blob: 4abc04549d36595c2efebe65723ca8d3a028cf50 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/utils/R/SweaveDrivers.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2016 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
RweaveLatex <- function()
list(setup = RweaveLatexSetup,
runcode = RweaveLatexRuncode,
writedoc = RweaveLatexWritedoc,
finish = RweaveLatexFinish,
checkopts = RweaveLatexOptions)
## We definitely do not want '.' in here, to avoid misidentification
## of file extensions. Note that - is used literally here.
.SweaveValidFilenameRegexp <- "^[[:alnum:]/#+_-]+$"
RweaveLatexSetup <-
function(file, syntax, output = NULL, quiet = FALSE, debug = FALSE,
stylepath, ...)
dots <- list(...)
if (is.null(output)) {
prefix.string <- basename(sub(syntax$extension, "", file))
output <- paste0(prefix.string, ".tex")
} else prefix.string <- basename(sub("\\.tex$", "", output))
if (!quiet) cat("Writing to file ", output, "\n",
"Processing code chunks with options ...\n", sep = "")
encoding <- attr(file, "encoding")
if (encoding %in% c("ASCII", "bytes")) encoding <- ""
output <- file(output, open = "w", encoding = encoding)
if (missing(stylepath)) {
stylepath <-
if (length(p) >= 1L && nzchar(p[1L])) identical(p, "TRUE") else FALSE
if (stylepath) {
styfile <- file.path(R.home("share"), "texmf", "tex", "latex", "Sweave")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
styfile <- chartr("\\", "/", styfile)
if (length(grep(" ", styfile)))
warning(gettextf("path to %s contains spaces,\n", sQuote(styfile)),
gettext("this may cause problems when running LaTeX"),
domain = NA)
} else styfile <- "Sweave"
options <- list(prefix = TRUE, prefix.string = prefix.string,
engine = "R", print = FALSE, eval = TRUE, fig = FALSE,
pdf = TRUE, eps = FALSE, png = FALSE, jpeg = FALSE,
grdevice = "", width = 6, height = 6, resolution = 300,
term = TRUE, echo = TRUE, keep.source = TRUE,
results = "verbatim",
split = FALSE, strip.white = "true", include = TRUE,
pdf.version = grDevices::pdf.options()$version,
pdf.encoding = grDevices::pdf.options()$encoding,
pdf.compress = grDevices::pdf.options()$compress,
expand = TRUE, # unused by us, for 'highlight'
concordance = FALSE, figs.only = TRUE)
options$.defaults <- options
options[names(dots)] <- dots
## to be on the safe side: see if defaults pass the check
options <- RweaveLatexOptions(options)
list(output = output, styfile = styfile, havesty = FALSE,
haveconcordance = FALSE, debug = debug, quiet = quiet,
syntax = syntax, options = options,
chunkout = list(), # a list of open connections
srclines = integer())
makeRweaveLatexCodeRunner <- function(evalFunc = RweaveEvalWithOpt)
## Return a function suitable as the 'runcode' element
## of an Sweave driver. evalFunc will be used for the
## actual evaluation of chunk code.
## FIXME: well, actually not for the figures.
## If there were just one figure option set, we could eval the chunk
## only once.
function(object, chunk, options) {
pdf.Swd <- function(name, width, height, ...)
grDevices::pdf(file = paste0(chunkprefix, ".pdf"),
width = width, height = height,
version = options$pdf.version,
encoding = options$pdf.encoding,
compress = options$pdf.compress)
eps.Swd <- function(name, width, height, ...)
grDevices::postscript(file = paste0(name, ".eps"),
width = width, height = height,
paper = "special", horizontal = FALSE)
png.Swd <- function(name, width, height, options, ...)
grDevices::png(filename = paste0(chunkprefix, ".png"),
width = width, height = height,
res = options$resolution, units = "in")
jpeg.Swd <- function(name, width, height, options, ...)
grDevices::jpeg(filename = paste0(chunkprefix, ".jpeg"),
width = width, height = height,
res = options$resolution, units = "in")
if (!(options$engine %in% c("R", "S"))) return(object)
devs <- devoffs <- list()
if (options$fig && options$eval) {
if (options$pdf) {
devs <- c(devs, list(pdf.Swd))
devoffs <- c(devoffs, list(
if (options$eps) {
devs <- c(devs, list(eps.Swd))
devoffs <- c(devoffs, list(
if (options$png) {
devs <- c(devs, list(png.Swd))
devoffs <- c(devoffs, list(
if (options$jpeg) {
devs <- c(devs, list(jpeg.Swd))
devoffs <- c(devoffs, list(
if(nzchar(grd <- options$grdevice)) {
grdo <- paste0(grd, ".off")
if(grepl("::", grd, fixed = TRUE)) {
devs <- c(devs, eval(parse(text = grd)))
devoffs <-
if(!inherits(grdo <-
tryCatch(eval(parse(text = grdo)),
error = identity),
} else {
devs <- c(devs, list(get(grd, envir = .GlobalEnv)))
devoffs <-
if(exists(grdo, envir = .GlobalEnv))
list(get(grdo, envir = .GlobalEnv))
if (!object$quiet) {
cat(formatC(options$chunknr, width = 2), ":")
if (options$echo) cat(" echo")
if (options$keep.source) cat(" keep.source")
if (options$eval) {
if (options$print) cat(" print")
if (options$term) cat(" term")
cat("", options$results)
if (options$fig) {
if (options$eps) cat(" eps")
if (options$pdf) cat(" pdf")
if (options$png) cat(" png")
if (options$jpeg) cat(" jpeg")
if (!is.null(options$grdevice)) cat("", options$grdevice)
cat(" (")
if (!is.null(options$label))
cat("label = ", options$label, ", ", sep = "")
filenum <- attr(chunk, "srcFilenum")[1]
filename <- attr(chunk, "srcFilenames")[filenum]
cat(basename(filename), ":", attr(chunk, "srclines")[1], ")", sep = "")
chunkprefix <- RweaveChunkPrefix(options)
if (options$split) {
## [x][[1L]] avoids partial matching of x
chunkout <- object$chunkout[chunkprefix][[1L]]
if (is.null(chunkout)) {
chunkout <- file(paste0(chunkprefix, ".tex"), "w")
if (!is.null(options$label))
object$chunkout[[chunkprefix]] <- chunkout
if(!grepl(.SweaveValidFilenameRegexp, chunkout))
warning("file stem ", sQuote(chunkout), " is not portable",
call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
} else chunkout <- object$output
srcfile <- srcfilecopy(object$filename, chunk, isFile = TRUE)
## Note that we edit the error message below, so change both
## if you change this line:
chunkexps <- try(parse(text = chunk, srcfile = srcfile), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(chunkexps, "try-error"))
chunkexps[1L] <- sub(" parse(text = chunk, srcfile = srcfile) : \n ",
"", chunkexps[1L], fixed = TRUE)
RweaveTryStop(chunkexps, options)
## Some worker functions used below...
putSinput <- function(dce, leading) {
if (!openSinput) {
if (!openSchunk) {
cat("\\begin{Schunk}\n", file = chunkout)
linesout[thisline + 1L] <<- srcline
filenumout[thisline + 1L] <<- srcfilenum
thisline <<- thisline + 1L
openSchunk <<- TRUE
cat("\\begin{Sinput}", file = chunkout)
openSinput <<- TRUE
leading <- max(leading, 1L) # safety check
cat("\n", paste0(getOption("prompt"), dce[seq_len(leading)],
collapse = "\n"),
file = chunkout, sep = "")
if (length(dce) > leading)
cat("\n", paste0(getOption("continue"), dce[-seq_len(leading)],
collapse = "\n"),
file = chunkout, sep = "")
linesout[thisline + seq_along(dce)] <<- srcline
filenumout[thisline + seq_along(dce)] <<- srcfilenum
thisline <<- thisline + length(dce)
trySrcLines <- function(srcfile, showfrom, showto, ce) {
tryCatch(suppressWarnings(getSrcLines(srcfile, showfrom, showto)),
error = function(e) {
if (is.null(ce)) character()
else deparse(ce, width.cutoff = 0.75*getOption("width"))
echoComments <- function(showto) {
if (options$echo && ! && lastshown < showto) {
dce <- trySrcLines(srcfile, lastshown + 1L, showto, NULL)
linedirs <- startsWith(dce, "#line ")
dce <- dce[!linedirs]
if (length(dce))
putSinput(dce, length(dce)) # These are all trailing comments
lastshown <<- showto
openSinput <- FALSE
openSchunk <- FALSE
srclines <- attr(chunk, "srclines")
srcfilenums <- attr(chunk, "srcFilenum")
linesout <- integer() # maintains concordance
filenumout <- integer() # ditto
srcline <- srclines[1L] # current input line
srcfilenum <- srcfilenums[1L] # from this file
thisline <- 0L # current output line
lastshown <- 0L # last line already displayed;
## refline <- NA # line containing the current named chunk ref
leading <- 1L # How many lines get the user prompt
srcrefs <- attr(chunkexps, "srcref")
if (length(devs)) {
if(!grepl(.SweaveValidFilenameRegexp, chunkprefix))
warning("file stem ", sQuote(chunkprefix), " is not portable",
call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
if (options$figs.only)
devs[[1L]](name = chunkprefix,
width = options$width, height = options$height,
SweaveHooks(options, run = TRUE)
for (nce in seq_along(chunkexps)) {
ce <- chunkexps[[nce]]
if (options$keep.source && nce <= length(srcrefs) &&
!is.null(srcref <- srcrefs[[nce]])) {
showfrom <- srcref[7L]
showto <- srcref[8L]
dce <- trySrcLines(srcfile, lastshown+1L, showto, ce)
leading <- showfrom - lastshown
lastshown <- showto
srcline <- srcref[3L]
linedirs <- startsWith(dce, "#line ")
dce <- dce[!linedirs]
# Need to reduce leading lines if some were just removed
leading <- leading - sum(linedirs[seq_len(leading)])
while (length(dce) && length(grep("^[[:blank:]]*$", dce[1L]))) {
dce <- dce[-1L]
leading <- leading - 1L
} else {
dce <- deparse(ce, width.cutoff = 0.75*getOption("width"))
leading <- 1L
if (object$debug)
cat("\nRnw> ", paste(dce, collapse = "\n+ "),"\n")
if (options$echo && length(dce)) putSinput(dce, leading)
## avoid the limitations (and overhead) of output text connections
if (options$eval) {
tmpcon <- file()
sink(file = tmpcon)
err <- tryCatch(evalFunc(ce, options), finally = {
cat("\n") # make sure final line is complete
output <- readLines(tmpcon)
## delete empty output
if (length(output) == 1L && !nzchar(output[1L])) output <- NULL
RweaveTryStop(err, options)
} else output <- NULL
## or writeLines(output)
if (length(output) && object$debug)
cat(paste(output, collapse = "\n"))
if (length(output) && (options$results != "hide")) {
if (openSinput) {
cat("\n\\end{Sinput}\n", file = chunkout)
linesout[thisline + 1L:2L] <- srcline
filenumout[thisline + 1L:2L] <- srcfilenum
thisline <- thisline + 2L
openSinput <- FALSE
if (options$results == "verbatim") {
if (!openSchunk) {
cat("\\begin{Schunk}\n", file = chunkout)
linesout[thisline + 1L] <- srcline
filenumout[thisline + 1L] <- srcfilenum
thisline <- thisline + 1L
openSchunk <- TRUE
cat("\\begin{Soutput}\n", file = chunkout)
linesout[thisline + 1L] <- srcline
filenumout[thisline + 1L] <- srcfilenum
thisline <- thisline + 1L
output <- paste(output, collapse = "\n")
if (options$strip.white %in% c("all", "true")) {
output <- sub("^[[:space:]]*\n", "", output)
output <- sub("\n[[:space:]]*$", "", output)
if (options$strip.white == "all")
output <- sub("\n[[:space:]]*\n", "\n", output)
cat(output, file = chunkout)
count <- sum(strsplit(output, NULL)[[1L]] == "\n")
if (count > 0L) {
linesout[thisline + 1L:count] <- srcline
filenumout[thisline + 1L:count] <- srcfilenum
thisline <- thisline + count
if (options$results == "verbatim") {
cat("\n\\end{Soutput}\n", file = chunkout)
linesout[thisline + 1L:2L] <- srcline
filenumout[thisline + 1L:2L] <- srcfilenum
thisline <- thisline + 2L
} # end of loop over chunkexps.
## Echo remaining comments if necessary
if (options$keep.source) echoComments(length(srcfile$lines))
if (openSinput) {
cat("\n\\end{Sinput}\n", file = chunkout)
linesout[thisline + 1L:2L] <- srcline
filenumout[thisline + 1L:2L] <- srcfilenum
thisline <- thisline + 2L
if (openSchunk) {
cat("\\end{Schunk}\n", file = chunkout)
linesout[thisline + 1L] <- srcline
filenumout[thisline + 1L] <- srcfilenum
thisline <- thisline + 1L
if (is.null(options$label) && options$split) close(chunkout)
if (options$split && options$include) {
cat("\\input{", chunkprefix, "}\n", sep = "", file = object$output)
linesout[thisline + 1L] <- srcline
filenumout[thisline + 1L] <- srcfilenum
thisline <- thisline + 1L
if (length(devs)) {
if (options$figs.only) devoffs[[1L]]()
for (i in seq_along(devs)) {
if (options$figs.only && i == 1) next
devs[[i]](name = chunkprefix, width = options$width,
height = options$height, options)
err <- tryCatch({
SweaveHooks(options, run = TRUE)
eval(chunkexps, envir = .GlobalEnv)
}, error = function(e) {
stop(conditionMessage(e), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
if (options$include) {
cat("\\includegraphics{", chunkprefix, "}\n", sep = "",
file = object$output)
linesout[thisline + 1L] <- srcline
filenumout[thisline + 1L] <- srcfilenum
thisline <- thisline + 1L
object$linesout <- c(object$linesout, linesout)
object$filenumout <- c(object$filenumout, filenumout)
RweaveLatexRuncode <- makeRweaveLatexCodeRunner()
RweaveLatexWritedoc <- function(object, chunk)
linesout <- attr(chunk, "srclines")
filenumout <- attr(chunk, "srcFilenum")
if (length(grep("\\usepackage[^\\}]*Sweave.*\\}", chunk)))
object$havesty <- TRUE
if (!object$havesty) {
begindoc <- "^[[:space:]]*\\\\begin\\{document\\}"
which <- grep(begindoc, chunk)
if (length(which)) {
chunk[which] <- sub(begindoc,
idx <- c(1L:which, which, = which+1L,
length.out = length(linesout)-which))
linesout <- linesout[idx]
filenumout <- filenumout[idx]
object$havesty <- TRUE
while(length(pos <- grep(object$syntax$docexpr, chunk)))
cmdloc <- regexpr(object$syntax$docexpr, chunk[pos[1L]])
cmd <- substr(chunk[pos[1L]], cmdloc,
cmdloc + attr(cmdloc, "match.length") - 1L)
cmd <- sub(object$syntax$docexpr, "\\1", cmd)
if (object$options$eval) {
val <- tryCatch(as.character(eval(parse(text = cmd), envir = .GlobalEnv)),
error = function(e) {
filenum <- attr(chunk, "srcFilenum")[pos[1L]]
filename <- attr(chunk, "srcFilenames")[filenum]
location <- paste0(basename(filename), ":", attr(chunk, "srclines")[pos[1L]])
stop("at ",location, ", ", conditionMessage(e), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
## protect against character(), because sub() will fail
if (length(val) == 0L) val <- ""
else val <- paste0("\\\\verb#<<", cmd, ">>#")
## it's always debatable what \verb delim-character to use;
## originally had '{' but that really can mess up LaTeX
chunk[pos[1L]] <- sub(object$syntax$docexpr, val, chunk[pos[1L]])
## Process \SweaveOpts{} or similar
## Since they are only supposed to affect code chunks, it is OK
## to process all such in a doc chunk at once.
while(length(pos <- grep(object$syntax$docopt, chunk)))
opts <- sub(paste0(".*", object$syntax$docopt, ".*"),
"\\1", chunk[pos[1L]])
object$options <- SweaveParseOptions(opts, object$options,
if (isTRUE(object$options$concordance)
&& !object$haveconcordance) {
savelabel <- object$options$label
object$options$label <- "concordance"
prefix <- RweaveChunkPrefix(object$options)
object$options$label <- savelabel
object$concordfile <- paste0(prefix, ".tex")
chunk[pos[1L]] <- sub(object$syntax$docopt,
paste0("\\\\input{", prefix, "}"),
object$haveconcordance <- TRUE
} else
chunk[pos[1L]] <- sub(object$syntax$docopt, "", chunk[pos[1L]])
cat(chunk, sep = "\n", file = object$output)
object$linesout <- c(object$linesout, linesout)
object$filenumout <- c(object$filenumout, filenumout)
RweaveLatexFinish <- function(object, error = FALSE)
outputname <- summary(object$output)$description
if (!object$quiet && !error) {
stop(gettextf("the output file '%s' has disappeared", outputname))
sprintf("You can now run (pdf)latex on %s", sQuote(outputname)),
"\n", sep = "")
if (length(object$chunkout))
for (con in object$chunkout) close(con)
if (object$haveconcordance) {
## This output format is subject to change. Currently it contains
## three or four parts, separated by colons:
## 1. The output .tex filename
## 2. The input .Rnw filename
## 3. Optionally, the starting line number of the output coded as "ofs nn",
## where nn is the offset to the first output line. This is omitted if nn is 0.
## 4. The input line numbers corresponding to each output line.
## This are compressed using the following simple scheme:
## The first line number, followed by
## a run-length encoded diff of the rest of the line numbers.
linesout <- object$linesout
filenumout <- object$filenumout
filenames <- object$srcFilenames[filenumout]
if (!is.null(filenames)) { # Might be NULL if an error occurred
filegps <- rle(filenames)
offset <- 0L
for (i in seq_along(filegps$lengths)) {
len <- filegps$lengths[i]
inputname <- filegps$values[i]
vals <- rle(diff(linesout[offset + seq_len(len)]))
vals <- c(linesout[offset + 1L], as.numeric(rbind(vals$lengths, vals$values)))
concordance <- paste(strwrap(paste(vals, collapse = " ")), collapse = " %\n")
special <- paste0("\\Sconcordance{concordance:", outputname, ":",
inputname, ":",
if (offset) paste0("ofs ", offset, ":") else "",
cat(special, file = object$concordfile, append=offset > 0L)
offset <- offset + len
## This is the check function for both RweaveLatex and Rtangle drivers
RweaveLatexOptions <- function(options)
defaults <- options[[".defaults"]]
## convert a character string to logical
c2l <- function(x)
if (is.null(x)) FALSE else suppressWarnings(as.logical(x))
## numeric
NUMOPTS <- c("width", "height", "resolution")
## character: largely for safety, but 'label' matters as there
## is no default (and someone uses "F")
CHAROPTS <- c("results", "prefix.string", "engine", "label",
"strip.white", "pdf.version", "pdf.encoding", "grdevice")
for (opt in names(options)) {
if(opt == ".defaults") next
oldval <- options[[opt]]
defval <- defaults[[opt]]
if(opt %in% CHAROPTS || is.character(defval)) {
} else if(is.logical(defval))
options[[opt]] <- c2l(oldval)
else if(opt %in% NUMOPTS || is.numeric(defval))
options[[opt]] <- as.numeric(oldval)
else if(! <- c2l(oldval)))
options[[opt]] <- newval
else if(! <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(oldval))))
options[[opt]] <- newval
if ([[opt]]))
stop(gettextf("invalid value for %s : %s", sQuote(opt), oldval),
domain = NA)
if (!is.null(options$results)) {
res <- as.character(options$results)
if(tolower(res) != res) # documented as lower-case
warning("value of 'results' option should be lowercase",
call. = FALSE)
options$results <- tolower(res)
options$results <- match.arg(options$results, c("verbatim", "tex", "hide"))
if (!is.null(options$strip.white)) {
res <- as.character(options$strip.white)
if(tolower(res) != res)
warning("value of 'strip.white' option should be lowercase",
call. = FALSE)
options$strip.white <- tolower(res)
options$strip.white <-
match.arg(options$strip.white, c("true", "false", "all"))
RweaveChunkPrefix <- function(options)
if (!is.null(options$label)) {
if (options$prefix)
paste0(options$prefix.string, "-", options$label)
} else
paste0(options$prefix.string, "-",
formatC(options$chunknr, flag = "0", width = 3))
RweaveEvalWithOpt <- function (expr, options)
if (options$eval) {
## Note: try() as opposed to tryCatch() for back compatibility;
## and RweaveTryStop() will work with it
res <- try(withVisible(eval(expr, .GlobalEnv)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(res, "try-error")) return(res)
if (options$print || (options$term && res$visible)) {
if (.isMethodsDispatchOn() && isS4(res$value))
methods::show(res$value) else print(res$value)
RweaveTryStop <- function(err, options)
if (inherits(err, "try-error")) { ## from RweaveEvalWithOpt()
msg <- paste(" chunk", options$chunknr)
if (!is.null(options$label))
msg <- paste0(msg, " (label = ", options$label, ")")
msg <- paste(msg, "\n")
stop(msg, err, call. = FALSE)
Rtangle <- function()
list(setup = RtangleSetup,
runcode = RtangleRuncode,
writedoc = RtangleWritedoc,
finish = RtangleFinish,
checkopts = RweaveLatexOptions)
RtangleSetup <-
function(file, syntax, output = NULL, annotate = TRUE, split = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE, drop.evalFALSE = FALSE, ...)
dots <- list(...)
if (is.null(output)) {
prefix.string <- basename(sub(syntax$extension, "", file))
## This is odd, since for split = TRUE it uses the engine name.
output <- paste0(prefix.string, ".R")
} else
prefix.string <- basename(sub("\\.[rsRS]$", "", output))
if (!split) {
if (identical(output, "stdout")) output <- stdout()
else if (identical(output, "stderr")) output <- stderr()
else {
if (!quiet) cat("Writing to file", output, "\n")
## We could at some future point try to write the file in
## 'encoding'.
output <- file(output, open = "w")
lines <- c(sprintf("R code from vignette source '%s'", file),
if(attr(file, "encoding") != "ASCII")
sprintf("Encoding: %s", localeToCharset()[1L])
lines <- c(paste("###", lines), "")
writeLines(lines, output)
} else {
if (!quiet) cat("Writing chunks to files ...\n")
output <- NULL
options <- list(split = split, prefix = TRUE,
prefix.string = prefix.string,
engine = "R", eval = TRUE,
show.line.nos = FALSE)
options$.defaults <- options
options[names(dots)] <- dots
## to be on the safe side: see if defaults pass the check
options <- RweaveLatexOptions(options)
list(output = output, annotate = annotate, options = options,
chunkout = list(), quiet = quiet, syntax = syntax,
drop.evalFALSE = drop.evalFALSE)
.RtangleCodeLabel <- function(chunk) {
if(length(lnos <- grep("^#line ", chunk, value = TRUE))) {
srclines <- attr(chunk, "srclines")
## srcfilenum <- attr(chunk, "srcFilenum")
## this currently includes the chunk header
lno <- if (length(srclines))
paste(min(srclines), max(srclines), sep = "-")
else srclines
fn <- sub('[^"]*"([^"]+).*', "\\1", lnos[1L])
paste(fn, lno, sep = ":")
} else
"(missing #line/file info)"
RtangleRuncode <- function(object, chunk, options)
if (!(options$engine %in% c("R", "S"))) return(object)
chunkprefix <- RweaveChunkPrefix(options)
if (options$split) {
if(!grepl(.SweaveValidFilenameRegexp, chunkprefix))
warning("file stem ", sQuote(chunkprefix), " is not portable",
call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
outfile <- paste(chunkprefix, options$engine, sep = ".")
if (!object$quiet) cat(options$chunknr, ":", outfile,"\n")
## [x][[1L]] avoids partial matching of x
chunkout <- object$chunkout[chunkprefix][[1L]]
if (is.null(chunkout)) {
chunkout <- file(outfile, "w")
if (!is.null(options$label))
object$chunkout[[chunkprefix]] <- chunkout
} else
chunkout <- object$output
showOut <- options$eval || !object$drop.evalFALSE
if(showOut) {
annotate <- object$annotate
if (is.logical(annotate) && annotate) {
"### code chunk number ", options$chunknr, ": ",
if(!is.null(ol <- options$label)) ol else .RtangleCodeLabel(chunk),
if(!options$eval) " (eval = FALSE)", "\n",
file = chunkout, sep = "")
} else if(is.function(annotate))
annotate(options, chunk = chunk, output = chunkout)
## The next returns a character vector of the logical options
## which are true and have hooks set.
hooks <- SweaveHooks(options, run = FALSE)
for (k in hooks)
cat("getOption(\"SweaveHooks\")[[\"", k, "\"]]()\n",
file = chunkout, sep = "")
if(showOut) {
if (!options$show.line.nos) # drop "#line ...." lines
chunk <- grep("^#line ", chunk, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
if (!options$eval) chunk <- paste("##", chunk)
cat(chunk, "\n", file = chunkout, sep = "\n")
if (is.null(options$label) && options$split) close(chunkout)
RtangleWritedoc <- function(object, chunk)
while(length(pos <- grep(object$syntax$docopt, chunk))) {
opts <- sub(paste0(".*", object$syntax$docopt, ".*"),
"\\1", chunk[pos[1L]])
object$options <- SweaveParseOptions(opts, object$options,
chunk[pos[1L]] <- sub(object$syntax$docopt, "", chunk[pos[1L]])
RtangleFinish <- function(object, error = FALSE)
## might be stdout() or stderr()
if (!is.null(object$output) && object$output >= 3)
if (length(object$chunkout))
for (con in object$chunkout) close(con)