blob: a8d6e1eabbfd33ed1ba5d6abc1fb1b8cb4f133a9 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/tools/man/tools-deprecated.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2016, 2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Deprecated Objects in Package \pkg{tools}}
%------ NOTE: ../R/tools-deprecated.R must be synchronized with this!
%------ PLEASE: one \alias{.} for EACH ! (+ one \usage{} & \arguments{} for all)
The functions or variables listed here are provided for compatibility
with older versions of \R only, and may be defunct as soon as of the
next release.
package.dependencies(x, check = FALSE,
depLevel = c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests"))
getDepList(depMtrx, instPkgs, recursive = TRUE, local = TRUE,
reduce = TRUE, lib.loc = NULL)
pkgDepends(pkg, recursive = TRUE, local = TRUE, reduce = TRUE,
lib.loc = NULL)
installFoundDepends(depPkgList, ...)
vignetteDepends(vignette, recursive = TRUE, reduce = TRUE,
local = TRUE, lib.loc = NULL)
\item{x}{A matrix of package descriptions as returned by
\item{check}{If \code{TRUE}, return logical vector of check results.
If \code{FALSE}, return parsed list of dependencies.}
\item{depLevel}{Whether to look for \code{Depends} or \code{Suggests}
level dependencies. Can be abbreviated.}
\item{depMtrx}{a dependency matrix as from \code{\link{package.dependencies}()}.}
\item{pkg}{the name of the package}
\item{instPkgs}{a matrix specifying all packages installed on the
local system, as from \code{installed.packages}}
\item{recursive}{whether or not to include indirect dependencies.}
\item{local}{whether or not to search only locally}
\item{reduce}{whether or not to collapse all sets of dependencies to a
minimal value}
\item{lib.loc}{what libraries to use when looking for installed
packages. \code{NULL} indicates all library directories in the
current \code{.libPaths()}.
Note that \code{lib.loc} is not used in \code{getDepList()} and
deprecated there.}
\item{depPkgList}{A \code{Found} element from a \code{pkgDependsList} object}
\item{\dots}{Arguments to pass on to \code{\link{install.packages}}}
%% for vignetteDepends() (if not above):
\item{vignette}{the path to the vignette source}