blob: c7fc426b9f32bd93ebc9e90e45777c63589d4dac [file] [log] [blame]
* R : A Computer Language for Statistical Data Analysis
* Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 The R Foundation
* Copyright (C) 1998--2014 The R Core Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy is available at
#include <config.h>
#define NO_NLS
#include <Defn.h>
#include <float.h> /* for DBL_MAX */
#include <R_ext/Applic.h> /* for optif9, fdhess */
#include <R_ext/RS.h> /* for Memcpy */
#include "statsR.h"
#include "stats.h" // R_zeroin2
#undef _
#include <libintl.h>
#define _(String) dgettext ("stats", String)
#define _(String) (String)
/* Formerly in src/appl/fmim.c */
/* fmin.f -- translated by f2c (version 19990503).
/* R's optimize() : function fmin(ax,bx,f,tol)
= ========== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
an approximation x to the point where f attains a minimum on
the interval (ax,bx) is determined.
ax left endpoint of initial interval
bx right endpoint of initial interval
f function which evaluates f(x, info) for any x
in the interval (ax,bx)
tol desired length of the interval of uncertainty of the final
result ( >= 0.)
fmin abcissa approximating the point where f attains a minimum
The method used is a combination of golden section search and
successive parabolic interpolation. convergence is never much slower
than that for a Fibonacci search. If f has a continuous second
derivative which is positive at the minimum (which is not at ax or
bx), then convergence is superlinear, and usually of the order of
about 1.324....
The function f is never evaluated at two points closer together
than eps*abs(fmin)+(tol/3), where eps is approximately the square
root of the relative machine precision. if f is a unimodal
function and the computed values of f are always unimodal when
separated by at least eps*abs(x)+(tol/3), then fmin approximates
the abcissa of the global minimum of f on the interval ax,bx with
an error less than 3*eps*abs(fmin)+tol. if f is not unimodal,
then fmin may approximate a local, but perhaps non-global, minimum to
the same accuracy.
This function subprogram is a slightly modified version of the
Algol 60 procedure localmin given in Richard Brent, Algorithms for
Minimization without Derivatives, Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1973).
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h> /* DBL_EPSILON */
#include <Rmath.h>
#include <R_ext/Applic.h>
double Brent_fmin(double ax, double bx, double (*f)(double, void *),
void *info, double tol)
/* c is the squared inverse of the golden ratio */
const double c = (3. - sqrt(5.)) * .5;
/* Local variables */
double a, b, d, e, p, q, r, u, v, w, x;
double t2, fu, fv, fw, fx, xm, eps, tol1, tol3;
/* eps is approximately the square root of the relative machine precision. */
tol1 = eps + 1.;/* the smallest 1.000... > 1 */
eps = sqrt(eps);
a = ax;
b = bx;
v = a + c * (b - a);
w = v;
x = v;
d = 0.;/* -Wall */
e = 0.;
fx = (*f)(x, info);
fv = fx;
fw = fx;
tol3 = tol / 3.;
/* main loop starts here ----------------------------------- */
for(;;) {
xm = (a + b) * .5;
tol1 = eps * fabs(x) + tol3;
t2 = tol1 * 2.;
/* check stopping criterion */
if (fabs(x - xm) <= t2 - (b - a) * .5) break;
p = 0.;
q = 0.;
r = 0.;
if (fabs(e) > tol1) { /* fit parabola */
r = (x - w) * (fx - fv);
q = (x - v) * (fx - fw);
p = (x - v) * q - (x - w) * r;
q = (q - r) * 2.;
if (q > 0.) p = -p; else q = -q;
r = e;
e = d;
if (fabs(p) >= fabs(q * .5 * r) ||
p <= q * (a - x) || p >= q * (b - x)) { /* a golden-section step */
if (x < xm) e = b - x; else e = a - x;
d = c * e;
else { /* a parabolic-interpolation step */
d = p / q;
u = x + d;
/* f must not be evaluated too close to ax or bx */
if (u - a < t2 || b - u < t2) {
d = tol1;
if (x >= xm) d = -d;
/* f must not be evaluated too close to x */
if (fabs(d) >= tol1)
u = x + d;
else if (d > 0.)
u = x + tol1;
u = x - tol1;
fu = (*f)(u, info);
/* update a, b, v, w, and x */
if (fu <= fx) {
if (u < x) b = x; else a = x;
v = w; w = x; x = u;
fv = fw; fw = fx; fx = fu;
} else {
if (u < x) a = u; else b = u;
if (fu <= fw || w == x) {
v = w; fv = fw;
w = u; fw = fu;
} else if (fu <= fv || v == x || v == w) {
v = u; fv = fu;
/* end of main loop */
return x;
} // Brent_fmin()
/* One Dimensional Minimization --- just wrapper for
* Brent's "fmin" above */
struct callinfo {
SEXP R_fcall;
SEXP R_env;
} ;
/*static SEXP R_fcall1;
static SEXP R_env1; */
static double fcn1(double x, struct callinfo *info)
SEXP s, sx;
PROTECT(sx = ScalarReal(x));
SETCADR(info->R_fcall, sx);
s = eval(info->R_fcall, info->R_env);
switch(TYPEOF(s)) {
case INTSXP:
if (length(s) != 1) goto badvalue;
if (INTEGER(s)[0] == NA_INTEGER) {
warning(_("NA replaced by maximum positive value"));
return DBL_MAX;
else return INTEGER(s)[0];
if (length(s) != 1) goto badvalue;
if (!R_FINITE(REAL(s)[0])) {
warning(_("NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value"));
return DBL_MAX;
else return REAL(s)[0];
goto badvalue;
error(_("invalid function value in 'optimize'"));
return 0;/* for -Wall */
/* fmin(f, xmin, xmax tol) */
SEXP do_fmin(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
double xmin, xmax, tol;
SEXP v, res;
struct callinfo info;
args = CDR(args);
/* the function to be minimized */
v = CAR(args);
if (!isFunction(v))
error(_("attempt to minimize non-function"));
args = CDR(args);
/* xmin */
xmin = asReal(CAR(args));
if (!R_FINITE(xmin))
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "xmin");
args = CDR(args);
/* xmax */
xmax = asReal(CAR(args));
if (!R_FINITE(xmax))
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "xmax");
if (xmin >= xmax)
error(_("'xmin' not less than 'xmax'"));
args = CDR(args);
/* tol */
tol = asReal(CAR(args));
if (!R_FINITE(tol) || tol <= 0.0)
error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "tol");
info.R_env = rho;
PROTECT(info.R_fcall = lang2(v, R_NilValue));
PROTECT(res = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
REAL(res)[0] = Brent_fmin(xmin, xmax,
(double (*)(double, void*)) fcn1, &info, tol);
return res;
// One Dimensional Root Finding -- just wrapper code for
// Brent's "zeroin"
// ---------------
static double fcn2(double x, struct callinfo *info)
SEXP s, sx;
PROTECT(sx = ScalarReal(x));
SETCADR(info->R_fcall, sx);
s = eval(info->R_fcall, info->R_env);
switch(TYPEOF(s)) {
case INTSXP:
if (length(s) != 1) goto badvalue;
if (INTEGER(s)[0] == NA_INTEGER) {
warning(_("NA replaced by maximum positive value"));
return DBL_MAX;
else return INTEGER(s)[0];
if (length(s) != 1) goto badvalue;
if (!R_FINITE(REAL(s)[0])) {
if(REAL(s)[0] == R_NegInf) { // keep sign for root finding !
warning(_("-Inf replaced by maximally negative value"));
return -DBL_MAX;
} else {
warning(_("NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value"));
return DBL_MAX;
else return REAL(s)[0];
goto badvalue;
error(_("invalid function value in 'zeroin'"));
return 0;/* for -Wall */
/* zeroin2(f, ax, bx,, f.bx, tol, maxiter) */
SEXP zeroin2(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
double f_ax, f_bx;
double xmin, xmax, tol;
int iter;
SEXP v, res;
struct callinfo info;
args = CDR(args);
/* the function to be minimized */
v = CAR(args);
if (!isFunction(v)) error(_("attempt to minimize non-function"));
args = CDR(args);
/* xmin */
xmin = asReal(CAR(args));
if (!R_FINITE(xmin)) error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "xmin");
args = CDR(args);
/* xmax */
xmax = asReal(CAR(args));
if (!R_FINITE(xmax)) error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "xmax");
if (xmin >= xmax) error(_("'xmin' not less than 'xmax'"));
args = CDR(args);
/* f(ax) = f(xmin) */
f_ax = asReal(CAR(args));
if (ISNA(f_ax)) error(_("NA value for '%s' is not allowed"), "f.lower");
args = CDR(args);
/* f(bx) = f(xmax) */
f_bx = asReal(CAR(args));
if (ISNA(f_bx)) error(_("NA value for '%s' is not allowed"), "f.upper");
args = CDR(args);
/* tol */
tol = asReal(CAR(args));
if (!R_FINITE(tol) || tol <= 0.0) error(_("invalid '%s' value"), "tol");
args = CDR(args);
/* maxiter */
iter = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (iter <= 0) error(_("'maxiter' must be positive"));
info.R_env = rho;
PROTECT(info.R_fcall = lang2(v, R_NilValue)); /* the info used in fcn2() */
PROTECT(res = allocVector(REALSXP, 3));
REAL(res)[0] =
R_zeroin2(xmin, xmax, f_ax, f_bx, (double (*)(double, void*)) fcn2,
(void *) &info, &tol, &iter);
REAL(res)[1] = (double)iter;
REAL(res)[2] = tol;
return res;
/* General Nonlinear Optimization */
#define FT_SIZE 5 /* default size of table to store computed
function values */
typedef struct {
double fval;
double *x;
double *grad;
double *hess;
} ftable;
typedef struct {
SEXP R_fcall; /* unevaluated call to R function */
SEXP R_env; /* where to evaluate the calls */
int have_gradient;
int have_hessian;
/* int n; -* length of the parameter (x) vector */
int FT_size; /* size of table to store computed
function values */
int FT_last; /* Newest entry in the table */
ftable *Ftable;
} function_info;
/* Initialize the storage in the table of computed function values */
static void FT_init(int n, int FT_size, function_info *state)
int i, j;
int have_gradient, have_hessian;
ftable *Ftable;
have_gradient = state->have_gradient;
have_hessian = state->have_hessian;
Ftable = (ftable *)R_alloc(FT_size, sizeof(ftable));
for (i = 0; i < FT_size; i++) {
Ftable[i].x = (double *)R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
/* initialize to unlikely parameter values */
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
Ftable[i].x[j] = DBL_MAX;
if (have_gradient) {
Ftable[i].grad = (double *)R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
if (have_hessian) {
Ftable[i].hess = (double *)R_alloc(n * n, sizeof(double));
state->Ftable = Ftable;
state->FT_size = FT_size;
state->FT_last = -1;
/* Store an entry in the table of computed function values */
static void FT_store(int n, const double f, const double *x, const double *grad,
const double *hess, function_info *state)
int ind;
ind = (++(state->FT_last)) % (state->FT_size);
state->Ftable[ind].fval = f;
Memcpy(state->Ftable[ind].x, x, n);
if (grad) {
Memcpy(state->Ftable[ind].grad, grad, n);
if (hess) {
Memcpy(state->Ftable[ind].hess, hess, n * n);
/* Check for stored values in the table of computed function values.
Returns the index in the table or -1 for failure */
static int FT_lookup(int n, const double *x, function_info *state)
double *ftx;
int i, j, ind, matched;
int FT_size, FT_last;
ftable *Ftable;
FT_last = state->FT_last;
FT_size = state->FT_size;
Ftable = state->Ftable;
for (i = 0; i < FT_size; i++) {
ind = (FT_last - i) % FT_size;
/* why can't they define modulus correctly */
if (ind < 0) ind += FT_size;
ftx = Ftable[ind].x;
if (ftx) {
matched = 1;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
if (x[j] != ftx[j]) {
matched = 0;
if (matched) return ind;
return -1;
/* This how the optimizer sees them */
static void fcn(int n, const double x[], double *f, function_info
SEXP s, R_fcall;
ftable *Ftable;
double *g = (double *) 0, *h = (double *) 0;
int i;
R_fcall = state->R_fcall;
Ftable = state->Ftable;
if ((i = FT_lookup(n, x, state)) >= 0) {
*f = Ftable[i].fval;
/* calculate for a new value of x */
s = allocVector(REALSXP, n);
SETCADR(R_fcall, s);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (!R_FINITE(x[i])) error(_("non-finite value supplied by 'nlm'"));
REAL(s)[i] = x[i];
s = PROTECT(eval(state->R_fcall, state->R_env));
switch(TYPEOF(s)) {
case INTSXP:
if (length(s) != 1) goto badvalue;
if (INTEGER(s)[0] == NA_INTEGER) {
warning(_("NA replaced by maximum positive value"));
*f = DBL_MAX;
else *f = INTEGER(s)[0];
if (length(s) != 1) goto badvalue;
if (!R_FINITE(REAL(s)[0])) {
warning(_("NA/Inf replaced by maximum positive value"));
*f = DBL_MAX;
else *f = REAL(s)[0];
goto badvalue;
if (state->have_gradient) {
g = REAL(PROTECT(coerceVector(getAttrib(s, install("gradient")), REALSXP)));
if (state->have_hessian) {
h = REAL(PROTECT(coerceVector(getAttrib(s, install("hessian")), REALSXP)));
FT_store(n, *f, x, g, h, state);
UNPROTECT(1 + state->have_gradient + state->have_hessian);
error(_("invalid function value in 'nlm' optimizer"));
static void Cd1fcn(int n, const double x[], double *g, function_info *state)
int ind;
if ((ind = FT_lookup(n, x, state)) < 0) { /* shouldn't happen */
fcn(n, x, g, state);
if ((ind = FT_lookup(n, x, state)) < 0) {
error(_("function value caching for optimization is seriously confused"));
Memcpy(g, state->Ftable[ind].grad, n);
static void Cd2fcn(int nr, int n, const double x[], double *h,
function_info *state)
int j, ind;
if ((ind = FT_lookup(n, x, state)) < 0) { /* shouldn't happen */
fcn(n, x, h, state);
if ((ind = FT_lookup(n, x, state)) < 0) {
error(_("function value caching for optimization is seriously confused"));
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { /* fill in lower triangle only */
Memcpy( h + j*(n + 1), state->Ftable[ind].hess + j*(n + 1), n - j);
static double *fixparam(SEXP p, int *n)
double *x;
int i;
if (!isNumeric(p))
error(_("numeric parameter expected"));
if (*n) {
if (LENGTH(p) != *n)
error(_("conflicting parameter lengths"));
else {
if (LENGTH(p) <= 0)
error(_("invalid parameter length"));
*n = LENGTH(p);
x = (double*)R_alloc(*n, sizeof(double));
switch(TYPEOF(p)) {
case LGLSXP:
case INTSXP:
for (i = 0; i < *n; i++) {
if (INTEGER(p)[i] == NA_INTEGER)
error(_("missing value in parameter"));
x[i] = INTEGER(p)[i];
for (i = 0; i < *n; i++) {
if (!R_FINITE(REAL(p)[i]))
error(_("missing value in parameter"));
x[i] = REAL(p)[i];
error(_("invalid parameter type"));
return x;
/* Fatal errors - we don't deliver an answer */
static void NORET opterror(int nerr)
switch(nerr) {
case -1:
error(_("non-positive number of parameters in nlm"));
case -2:
error(_("nlm is inefficient for 1-d problems"));
case -3:
error(_("invalid gradient tolerance in nlm"));
case -4:
error(_("invalid iteration limit in nlm"));
case -5:
error(_("minimization function has no good digits in nlm"));
case -6:
error(_("no analytic gradient to check in nlm!"));
case -7:
error(_("no analytic Hessian to check in nlm!"));
case -21:
error(_("probable coding error in analytic gradient"));
case -22:
error(_("probable coding error in analytic Hessian"));
error(_("*** unknown error message (msg = %d) in nlm()\n*** should not happen!"), nerr);
/* Warnings - we return a value, but print a warning */
static void optcode(int code)
switch(code) {
case 1:
Rprintf(_("Relative gradient close to zero.\n"));
Rprintf(_("Current iterate is probably solution.\n"));
case 2:
Rprintf(_("Successive iterates within tolerance.\n"));
Rprintf(_("Current iterate is probably solution.\n"));
case 3:
Rprintf(_("Last global step failed to locate a point lower than x.\n"));
Rprintf(_("Either x is an approximate local minimum of the function,\n\
the function is too non-linear for this algorithm,\n\
or steptol is too large.\n"));
case 4:
Rprintf(_("Iteration limit exceeded. Algorithm failed.\n"));
case 5:
Rprintf(_("Maximum step size exceeded 5 consecutive times.\n\
Either the function is unbounded below,\n\
becomes asymptotic to a finite value\n\
from above in some direction,\n"\
"or stepmx is too small.\n"));
/* NOTE: The actual Dennis-Schnabel algorithm `optif9' is in ../../../appl/uncmin.c */
SEXP nlm(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
SEXP value, names, v, R_gradientSymbol, R_hessianSymbol;
double *x, *typsiz, fscale, gradtl, stepmx,
steptol, *xpls, *gpls, fpls, *a, *wrk, dlt;
int code, i, j, k, itnlim, method, iexp, omsg, msg,
n, ndigit, iagflg, iahflg, want_hessian, itncnt;
/* .Internal(
* nlm(function(x) f(x, ...), p, hessian, typsize, fscale,
* msg, ndigit, gradtol, stepmax, steptol, iterlim)
function_info *state;
args = CDR(args);
state = (function_info *) R_alloc(1, sizeof(function_info));
/* the function to be minimized */
v = CAR(args);
if (!isFunction(v))
error(_("attempt to minimize non-function"));
PROTECT(state->R_fcall = lang2(v, R_NilValue));
args = CDR(args);
/* `p' : inital parameter value */
n = 0;
x = fixparam(CAR(args), &n);
args = CDR(args);
/* `hessian' : H. required? */
want_hessian = asLogical(CAR(args));
if (want_hessian == NA_LOGICAL) want_hessian = 0;
args = CDR(args);
/* `typsize' : typical size of parameter elements */
typsiz = fixparam(CAR(args), &n);
args = CDR(args);
/* `fscale' : expected function size */
fscale = asReal(CAR(args));
if (ISNA(fscale)) error(_("invalid NA value in parameter"));
args = CDR(args);
/* `msg' (bit pattern) */
omsg = msg = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (msg == NA_INTEGER) error(_("invalid NA value in parameter"));
args = CDR(args);
ndigit = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (ndigit == NA_INTEGER) error(_("invalid NA value in parameter"));
args = CDR(args);
gradtl = asReal(CAR(args));
if (ISNA(gradtl)) error(_("invalid NA value in parameter"));
args = CDR(args);
stepmx = asReal(CAR(args));
if (ISNA(stepmx)) error(_("invalid NA value in parameter"));
args = CDR(args);
steptol = asReal(CAR(args));
if (ISNA(steptol)) error(_("invalid NA value in parameter"));
args = CDR(args);
/* `iterlim' (def. 100) */
itnlim = asInteger(CAR(args));
if (itnlim == NA_INTEGER) error(_("invalid NA value in parameter"));
state->R_env = rho;
/* force one evaluation to check for the gradient and hessian */
iagflg = 0; /* No analytic gradient */
iahflg = 0; /* No analytic hessian */
state->have_gradient = 0;
state->have_hessian = 0;
R_gradientSymbol = install("gradient");
R_hessianSymbol = install("hessian");
v = allocVector(REALSXP, n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) REAL(v)[i] = x[i];
SETCADR(state->R_fcall, v);
PROTECT(value = eval(state->R_fcall, state->R_env));
v = getAttrib(value, R_gradientSymbol);
if (v != R_NilValue) {
if (LENGTH(v) == n && (isReal(v) || isInteger(v))) {
iagflg = 1;
state->have_gradient = 1;
v = getAttrib(value, R_hessianSymbol);
if (v != R_NilValue) {
if (LENGTH(v) == (n * n) && (isReal(v) || isInteger(v))) {
iahflg = 1;
state->have_hessian = 1;
} else {
warning(_("hessian supplied is of the wrong length or mode, so ignored"));
} else {
warning(_("gradient supplied is of the wrong length or mode, so ignored"));
UNPROTECT(1); /* value */
if (((msg/4) % 2) && !iahflg) { /* skip check of analytic Hessian */
msg -= 4;
if (((msg/2) % 2) && !iagflg) { /* skip check of analytic gradient */
msg -= 2;
FT_init(n, FT_SIZE, state);
/* Plug in the call to the optimizer here */
method = 1; /* Line Search */
iexp = iahflg ? 0 : 1; /* Function calls are expensive */
dlt = 1.0;
xpls = (double*)R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
gpls = (double*)R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
a = (double*)R_alloc(n*n, sizeof(double));
wrk = (double*)R_alloc(8*n, sizeof(double));
* Dennis + Schnabel Minimizer
* Note: I have figured out what msg does.
* It is actually a sum of bit flags as follows
* 1 = don't check/warn for 1-d problems
* 2 = don't check analytic gradients
* 4 = don't check analytic hessians
* 8 = don't print start and end info
* 16 = print at every iteration
* Using msg=9 is absolutely minimal
* I think we always check gradients and hessians
optif9(n, n, x, (fcn_p) fcn, (fcn_p) Cd1fcn, (d2fcn_p) Cd2fcn,
state, typsiz, fscale, method, iexp, &msg, ndigit, itnlim,
iagflg, iahflg, dlt, gradtl, stepmx, steptol, xpls, &fpls,
gpls, &code, a, wrk, &itncnt);
if (msg < 0)
if (code != 0 && (omsg&8) == 0)
if (want_hessian) {
PROTECT(value = allocVector(VECSXP, 6));
PROTECT(names = allocVector(STRSXP, 6));
fdhess(n, xpls, fpls, (fcn_p) fcn, state, a, n, &wrk[0], &wrk[n],
ndigit, typsiz);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
a[i + j * n] = a[j + i * n];
else {
PROTECT(value = allocVector(VECSXP, 5));
PROTECT(names = allocVector(STRSXP, 5));
k = 0;
SET_STRING_ELT(names, k, mkChar("minimum"));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(value, k, ScalarReal(fpls));
SET_STRING_ELT(names, k, mkChar("estimate"));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(value, k, allocVector(REALSXP, n));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
REAL(VECTOR_ELT(value, k))[i] = xpls[i];
SET_STRING_ELT(names, k, mkChar("gradient"));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(value, k, allocVector(REALSXP, n));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
REAL(VECTOR_ELT(value, k))[i] = gpls[i];
if (want_hessian) {
SET_STRING_ELT(names, k, mkChar("hessian"));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(value, k, allocMatrix(REALSXP, n, n));
for (i = 0; i < n * n; i++)
REAL(VECTOR_ELT(value, k))[i] = a[i];
SET_STRING_ELT(names, k, mkChar("code"));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(value, k, allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(value, k))[0] = code;
/* added by Jim K Lindsey */
SET_STRING_ELT(names, k, mkChar("iterations"));
SET_VECTOR_ELT(value, k, allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(value, k))[0] = itncnt;
setAttrib(value, R_NamesSymbol, names);
return value;