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% File src/library/stats/man/checkMFClasses.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2019 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Functions to Check the Type of Variables passed to Model Frames}
\code{.checkMFClasses} checks if the variables used in a predict
method agree in type with those used for fitting.
\code{.MFclass} categorizes variables for this purpose.
\code{.getXlevels()} extracts factor levels from \code{\link{factor}} or
\code{\link{character}} variables.
.checkMFClasses(cl, m, ordNotOK = FALSE)
.getXlevels(Terms, m)
\item{cl}{a character vector of class descriptions to match.}
\item{m}{a model frame (\code{\link{model.frame}()} result).}
\item{x}{any \R object.}
\item{ordNotOK}{logical: are ordered factors different?}
\item{Terms}{a \code{terms} object (\code{\link{terms.object}}).}
For applications involving \code{\link{model.matrix}()} such as linear models
we do not need to differentiate between \emph{ordered} factors and factors as
although these affect the coding, the coding used in the fit is
already recorded and imposed during prediction. However, other
applications may treat ordered factors differently:
\code{\link[rpart]{rpart}} does, for example.
\code{.checkMFClasses()} checks and either signals an error calling
\code{\link{stop}()} or returns \code{\link{NULL}} invisibly.
\code{.MFclass()} returns a character string, one of \code{"logical"},
\code{"ordered"}, \code{"factor"}, \code{"numeric"}, \code{"nmatrix.*"}
(a numeric matrix with a number of columns appended) or \code{"other"}.
\code{.getXlevels} returns a named \code{\link{list}} of character
vectors, possibly empty, or \code{\link{NULL}}.
sapply(warpbreaks, .MFclass) # "numeric" plus 2 x "factor"
sapply(iris, .MFclass) # 4 x "numeric" plus "factor"
mf <- model.frame(Sepal.Width ~ Species, iris)
mc <- model.frame(Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length, iris)
.checkMFClasses("numeric", mc) # nothing else
.checkMFClasses(c("numeric", "factor"), mf)
## simple .getXlevels() cases :
(xl <- .getXlevels(terms(mf), mf)) # a list with one entry " $ Species" with 3 levels:
stopifnot(exprs = {
identical(xl$Species, levels(iris$Species))
identical(.getXlevels(terms(mc), mc), xl[0]) # a empty named list, as no factors
is.null(.getXlevels(terms(x~x), list(x=1)))