blob: 1c317e65a6d45b9e9f1ca784557970037ef7b313 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/stats/R/smspline.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
.nknots.smspl <- function(n) {
## Number of inner knots
if(n < 50L) n
else trunc({
a1 <- log2( 50)
a2 <- log2(100)
a3 <- log2(140)
a4 <- log2(200)
if (n < 200L) 2^(a1+(a2-a1)*(n-50)/150)
else if (n < 800L) 2^(a2+(a3-a2)*(n-200)/600)
else if (n < 3200L)2^(a3+(a4-a3)*(n-800)/2400)
else 200 + (n-3200)^0.2
n.knots <- function(n) {
message(".nknots.smspl() is now exported; use it instead of n.knots()")
smooth.spline <-
function(x, y = NULL, w = NULL, df, spar = NULL, lambda = NULL, cv = FALSE,
all.knots = FALSE, nknots = .nknots.smspl, = TRUE,
df.offset = 0, penalty = 1, control.spar = list(),
tol = 1e-6 * IQR(x),
keep.stuff = FALSE) # was "fix" till R 3.3.x
contr.sp <- list(low = -1.5, # low = 0. was default till R 1.3.x
high = 1.5,
tol = 1e-4, # tol = 0.001 was default till R 1.3.x
eps = 2e-8, # eps = 0.00244 was default till R 1.3.x
maxit = 500, trace = getOption("verbose"))
contr.sp[names(control.spar)] <- control.spar
ctrl.Num <- contr.sp[1:4]
if(!all(vapply(ctrl.Num, is.numeric, NA)) ||
contr.sp$tol < 0 || contr.sp$eps <= 0 || contr.sp$maxit <= 0)
stop("invalid 'control.spar'")
xy <- xy.coords(x, y, setLab=FALSE)
y <- xy$y
x <- xy$x
if(!all(is.finite(c(x, y))))
stop("missing or infinite values in inputs are not allowed")
n <- length(x)
if( stop("invalid number of points")
no.wgts <- is.null(w)
w <-
if(no.wgts) 1 # rep_len(1, n)
else {
if(n != length(w)) stop("lengths of 'x' and 'w' must match")
if(any(w < 0)) stop("all weights should be non-negative")
if(all(w == 0)) stop("some weights should be positive")
(w * sum(w > 0))/sum(w)
} # now sum(w) == #{obs. with weight > 0} == sum(w > 0)
## Replace y[], w[] for same x[] (to a precision of 'tol') by their mean :
if(!is.finite(tol) || tol <= 0)
stop("'tol' must be strictly positive and finite")
if(!match(keep.stuff, c(FALSE,TRUE))) stop("invalid 'keep.stuff'")
xx <- round((x - mean(x))/tol) # de-mean to avoid possible overflow
nd <- !duplicated(xx); ux <- sort(x[nd]); uxx <- sort(xx[nd])
nx <- length(ux)
if(nx <= 3L) stop("need at least four unique 'x' values")
if(nx == n) { # speedup
ox <- TRUE
tmp <- cbind(w, w*y, w*y^2)[order(x),]
} else {
ox <- match(xx, uxx)
## Faster, much simplified version of tapply()
tapply1 <- function (X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE) {
sapply(X = unname(split(X, INDEX)), FUN = FUN, ...,
simplify = simplify, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
tmp <- matrix(unlist(tapply1(seq_len(n), ox,
if(length(w) == 1L) function(i)
c(length(i), sum(y[i]), sum(y[i]^2))
else function(i)
c(sum(w[i]), sum(w[i]*y[i]),sum(w[i]*y[i]^2))),
use.names = FALSE),
ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
wbar <- tmp[, 1L]
ybar <- tmp[, 2L]/ifelse(wbar > 0, wbar, 1)
yssw <- sum(tmp[, 3L] - wbar*ybar^2) # will be added to RSS for GCV
## Note: now cv in {NA,FALSE,TRUE}
if( && !missing(df))
stop("'cv' must not be NA when 'df' is specified")
CV <- ! && cv
if(CV && nx < n)
warning("cross-validation with non-unique 'x' values seems doubtful")
r.ux <- ux[nx] - ux[1L]
xbar <- (ux - ux[1L])/r.ux # scaled to [0,1]
if(is.numeric(all.knots)) {
if(is.unsorted(all.knots, strictly = TRUE))
stop("Numeric 'all.knots' must be strictly increasing")
if(!missing(nknots) && !is.null(nknots))
warning("'all.knots' is vector of knots; 'nknots' specification is disregarded")
nknots <- length(all.knots)
if(0 < all.knots[1] || all.knots[nknots] < 1)
stop("numeric 'all.knots' must cover [0,1] (= the transformed data-range)")
## otherwise, it seg.faults when .Fortran() is returning (why ?)
knot <- c(rep(all.knots[1 ], 3),
rep(all.knots[nknots], 3))
} else {
if(all.knots) {
if(!missing(nknots) && !is.null(nknots))
warning("'all.knots' is TRUE; 'nknots' specification is disregarded")
nknots <- nx
} else if(is.null(nknots))# <- for back compatibility
nknots <- .nknots.smspl(nx)
else { ## all.knots is false; nknots not NULL
nknots <- nknots(nx)
else if(!is.numeric(nknots))
stop("'nknots' must be numeric (in {1,..,n})")
if(nknots < 1)
stop("'nknots' must be at least 1")
else if(nknots > nx)
stop("cannot use more inner knots than unique 'x' values")
knot <- c(rep(xbar[1 ], 3),
if(all.knots) xbar else xbar[, nx, length.out = nknots)],
rep(xbar[nx], 3))
nk <- nknots + 2L ## == length(knot) - 4 <- !missing(lambda)
if ( <- !missing(lambda)) {
if(!missing(spar)) stop("must not specify both 'spar' and 'lambda'")
ispar <- 1L
} else
## ispar != 1 : compute spar (later)
ispar <-
if(is.null(spar) || missing(spar)) { ## || spar == 0
if(contr.sp$trace) -1L else 0L
} else 1L
spar <- if( as.double(lambda)
else if(ispar == 1L) as.double(spar) else double(1)
## was <- if(missing(spar)) 0 else if(spar < 1.01e-15) 0 else 1
## but package forecast passed a length-0 vector.
if(length(spar) != 1) stop("'spar' must be of length 1")
## icrit {../src/sslvrg.f}:
## (0 = no crit, 1 = GCV , 2 = ord.CV , 3 = df-matching)
icrit <- if( 0L else if(cv) 2L else 1L
dofoff <- df.offset
if(!missing(df)) { # not when cv was NA
if(df > 1 && df <= nx) {
icrit <- 3L
dofoff <- df
} else warning("not using invalid df; must have 1 < df <= n := #{unique x} = ", nx)
iparms <- c(icrit=icrit, ispar=ispar, iter = as.integer(contr.sp$maxit),
ans.names <- c("coef","ty","lev","spar","parms","crit","iparms","ier",
if(keep.stuff) "scratch")
fit <- .Fortran(C_rbart, # code in ../src/qsbart.f
x = as.double(xbar),
y = as.double(ybar),
w = as.double(wbar), # changed in the Fortran code
ssw = as.double(yssw),
coef = double(nk),
ty = double(nx),
lev = double(if( else nx),
crit = double(1),
iparms = iparms,
spar = spar,
parms = c(unlist(ctrl.Num), ratio = -1.), # no NA here
scratch = double((17L+1L) * nk + 1L),#
ld4 = 4L,
ldnk = 1L,
ier = integer(1L)
if( lev <- df <- NA
else { # now when dpfa() with 'tol', signals error earlier, happens less often:
lev <- fit$lev
df <- sum(lev)
stop("NA lev[]; probably smoothing parameter 'spar' way too large!")
if(fit$ier > 0L ) {
offKind <- if( "extreme" # not easy to know if small | large
else if(sml <- fit$spar < 0.5) "small" else "large"
wtxt <- paste("smoothing parameter value too", offKind)
if( || sml) {
## used to give warning too and mean() as below, but that's rubbish
} else {
fit$ty <- rep(mean(y), nx) ## would be df = 1
df <- 1
warning(wtxt,"\nsetting df = 1 __use with care!__")
cv.crit <-
if( NA
else {
r <- y - fit$ty[ox]
if(cv) {
ww <- wbar
ww[ww == 0] <- 1
r <- r / (1 - (lev[ox] * w)/ww[ox])
if(no.wgts) mean(r^2) else weighted.mean(r^2, w)
} else
(if(no.wgts) mean(r^2) else weighted.mean(r^2, w)) /
(1 - (df.offset + penalty * df)/n)^2
## return :
## parms : c(low = , high = , tol = , eps = )
list(x = ux, y = fit$ty, w = wbar, yin = ybar, tol = tol,
data = if( list(x = x, y = y, w = w), no.weights = no.wgts,
lev = lev, cv.crit = cv.crit,
pen.crit = sum(wbar * (ybar - fit$ty)^2),
crit = fit$crit,
df = df,
spar = if( NA else fit$spar,
ratio= if( NA else fit$parms[["ratio"]],
lambda = fit$parms[["low"]],
iparms = c(fit$iparms, errorI = if(fit$ier) fit$ier else NA),#c(icrit= ,ispar= ,iter= )
auxM = if(keep.stuff)
list(XWy = fit$scratch[ seq_len(nk)],
XWX = fit$scratch[nk + seq_len(4*nk)],
Sigma= fit$scratch[5*nk+ seq_len(4*nk)],
R = fit$scratch[9*nk+ seq_len(4*nk)] ),
fit = structure(list(knot = knot, nk = nk, min = ux[1L], range = r.ux,
coef = fit$coef),
class = ""),
call =,
class = "smooth.spline")
fitted.smooth.spline <- function(object, ...) {
if(!is.list(dat <- object$data))
stop("need result of smooth.spline( = TRUE)")
## note that object$x == unique(sort(object$data$x))
object$y[match(dat$x, object$x)]
residuals.smooth.spline <-
function (object, type = c("working", "response", "deviance",
"pearson", "partial"), ...)
type <- match.arg(type)
if(!is.list(dat <- object$data))
stop("need result of smooth.spline( = TRUE)")
r <- dat$y - object$y[match(dat$x, object$x)]
## this rest is `as' residuals.lm() :
res <- switch(type,
working = ,
response = r,
deviance = ,
pearson = if (is.null(dat$w)) r else r * sqrt(dat$w),
partial = r)
res <- naresid(object$na.action, res)
if (type == "partial")
stop('type = "partial" is not yet implemented')
## res <- res + predict(object, type = "terms")
hatvalues.smooth.spline <- function (model, ...) {
if(!is.list(dat <- model$data))
stop("need result of smooth.spline( = TRUE)")
## "expand" leverages:
hat <- model$lev
hat[hat > 1 - 10 * .Machine$double.eps] <- 1 # as in hatvalues.lm
hat[match(dat$x, model$x)]
print.smooth.spline <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
dput(cl, control=NULL)
ip <- x$iparms
cv <- cl$cv
if(is.null(cv)) cv <- FALSE else if( cv <- eval(cv)
cat("\nSmoothing Parameter spar=", format(x$spar, digits=digits),
" lambda=", format(x$lambda, digits=digits),
if(ip["ispar"] != 1L) paste0("(", ip["iter"], " iterations)"))
cat("Equivalent Degrees of Freedom (Df):", format(x$df,digits=digits))
cat(sprintf("Penalized Criterion (%sRSS): %s\n",
if(x$no.weights) "" else "weighted ",
format(x$pen.crit, digits=digits)))
cat(if(cv) "PRESS(l.o.o. CV): " else "GCV: ",
format(x$cv.crit, digits = digits), "\n", sep = "")
predict.smooth.spline <- function(object, x, deriv = 0, ...)
if(missing(x)) {
if(deriv == 0)
return(object[c("x", "y")])
else x <- object$x
fit <- object$fit
if(is.null(fit)) stop("not a valid \"smooth.spline\" object")
else predict(fit, x, deriv, ...)
} <- function(object, x, deriv = 0, ...)
x <- = object$min, to = object$min + object$range,
length.out = length(object$coef) - 4L)
xs <- (x - object$min)/object$range # x scaled to [0,1]
extrap.left <- xs < 0
extrap.right <- xs > 1
interp <- !(extrap <- extrap.left | extrap.right)
n <- sum(interp) # number of xs in [0,1]
y <- xs
y[interp] <- .Fortran(C_bvalus,
n = as.integer(n),
knot = as.double(object$knot),
coef = as.double(object$coef),
nk = as.integer(object$nk),
x = as.double(xs[interp]),
s = double(n),
order = as.integer(deriv))$s
if(any(extrap)) {
xrange <- c(object$min, object$min + object$range)
if(deriv == 0) {
end.object <- Recall(object, xrange)$y
end.slopes <- Recall(object, xrange, 1)$y * object$range
y[extrap.left] <- end.object[1L] +
end.slopes[1L] * (xs[extrap.left] - 0)
y[extrap.right] <- end.object[2L] +
end.slopes[2L] * (xs[extrap.right] - 1)
} else if(deriv == 1) {
end.slopes <- Recall(object, xrange, 1)$y * object$range
y[extrap.left] <- end.slopes[1L]
y[extrap.right] <- end.slopes[2L]
else y[extrap] <- 0
if(deriv > 0)
y <- y/(object$range^deriv)
list(x = x, y = y)
supsmu <-
function(x, y, wt = rep(1, n), span = "cv", periodic = FALSE, bass = 0, trace = FALSE)
if(span == "cv") span <- 0
else if(span < 0 || span > 1) stop("'span' must be between 0 and 1.")
n <- length(y)
if(!n || !is.numeric(y)) stop("'y' must be numeric vector")
if(length(x) != n) stop("number of observations in 'x' and 'y' must match.")
if(length(wt) != n)
stop("number of weights must match number of observations.")
if(periodic) {
iper <- 2L
xrange <- range(x)
if(xrange[1L] < 0 || xrange[2L] > 1)
stop("'x' must be between 0 and 1 for periodic smooth")
} else iper <- 1L
okay <- is.finite(x + y + wt)
ord <- order(x[okay], y[okay])
ord <- cumsum(!okay)[okay][ord] + ord
xo <- x[ord]
leno <- length(ord)
if(leno == 0L)
stop("no finite observations")
if(diff <- n - leno)
"%d observation with NA, NaN or Inf deleted",
"%d observations with NAs, NaNs and/or Infs deleted"),
diff), domain = NA)
.Fortran(C_setsmu, as.integer(trace))
smo <- .Fortran(C_supsmu,
double(n*7L), double(1L))$smo
## eliminate duplicate xsort values and corresponding smoothed values
dupx <- duplicated(xo)
list(x = xo[!dupx], y = smo[!dupx])