blob: 60bde8db0570045607eceb01af2d05a5fd5a9168 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/tools/R/makeLazyLoad.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2019 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
code2LazyLoadDB <-
function(package, lib.loc = NULL,
keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs"), = getOption(""),
compress = TRUE, set.install.dir = NULL)
pkgpath <- find.package(package, lib.loc, quiet = TRUE)
stop(packageNotFoundError(package, lib.loc,
dbbase <- file.path(pkgpath, "R", package)
if (packageHasNamespace(package, dirname(pkgpath))) {
if (! is.null(.getNamespace(
stop("namespace must not be already loaded")
ns <- suppressPackageStartupMessages(loadNamespace(
package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
keep.source = keep.source, =,
partial = TRUE))
makeLazyLoadDB(ns, dbbase, compress = compress,
set.install.dir = set.install.dir)
stop("all packages should have a NAMESPACE")
sysdata2LazyLoadDB <- function(srcFile, destDir, compress = TRUE)
e <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
load(srcFile, e)
makeLazyLoadDB(e, file.path(destDir, "sysdata"), compress = compress)
list_data_in_pkg <- function(package, lib.loc = NULL, dataDir = NULL)
if(is.null(dataDir)) {
pkgpath <- find.package(package, lib.loc, quiet = TRUE)
stop(packageNotFoundError(package, lib.loc,
dataDir <- file.path(pkgpath, "data")
} else {
if(has.pkg <- !missing(package)) ## try with default lib.loc
pkgpath <- find.package(package, lib.loc, quiet = TRUE)
if(!has.pkg || !length(pkgpath)) {
## <FIXME> making assumptions about dataDir (e.g., pkgpath *NOT* from R-forge symlink)
pkgpath <- sub("/data$", "", dataDir)
## avoid builddir != srcdir problems -- assume package has been installed
## making use of the fact that utils::data() works with *source* package:
lib.loc <- c(dirname(pkgpath), .libPaths())
package <- basename(pkgpath)
if(dir.exists(dataDir)) {
if(file.exists(sv <- file.path(dataDir, "Rdata.rds"))) {
ans <- readRDS(sv)
} else if(file.exists(sv <- file.path(dataDir, "datalist")) &&
!$isdir) { # package cp4p had a directory
## BioC mess this file up, of course!
ans <- strsplit(readLines(sv, warn = FALSE), ":")
nms <- lapply(ans, function(x) x[1L])
ans <- lapply(ans, function(x)
if(length(x) == 1L) x[1L] else
strsplit(x[2L], " +")[[1L]][-1L])
names(ans) <- nms
} else {
files <- list_files_with_type(dataDir, "data")
## omit compression extensions
files <- unique(basename(file_path_sans_ext(files, TRUE)))
ans <- vector("list", length(files))
dataEnv <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
names(ans) <- files
for(f in files) {
## This occasionally fails on uninstalled sources,
## hence the tryCatch(). And e.g. CHNOSZ gave
## messages and cricketr gave warnings.
tryCatch(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(utils::data(list = f, package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc, envir = dataEnv))), error = identity)
ans[[f]] <- ls(envir = dataEnv, all.names = TRUE)
rm(list = ans[[f]], envir = dataEnv)
} else NULL
data2LazyLoadDB <- function(package, lib.loc = NULL, compress = TRUE)
pkgpath <- find.package(package, lib.loc, quiet = TRUE)
stop(packageNotFoundError(package, lib.loc,
dataDir <- file.path(pkgpath, "data")
## set the encoding for text files to be read, if specified
enc <- .read_description(file.path(pkgpath, "DESCRIPTION"))["Encoding"]
if(! {
op <- options(encoding=enc)
if(dir.exists(dataDir)) {
if(file.exists(file.path(dataDir, "Rdata.rds")) &&
file.exists(file.path(dataDir, paste0(package, ".rdx"))) &&
file.exists(file.path(dataDir, paste0(package, ".rdb"))) ){
warning("package seems to be using lazy loading for data already")
else {
dataEnv <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
tmpEnv <- new.env()
f0 <- files <- list_files_with_type(dataDir, "data")
## omit compression extensions
files <- unique(basename(file_path_sans_ext(files, TRUE)))
dlist <- vector("list", length(files))
names(dlist) <- files
loaded <- character(0L)
for(f in files) {
utils::data(list = f, package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
envir = dataEnv, overwrite = TRUE)
utils::data(list = f, package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
envir = tmpEnv, overwrite = TRUE)
tmp <- ls(envir = tmpEnv, all.names = TRUE)
rm(list = tmp, envir = tmpEnv)
dlist[[f]] <- tmp
loaded <- c(loaded, tmp)
dup <- duplicated(loaded)
"object %s is created by more than one data call",
"objects %s are created by more than one data call"),
paste(sQuote(loaded[dup]), collapse=", ")),
call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
if(length(loaded)) {
dbbase <- file.path(dataDir, "Rdata")
makeLazyLoadDB(dataEnv, dbbase, compress = compress)
saveRDS(dlist, file.path(dataDir, "Rdata.rds"),
compress = compress)
if(file.exists(file.path(dataDir, "filelist")))
unlink(file.path(dataDir, c("filelist", "")))
makeLazyLoadDB <- function(from, filebase, compress = TRUE, ascii = FALSE,
variables, set.install.dir = NULL)
## pre-empt any problems with interpretation of 'ascii'
ascii <- as.logical(ascii)
if ( stop("'ascii' must be TRUE or FALSE", domain = NA)
ascii <- as.integer(ascii)
envlist <- function(e)
.Internal(getVarsFromFrame(ls(e, all.names = TRUE), e, FALSE))
envtable <- function() {
idx <- 0
envs <- NULL
enames <- character(0L)
find <- function(v, keys, vals) {
for (i in seq_along(keys))
if (identical(v, keys[[i]]))
getname <- function(e) find(e, envs, enames)
getenv <- function(n) find(n, enames, envs)
insert <- function(e) {
idx <<- idx + 1
name <- paste0("env::", idx)
envs <<- c(e, envs)
enames <<- c(name, enames)
list(insert = insert, getenv = getenv, getname = getname)
lazyLoadDBinsertValue <- function(value, file, ascii, compress, hook)
.Internal(lazyLoadDBinsertValue(value, file, ascii, compress, hook))
lazyLoadDBinsertListElement <- function(x, i, file, ascii, compress, hook)
.Internal(lazyLoadDBinsertValue(x[[i]], file, ascii, compress, hook))
lazyLoadDBinsertVariable <- function(n, e, file, ascii, compress, hook) {
x <- .Internal(getVarsFromFrame(n, e, FALSE))
.Internal(lazyLoadDBinsertValue(x[[1L]], file, ascii, compress, hook))
mapfile <- paste0(filebase, ".rdx")
datafile <- paste0(filebase, ".rdb")
close(file(datafile, "wb")) # truncate to zero
table <- envtable()
varenv <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
envenv <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
# bindings of names from "lazy" will be serialized independently so that
# they can be loaded lazily, after the other bindings have already been
# eagerly loaded
lazyenvhook <- function(e, bindings, lazy) {
bnames <- names(bindings)
lnames <- intersect(bnames, lazy)
if (length(lnames)) {
enames <- setdiff(bnames, lazy)
edata <- list(bindings = bindings[enames],
enclos = parent.env(e),
attributes = attributes(e),
isS4 = isS4(e),
locked = environmentIsLocked(e))
ekey <- lazyLoadDBinsertValue(edata, datafile, ascii,
compress, envhook)
lkeys <- lapply(lnames, function(varname) {
lazyLoadDBinsertValue(bindings[[varname]], datafile,
ascii, compress, envhook)
names(lkeys) <- lnames
list(eagerKey = ekey, lazyKeys = lkeys)
envhook <- function(e) {
if (is.environment(e)) {
name <- table$getname(e)
if (is.null(name)) {
name <- table$insert(e)
bindings <- envlist(e)
key <- NULL
if (!is.null(set.install.dir)) {
if (inherits(e, "srcfilecopy") &&
"filename" %in% names(bindings))
bindings[["filename"]] <- set.install.dir
if (identical(e, nsinfo) && "path" %in% names(bindings))
bindings[["path"]] <- set.install.dir
if (inherits(e, "srcfile"))
key <- lazyenvhook(e, bindings, c("lines", "parseData"))
if (is.null(key)) {
data <- list(bindings = bindings,
enclos = parent.env(e),
attributes = attributes(e),
isS4 = isS4(e),
locked = environmentIsLocked(e))
key <- lazyLoadDBinsertValue(data, datafile, ascii,
compress, envhook)
assign(name, key, envir = envenv)
if (is.null(from) || is.environment(from)) {
if (! missing(variables))
vars <- variables
else vars <- ls(from, all.names = TRUE)
else if (is.list(from)) {
vars <- names(from)
if (length(vars) != length(from) || any(!nzchar(vars)))
stop("source list must have names for all elements")
else stop("source must be an environment or a list")
if (!is.null(set.install.dir) && is.environment(from)
&& ".__NAMESPACE__." %in% vars) {
x <- .Internal(getVarsFromFrame(".__NAMESPACE__.", from, FALSE))
nsinfo <- x[[1L]]
} else
nsinfo <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(vars)) {
key <- if (is.null(from) || is.environment(from))
lazyLoadDBinsertVariable(vars[i], from, datafile,
ascii, compress, envhook)
else lazyLoadDBinsertListElement(from, i, datafile, ascii,
compress, envhook)
assign(vars[i], key, envir = varenv)
vals <- lapply(vars, get, envir = varenv, inherits = FALSE)
names(vals) <- vars
rvars <- ls(envenv, all.names = TRUE)
rvals <- lapply(rvars, get, envir = envenv, inherits = FALSE)
names(rvals) <- rvars
val <- list(variables = vals, references = rvals,
compressed = compress)
saveRDS(val, mapfile)
makeLazyLoading <-
function(package, lib.loc = NULL, compress = TRUE,
keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs"), = getOption(""),
set.install.dir = NULL)
if(!is.logical(compress) && compress %notin% c(2,3))
stop(gettextf("invalid value for '%s' : %s", "compress",
"should be FALSE, TRUE, 2 or 3"), domain = NA)
options(warn = 1L)
findpack <- function(package, lib.loc) {
pkgpath <- find.package(package, lib.loc, quiet = TRUE)
stop(packageNotFoundError(package, lib.loc,
if (package == "base")
stop("this cannot be used for package 'base'")
loaderFile <- file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "nspackloader.R")
pkgpath <- findpack(package, lib.loc)
codeFile <- file.path(pkgpath, "R", package)
if (!file.exists(codeFile)) {
warning("package contains no R code")
if (file.size(codeFile) == file.size(loaderFile))
warning("package seems to be using lazy loading already")
else {
code2LazyLoadDB(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
keep.source = keep.source, =,
compress = compress,
set.install.dir = set.install.dir)
file.copy(loaderFile, codeFile, TRUE)