blob: 80e6b9fdaccf541e98848a212fd2c5089ec1fef6 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/tools/R/testing.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2017 The R Core Team
# NB: also copyright date in Usage.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
## functions principally for testing R and packages
massageExamples <-
function(pkg, files, outFile = stdout(), use_gct = FALSE,
addTiming = FALSE, ..., commentDonttest = TRUE)
if(dir.exists(files[1L])) {
old <- Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")
files <- sort(Sys.glob(file.path(files, "*.R")))
Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", old)
if(is.character(outFile)) {
out <- file(outFile, "wt")
cntFile <- paste0(outFile, "-cnt")
} else {
out <- outFile
cntFile <- NULL
count <- 0L # of files using \donttest
lines <- c(paste0('pkgname <- "', pkg, '"'),
'source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R"))',
if (use_gct) {
gct_n <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_GCT_N_", "0"))
if(! && gct_n > 0L)
sprintf("gctorture2(%s)", gct_n)
else "gctorture(TRUE)"
"options(warn = 1)")
cat(lines, sep = "\n", file = out)
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
cat("options(pager = \"console\")\n", file = out)
if(addTiming) {
## adding timings
cat("base::assign(\".ExTimings\", \"", pkg,
"-Ex.timings\", pos = 'CheckExEnv')\n", sep="", file = out)
cat("base::cat(\"name\\tuser\\tsystem\\telapsed\\n\", file=base::get(\".ExTimings\", pos = 'CheckExEnv'))\n", file = out)
## a package left OutDec = "," at the end of an example
"function(x) {",
" if(![4L])) x[1L] <- x[1L] + x[4L]",
" if(![5L])) x[2L] <- x[2L] + x[5L]",
" options(OutDec = '.')",
" format(x[1L:3L], digits = 7L)",
"pos = 'CheckExEnv')\n", sep = "\n", file = out)
cat("### * </HEADER>\n", file = out)
if(pkg == "tcltk") {
if(capabilities("tcltk")) cat("require('tcltk')\n\n", file = out)
else cat("q()\n\n", file = out)
} else if(pkg != "base")
cat("library('", pkg, "')\n\n", sep = "", file = out)
cat("base::assign(\".oldSearch\", base::search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')\n", file = out)
## cat("assign(\".oldNS\", loadedNamespaces(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')\n", file = out)
cat("base::assign(\".old_wd\", base::getwd(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')\n",
file = out)
for(file in files) {
nm <- sub("\\.R$", "", basename(file))
## make a syntactic name out of the filename
nm <- gsub("[^- .a-zA-Z0-9_]", ".", nm, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
if (pkg == "grDevices" && nm == "postscript") next
## Latin-1 examples are treated separately
if (pkg == "graphics" && nm == "text") next
stop("file ", file, " cannot be opened", domain = NA)
lines <- readLines(file)
have_examples <- any(grepl("_ Examples _|### \\*+ Examples",
lines, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))
## skip comment lines
com <- grep("^#", lines, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
lines1 <- if(length(com)) lines[-com] else lines
have_par <- any(grepl("[^a-zA-Z0-9.]par\\(|^par\\(",
lines1, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))
have_contrasts <- any(grepl("options\\(contrasts",
lines1, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))
cat("cleanEx()\nnameEx(\"", nm, "\")\n", sep = "", file = out)
cat("### * ", nm, "\n\n", sep = "", file = out)
cat("flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())\n\n", file = out)
cat("base::assign(\".ptime\", proc.time(), pos = \"CheckExEnv\")\n",
file = out)
if (commentDonttest) {
dont_test <- FALSE
for (line in lines) {
if(any(grepl("^[[:space:]]*## No test:", line,
perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE))) {
dont_test <- TRUE
count <- count + 1L
if(!dont_test) cat(line, "\n", sep = "", file = out)
if(any(grepl("^[[:space:]]*## End\\(No test\\)", line,
perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)))
dont_test <- FALSE
} else
for (line in lines) cat(line, "\n", sep = "", file = out)
if(addTiming) {
cat("base::assign(\".dptime\", (proc.time() - get(\".ptime\", pos = \"CheckExEnv\")), pos = \"CheckExEnv\")\n", file = out)
cat("base::cat(\"", nm, "\", base::get(\".format_ptime\", pos = 'CheckExEnv')(get(\".dptime\", pos = \"CheckExEnv\")), \"\\n\", file=base::get(\".ExTimings\", pos = 'CheckExEnv'), append=TRUE, sep=\"\\t\")\n", sep = "", file = out)
cat("graphics::par(get(\"par.postscript\", pos = 'CheckExEnv'))\n", file = out)
cat("base::options(contrasts = c(unordered = \"contr.treatment\",",
"ordered = \"contr.poly\"))\n", sep="", file = out)
cat(readLines(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-footer.R")),
sep = "\n", file = out)
if(count && !is.null(cntFile)) writeLines(as.character(count), cntFile)
## compares 2 files
Rdiff <- function(from, to, useDiff = FALSE, forEx = FALSE,
nullPointers = TRUE, Log = FALSE)
clean <- function(txt)
if(!length(txt)) return(txt)
## remove R header
if(length(top <- grep("^(R version|R : Copyright|R Under development)",
txt, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)) &&
length(bot <- grep("quit R.$", txt, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)))
txt <- txt[-(top[1L]:bot[1L])]
## for massageExamples(), used for timings
ll <- grep("</HEADER>", txt, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
if(length(ll)) txt <- txt[-seq_len(max(ll))]
ll <- grep("<FOOTER>", txt, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
if(length(ll)) txt <- txt[seq_len(max(ll) - 1L)]
## remove header change in R 3.5.0
if(forEx) {
ll <- grep('".old_wd"', txt, fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
if(length(ll)) txt <- txt[-ll]
## remove BATCH footer
nl <- length(txt)
if(nl > 3L && startsWith(txt[nl-2L], "> proc.time()"))
txt <- txt[1:(nl-3L)]
## remove text between IGNORE_RDIFF markers.
## maybe this should only be done for forEx = TRUE?
txt <- txt[(cumsum(txt == "> ## IGNORE_RDIFF_BEGIN") <=
cumsum(txt == "> ## IGNORE_RDIFF_END"))]
## (Keeps the end markers, but that's ok.)
if (nullPointers)
## remove pointer addresses from listings
txt <- gsub("<(environment|bytecode|pointer|promise): [x[:xdigit:]]+>", "<\\1: 0>", txt)
## regularize fancy quotes. First UTF-8 ones:
txt <- .canonicalize_quotes(txt)
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
## not entirely safe ...
txt <- gsub(paste0("(",rawToChar(as.raw(0x91)),"|",rawToChar(as.raw(0x92)),")"),
"'", txt, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
txt <- gsub(paste0("(",rawToChar(as.raw(0x93)),"|",rawToChar(as.raw(0x94)),")"),
'"', txt, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
## massageExamples() adds options(pager = "console") only for
## Windows, but we should ignore a corresponding diff on all
## platforms.
txt <- txt[!grepl('options(pager = "console")', txt,
fixed = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)]
pat <- '(^Time |^Loading required package|^Package [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]+ loaded|^<(environment|promise|pointer|bytecode):|^/CreationDate |^/ModDate |^/Producer |^End.Don\'t show)'
txt[!grepl(pat, txt, perl = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)]
clean2 <- function(txt)
eoh <- grep("^> options\\(warn = 1\\)$", txt)
if(length(eoh)) txt[-(1L:eoh[1L])] else txt
left <- clean(readLines(from))
right <- clean(readLines(to))
if (forEx) {
left <- clean2(left)
## remove lines from R CMD check --timings
left <- filtergrep("[.](format_|)ptime", left, useBytes = TRUE)
right <- clean2(right)
if (!useDiff && (length(left) == length(right))) {
## The idea is to emulate diff -b, as documented by POSIX:
bleft <- gsub("[[:space:]]*$", "", left)
bright <- gsub("[[:space:]]*$", "", right)
bleft <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", bleft)
bright <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", bright)
if(all(bleft == bright))
return(if(Log) list(status = 0L, out = character()) else 0L)
diff <- bleft != bright
## FIXME do run lengths here
for(i in which(diff))
cat(i,"c", i, "\n< ", left[i], "\n", "---\n> ", right[i], "\n",
sep = "")
if (Log) {
i <- which(diff)
out <- paste0(i,"c", i, "\n< ", left[i], "\n", "---\n> ", right[i])
list(status = 1L, out = out)
} else 1L
} else {
## FIXME: use C code, or something like merge?
## The files can be very big.
out <- character()
if(!useDiff) {
cat("\nfiles differ in number of lines:\n")
out <- "files differ in number of lines"
a <- tempfile("Rdiffa")
writeLines(left, a)
b <- tempfile("Rdiffb")
writeLines(right, b)
if (Log) {
tf <- tempfile()
status <- system2("diff", c("-bw", shQuote(a), shQuote(b)),
stdout = tf, stderr = tf)
list(status = status, out = c(out, readLines(tf)))
} else system(paste("diff -bw", shQuote(a), shQuote(b)))
} ## {Rdiff}
testInstalledPackages <-
function(outDir = ".", errorsAreFatal = TRUE,
scope = c("both", "base", "recommended"),
types = c("examples", "tests", "vignettes"),
srcdir = NULL, Ropts = "", ...)
ow <- options(warn = 1)
scope <- match.arg(scope)
status <- 0L
pkgs <- character()
known_packages <- .get_standard_package_names()
if (scope %in% c("both", "base"))
pkgs <- known_packages$base
if (scope %in% c("both", "recommended"))
pkgs <- c(pkgs, known_packages$recommended)
mc.cores <- as.integer(Sys.getenv("TEST_MC_CORES", "1"))
if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows" &&
! && mc.cores > 1L) {
do_one <- function(pkg) {
if(is.null(srcdir) && pkg %in% known_packages$base)
srcdir <- R.home("tests/Examples")
testInstalledPackage(pkg, .Library, outDir, types, srcdir, Ropts, ...)
res <- parallel::mclapply(pkgs, do_one, mc.cores = mc.cores,
mc.preschedule = FALSE)
res <- unlist(res) != 0L
if (any(res)) {
for(i in which(res))
warning(gettextf("testing '%s' failed", pkgs[i]),
domain = NA, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
if (errorsAreFatal)
stop(sprintf(ngettext(sum(res), "%d of the package tests failed",
"%d of the package tests failed",
domain = "R-tools"), sum(res)),
domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
} else {
for (pkg in pkgs) {
if(is.null(srcdir) && pkg %in% known_packages$base)
srcdir <- R.home("tests/Examples")
res <- testInstalledPackage(pkg, .Library, outDir, types, srcdir, Ropts, ...)
if (res) {
status <- 1L
msg <- gettextf("testing '%s' failed", pkg)
if (errorsAreFatal) stop(msg, domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
else warning(msg, domain = NA, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
testInstalledPackage <-
function(pkg, lib.loc = NULL, outDir = ".",
types = c("examples", "tests", "vignettes"),
srcdir = NULL, Ropts = "", ...)
types <- match.arg(types, c("examples", "tests", "vignettes"), several.ok=TRUE)
pkgdir <- find.package(pkg, lib.loc)
owd <- setwd(outDir)
strict <- as.logical(Sys.getenv("R_STRICT_PACKAGE_CHECK", "FALSE"))
if ("examples" %in% types) {
message(gettextf("Testing examples for package %s", sQuote(pkg)),
domain = NA)
Rfile <- .createExdotR(pkg, pkgdir, silent = TRUE, ...)
if (length(Rfile)) {
outfile <- paste0(pkg, "-Ex.Rout")
failfile <- paste0(outfile, ".fail")
savefile <- paste0(outfile, ".prev")
if (file.exists(outfile)) file.rename(outfile, savefile)
## Create as .fail in case this R session gets killed
cmd <- paste(shQuote(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")),
"CMD BATCH --vanilla --no-timing", Ropts,
shQuote(Rfile), shQuote(failfile))
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") Sys.setenv(R_LIBS="")
else cmd <- paste("R_LIBS=", cmd)
res <- system(cmd)
if (res) return(invisible(1L)) else file.rename(failfile, outfile)
savefile <- paste0(outfile, ".save")
if (!is.null(srcdir)) savefile <- file.path(srcdir, savefile)
else {
tfile <- file.path(pkgdir, "tests", "Examples" , savefile)
if(!file.exists(savefile) && file.exists(tfile))
savefile <- tfile
if (file.exists(savefile)) {
if (file.exists(savefile)) {
message(gettextf(" comparing %s to %s ...",
sQuote(outfile), sQuote(basename(savefile))),
appendLF = FALSE, domain = NA)
cmd <-
outfile, savefile)
out <- R_runR(cmd, "--vanilla --slave")
if(length(out)) {
message(" ERROR")
message(" NOTE")
writeLines(paste0(" ", out))
stop(" ",
"results differ from reference results")
} else {
message(" OK")
} else {
prevfile <- paste0(outfile, ".prev")
if (file.exists(prevfile)) {
message(gettextf(" comparing %s to %s ...",
sQuote(outfile), sQuote(basename(prevfile))),
appendLF = FALSE, domain = NA)
cmd <-
outfile, prevfile)
out <- R_runR(cmd, "--vanilla --slave")
if(length(out)) {
message(" NOTE")
writeLines(paste0(" ", out))
} else {
message(" OK")
} else
warning(gettextf("no examples found for package %s", sQuote(pkg)),
call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
## FIXME merge with code in .runPackageTests
if ("tests" %in% types && dir.exists(d <- file.path(pkgdir, "tests"))) {
this <- paste0(pkg, "-tests")
unlink(this, recursive = TRUE)
## system(paste("cp -pR", file.path(d, "*"), this))
file.copy(Sys.glob(file.path(d, "*")), this, recursive = TRUE)
message(gettextf("Running specific tests for package %s",
sQuote(pkg)), domain = NA)
Rfiles <- dir(".", pattern="\\.[rR]$")
for(f in Rfiles) {
message(gettextf(" Running %s", sQuote(f)), domain = NA)
outfile <- sub("rout$", "Rout", paste0(f, "out"))
cmd <- paste(shQuote(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")),
"CMD BATCH --vanilla --no-timing", Ropts,
shQuote(f), shQuote(outfile))
cmd <- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") paste(cmd, "LANGUAGE=C")
else paste("LANGUAGE=C", cmd)
res <- system(cmd)
if (res) {
file.rename(outfile, paste0(outfile, ".fail"))
savefile <- paste0(outfile, ".save")
if (file.exists(savefile)) {
message(gettextf(" comparing %s to %s ...",
sQuote(outfile), sQuote(savefile)),
appendLF = FALSE, domain = NA)
res <- Rdiff(outfile, savefile)
if (!res) message(" OK")
if ("vignettes" %in% types && dir.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "doc"))) {
message(gettextf("Running vignettes for package %s", sQuote(pkg)),
domain = NA)
checkVignettes(pkg, lib.loc, latex = FALSE, weave =TRUE)
## run all the tests in a directory: for use by R CMD check.
## trackObjs has .Rin files
## used by R CMD check
.runPackageTestsR <- function(...)
status <- .runPackageTests(...)
q("no", status = status)
.runPackageTests <-
function(use_gct = FALSE, use_valgrind = FALSE, Log = NULL,
stop_on_error = TRUE, ...)
tlim <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_ONE_TEST_ELAPSED_TIMEOUT_",
tlim <- get_timeout(tlim)
if (!is.null(Log)) Log <- file(Log, "wt")
WINDOWS <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
td0 <- as.numeric(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_"))
theta <-
if ( td0 <- Inf
print_time <- function(t1, t2, Log)
td <- t2 - t1
if(td[3L] < td0) td2 <- ""
else {
td2 <- if (td[3L] > 600) {
td <- td/60
if(WINDOWS) sprintf(" [%dm]", round(td[3L]))
else sprintf(" [%dm/%dm]", round(sum(td[-3L])), round(td[3L]))
} else {
if(WINDOWS) sprintf(" [%ds]", round(td[3L]))
else sprintf(" [%ds/%ds]", round(sum(td[-3L])), round(td[3L]))
message(td2, domain = NA)
if (!is.null(Log)) cat(td2, "\n", sep = "", file = Log)
runone <- function(f)
message(gettextf(" Running %s", sQuote(f)),
appendLF = FALSE, domain = NA)
cat(" Running ", sQuote(f), sep = "", file = Log)
outfile <- sub("rout$", "Rout", paste0(f, "out"))
cmd <- paste(shQuote(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")),
"CMD BATCH --vanilla",
if(use_valgrind) "--debugger=valgrind",
shQuote(f), shQuote(outfile))
if (WINDOWS) {
} else
cmd <- paste("LANGUAGE=C", "R_TESTS=startup.Rs", cmd)
t1 <- proc.time()
res <- system(cmd, timeout = tlim)
t2 <- proc.time()
print_time(t1, t2, Log)
if (!WINDOWS && ! {
td <- t2 - t1
cpu <- sum(td[-3L])
if(cpu >= pmax(theta * td[3L], 1)) {
ratio <- round(cpu/td[3L], 1L)
msg <- sprintf("Running R code in %s had CPU time %g times elapsed time\n",
sQuote(f), ratio)
if (!is.null(Log)) cat(msg, file = Log)
if (res) {
if(identical(res, 124L)) report_timeout(tlim)
file.rename(outfile, paste0(outfile, ".fail"))
savefile <- paste0(outfile, ".save")
if (file.exists(savefile)) {
message(gettextf(" Comparing %s to %s ...",
sQuote(outfile), sQuote(savefile)),
appendLF = FALSE, domain = NA)
cat(" Comparing ", sQuote(outfile), " to ",
sQuote(savefile), " ...", sep = "", file = Log)
if(!is.null(Log)) {
ans <- Rdiff(outfile, savefile, TRUE, Log = TRUE)
writeLines(ans$out, Log)
res <- ans$status
} else res <- Rdiff(outfile, savefile, TRUE)
if (!res) {
message(" OK")
if(!is.null(Log)) cat(" OK\n", file = Log)
file.copy(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "tests-startup.R"), "startup.Rs")
if (use_gct) cat("gctorture(TRUE)" , file = "startup.Rs", append = TRUE)
nfail <- 0L ## allow for later running all tests even if some fail.
Rinfiles <- dir(".", pattern="\\.Rin$")
for(f in Rinfiles) {
Rfile <- sub("\\.Rin$", ".R", f)
message(" Creating ", sQuote(Rfile), domain = NA)
if (!is.null(Log))
cat(" Creating ", sQuote(Rfile), "\n", sep = "", file = Log)
cmd <- paste(shQuote(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")),
"CMD BATCH --no-timing --vanilla --slave", f)
if (system(cmd)) {
warning("creation of ", sQuote(Rfile), " failed", domain = NA)
if (!is.null(Log))
cat("Warning: creation of ", sQuote(Rfile), " failed\n",
sep = "", file = Log)
} else if (file.exists(Rfile)) nfail <- nfail + runone(Rfile)
if (nfail > 0) return(nfail)
Rfiles <- dir(".", pattern="\\.[rR]$")
for(f in Rfiles) {
nfail <- nfail + runone(f)
if (nfail > 0 && stop_on_error) return(nfail)
if (!is.null(Log)) close(Log)
## Defaults for commenting are the same as per-3.2.0 version.
.createExdotR <-
function(pkg, pkgdir, silent = FALSE, use_gct = FALSE, addTiming = FALSE,
..., commentDontrun = TRUE, commentDonttest = TRUE)
Rfile <- paste0(pkg, "-Ex.R")
db <- Rd_db(basename(pkgdir), lib.loc = dirname(pkgdir))
if (!length(db)) {
message("no parsed files found")
if (!silent) message(" Extracting from parsed Rd's ",
appendLF = FALSE, domain = NA)
files <- names(db)
if (pkg == "grDevices")
files <- files[!grepl("^(unix|windows)/", files)]
filedir <- tempfile()
on.exit(unlink(filedir, recursive = TRUE))
cnt <- 0L
for(f in files) {
nm <- sub("\\.[Rr]d$", "", basename(f))
file.path(filedir, paste0(nm, ".R")),
defines = NULL, commentDontrun = commentDontrun,
commentDonttest = commentDonttest)
cnt <- cnt + 1L
if(!silent && cnt %% 10L == 0L)
message(".", appendLF = FALSE, domain = NA)
if (!silent) message()
nof <- length(Sys.glob(file.path(filedir, "*.R")))
if(!nof) return(invisible(NULL))
massageExamples(pkg, filedir, Rfile, use_gct, addTiming,
commentDonttest = commentDonttest, ...)
testInstalledBasic <- function(scope = c("basic", "devel", "both", "internet"))
scope <- match.arg(scope)
## We need to force C collation: might not work
Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "C")
tests1 <- c("eval-etc", "simple-true", "arith-true", "lm-tests",
"ok-errors", "method-dispatch", "array-subset",
"any-all", "d-p-q-r-tests")
tests2 <- c("complex", "print-tests", "lapack", "datasets", "datetime",
tests3 <- c("reg-tests-1a", "reg-tests-1b", "reg-tests-1c", "reg-tests-2",
"reg-examples1", "reg-examples2", "reg-packages",
"reg-IO", "reg-IO2", "reg-plot", "reg-S4", "reg-BLAS")
runone <- function(f, diffOK = FALSE, inC = TRUE)
f <- paste0(f, ".R")
if (!file.exists(f)) {
if (!file.exists(fin <- paste0(f, "in")))
stop("file ", sQuote(f), " not found", domain = NA)
message("creating ", sQuote(f), domain = NA)
cmd <- paste(shQuote(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")),
"--vanilla --slave -f", fin)
if (system(cmd))
stop("creation of ", sQuote(f), " failed", domain = NA)
## This needs an extra trailing space to match the .Rin.R rule
cat("\n", file = f, append = TRUE)
message(" running code in ", sQuote(f), domain = NA)
outfile <- sub("rout$", "Rout", paste0(f, "out"))
cmd <- paste(shQuote(file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")),
"CMD BATCH --vanilla --no-timing",
shQuote(f), shQuote(outfile))
extra <- paste("LANGUAGE=en", "LC_COLLATE=C",
if (inC) extra <- paste(extra, "LC_ALL=C")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
## ignore inC and hope
} else cmd <- paste(extra, cmd)
res <- system(cmd)
if (res) {
file.rename(outfile, paste0(outfile, ".fail"))
savefile <- paste0(outfile, ".save")
if (file.exists(savefile)) {
message(gettextf(" comparing %s to %s ...",
sQuote(outfile), sQuote(savefile)),
appendLF = FALSE, domain = NA)
res <- Rdiff(outfile, savefile, TRUE)
if (!res) message(" OK")
else if (!diffOK) return(1L)
owd <- setwd(file.path(R.home(), "tests"))
if (scope %in% c("basic", "both")) {
message("running strict specific tests", domain = NA)
for (f in tests1) if (runone(f)) return(1L)
message("running sloppy specific tests", domain = NA)
for (f in tests2) runone(f, TRUE)
message("running regression tests", domain = NA)
for (f in tests3) {
if (runone(f)) return(invisible(1L))
if (f == "reg-plot") {
message(" comparing 'reg-plot.pdf' to '' ...",
appendLF = FALSE, domain = NA)
res <- Rdiff("reg-plot.pdf", "")
if(res != 0L) message("DIFFERED") else message("OK")
runone("reg-tests-3", TRUE)
runone("reg-examples3", TRUE)
message("running tests of plotting Latin-1", domain = NA)
message(" expect failure or some differences if not in a Latin or UTF-8 locale", domain = NA)
runone("reg-plot-latin1", TRUE, FALSE)
message(" comparing 'reg-plot-latin1.pdf' to '' ...",
appendLF = FALSE, domain = NA)
res <- Rdiff("reg-plot-latin1.pdf", "")
if(res != 0L) message("DIFFERED") else message("OK")
if (scope %in% c("devel", "both")) {
message("running tests of date-time printing\n expect platform-specific differences", domain = NA)
message("running tests of consistency of as/is.*", domain = NA)
message("running tests of random deviate generation -- fails occasionally")
runone("p-r-random-tests", TRUE)
message("running tests demos from base and stats", domain = NA)
if (runone("demos")) return(invisible(1L))
if (runone("demos2")) return(invisible(1L))
message("running tests of primitives", domain = NA)
if (runone("primitives")) return(invisible(1L))
message("running regexp regression tests", domain = NA)
if (runone("utf8-regex", inC = FALSE)) return(invisible(1L))
if (runone("PCRE")) return(invisible(1L))
message("running tests of CRAN tools", domain = NA)
if (runone("CRANtools")) return(invisible(1L))
message("running tests to possibly trigger segfaults", domain = NA)
if (runone("no-segfault")) return(invisible(1L))
if (scope %in% "internet") {
message("running tests of Internet functions", domain = NA)
message("running more Internet and socket tests", domain = NA)
detachPackages <- function(pkgs, verbose = TRUE)
pkgs <- pkgs[pkgs %in% search()]
if(!length(pkgs)) return()
msg <- paste("detaching", paste(sQuote(pkgs), collapse = ", "))
cat("", strwrap(msg, exdent = 2L), "", sep = "\n")
## Normally 'pkgs' will be in reverse order of attachment (latest first)
## but not always (e.g. BioC package CMA attaches at the end).
## The items need not all be packages
## and non-packages can be on the list multiple times.
isPkg <- startsWith(pkgs,"package:")
for(item in pkgs[!isPkg]) {
pos <- match(item, search())
if(! .detach(pos)
pkgs <- pkgs[isPkg]
if(!length(pkgs)) return()
deps <- lapply(pkgs, function(x) if(exists(".Depends", x, inherits = FALSE)) get(".Depends", x) else character())
names(deps) <- pkgs
unload <- nzchar(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_UNLOAD_NAMESPACES_"))
## unloading 'grid' kills all devices
## tcltk is unhappy to have its DLL unloaded repeatedly
exclusions <- c("grid", "tcltk")
exclusions <- paste0("package:", exclusions)
while(length(deps)) {
unl <- unlist(deps)
for(i in seq_along(deps)) {
this <- names(deps)[i]
if(.rmpkg(this) %in% unl) next else break
## hopefully force = TRUE is never needed, but it does ensure
## that progress gets made
try(detach(this, character.only = TRUE,
unload = unload && (this %notin% exclusions),
force = TRUE))
deps <- deps[-i]
## Usage: Rscript --vanilla --default-packages=NULL args
.Rdiff <- function(no.q = FALSE)
Usage <- function() {
"Diff R output files FROM-FILE and TO-FILE discarding the R startup message,",
"where FROM-FILE equal to '-' means stdin.",
" -h, --help print this help message and exit",
" -v, --version print version info and exit",
"Report bugs at <>.",
sep = "\n")
do_exit <-
function(status = 0L) (if(status) stop else message)(
".Rdiff() exit status ", status)
function(status = 0L) q("no", status = status, runLast = FALSE)
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
if (!length(args)) {
args <- paste(args, collapse=" ")
args <- strsplit(args,'nextArg', fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][-1L]
if (length(args) == 1L) {
if(args[1L] %in% c("-h", "--help")) { Usage(); do_exit(0) }
if(args[1L] %in% c("-v", "--version")) {
cat("R output diff: ",
R.version[["major"]], ".", R.version[["minor"]],
" (r", R.version[["svn rev"]], ")\n", sep = "")
"Copyright (C) 2000-2018 The R Core Team.",
"This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2",
"or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.",
sep = "\n")
if (length(args) < 2L) {
exitstatus <- as.integer(args[3L])
if( exitstatus <- 0L
left <- args[1L]
if(left == "-") left <- "stdin"
status <- Rdiff(left, args[2L], useDiff = TRUE)
if(status) status <- exitstatus
} ## .Rdiff()