blob: b8bc08e8c9f918147600ed2ad0cc55d94a1161e5 [file] [log] [blame]
\title{Basic Information about a Vignette}
Provide basic information including package and dependency of a
vignette from its source file.
\item{file}{file name of the vignette.}
a \code{\link{list}} with components, each a possibly empty
\item{file}{the \code{\link{basename}} of the file.}
\item{title}{the vignette title.}
\item{depends}{the package dependencies.}
\item{keywords}{keywords if provided.}
\item{engine}{the vignette engine such as \code{"Sweave"},
\code{"knitr"}, etc.}
\code{vignetteInfo(file)$depends} is a substitute for the deprecated
\code{vignetteDepends()} functionality.
\examples{\donttest{## This may not be installed, as it requires lattice
gridEx <- system.file("doc", "grid.Rnw", package = "grid")
vi <- vignetteInfo(gridEx)