blob: b665055f646b4f2f3964f42d9b39dcd01351ca58 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/tools/man/checkRd.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 2008-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{ Check an Rd Object }
Check an help file or the output of the \code{\link{parse_Rd}} function.
checkRd(Rd, defines = .Platform$OS.type, stages = "render",
unknownOK = TRUE, listOK = TRUE, ..., def_enc = FALSE)
\item{Rd}{ a filename or \code{Rd} object to use as input. }
\item{defines}{ string(s) to use in \verb{#ifdef} tests. }
\item{stages}{ at which stage (\code{"build"}, \code{"install"}, or
\code{"render"}) should \verb{\Sexpr} macros be executed? See the
notes below.}
\item{unknownOK}{ unrecognized macros are treated as errors if
\code{FALSE}, otherwise warnings. }
\item{listOK}{ unnecessary non-empty braces (e.g., around text, not as
an argument) are treated as errors if \code{FALSE}, otherwise
\item{\dots}{ additional parameters to pass to \code{\link{parse_Rd}} when
\code{Rd} is a filename. One that is often useful is \code{encoding}.}
\item{def_enc}{logical: has the package declared an encoding, so tests
for non-ASCII text are suppressed?}
\code{checkRd} performs consistency checks on an Rd file, confirming that
required sections are present, etc.
It accepts a filename for an Rd file, and will use
\code{\link{parse_Rd}} to parse it before applying the checks. If so,
warnings from \code{parse_Rd} are collected, together with those from
the internal function \code{prepare_Rd}, which does the
\verb{#ifdef} and \verb{\Sexpr} processing, drops sections that
would not be rendered or are duplicated (and should not be) and
removes empty sections.
An Rd object is passed through \code{prepare_Rd}, but it may already
have been (and installed Rd objects have).
Warnings are given a \sQuote{level}: those from \code{prepare_Rd} have
level 0. These include
All text must be in a section\cr
Only one \var{tag name} section is allowed: the first will be used\cr
Section \var{name} is unrecognized and will be dropped\cr
Dropping empty section \var{name}\cr
\code{checkRd} itself can show
7 \tab Tag \var{tag name} not recognized\cr
7 \tab \verb{\tabular} format must be simple text\cr
7 \tab Unrecognized \verb{\tabular} format: \ldots\cr
7 \tab Only \var{n} columns allowed in this table\cr
7 \tab Must have a \var{tag name}\cr
7 \tab Only one \var{tag name} is allowed\cr
7 \tab Tag \var{tag name} must not be empty\cr
7 \tab \verb{\docType} must be plain text\cr
5 \tab Tag \verb{\method} is only valid in \verb{\usage}\cr
5 \tab Tag \verb{\dontrun} is only valid in \verb{\examples}\cr
5 \tab Tag \var{tag name} is invalid in a \var{block name} block\cr
5 \tab Title of \verb{\section} must be non-empty plain text\cr
5 \tab \verb{\title} content must be plain text\cr
3 \tab Empty section \var{tag name}\cr
-1 \tab Non-ASCII contents without declared encoding\cr
-1 \tab Non-ASCII contents in second part of \verb{\enc}\cr
-3 \tab Tag \verb{\ldots} is not valid in a code block\cr
-3 \tab Apparent non-ASCII contents without declared encoding\cr
-3 \tab Apparent non-ASCII contents in second part of \verb{\enc}\cr
-3 \tab Unnecessary braces at \ldots\cr
-3 \tab \verb{\method} not valid outside a code block\cr
and variations with \verb{\method} replaced by \verb{\S3method} or
Note that both \code{prepare_Rd} and \code{checkRd} have tests for an
empty section: that in \code{checkRd} is stricter (essentially that
nothing is output).
This may fail through an \R error, but otherwise warnings are
collected as returned as an object of class \code{"checkRd"}, a
character vector of messages. This class has a \code{print} method
which only prints unique messages, and has argument \code{minlevel}
that can be used to select only more serious messages. (This is set
to \code{-1} in \command{R CMD check}.)
Possible fatal errors are those from running the parser (e.g., a
non-existent file, unclosed quoted string, non-ASCII input without a
specified encoding) or from \code{prepare_Rd} (multiple
\verb{\Rdversion} declarations, invalid \verb{\encoding} or
\verb{\docType} or \verb{\name} sections, and missing or duplicate
\verb{\name} or \verb{\title} sections).
Duncan Murdoch, Brian Ripley
\code{\link{parse_Rd}}, \code{\link{Rd2HTML}}.
\keyword{ documentation }