blob: f25c6c0bfa1f286a631b5bcb1d9622b5990dfc60 [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 1998--2019 The R Core Team
* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
#include <config.h>
#include <limits.h> /* for INT_MAX */
#include <stddef.h> /* for size_t */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for abs */
#include <math.h>
#include <Rmath.h> /* for imax2(.),..*/
/* Fast Fourier Transform
* These routines are based on code by Richard Singleton in the
* book "Programs for Digital Signal Processing" put out by IEEE.
* I have translated them to C and moved the memory allocation
* so that it takes place under the control of the algorithm
* which calls these; for R, see ./fourier.c
* void fft_factor(int n, int *maxf, int *maxp)
* This factorizes the series length and computes the values of
* maxf and maxp which determine the amount of scratch storage
* required by the algorithm.
* If maxf is zero on return, an error occured during factorization.
* The nature of the error can be determined from the value of maxp.
* If maxp is zero, an invalid (zero) parameter was passed and
* if maxp is one, the internal nfac array was too small. This can only
* happen for series lengths which exceed 12,754,584.
* PROBLEM (see fftmx below): nfac[] is overwritten by fftmx() in fft_work()
* ------- Consequence: fft_factor() must be called way too often,
* at least from do_mvfft() [ ../main/fourier.c ]
* The following arrays need to be allocated following the call to
* fft_factor and preceding the call to fft_work.
* work double[4*maxf]
* iwork int[maxp]
* int fft_work(double *a, double *b, int nseg, int n, int nspn,
* int isn, double *work, int *iwork)
* The routine returns 1 if the transform was completed successfully and
* 0 if invalid values of the parameters were supplied.
* Ross Ihaka
* University of Auckland
* February 1997
* ==========================================================================
* Header from the original Singleton algorithm:
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* subroutine: fft
* multivariate complex fourier transform, computed in place
* using mixed-radix fast fourier transform algorithm.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* arrays a and b originally hold the real and imaginary
* components of the data, and return the real and
* imaginary components of the resulting fourier coefficients.
* multivariate data is indexed according to the fortran
* array element successor function, without limit
* on the number of implied multiple subscripts.
* the subroutine is called once for each variate.
* the calls for a multivariate transform may be in any order.
* n is the dimension of the current variable.
* nspn is the spacing of consecutive data values
* while indexing the current variable.
* nseg nseg*n*nspn is the total number of complex data values.
* isn the sign of isn determines the sign of the complex
* exponential, and the magnitude of isn is normally one.
* the magnitude of isn determines the indexing increment for a&b.
* if fft is called twice, with opposite signs on isn, an
* identity transformation is done...calls can be in either order.
* the results are scaled by 1/n when the sign of isn is positive.
* a tri-variate transform with a(n1,n2,n3), b(n1,n2,n3)
* is computed by
* call fft(a,b,n2*n3,n1, 1, -1)
* call fft(a,b,n3 ,n2,n1, -1)
* call fft(a,b,1, n3,n1*n2,-1)
* a single-variate transform of n complex data values is computed by
* call fft(a,b,1,n,1,-1)
* the data may alternatively be stored in a single complex
* array a, then the magnitude of isn changed to two to
* give the correct indexing increment and a(2) used to
* pass the initial address for the sequence of imaginary
* values, e.g.
* call fft(a,a(2),nseg,n,nspn,-2)
* nfac[15] (array) is working storage for factoring n. the smallest
* number exceeding the 15 locations provided is 12,754,584.
* Update in R 3.1.0: nfac[20], increased array size. It is now possible to
* factor any positive int n, up to 2^31 - 1.
static void fftmx(double *a, double *b, int ntot, int n, int nspan, int isn,
int m, int kt, double *at, double *ck, double *bt, double *sk,
int *np, int *nfac)
/* called from fft_work() */
/* Design BUG: One purpose of fft_factor() would be to compute
* ---------- nfac[] once and for all; and fft_work() [i.e. fftmx ]
* could reuse the factorization.
* However: nfac[] is `destroyed' currently in the code below
double aa, aj, ajm, ajp, ak, akm, akp;
double bb, bj, bjm, bjp, bk, bkm, bkp;
double c1, c2=0, c3=0, c72, cd;
double dr, rad;
double s1, s120, s2=0, s3=0, s72, sd;
int i, inc, j, jc, jf, jj;
int k, k1, k2, k3=0, k4, kk, klim, ks, kspan, kspnn;
int lim, maxf, mm, nn, nt;
// converted from Fortran, so 1-based indexing
a--; b--; at--; ck--; bt--; sk--; np--;
// nfac has had indexing converted to avoid compiler warnings
inc = abs(isn);
nt = inc*ntot;
ks = inc*nspan;
rad = M_PI_4;/* = pi/4 =^= 45 degrees */
s72 = rad/0.625;/* 72 = 45 / .625 degrees */
c72 = cos(s72);
s72 = sin(s72);
s120 = 0.5*M_SQRT_3;/* sin(120) = sqrt(3)/2 */
if(isn <= 0) {
s72 = -s72;
s120 = -s120;
rad = -rad;
} else {
#ifdef SCALING
/* scale by 1/n for isn > 0 */
ak = 1.0/n;
for(j = 1 ; j <= nt ; j += inc) {
a[j] *= ak;
b[j] *= ak;
kspan = ks;
nn = nt - inc;
jc = ks/n;
/* sin, cos values are re-initialized each lim steps */
lim = 32;
klim = lim*jc;
i = 0;
jf = 0;
maxf = nfac[m - kt - 1];
if(kt > 0) maxf = imax2(nfac[kt-1], maxf);
/* compute fourier transform */
dr = (8.0*jc)/kspan;
cd = sin(0.5*dr*rad);
cd = 2.0*cd*cd;
sd = sin(dr*rad);
kk = 1;
if( nfac[i-1] != 2) goto L110;
/* transform for factor of 2 (including rotation factor) */
kspan /= 2;
k1 = kspan + 2;
do {
do {
k2 = kk + kspan;
ak = a[k2];
bk = b[k2];
a[k2] = a[kk] - ak;
b[k2] = b[kk] - bk;
a[kk] += ak;
b[kk] += bk;
kk = k2 + kspan;
} while(kk <= nn);
kk -= nn;
} while(kk <= jc);
if(kk > kspan) goto L_fin;
c1 = 1.0 - cd;
s1 = sd;
mm = imin2(k1/2,klim);
goto L80;
ak = c1 - (cd*c1+sd*s1);
s1 = (sd*c1-cd*s1) + s1;
/* the following three statements compensate for truncation error. */
/* if rounded arithmetic is used (nowadays always ?!), substitute c1=ak */
c1 = 0.5/(ak*ak+s1*s1) + 0.5;
s1 = c1*s1;
c1 = c1*ak;
c1 = ak;
do {
k2 = kk + kspan;
ak = a[kk] - a[k2];
bk = b[kk] - b[k2];
a[kk] += a[k2];
b[kk] += b[k2];
a[k2] = c1*ak - s1*bk;
b[k2] = s1*ak + c1*bk;
kk = k2 + kspan;
} while(kk < nt);
k2 = kk - nt;
c1 = -c1;
kk = k1 - k2;
if( kk > k2) goto L80;
kk += jc;
if(kk <= mm) goto L70;
if(kk >= k2) {
k1 = k1 + inc + inc;
kk = (k1-kspan)/2 + jc;
if( kk <= jc+jc) goto L60;
goto L_start;
s1 = ((kk-1)/jc)*dr*rad;
c1 = cos(s1);
s1 = sin(s1);
mm = imin2(k1/2,mm+klim);
goto L80;
/* transform for factor of 3 (optional code) */
k1 = kk + kspan;
k2 = k1 + kspan;
ak = a[kk];
bk = b[kk];
aj = a[k1] + a[k2];
bj = b[k1] + b[k2];
a[kk] = ak + aj;
b[kk] = bk + bj;
ak = -0.5*aj + ak;
bk = -0.5*bj + bk;
aj = (a[k1]-a[k2])*s120;
bj = (b[k1]-b[k2])*s120;
a[k1] = ak - bj;
b[k1] = bk + aj;
a[k2] = ak + bj;
b[k2] = bk - aj;
kk = k2 + kspan;
if( kk < nn) goto L100;
kk = kk - nn;
if( kk <= kspan) goto L100;
goto L290;
/* transform for factor of 4 */
if( nfac[i-1] != 4) goto L_f_odd;
kspnn = kspan;
kspan /= 4;
c1 = 1.0;
s1 = 0;
mm = imin2(kspan,klim);
goto L150;
c2 = c1 - (cd*c1+sd*s1);
s1 = (sd*c1-cd*s1) + s1;
/* the following three statements compensate for truncation error. */
/* if rounded arithmetic is used (nowadays always ?!), substitute c1=c2 */
c1 = 0.5/(c2*c2+s1*s1) + 0.5;
s1 = c1*s1;
c1 = c1*c2;
c1 = c2;
c2 = c1*c1 - s1*s1;
s2 = c1*s1*2.0;
c3 = c2*c1 - s2*s1;
s3 = c2*s1 + s2*c1;
k1 = kk + kspan;
k2 = k1 + kspan;
k3 = k2 + kspan;
akp = a[kk] + a[k2];
akm = a[kk] - a[k2];
ajp = a[k1] + a[k3];
ajm = a[k1] - a[k3];
a[kk] = akp + ajp;
ajp = akp - ajp;
bkp = b[kk] + b[k2];
bkm = b[kk] - b[k2];
bjp = b[k1] + b[k3];
bjm = b[k1] - b[k3];
b[kk] = bkp + bjp;
bjp = bkp - bjp;
if( isn < 0) goto L180;
akp = akm - bjm;
akm = akm + bjm;
bkp = bkm + ajm;
bkm = bkm - ajm;
if( s1 == 0.0) goto L190;
a[k1] = akp*c1 - bkp*s1;
b[k1] = akp*s1 + bkp*c1;
a[k2] = ajp*c2 - bjp*s2;
b[k2] = ajp*s2 + bjp*c2;
a[k3] = akm*c3 - bkm*s3;
b[k3] = akm*s3 + bkm*c3;
kk = k3 + kspan;
if( kk <= nt) goto L150;
kk = kk - nt + jc;
if( kk <= mm) goto L130;
if( kk < kspan) goto L200;
kk = kk - kspan + inc;
if(kk <= jc) goto L120;
if(kspan == jc) goto L_fin;
goto L_start;
akp = akm + bjm;
akm = akm - bjm;
bkp = bkm - ajm;
bkm = bkm + ajm;
if( s1 != 0.0) goto L160;
a[k1] = akp;
b[k1] = bkp;
a[k2] = ajp;
b[k2] = bjp;
a[k3] = akm;
b[k3] = bkm;
kk = k3 + kspan;
if( kk <= nt) goto L150;
goto L170;
s1 = ((kk-1)/jc)*dr*rad;
c1 = cos(s1);
s1 = sin(s1);
mm = imin2(kspan,mm+klim);
goto L140;
/* transform for factor of 5 (optional code) */
c2 = c72*c72 - s72*s72;
s2 = 2.0*c72*s72;
k1 = kk + kspan;
k2 = k1 + kspan;
k3 = k2 + kspan;
k4 = k3 + kspan;
akp = a[k1] + a[k4];
akm = a[k1] - a[k4];
bkp = b[k1] + b[k4];
bkm = b[k1] - b[k4];
ajp = a[k2] + a[k3];
ajm = a[k2] - a[k3];
bjp = b[k2] + b[k3];
bjm = b[k2] - b[k3];
aa = a[kk];
bb = b[kk];
a[kk] = aa + akp + ajp;
b[kk] = bb + bkp + bjp;
ak = akp*c72 + ajp*c2 + aa;
bk = bkp*c72 + bjp*c2 + bb;
aj = akm*s72 + ajm*s2;
bj = bkm*s72 + bjm*s2;
a[k1] = ak - bj;
a[k4] = ak + bj;
b[k1] = bk + aj;
b[k4] = bk - aj;
ak = akp*c2 + ajp*c72 + aa;
bk = bkp*c2 + bjp*c72 + bb;
aj = akm*s2 - ajm*s72;
bj = bkm*s2 - bjm*s72;
a[k2] = ak - bj;
a[k3] = ak + bj;
b[k2] = bk + aj;
b[k3] = bk - aj;
kk = k4 + kspan;
if( kk < nn) goto L220;
kk = kk - nn;
if( kk <= kspan) goto L220;
goto L290;
/* transform for odd factors */
k = nfac[i-1];
kspnn = kspan;
kspan /= k;
if(k == 3) goto L100;
if(k == 5) goto L_f5;
if(k == jf) goto L250;
jf = k;
s1 = rad/(k/8.0);
c1 = cos(s1);
s1 = sin(s1);
ck[jf] = 1.0;
sk[jf] = 0.0;
for(j = 1; j < k; j++) { /* k is changing as well */
ck[j] = ck[k]*c1 + sk[k]*s1;
sk[j] = ck[k]*s1 - sk[k]*c1;
ck[k] = ck[j];
sk[k] = -sk[j];
k1 = kk;
k2 = kk + kspnn;
aa = a[kk];
bb = b[kk];
ak = aa;
bk = bb;
j = 1;
k1 = k1 + kspan;
k2 = k2 - kspan;
at[j] = a[k1] + a[k2];
ak = at[j] + ak;
bt[j] = b[k1] + b[k2];
bk = bt[j] + bk;
at[j] = a[k1] - a[k2];
bt[j] = b[k1] - b[k2];
k1 = k1 + kspan;
if( k1 < k2) goto L260;
a[kk] = ak;
b[kk] = bk;
k1 = kk;
k2 = kk + kspnn;
j = 1;
k1 += kspan;
k2 -= kspan;
jj = j;
ak = aa;
bk = bb;
aj = 0.0;
bj = 0.0;
k = 1;
for(k = 2; k < jf; k++) {
ak += at[k]*ck[jj];
bk += bt[k]*ck[jj];
aj += at[k]*sk[jj];
bj += bt[k]*sk[jj];
jj += j;
if(jj > jf) jj -= jf;
k = jf - j;
a[k1] = ak - bj;
b[k1] = bk + aj;
a[k2] = ak + bj;
b[k2] = bk - aj;
if( j < k) goto L270;
kk = kk + kspnn;
if( kk <= nn) goto L250;
kk = kk - nn;
if( kk <= kspan) goto L250;
/* multiply by rotation factor (except for factors of 2 and 4) */
if(i == m) goto L_fin;
kk = jc + 1;
c2 = 1.0 - cd;
s1 = sd;
mm = imin2(kspan,klim);
do { /* L320: */
c1 = c2;
s2 = s1;
kk += kspan;
do { /* L330: */
do {
ak = a[kk];
a[kk] = c2*ak - s2*b[kk];
b[kk] = s2*ak + c2*b[kk];
kk += kspnn;
} while(kk <= nt);
ak = s1*s2;
s2 = s1*c2 + c1*s2;
c2 = c1*c2 - ak;
kk += -nt + kspan;
} while(kk <= kspnn);
kk += -kspnn + jc;
if(kk <= mm) { /* L310: */
c2 = c1 - (cd*c1+sd*s1);
s1 = s1 + (sd*c1-cd*s1);
/* the following three statements compensate for truncation error.*/
/* if rounded arithmetic is used (nowadays always ?!), they may be deleted. */
c1 = 0.5/(c2*c2+s1*s1) + 0.5;
s1 = c1*s1;
c2 = c1*c2;
continue/* goto L320*/;
if(kk >= kspan) {
kk = kk - kspan + jc + inc;
if( kk <= jc+jc) goto L300;
goto L_start;
s1 = ((kk-1)/jc)*dr*rad;
c2 = cos(s1);
s1 = sin(s1);
mm = imin2(kspan,mm+klim);
} while(1);
/* permute the results to normal order---done in two stages */
/* permutation for square factors of n */
np[1] = ks;
if( kt == 0) goto L440;
k = kt + kt + 1;
if( m < k) k--;
np[k+1] = jc;
for(j = 1; j < k; j++, k--) {
np[j+1] = np[j]/nfac[j-1];
np[k] = np[k+1]*nfac[j-1];
k3 = np[k+1];
kspan = np[2];
kk = jc + 1;
k2 = kspan + 1;
j = 1;
if(n == ntot) {
/* permutation for single-variate transform (optional code) */
do {
ak = a[kk]; a[kk] = a[k2]; a[k2] = ak;
bk = b[kk]; b[kk] = b[k2]; b[k2] = bk;
kk += inc;
k2 += kspan;
} while(k2 < ks);
do { k2 -= np[j]; j++; k2 += np[j+1]; } while(k2 > np[j]);
j = 1;
do {
if(kk < k2) goto L370;
kk += inc;
k2 += kspan;
} while(k2 < ks);
if( kk < ks) goto L380;
jc = k3;
} else {
/* permutation for multivariate transform */
k = kk + jc;
do {
ak = a[kk]; a[kk] = a[k2]; a[k2] = ak;
bk = b[kk]; b[kk] = b[k2]; b[k2] = bk;
kk += inc;
k2 += inc;
} while( kk < k);
kk += ks - jc;
k2 += ks - jc;
if(kk < nt) goto L400;
k2 += - nt + kspan;
kk += - nt + jc;
if( k2 < ks) goto L400;
do {
do { k2 -= np[j]; j++; k2 += np[j+1]; } while(k2 > np[j]);
j = 1;
do {
if(kk < k2) goto L400;
kk += jc;
k2 += kspan;
} while(k2 < ks);
} while(kk < ks);
jc = k3;
if( 2*kt+1 >= m) return;
kspnn = np[kt+1];
/* permutation for square-free factors of n */
/* Here, nfac[] is overwritten... -- now CUMULATIVE ("cumprod") factors */
nn = m - kt;
nfac[nn] = 1;
for(j = nn; j > kt; j--)
nfac[j-1] *= nfac[j];
nn = nfac[kt-1] - 1;
jj = 0;
j = 0;
goto L480;
jj -= k2;
k2 = kk;
kk = nfac[k-1];
jj += kk;
if( jj >= k2) goto L460;
np[j] = jj;
k2 = nfac[kt-1];
k = kt + 1;
kk = nfac[k-1];
if( j <= nn) goto L470;
/* determine the permutation cycles of length greater than 1 */
j = 0;
goto L500;
do {
do { k = kk; kk = np[k]; np[k] = -kk; } while(kk != j);
k3 = kk;
do { j++; kk = np[j]; } while(kk < 0);
} while(kk != j);
np[j] = -j;
if( j != nn) goto L500;
maxf *= inc;
goto L570;
/* reorder a and b, following the permutation cycles */
do j--; while(np[j] < 0);
jj = jc;
kspan = imin2(jj,maxf);
jj -= kspan;
k = np[j];
kk = jc*k + i + jj;
for(k1 = kk + kspan, k2 = 1; k1 != kk;
k1 -= inc, k2++) {
at[k2] = a[k1];
bt[k2] = b[k1];
do {
k1 = kk + kspan;
k2 = k1 - jc*(k+np[k]);
k = -np[k];
do {
a[k1] = a[k2];
b[k1] = b[k2];
k1 -= inc;
k2 -= inc;
} while( k1 != kk);
kk = k2;
} while(k != j);
for(k1 = kk + kspan, k2 = 1; k1 > kk;
k1 -= inc, k2++) {
a[k1] = at[k2];
b[k1] = bt[k2];
if(jj != 0) goto L520;
if( j != 1) goto L_ord;
j = k3 + 1;
nt = nt - kspnn;
i = nt - inc + 1;
if( nt >= 0) goto L_ord;
} /* fftmx */
static int old_n = 0;
static int nfac[20];
static int m_fac;
static int kt;
static int maxf;
static int maxp;
/* At the end of factorization,
* nfac[] contains the factors,
* m_fac contains the number of factors and
* kt contains the number of square factors */
/* non-API, but used by package RandomFields */
void fft_factor(int n, int *pmaxf, int *pmaxp)
/* fft_factor - factorization check and determination of memory
* requirements for the fft.
* On return, *pmaxf will give the maximum factor size
* and *pmaxp will give the amount of integer scratch storage required.
* If *pmaxf == 0, there was an error, the error type is indicated by *pmaxp:
* If *pmaxp == 0 There was an illegal zero parameter among nseg, n, and nspn.
* If *pmaxp == 1 There were more than 20 factors to ntot. */
int j, jj, k, sqrtk, kchanged;
/* check series length */
if (n <= 0) {
old_n = 0; *pmaxf = 0; *pmaxp = 0;
else old_n = n;
/* determine the factors of n */
m_fac = 0;
k = n;/* k := remaining unfactored factor of n */
if (k == 1)
/* extract square factors first ------------------ */
/* extract 4^2 = 16 separately
* ==> at most one remaining factor 2^2 = 4, done below */
while(k % 16 == 0) {
nfac[m_fac++] = 4;
k /= 16;
/* extract 3^2, 5^2, ... */
kchanged = 0;
sqrtk = (int)sqrt(k);
for(j = 3; j <= sqrtk; j += 2) {
jj = j * j;
while(k % jj == 0) {
nfac[m_fac++] = j;
k /= jj;
kchanged = 1;
if (kchanged) {
kchanged = 0;
sqrtk = (int)sqrt(k);
if(k <= 4) {
kt = m_fac;
nfac[m_fac] = k;
if(k != 1) m_fac++;
else {
if(k % 4 == 0) {
nfac[m_fac++] = 2;
k /= 4;
/* all square factors out now, but k >= 5 still */
kt = m_fac;
maxp = imax2(kt+kt+2, k-1);
j = 2;
do {
if (k % j == 0) {
nfac[m_fac++] = j;
k /= j;
if (j > INT_MAX - 2)
j = ((j+1)/2)*2 + 1;
while(j <= k);
if (m_fac <= kt+1)
maxp = m_fac+kt+1;
if (m_fac+kt > 20) { /* error - too many factors */
old_n = 0; *pmaxf = 0; *pmaxp = 0;
else {
if (kt != 0) {
j = kt;
while(j != 0)
nfac[m_fac++] = nfac[--j];
maxf = nfac[m_fac-kt-1];
/* The last squared factor is not necessarily the largest PR#1429 */
if (kt > 0) maxf = imax2(nfac[kt-1], maxf);
if (kt > 1) maxf = imax2(nfac[kt-2], maxf);
if (kt > 2) maxf = imax2(nfac[kt-3], maxf);
*pmaxf = maxf;
*pmaxp = maxp;
Rboolean fft_work(double *a, double *b, int nseg, int n, int nspn, int isn,
double *work, int *iwork)
/* check that factorization was successful */
if(old_n == 0) return FALSE;
/* check that the parameters match those of the factorization call */
if(n != old_n || nseg <= 0 || nspn <= 0 || isn == 0)
return FALSE;
/* perform the transform */
size_t mf = maxf;
int nspan = n * nspn, ntot = nspan * nseg;
fftmx(a, b, ntot, n, nspan, isn, m_fac, kt,
work, work+mf, work+2*mf, work+3*mf,
iwork, nfac);
return TRUE;