blob: 9214e0eb572980e16cc15c8918aeeb8b0fcbc784 [file] [log] [blame]
C Output from Public domain Ratfor, version 1.0
c Smoothing Spline LeVeRaGes = SSLVRG
c ----------------------------------- leverages = H_ii = diagonal entries of Hat matrix
subroutine sslvrg(penalt,dofoff,x,y,w,ssw, n, knot,nk,coef,
* sz,lev, crit,icrit, lambda, xwy, hs0,hs1,hs2,hs3,
* sg0,sg1,sg2,sg3, abd,p1ip,p2ip,ld4,ldnk,info)
C Purpose :
C Compute smoothing spline for smoothing parameter lambda
C and compute one of three `criteria' (OCV , GCV , "df match").
C See comments in ./sbart.c from which this is called
integer n,nk,icrit,ld4,ldnk,info
DOUBLE precision penalt,dofoff,x(n),y(n),w(n),ssw,
& knot(nk+4), coef(nk),sz(n),lev(n), crit, lambda,
* xwy(nk), hs0(nk),hs1(nk),hs2(nk),hs3(nk),
* sg0(nk),sg1(nk),sg2(nk),sg3(nk), abd(ld4,nk),
& p1ip(ld4,nk), p2ip(ldnk,nk)
double precision bvalue
C local variables
double precision vnikx(4,1),work(16)
integer i,ileft,j,mflag, lenkno
double precision b0,b1,b2,b3,eps, xv,rss,df, sumw
integer interv
external interv ! in ../../../appl/interv.c
lenkno = nk+4
ileft = 1
eps = 1d-11
C compute the coefficients coef() of estimated smooth
do i=1,nk
coef(i) = xwy(i)
abd(4,i) = hs0(i)+lambda*sg0(i)
end do
do i=1,(nk-1)
abd(3,i+1) = hs1(i)+lambda*sg1(i)
end do
do i=1,(nk-2)
abd(2,i+2) = hs2(i)+lambda*sg2(i)
end do
do i=1,(nk-3)
abd(1,i+3) = hs3(i)+lambda*sg3(i)
end do
c factorize banded matrix abd (into upper triangular):
call dpbfa(abd,ld4,nk,3,info)
if( then
C matrix could not be factorized -> ier := info
c solve linear system (from factorized abd):
call dpbsl(abd,ld4,nk,3,coef)
C Value of smooth at the data points
do i=1,n
xv = x(i)
sz(i) = bvalue(knot,coef,nk,4,xv,0)
end do
C Compute the criterion function if requested (icrit > 0) :
if(icrit .ge. 1) then
C --- Ordinary or Generalized CV or "df match" ---
C Get Leverages First
call sinerp(abd,ld4,nk,p1ip,p2ip,ldnk, 0)
do i=1,n
xv = x(i)
ileft = interv(knot(1), nk+1, xv, 0,0, ileft, mflag)
if(mflag .eq. -1) then
ileft = 4
xv = knot(4)+eps
else if(mflag .eq. 1) then
ileft = nk
xv = knot(nk+1) - eps
C call bspvd(knot,4,1,xv,ileft,4,vnikx,work)
call bsplvd(knot,lenkno,4,xv,ileft,work,vnikx,1)
lev(i) = (
& p1ip(4,j)*b0**2 + 2.d0*p1ip(3,j)*b0*b1 +
* 2.d0*p1ip(2,j)*b0*b2 + 2.d0*p1ip(1,j)*b0*b3 +
* p1ip(4,j+1)*b1**2 + 2.d0*p1ip(3,j+1)*b1*b2 +
* 2.d0*p1ip(2,j+1)*b1*b3 + p1ip(4,j+2)*b2**2 +
& 2.d0*p1ip(3,j+2)*b2*b3 + p1ip(4,j+3)*b3**2
& )*w(i)**2
end do
C Evaluate Criterion
df = 0d0
if(icrit .eq. 1) then ! Generalized CV --------------------
rss = ssw
sumw = 0d0
c w(i) are sqrt( wt[i] ) weights scaled in ../R/smspline.R such
c that sumw = number of observations with w(i) > 0
do i=1,n
rss = rss + ((y(i)-sz(i))*w(i))**2
df = df + lev(i)
sumw = sumw + w(i)**2
end do
crit = (rss/sumw)/((1d0-(dofoff + penalt*df)/sumw)**2)
c call dblepr("spar", 4, spar, 1)
c call dblepr("crit", 4, crit, 1)
else if(icrit .eq. 2) then ! Ordinary CV ------------------
crit = 0d0
do i = 1,n
crit = crit + (((y(i)-sz(i))*w(i))/(1-lev(i)))**2
end do
crit = crit/n
c call dblepr("spar", 4, spar, 1)
c call dblepr("crit", 4, crit, 1)
else ! df := sum( lev[i] )
do i=1,n
df = df + lev(i)
end do
if(icrit .eq. 3) then ! df matching --------------------
crit = 3 + (dofoff-df)**2
else ! if(icrit .eq. 4) then df - dofoff (=> zero finding)
crit = df - dofoff
C Criterion evaluation