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% File src/library/stats/man/nafns.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
Adjust for Missing Values
Use missing value information to adjust residuals and predictions.
naresid(omit, x, \dots)
napredict(omit, x, \dots)
\item{omit}{an object produced by an \code{\link{na.action}} function,
typically the \code{"na.action"} attribute of the result of
\code{\link{na.omit}} or \code{\link{na.exclude}}.}
\item{x}{a vector, data frame, or matrix to be adjusted based upon the
missing value information.}
\item{\dots}{further arguments passed to or from other methods.}
These return a similar object to \code{x}.
These are utility functions used to allow \code{\link{predict}},
\code{\link{fitted}} and \code{\link{residuals}} methods for modelling
functions to compensate for the removal of \code{NA}s in the fitting
process. They are used by the default, \code{"lm"}, \code{"glm"} and
\code{"nls"} methods, and by further methods in packages \CRANpkg{MASS},
\CRANpkg{rpart} and \CRANpkg{survival}. Also used for the scores returned by
\code{\link{factanal}}, \code{\link{prcomp}} and \code{\link{princomp}}.
The default methods do nothing. The default method for the \code{na.exclude}
action is to pad the object with \code{NA}s in the correct positions to
have the same number of rows as the original data frame.
Currently \code{naresid} and \code{napredict} are identical, but
future methods need not be. \code{naresid} is used for residuals, and
\code{napredict} for fitted values, predictions and \code{\link{weights}}.
In the early 2000s, packages \CRANpkg{rpart} and \pkg{survival5} contained
versions of these functions that had an \code{na.omit} action
equivalent to that now used for \code{na.exclude}.