blob: ffe4d430789cbd9c4dbcd1ac23c669107066f348 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/utils/R/Sweave.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2017 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
### The drivers are now in SweaveDrivers.R
### FIXMEs
### b) It would be nice to allow multiple 'grdevice' options
### Encodings (currently, different from 2.13.0)
### SweaveReadFile figures out an encoding, uses it (not currently for
### \SweaveInclude files) and returns it as an attribute. This is
### then passed as an attribute of 'file' to the driver's setup
### routine. Unless it is "" or "ASCII", the RweaveLatex driver
### re-encodes the output back to 'encoding': the Rtangle driver
### leaves it in the encoding of the current locale and records what
### that is in a comment. The "UTF-8" encoding is preserved on
### both input and output in RweaveLatex, but is handled like
### other encodings in Rtangle.
### SweaveReadFile first looks for a call to one of the LaTeX packages
### inputen[cx] and deduces the vignette encoding from that, falling
### back to the package encoding, then Latin-1 (with a warning). This
### should work OK provided the package encoding is Latin-1: it is
### UTF-8 then LaTeX needs to be told what to do. It also assumes
### that R output is in the current locale: a package with a different
### encoding from the current one might have data in that package's
### encoding.
### Correspondence between input and output is maintained in two
### places: Each chunk has a srclines attribute, recording the input
### lines it corresponds to. Each code chunk will have attached
### srcrefs that duplicate the srclines. We don't need srclines for
### code, but we do need it for doc chunks, and it's easiest to just
### keep it for everything.
Stangle <- function(file, driver = Rtangle(),
syntax = getOption("SweaveSyntax"),
encoding = "", ...)
Sweave(file = file, driver = driver, encoding = encoding, ...)
Sweave <- function(file, driver = RweaveLatex(),
syntax = getOption("SweaveSyntax"),
encoding = "", ...)
if (is.character(driver)) driver <- get(driver, mode = "function")()
else if (is.function(driver)) driver <- driver()
if (is.null(syntax)) syntax <- SweaveGetSyntax(file) # from the extension
if (is.character(syntax)) syntax <- get(syntax, mode = "list")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") file <- chartr("\\", "/", file)
text <- SweaveReadFile(file, syntax, encoding = encoding)
attr(file, "encoding") <- encoding <- attr(text, "encoding")
srcFilenames <- attr(text, "files")
srcFilenum <- attr(text, "srcFilenum")
srcLinenum <- attr(text, "srcLinenum")
## drobj$options is the current set of options for this file.
drobj <- driver$setup(file = file, syntax = syntax, ...)
on.exit(driver$finish(drobj, error = TRUE))
syntax <- attr(text, "syntax") # this is from the file commands.
if (! <- Sys.getenv("SWEAVE_OPTIONS", NA)))
drobj$options <-
SweaveParseOptions(envopts, drobj$options, driver$checkopts)
drobj$filename <- file
mode <- "doc"
chunknr <- 0L
chunk <- NULL
chunkopts <- NULL
namedchunks <- list()
prevfilenum <- 0L
prevlinediff <- 0L
for (linenum in seq_along(text)) {
line <- text[linenum]
filenum <- srcFilenum[linenum]
linediff <- srcLinenum[linenum] - linenum
if(nzchar(Sys.getenv("R_DEBUG_Sweave"))) {
## Extensive logging for debugging, needs 'ls' (unix-like or Rtools):
cat(sprintf("l.%3d: %30s -'%4s'- ", linenum, substr(line,1,30), mode))
cat(sprintf("%16s\n", system(paste("ls -s",
summary(drobj$output)$description), intern=TRUE)))
if (length(grep(syntax$doc, line))) { # start new documentation chunk
if (mode == "doc") {
if (!is.null(chunk)) drobj <- driver$writedoc(drobj, chunk)
} else {
if (!is.null(chunkopts$label))
namedchunks[[chunkopts$label]] <- chunk
if (!is.null(chunk))
drobj <- driver$runcode(drobj, chunk, chunkopts)
mode <- "doc"
chunk <- NULL
} else if (length(grep(syntax$code, line))) { # start new code chunk
if (mode == "doc") {
if (!is.null(chunk)) drobj <- driver$writedoc(drobj, chunk)
} else {
if (!is.null(chunkopts$label))
namedchunks[[chunkopts$label]] <- chunk
if (!is.null(chunk))
drobj <- driver$runcode(drobj, chunk, chunkopts)
mode <- "code"
chunkopts <- sub(syntax$code, "\\1", line)
chunkopts <- SweaveParseOptions(chunkopts,
## these #line directives are used for error messages when parsing
file <- srcFilenames[filenum]
chunk <- paste0("#line ", linenum+linediff+1L, ' "', basename(file), '"')
attr(chunk, "srclines") <- linenum + linediff
attr(chunk, "srcFilenum") <- filenum
attr(chunk, "srcFilenames") <- srcFilenames
chunknr <- chunknr + 1L # this is really 'code chunk number'
chunkopts$chunknr <- chunknr
} else { # continuation of current chunk
if (mode == "code" && length(grep(syntax$coderef, line))) {
chunkref <- sub(syntax$coderef, "\\1", line)
if (!(chunkref %in% names(namedchunks))) {
## omit unknown references
warning(gettextf("reference to unknown chunk %s",
call. = TRUE,domain = NA)
} else {
## these #line directives are used for error messages
## when parsing
file <- srcFilenames[filenum]
line <- c(namedchunks[[chunkref]],
paste0("#line ", linenum+linediff+1L,
' "', basename(file), '"'))
if (mode == "code" &&
(prevfilenum != filenum ||
prevlinediff != linediff)) {
file <- srcFilenames[filenum]
line <- c(paste0("#line ", linenum+linediff, ' "', basename(file), '"'),
srclines <- c(attr(chunk, "srclines"),, length(line)))
srcfilenum <- c(attr(chunk, "srcFilenum"),, length(line)))
chunk <- c(chunk, line)
attr(chunk, "srclines") <- srclines
attr(chunk, "srcFilenum") <- srcfilenum
attr(chunk, "srcFilenames") <- srcFilenames
prevfilenum <- filenum
prevlinediff <- linediff
if (!is.null(chunk)) { # write out final chunk
drobj <-
if (mode == "doc") driver$writedoc(drobj, chunk)
else driver$runcode(drobj, chunk, chunkopts)
on.exit() # clear action to finish with error = TRUE
drobj$srcFilenames <- srcFilenames
SweaveReadFile <- function(file, syntax, encoding = "")
## file can be a vector to keep track of recursive calls to
## SweaveReadFile. In this case only the first element is
## tried to read in, the rest are forbidden names for further
## SweaveInput
f <- file[1L]
bf <- basename(f)
df <- dirname(f)
if (!file.exists(f)) {
f <- list.files(df, full.names = TRUE,
pattern = paste0(bf, syntax$extension))
if (length(f) == 0L)
stop(gettextf("no Sweave file with name %s found",
sQuote(file[1L])), domain = NA)
else if (length(f) > 1L)
stop(paste(sprintf(ngettext(length(f), "%d Sweave file for basename %s found",
"%d Sweave files for basename %s found",
domain = "R-utils"),
length(f), sQuote(file[1L])), paste(":\n ", f, collapse = "")),
domain = NA)
## An incomplete last line is not a real problem.
text <- readLines(f[1L], warn = FALSE)
srcLinenum <- seq_along(text)
if (encoding != "bytes") {
## now sort out an encoding, if needed.
enc <- tools:::.getVignetteEncoding(text,
default = if (identical(encoding, "")) NA else encoding)
if (enc == "non-ASCII") {
enc <- if (nzchar(encoding)) {
} else {
" is not ASCII and does not declare an encoding",
domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
} else if (enc == "unknown") {
" declares an encoding that Sweave does not know about",
domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
if (enc == "UTF-8")
Encoding(text) <- enc
else {
if (nzchar(enc)) text <- iconv(text, enc, "") else enc <- "ASCII"
} else enc <- "bytes"
pos <- grep(syntax$syntaxname, text)
if (length(pos) > 1L)
warning(gettextf("more than one syntax specification found, using the first one"),
domain = NA)
if (length(pos) > 0L) {
sname <- sub(syntax$syntaxname, "\\1", text[pos[1L]])
syntax <- get(sname, mode = "list")
if (!identical(class(syntax), "SweaveSyntax"))
stop(gettextf("object %s does not have class \"SweaveSyntax\"",
sQuote(sname)), domain = NA)
text <- text[-pos]
srcLinenum <- srcLinenum[-pos]
srcFilenum <- rep_len(1, length(srcLinenum))
if (!is.null(syntax$input)) {
while(length(pos <- grep(syntax$input, text))) {
pos <- pos[1L]
ifile <- file.path(df, sub(syntax$input, "\\1", text[pos]))
if (any(ifile == file)) {
stop(paste(gettextf("recursive Sweave input %s in stack",
paste("\n ", seq_len(file), ": ",
rev(file), collapse="")),
domain = NA)
itext <- SweaveReadFile(c(ifile, file), syntax, encoding = encoding)
pre <- seq_len(pos-1L)
post <- seq_len(length(text) - pos) + pos
text <- c(text[pre], itext, text[post])
srcLinenum <- c(srcLinenum[pre], attr(itext, "srcLinenum"),
srcFilenum <- c(srcFilenum[pre], attr(itext, "srcFilenum")+length(f),
f <- c(f, attr(itext, "files"))
attr(text, "syntax") <- syntax
attr(text, "files") <- f
attr(text, "encoding") <- enc
attr(text, "srcLinenum") <- srcLinenum
attr(text, "srcFilenum") <- srcFilenum
## NB: } should not be escaped in [] .
SweaveSyntaxNoweb <-
list(doc = "^@",
code = "^<<(.*)>>=.*",
coderef = "^<<(.*)>>.*",
docopt = "^[[:space:]]*\\\\SweaveOpts\\{([^}]*)\\}",
docexpr = "\\\\Sexpr\\{([^}]*)\\}",
extension = "\\.[rsRS]?nw$",
syntaxname = "^[[:space:]]*\\\\SweaveSyntax\\{([^}]*)\\}",
input = "^[[:space:]]*\\\\SweaveInput\\{([^}]*)\\}",
trans = list(
doc = "@",
code = "<<\\1>>=",
coderef = "<<\\1>>",
docopt = "\\\\SweaveOpts{\\1}",
docexpr = "\\\\Sexpr{\\1}",
extension = ".Snw",
syntaxname = "\\\\SweaveSyntax{SweaveSyntaxNoweb}",
input = "\\\\SweaveInput{\\1}")
class(SweaveSyntaxNoweb) <- "SweaveSyntax"
SweaveSyntaxLatex <- SweaveSyntaxNoweb
SweaveSyntaxLatex$doc <- "^[[:space:]]*\\\\end\\{Scode\\}"
SweaveSyntaxLatex$code <- "^[[:space:]]*\\\\begin\\{Scode\\}\\{?([^}]*)\\}?.*"
SweaveSyntaxLatex$coderef <- "^[[:space:]]*\\\\Scoderef\\{([^}]*)\\}.*"
SweaveSyntaxLatex$extension <- "\\.[rsRS]tex$"
SweaveSyntaxLatex$trans$doc <- "\\\\end{Scode}"
SweaveSyntaxLatex$trans$code <- "\\\\begin{Scode}{\\1}"
SweaveSyntaxLatex$trans$coderef <- "\\\\Scoderef{\\1}"
SweaveSyntaxLatex$trans$syntaxname <- "\\\\SweaveSyntax{SweaveSyntaxLatex}"
SweaveSyntaxLatex$trans$extension <- ".Stex"
SweaveGetSyntax <- function(file)
synt <- apropos("SweaveSyntax", mode = "list")
for (sname in synt) {
s <- get(sname, mode = "list")
if (!identical(class(s), "SweaveSyntax")) next
if (length(grep(s$extension, file))) return(s)
SweaveSyntConv <- function(file, syntax, output=NULL)
if (is.character(syntax)) syntax <- get(syntax)
if (!identical(class(syntax), "SweaveSyntax"))
stop(gettextf("target syntax not of class %s",
domain = NA)
if (is.null(syntax$trans))
stop("target syntax contains no translation table")
insynt <- SweaveGetSyntax(file)
text <- readLines(file)
if (is.null(output))
output <- sub(insynt$extension, syntax$trans$extension, basename(file))
TN <- names(syntax$trans)
for (n in TN)
if (n != "extension") text <- gsub(insynt[[n]], syntax$trans[[n]], text)
cat(text, file = output, sep = "\n")
cat("Wrote file", output, "\n")
## parses an option string, from
## - the header of a code chunk
## - an \SweaveOpts{} statement (strangely, left to the drivers)
## - the value of environment variable SWEAVE_OPTIONS
## The format is name=value pairs with whitespace being discarded
## (and could have been done all at once).
SweaveParseOptions <- function(text, defaults = list(), check = NULL)
x <- sub("^[[:space:]]*(.*)", "\\1", text)
x <- sub("(.*[^[:space:]])[[:space:]]*$", "\\1", x)
x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*"))
x <- strsplit(x, "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*")
## only the first option may have no name: the chunk label
if (length(x)) {
if (length(x[[1L]]) == 1L) x[[1L]] <- c("label", x[[1L]])
} else return(defaults)
if (any(lengths(x) != 2L))
stop(gettextf("parse error or empty option in\n%s", text), domain = NA)
options <- defaults
for (k in seq_along(x)) options[[ x[[k]][1L] ]] <- x[[k]][2L]
## This is undocumented
if (!is.null(options[["label"]]) && !is.null(options[["engine"]]))
options[["label"]] <-
sub(paste0("\\.", options[["engine"]], "$"),
"", options[["label"]])
if (!is.null(check)) check(options) else options
## really part of the RweaveLatex and Rtangle drivers
SweaveHooks <- function(options, run = FALSE, envir = .GlobalEnv)
if (is.null(SweaveHooks <- getOption("SweaveHooks"))) return(NULL)
z <- character()
for (k in names(SweaveHooks))
if (nzchar(k) && is.logical(options[[k]]) && options[[k]])
if (is.function(SweaveHooks[[k]])) {
z <- c(z, k)
if (run) eval(SweaveHooks[[k]](), envir=envir)
z # a character vector.
### For R CMD xxxx ------------------------------------------
.Sweave <- function(args = NULL, no.q = interactive())
options(warn = 1)
if (is.null(args)) {
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
args <- paste(args, collapse=" ")
args <- strsplit(args,'nextArg', fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][-1L]
Usage <- function() {
cat("Usage: R CMD Sweave [options] file",
"A front-end for Sweave and other vignette engines, via buildVignette()",
" -h, --help print this help message and exit",
" -v, --version print version info and exit",
" --driver=name use named Sweave driver",
" --engine=pkg::engine use named vignette engine",
" --encoding=enc default encoding 'enc' for file",
" --clean corresponds to --clean=default",
" --clean= remove some of the created files:",
' "default" removes those the same initial name;',
' "keepOuts" keeps e.g. *.tex even when PDF is produced',
" --options= comma-separated list of Sweave/engine options",
" --pdf convert to PDF document",
" --compact= try to compact PDF document:",
' "no" (default), "qpdf", "gs", "gs+qpdf", "both"',
" --compact same as --compact=qpdf",
"Report bugs at <>.",
sep = "\n")
do_exit <-
function(status = 0L) (if(status) stop else message)(
".Sweave() exit status ", status)
function(status = 0L) q("no", status = status, runLast = FALSE)
if (!length(args)) {
file <- character()
driver <- encoding <- options <- ""
engine <- NULL
compact <- Sys.getenv("_R_SWEAVE_COMPACT_PDF_", "no")
clean <- FALSE ## default!
while(length(args)) {
a <- args[1L]
if (a %in% c("-h", "--help")) {
else if (a %in% c("-v", "--version")) {
cat("Sweave front-end: ",
R.version[["major"]], ".", R.version[["minor"]],
" (r", R.version[["svn rev"]], ")\n", sep = "")
"Copyright (C) 2006-2014 The R Core Team.",
"This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2",
"or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.",
sep = "\n")
} else if (substr(a, 1, 9) == "--driver=") {
driver <- substr(a, 10, 1000)
} else if (substr(a, 1, 9) == "--engine=") {
engine <- substr(a, 10, 1000)
} else if (substr(a, 1, 11) == "--encoding=") {
encoding <- substr(a, 12, 1000)
} else if (a == "--clean") {
clean <- TRUE
} else if (substr(a, 1, 8) == "--clean=") {
clean. <- substr(a, 9, 1000)
clean <- switch(clean.,
"default" = TRUE,
"keepOuts" = NA,
message(gettextf("Warning: unknown option '--clean='%s",
clean.), domain = NA))
} else if (substr(a, 1, 10) == "--options=") {
options <- substr(a, 11, 1000)
} else if (a == "--pdf") {
} else if (substr(a, 1, 10) == "--compact=") {
compact <- substr(a, 11, 1000)
} else if (a == "--compact") {
compact <- "qpdf"
} else if (startsWith(a, "-")) {
message(gettextf("Warning: unknown option %s", sQuote(a)),
domain = NA)
} else file <- c(file, a)
args <- args[-1L]
if(length(file) != 1L) {
args <- list(file=file, tangle=FALSE, latex=toPDF, engine=engine, clean=clean)
if(nzchar(driver)) args <- c(args, driver)
args <- c(args, encoding = encoding)
if(nzchar(options)) {
opts <- eval(parse(text = paste("list(", options, ")")))
args <- c(args, opts)
output <-, args)
message("Output file: ", output)
if (toPDF && compact != "no"
&& length(output) == 1 && grepl(".pdf$", output, {
## <NOTE>
## Same code as used for --compact-vignettes in
## .build_packages() ...
message("Compacting PDF document")
if(compact %in% c("gs", "gs+qpdf", "both")) {
gs_cmd <- tools::find_gs_cmd(Sys.getenv("R_GSCMD", ""))
gs_quality <- "ebook"
} else {
gs_cmd <- ""
gs_quality <- "none"
qpdf <- if(compact %in% c("qpdf", "gs+qpdf", "both"))
Sys.which(Sys.getenv("R_QPDF", "qpdf"))
else ""
res <- tools::compactPDF(output, qpdf = qpdf,
gs_cmd = gs_cmd,
gs_quality = gs_quality)
res <- format(res, diff = 1e5)
message(paste(format(res), collapse = "\n"))
.Stangle <- function(args = NULL, no.q = interactive())
options(warn = 1)
if (is.null(args)) {
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
args <- paste(args, collapse=" ")
args <- strsplit(args,'nextArg', fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][-1L]
Usage <- function() {
cat("Usage: R CMD Stangle file",
"A front-end for Stangle and other vignette engines",
" -h, --help print this help message and exit",
" -v, --version print version info and exit",
" --engine=pkg::engine use named vignette engine",
" --encoding=enc assume encoding 'enc' for file",
" --options= comma-separated list of Stangle options",
"Report bugs at <>.",
sep = "\n")
do_exit <-
function(status = 0L) (if(status) stop else message)(
".Stangle() exit status ", status)
function(status = 0L) q("no", status = status, runLast = FALSE)
if (!length(args)) {
file <- character()
encoding <- options <- ""
engine <- NULL
while(length(args)) {
a <- args[1L]
if (a %in% c("-h", "--help")) {
else if (a %in% c("-v", "--version")) {
cat("Stangle front-end: ",
R.version[["major"]], ".", R.version[["minor"]],
" (r", R.version[["svn rev"]], ")\n", sep = "")
"Copyright (C) 2006-2011 The R Core Team.",
"This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2",
"or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.",
sep = "\n")
} else if (substr(a, 1, 9) == "--engine=") {
engine <- substr(a, 10, 1000)
} else if (substr(a, 1, 11) == "--encoding=") {
encoding <- substr(a, 12, 1000)
} else if (substr(a, 1, 10) == "--options=") {
options <- substr(a, 11, 1000)
} else if (startsWith(a, "-")) {
message(gettextf("Warning: unknown option %s", sQuote(a)),
domain = NA)
} else file <- c(file, a)
args <- args[-1L]
if(length(file) != 1L) {
args <- list(file=file, tangle=TRUE, weave=FALSE, engine=engine,
if(nzchar(options)) {
opts <- eval(parse(text = paste("list(", options, ")")))
args <- c(args, opts)
output <-, args)
message("Output file: ", output)