"),
domain = NA)
if(adjust == "add.max") {
add <- max(add, unlist(y))
for(i in seq_along(xtr)) {
if(i > 1L) add <- max(add, unlist(xtr[i-1L]))
xtr[[i]] <- dendrapply(xtr[[i]], add.ifleaf, add=add)
r <- c(r, xtr)
attr(r, "members") <- sum(vapply(r, attr, 0L, which="members"))
h.max <- max(vapply(r, attr, 0., which="height"))
if(missing(height) || is.null(height))
height <- 1.1 * h.max
else if(height < h.max) {
msg <- gettextf("'height' must be at least %g, the maximal height of its components", h.max)
stop(msg, domain = NA)
attr(r, "height") <- height
class(r) <- "dendrogram"
midcache.dendrogram(r, quiet=TRUE)
dendrapply <- function(X, FUN, ...)
## Purpose: "dendrogram" recursive apply {to each node}
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 26 Jun 2004, 22:43
FUN <-
if( !inherits(X, "dendrogram") ) stop("'X' is not a dendrogram")
## Node apply recursively:
Napply <- function(d) {
r <- FUN(d, ...)
if(!is.leaf(d)) {
if(!is.list(r)) r <- as.list(r) # fixing unsafe FUN()s
if(length(r) < (n <- length(d))) r[seq_len(n)] <- vector("list", n)
## and overwrite recursively, possibly keeping "attr"
r[] <- lapply(d, Napply)
## original Andy Liaw; modified RG, MM :
heatmap <-
function (x, Rowv=NULL, Colv=if(symm)"Rowv" else NULL,
distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust,
reorderfun = function(d,w) reorder(d,w),
add.expr, symm = FALSE, revC = identical(Colv, "Rowv"),
scale = c("row", "column", "none"), na.rm=TRUE,
margins = c(5, 5), ColSideColors, RowSideColors,
cexRow = 0.2 + 1/log10(nr), cexCol = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc),
labRow = NULL, labCol = NULL, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL,
keep.dendro = FALSE,
verbose = getOption("verbose"), ...)
scale <- if(symm && missing(scale)) "none" else match.arg(scale)
if(length(di <- dim(x)) != 2 || !is.numeric(x))
stop("'x' must be a numeric matrix")
nr <- di[1L]
nc <- di[2L]
if(nr <= 1 || nc <= 1)
stop("'x' must have at least 2 rows and 2 columns")
if(!is.numeric(margins) || length(margins) != 2L)
stop("'margins' must be a numeric vector of length 2")
doRdend <- !identical(Rowv,NA)
doCdend <- !identical(Colv,NA)
if(!doRdend && identical(Colv, "Rowv")) doCdend <- FALSE
## by default order by row/col means
if(is.null(Rowv)) Rowv <- rowMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm)
if(is.null(Colv)) Colv <- colMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm)
## get the dendrograms and reordering indices
if(doRdend) {
if(inherits(Rowv, "dendrogram"))
ddr <- Rowv
else {
hcr <- hclustfun(distfun(x))
ddr <- as.dendrogram(hcr)
if(!is.logical(Rowv) || Rowv)
ddr <- reorderfun(ddr, Rowv)
if(nr != length(rowInd <- order.dendrogram(ddr)))
stop("row dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length")
else rowInd <- 1L:nr
if(doCdend) {
if(inherits(Colv, "dendrogram"))
ddc <- Colv
else if(identical(Colv, "Rowv")) {
if(nr != nc)
stop('Colv = "Rowv" but nrow(x) != ncol(x)')
ddc <- ddr
else {
hcc <- hclustfun(distfun(if(symm)x else t(x)))
ddc <- as.dendrogram(hcc)
if(!is.logical(Colv) || Colv)
ddc <- reorderfun(ddc, Colv)
if(nc != length(colInd <- order.dendrogram(ddc)))
stop("column dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length")
else colInd <- 1L:nc
## reorder x
x <- x[rowInd, colInd]
labRow <-
if(is.null(rownames(x))) (1L:nr)[rowInd] else rownames(x)
else labRow[rowInd]
labCol <-
if(is.null(colnames(x))) (1L:nc)[colInd] else colnames(x)
else labCol[colInd]
if(scale == "row") {
x <- sweep(x, 1L, rowMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm), check.margin=FALSE)
sx <- apply(x, 1L, sd, na.rm = na.rm)
x <- sweep(x, 1L, sx, "/", check.margin=FALSE)
else if(scale == "column") {
x <- sweep(x, 2L, colMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm), check.margin=FALSE)
sx <- apply(x, 2L, sd, na.rm = na.rm)
x <- sweep(x, 2L, sx, "/", check.margin=FALSE)
## Calculate the plot layout
lmat <- rbind(c(NA, 3), 2:1)
lwid <- c(if(doRdend) 1 else 0.05, 4)
lhei <- c((if(doCdend) 1 else 0.05) + if(!is.null(main)) 0.2 else 0, 4)
if(!missing(ColSideColors)) { ## add middle row to layout
if(!is.character(ColSideColors) || length(ColSideColors) != nc)
stop("'ColSideColors' must be a character vector of length ncol(x)")
lmat <- rbind(lmat[1,]+1, c(NA,1), lmat[2,]+1)
lhei <- c(lhei[1L], 0.2, lhei[2L])
if(!missing(RowSideColors)) { ## add middle column to layout
if(!is.character(RowSideColors) || length(RowSideColors) != nr)
stop("'RowSideColors' must be a character vector of length nrow(x)")
lmat <- cbind(lmat[,1]+1, c(rep(NA, nrow(lmat)-1), 1), lmat[,2]+1)
lwid <- c(lwid[1L], 0.2, lwid[2L])
lmat[] <- 0
if(verbose) {
cat("layout: widths = ", lwid, ", heights = ", lhei,"; lmat=\n")
## Graphics `output' -----------------------
dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush())
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
on.exit(par(op), add = TRUE)
layout(lmat, widths = lwid, heights = lhei, respect = TRUE)
## draw the side bars
if(!missing(RowSideColors)) {
par(mar = c(margins[1L],0, 0,0.5))
image(rbind(if(revC) nr:1L else 1L:nr), col = RowSideColors[rowInd], axes = FALSE)
if(!missing(ColSideColors)) {
par(mar = c(0.5,0, 0,margins[2L]))
image(cbind(1L:nc), col = ColSideColors[colInd], axes = FALSE)
## draw the main carpet
par(mar = c(margins[1L], 0, 0, margins[2L]))
if(!symm || scale != "none")
x <- t(x)
if(revC) { # x columns reversed
iy <- nr:1
if(doRdend) ddr <- rev(ddr)
x <- x[,iy]
} else iy <- 1L:nr
image(1L:nc, 1L:nr, x, xlim = 0.5+ c(0, nc), ylim = 0.5+ c(0, nr),
axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
axis(1, 1L:nc, labels = labCol, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0,
cex.axis = cexCol)
if(!is.null(xlab)) mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = margins[1L] - 1.25)
axis(4, iy, labels = labRow, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0,
cex.axis = cexRow)
if(!is.null(ylab)) mtext(ylab, side = 4, line = margins[2L] - 1.25)
if (!missing(add.expr))
## the two dendrograms :
par(mar = c(margins[1L], 0, 0, 0))
plot(ddr, horiz = TRUE, axes = FALSE, yaxs = "i", leaflab = "none")
else frame()
par(mar = c(0, 0, if(!is.null(main)) 1 else 0, margins[2L]))
plot(ddc, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", leaflab = "none")
else if(!is.null(main)) frame()
## title
if(!is.null(main)) {
par(xpd = NA)# {we have room on the left}
title(main, cex.main = 1.5*op[["cex.main"]])
invisible(list(rowInd = rowInd, colInd = colInd,
Rowv = if(keep.dendro && doRdend) ddr,
Colv = if(keep.dendro && doCdend) ddc ))