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% File src/library/stats/man/stepfun.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Step Functions - Creation and Class}
stepfun(x, y, f = as.numeric(right), ties = "ordered",
right = FALSE)
knots(Fn, \dots)
as.stepfun(x, \dots)
\method{print}{stepfun}(x, digits = getOption("digits") - 2, \dots)
\method{summary}{stepfun}(object, \dots)
\item{x}{numeric vector giving the knots or jump locations of the step
function for \code{stepfun()}. For the other functions, \code{x} is
as \code{object} below.}
\item{y}{numeric vector one longer than \code{x}, giving the heights of
the function values \emph{between} the x values.}
\item{f}{a number between 0 and 1, indicating how interpolation outside
the given x values should happen. See \code{\link{approxfun}}.}
\item{ties}{Handling of tied \code{x} values. Either a function or
the string \code{"ordered"}. See \code{\link{approxfun}}.}
\item{right}{logical, indicating if the intervals should be closed on
the right (and open on the left) or vice versa.}
\item{Fn, object}{an \R object inheriting from \code{"stepfun"}.}
\item{digits}{number of significant digits to use, see \code{\link{print}}.}
\item{\dots}{potentially further arguments (required by the generic).}
Given the vectors \eqn{(x_1, \ldots, x_n)}{(x[1], \dots, x[n])} and
\eqn{(y_0,y_1,\ldots, y_n)}{(y[0], y[1], \dots, y[n])} (one value
more!), \code{stepfun(x, y, \dots)} returns an interpolating
\sQuote{step} function, say \code{fn}. I.e., \eqn{fn(t) =
c}\eqn{_i}{[i]} (constant) for \eqn{t \in (x_i, x_{i+1})}{t in (
x[i], x[i+1])} and at the abscissa values, if (by default)
\code{right = FALSE}, \eqn{fn(x_i) = y_i}{fn(x[i]) = y[i]} and for
\code{right = TRUE}, \eqn{fn(x_i) = y_{i-1}}{fn(x[i]) = y[i-1]}, for
\eqn{i=1,\ldots,n}{i=1, \dots, n}.
The value of the constant \eqn{c_i}{c[i]} above depends on the
\sQuote{continuity} parameter \code{f}.
For the default, \code{right = FALSE, f = 0},
\code{fn} is a \emph{cadlag} function, i.e., continuous from the right,
limits from the left, so that the function is piecewise constant on
intervals that include their \emph{left} endpoint.
In general, \eqn{c_i}{c[i]} is interpolated in between the
neighbouring \eqn{y} values,
\eqn{c_i= (1-f) y_i + f\cdot y_{i+1}}{c[i] = (1-f)*y[i] + f*y[i+1]}.
Therefore, for non-0 values of \code{f}, \code{fn} may no longer be a proper
step function, since it can be discontinuous from both sides, unless
\code{right = TRUE, f = 1} which is left-continuous (i.e., constant
pieces contain their right endpoint).
A function of class \code{"stepfun"}, say \code{fn}.
There are methods available for summarizing (\code{"summary(.)"}),
representing (\code{"print(.)"}) and plotting (\code{"plot(.)"}, see
\code{\link{plot.stepfun}}) \code{"stepfun"} objects.
The \code{\link{environment}} of \code{fn} contains all the
information needed;
\item{"x","y"}{the original arguments}
\item{"n"}{number of knots (x values)}
\item{"f"}{continuity parameter}
\item{"yleft", "yright"}{the function values \emph{outside} the knots}
\item{"method"}{(always \code{== "constant"}, from
The knots are also available via \code{\link{knots}(fn)}.
Martin Maechler, \email{} with some basic
code from Thomas Lumley.
The objects of class \code{"stepfun"} are not intended to be used for
permanent storage and may change structure between versions of \R (and
did at \R 3.0.0). They can usually be re-created by
\preformatted{ eval(attr(old_obj, "call"), environment(old_obj))}
since the data used is stored as part of the object's environment.
\seealso{\code{\link{ecdf}} for empirical distribution functions as
special step functions and \code{\link{plot.stepfun}} for \emph{plotting}
step functions.
\code{\link{approxfun}} and \code{\link{splinefun}}.
y0 <- c(1., 2., 4., 3.)
sfun0 <- stepfun(1:3, y0, f = 0)
sfun.2 <- stepfun(1:3, y0, f = 0.2)
sfun1 <- stepfun(1:3, y0, f = 1)
sfun1c <- stepfun(1:3, y0, right = TRUE) # hence f=1
## look at the internal structure:
ls(envir = environment(sfun0))
x0 <- seq(0.5, 3.5, by = 0.25)
rbind(x = x0, f.f0 = sfun0(x0), f.f02 = sfun.2(x0),
f.f1 = sfun1(x0), f.f1c = sfun1c(x0))
## Identities :
stopifnot(identical(y0[-1], sfun0 (1:3)), # right = FALSE
identical(y0[-4], sfun1c(1:3))) # right = TRUE