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% File src/library/stats/man/varimax.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Rotation Methods for Factor Analysis}
These functions \sQuote{rotate} loading matrices in factor analysis.
varimax(x, normalize = TRUE, eps = 1e-5)
promax(x, m = 4)
\item{x}{A loadings matrix, with \eqn{p} rows and \eqn{k < p} columns}
\item{m}{The power used the target for \code{promax}. Values of 2 to
4 are recommended.}
\item{normalize}{logical. Should Kaiser normalization be performed?
If so the rows of \code{x} are re-scaled to unit length before
rotation, and scaled back afterwards.}
\item{eps}{The tolerance for stopping: the relative change in the sum
of singular values.}
These seek a \sQuote{rotation} of the factors \code{x \%*\% T} that
aims to clarify the structure of the loadings matrix. The matrix
\code{T} is a rotation (possibly with reflection) for \code{varimax},
but a general linear transformation for \code{promax}, with the
variance of the factors being preserved.
A list with components
\item{loadings}{The \sQuote{rotated} loadings matrix,
\code{x \%*\% rotmat}, of class \code{"loadings"}.}
\item{rotmat}{The \sQuote{rotation} matrix.}
Hendrickson, A. E. and White, P. O. (1964).
Promax: a quick method for rotation to orthogonal oblique structure.
\emph{British Journal of Statistical Psychology}, \bold{17}, 65--70.
Horst, P. (1965).
\emph{Factor Analysis of Data Matrices}.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Chapter 10.
Kaiser, H. F. (1958).
The varimax criterion for analytic rotation in factor analysis.
\emph{Psychometrika}, \bold{23}, 187--200.
Lawley, D. N. and Maxwell, A. E. (1971).
\emph{Factor Analysis as a Statistical Method}, second edition.
\seealso{\code{\link{factanal}}, \code{\link{Harman74.cor}}.}
## varimax with normalize = TRUE is the default
fa <- factanal( ~., 2, data = swiss)
varimax(loadings(fa), normalize = FALSE)