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# File src/library/stats/R/hclust.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2019 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
## Hierarchical clustering, on raw input data; we will use Euclidean
## distance. A range of criteria are supported; also there is a
## storage-economic option.
## We use the general routine, `hc', which caters for 7 criteria,
## using a half dissimilarity matrix; (BTW, this uses the very efficient
## nearest neighbor chain algorithm, which makes this algorithm of
## O(n^2) computational time, and differentiates it from the less
## efficient -- i.e. O(n^3) -- implementations in all commercial
## statistical packages -- as far as I am aware -- except Clustan.)
## Clustering Methods:
## 1. Ward's minimum variance or error sum of squares method (using raw d) -> "ward.D"
## 2. single linkage or nearest neighbor method.
## 3. complete linkage or diameter.
## 4. average linkage, group average, or UPGMA method.
## 5. McQuitty's or WPGMA method.
## 6. median, Gower's or WPGMC method.
## 7. centroid or UPGMC method (7).
## 8. Ward's ... "correct" method using d^2 (in Fortran) -> "ward.D2"
## Original author: F. Murtagh, May 1992
## R Modifications: Ross Ihaka, Dec 1996
## Friedrich Leisch, Apr 1998, Jun 2000
## "ward.D" and "ward.D2" from suggestions by Pierre Legendre,
## by Martin Maechler, mostly in the Fortran part.
hclust <- function(d, method="complete", members=NULL)
## order of METHODS --> i.meth -> Fortran's iOpt codes
METHODS <- c("ward.D", "single", # 1, 2,
"complete", "average", "mcquitty", # 3, 4, 5,
"median", "centroid", "ward.D2") # 6, 7, 8
if(method == "ward") { # do not deprecate earlier than 2015!
message("The \"ward\" method has been renamed to \"ward.D\"; note new \"ward.D2\"")
method <- "ward.D"
i.meth <- pmatch(method, METHODS)
## TODO: use gettextf() [-> translation string change]
stop("invalid clustering method", paste("", method))
if(i.meth == -1)
stop("ambiguous clustering method", paste("", method))
n <- as.integer(attr(d, "Size"))
stop("invalid dissimilarities")
if( || n > 65536L) stop("size cannot be NA nor exceed 65536")
if(n < 2)
stop("must have n >= 2 objects to cluster")
len <- as.integer(n*(n-1)/2)
if(length(d) != len)
(if (length(d) < len) stop else warning
)("dissimilarities of improper length")
members <- rep(1, n)
else if(length(members) != n)
stop("invalid length of members")
storage.mode(d) <- "double"
hcl <- .Fortran(C_hclust,
n = n,
len = len,
method = as.integer(i.meth),
ia = integer(n),
ib = integer(n),
crit = double(n),
members = as.double(members),
nn = integer(n),
disnn = double(n),
# flag = logical(n), # unused
diss = d)
## 2nd step: interpret the information that we now have
## as merge, height, and order lists.
hcass <- .Fortran(C_hcass2,
n = n, # checked above.
ia = hcl$ia,
ib = hcl$ib,
order = integer(n),
iia = integer(n),
iib = integer(n))
structure(list(merge = cbind(hcass$iia[1L:(n-1)], hcass$iib[1L:(n-1)]),
height = hcl$crit[1L:(n-1)],
order = hcass$order,
labels = attr(d, "Labels"),
method = METHODS[i.meth],
call =,
dist.method = attr(d, "method")),
class = "hclust")
##' @title Check hclust() object for validity
##' @param x "hclust" object
##' @param merge (= x$merge, passing it may save memory)
##' @param order logical indicating if 'x$order' should be checked, too
##' @return character vector with message or TRUE
##' @author Martin Maechler
.validity.hclust <- function(x, merge = x$merge, order = TRUE) {
if (!is.matrix(merge) || ncol(merge) != 2)
return("invalid dendrogram")
## merge should be integer but might not be after dump/restore.
if (any(as.integer(merge) != merge))
return("'merge' component in dendrogram must be integer")
n1 <- nrow(merge) # == #{obs} - 1
n <- n1+1L
if(length(x$height) != n1) return("'height' is of wrong length")
if(order && length(x$order ) != n ) return("'order' is of wrong length")
if(identical(sort(as.integer(merge)), c(-(n:1L), +seq_len(n-2L))))
"'merge' matrix has invalid contents"
plot.hclust <-
function (x, labels = NULL, hang = 0.1, check = TRUE,
axes = TRUE, frame.plot = FALSE, ann = TRUE,
main = "Cluster Dendrogram",
sub = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = "Height", ...)
merge <- x$merge
if(check && !isTRUE(msg <- .validity.hclust(x,merge)))
storage.mode(merge) <- "integer"
n1 <- nrow(merge) # == #{obs} - 1
n <- n1+1L
height <- as.double(x$height)
labels <-
if(missing(labels) || is.null(labels)) {
as.character(if(is.null(x$labels)) seq_len(n) else x$labels)
} else {
if(is.logical(labels) && !labels)# FALSE
dev.hold(); on.exit(dev.flush())
graphics:::plotHclust(n1, merge, height, order(x$order), hang, labels, ...)
axis(2, at=pretty(range(height)), ...)
if (frame.plot)
if (ann) {
if(!is.null(cl <- x$call) && is.null(sub))
sub <- paste0(deparse(cl[[1L]])," (*, \"", x$method,"\")")
if(is.null(xlab) && !is.null(cl))
xlab <- deparse(cl[[2L]])
title(main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
as.hclust <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("as.hclust")
## need *.default for idempotency:
as.hclust.default <- function(x, ...) {
if(inherits(x, "hclust")) x
stop(gettextf("argument 'x' cannot be coerced to class %s",
gettextf("\n Consider providing an as.hclust.%s() method",
domain = NA)
as.hclust.twins <- function(x, ...)
r <- list(merge = x$merge,
height = sort(x$height),
order = x$order,
labels = if(!is.null(lb <- x$order.lab)) {
lb[sort.list(x$order)] } else rownames(x$data),# may be NULL
call = if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) cl else,
method = if(!is.null(mt <- x$method)) mt else NA,
dist.method = attr(x$diss, "Metric"))
class(r) <- "hclust"
print.hclust <- function(x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
cat("Cluster method :", x$method, "\n")
cat("Distance :", x$dist.method, "\n")
cat("Number of objects:", length(x$height)+1, "\n")
cophenetic <-
cophenetic.default <-
x <- as.hclust(x)
nobs <- length(x$order)
ilist <- vector("list", length = nobs)
out <- matrix(0, nrow = nobs, ncol = nobs)
for(i in 1 : (nobs - 1)) {
inds <- x$merge[i,]
ids1 <- if(inds[1L] < 0L) -inds[1L] else ilist[[inds[1L]]]
ids2 <- if(inds[2L] < 0L) -inds[2L] else ilist[[inds[2L]]]
ilist[[i]] <- c(ids1, ids2)
out[cbind(,, length(ids1))),, length(ids1)))] <- x$height[i]
rownames(out) <- x$labels
as.dist(out + t(out))
cophenetic.dendrogram <-
## Obtain cophenetic distances from a dendrogram by recursively
## doing the following:
## * if not a leaf, then for all children call ourselves, create
## a block diagonal matrix from this, and fill the rest with the
## current height (as everything in different children is joined
## at the current split) ...
## * if a leaf, height and result are 0.
## Actually, we need to return something of class "dist", so things
## are a bit more complicated, and we might be able to make this
## more efficient by avoiding matrices ...
if(is.leaf(x)) {
## If there is no label, we cannot recover the (names of the)
## objects the distances are for, and hence abort.
if(is.null(label <- attr(x, "label")))
stop("need dendrograms where all leaves have labels")
return(as.dist(matrix(0, dimnames = list(label, label))))
children <- vector("list", length(x))
for(i in seq_along(x))
children[[i]] <- Recall(x[[i]])
lens <- sapply(children, attr, "Size")
m <- matrix(attr(x, "height"), sum(lens), sum(lens))
## This seems a bit slower:
## inds <- split(seq(length.out = sum(lens)),
##, lens))
## for(i in seq_along(inds))
## m[inds[[i]], inds[[i]]] <- as.matrix(children[[i]])
hi <- cumsum(lens)
lo <- c(0L, hi[-length(hi)]) + 1L
for(i in seq_along(x))
m[lo[i] : hi[i], lo[i] : hi[i]] <- as.matrix(children[[i]])
rownames(m) <- colnames(m) <- unlist(lapply(children, attr, "Labels"))