blob: 59c1265416e32c32f406a7011db0704abe1f31a1 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/tools/man/xgettext.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2014 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Extract Translatable Messages from R Files in a Package}
For each file in the \file{R} directory (including system-specific
subdirectories) of a package, extract the unique arguments passed
to \code{\link{stop}}, \code{\link{warning}}, \code{\link{message}},
\code{\link{gettext}} and \code{\link{gettextf}}, or to
xgettext(dir, verbose = FALSE, asCall = TRUE)
xngettext(dir, verbose = FALSE)
xgettext2pot(dir, potFile, name = "R", version, bugs)
\item{dir}{the directory of a source package.}
\item{verbose}{logical: should each file be listed as it is processed?}
\item{asCall}{logical: if \code{TRUE} each argument is returned whole,
otherwise the strings within each argument are extracted.}
\item{potFile}{name of \code{po} template file to be produced.
Defaults to \file{R-\var{pkgname}.pot} where
\var{pkgname} is the basename of \file{dir}.}
\item{name, version, bugs}{as recorded in the template file:
\code{version} defaults the version number of the currently running
\R, and \code{bugs} to \code{""}.}
Leading and trailing white space (space, tab and linefeed) is removed
for calls to \code{gettext}, \code{gettextf}, \code{stop},
\code{warning}, and \code{message}, as it is by the internal code that
passes strings for translation.
We look to see if these functions were called with \code{domain = NA}
and if so omit the call if \code{asCall = TRUE}: note that the
call might contain a call to \code{gettext} which would be visible if
\code{asCall = FALSE}.
\code{xgettext2pot} calls \code{xgettext} and then \code{xngettext},
and writes a PO template file for use with the \pkg{GNU Gettext}
tools. This ensures that the strings for simple translation are
unique in the file (as \pkg{GNU Gettext} requires), but does not do so
for \code{ngettext} calls (and the rules are not stated in the Gettext
manual, but \command{msgfmt} complains if there is duplication between
the sets.).
If applied to the \pkg{base} package, this also looks in the \file{.R}
files in \file{\var{\link{R_HOME}}/share/R}.
For \code{xgettext}, a list of objects of class \code{"xgettext"}
(which has a \code{print} method), one per source file that
potentially contains translatable strings.
For \code{xngettext}, a list of objects of class \code{"xngettext"},
which are themselves lists of length-2 character strings.
\code{\link{update_pkg_po}()} which calls \code{xgettext2pot()}.
\examples{\dontrun{## in a source-directory build of R:
xgettext(file.path(R.home(), "src", "library", "splines"))
\keyword{ utilities }