blob: eac3d3a063486fba3f673d95e575b04f04b8634d [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/utils/R/read.DIF.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2014 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
read.DIF <- function(file, header = FALSE, dec = ".",
numerals = c("allow.loss", "warn.loss", "no.loss"),
row.names, col.names, = !stringsAsFactors,
na.strings = "NA", colClasses = NA,
nrows = -1, skip = 0,
check.names = TRUE,
blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = default.stringsAsFactors(),
transpose = FALSE, fileEncoding = "")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && identical(file, "clipboard")) {
if ( !(5 %in% getClipboardFormats(numeric = TRUE)) )
stop("No DIF data on clipboard")
lines <- readClipboard(5)
} else if(nzchar(fileEncoding)) {
con <- file(file, "rt", encoding = fileEncoding)
lines <- readLines(con)
} else {
lines <- readLines(file)
if(length(lines) < 1L) stop("file had no lines")
topic <- ""
nrow <- NA
ncol <- NA
i <- 1L
## Read header info :
while (topic != "DATA") {
topic <- lines[i]
vnum <- lines[i+1]
num <- as.numeric(sub("^.*,","",vnum))
## v <- as.numeric(sub(",.*$","",vnum))
## value <- lines[i+2]
i <- i + 3L
if (topic == "VECTORS")
if(transpose) nrow <- num else ncol <- num
else if (topic == "TUPLES")
if(transpose) ncol <- num else nrow <- num
if ( || stop("row and column counts not found")
data <- matrix("", nrow, ncol)
types <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow, ncol)
row <- 0L
while (i < length(lines)) {
typenum <- lines[i]
type <- as.numeric(sub(",.*$","",typenum))
num <- as.numeric(sub("^.*,","",typenum))
stringval <- lines[i+1]
i <- i + 2L
if (type == -1L) {
if (stringval == "BOT") {
row <- row + 1L
if(row > nrow)
stop("More rows than specified in header; maybe use 'transpose=TRUE'")
col <- 0L
} else if (stringval == "EOD") break
else stop("Unrecognized special data value")
} else {
col <- col + 1L
if(col > ncol)
stop("More columns than specified in header; maybe use 'transpose=TRUE'")
if (type == 0L) {
types[row, col] <- "numeric"
if (stringval == "V") data[row, col] <- num
else if (stringval == "NA") data[row, col] <- NA
else if (stringval == "ERROR") data[row, col] <- NA
else if (stringval == "TRUE") {
data[row, col] <- "TRUE"
types[row, col] <- "logical"
else if (stringval == "FALSE") {
data[row, col] <- "FALSE"
types[row, col] <- "logical"
else stop("Unrecognized value indicator")
} else if (type == 1L) {
types[row, col] <- "character"
stringval <- sub("^\"", "", stringval)
stringval <- sub("\"$", "", stringval)
data[row, col] <- stringval
if(skip > 0L) data <- data[-(1L:skip),,drop=FALSE]
## determine header, no of cols.
nlines <- nrow(data)
if (!nlines) {
if (missing(col.names))
stop("no lines available in input")
else {
tmp <- vector("list", length(col.names))
names(tmp) <- col.names
class(tmp) <- "data.frame"
first <- data[1L, ]
if (first[1L] == "") first <- first[-1L]
cols <- ncol
## basic column counting and header determination;
## rlabp (logical) := it looks like we have column names
rlabp <- all(types[1L, ][-1L] == "character") && data[1L, 1L] == ""
if(rlabp && missing(header))
header <- TRUE
if(!header) rlabp <- FALSE
if (header) {
data <- data[-1L,,drop=FALSE] # skip over header
types <- types[-1L,,drop=FALSE]
if(missing(col.names)) col.names <- first
else if(length(first) != length(col.names))
warning("header and 'col.names' are of different lengths")
} else if (missing(col.names))
col.names <- paste0("V", 1L:cols)
if(length(col.names) + rlabp < cols)
stop("more columns than column names")
if(cols > 0L && length(col.names) > cols)
stop("more column names than columns")
if(cols == 0L) stop("rows are empty: giving up")
if(check.names) col.names <- make.names(col.names, unique = TRUE)
if (rlabp) col.names <- c("row.names", col.names)
nmColClasses <- names(colClasses)
if(length(colClasses) < cols)
if(is.null(nmColClasses)) {
colClasses <- rep_len(colClasses, cols)
} else {
tmp <- rep_len(NA_character_, cols)
names(tmp) <- col.names
i <- match(nmColClasses, col.names, 0L)
if(any(i <= 0L))
warning("not all columns named in 'colClasses' exist")
tmp[ i[i > 0L] ] <- colClasses
colClasses <- tmp
## set up as if we'll scan the file.
colClasses[colClasses %in% c("real", "double")] <- "numeric"
known <- colClasses %in%
c("logical", "integer", "numeric", "complex", "character")
keep <- !(colClasses %in% "NULL")
if (blank.lines.skip) data <- data[apply(data, 1L, function(x) !all(x == "")),,drop=FALSE]
if (nrows > -1 && nrows < nrow(data)) data <- data[seq_len(nrows),,drop=FALSE]
nlines <- nrow(data)
data[data %in% na.strings] <- NA
data <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(data) <- col.names
## now we have the data;
## convert to numeric or factor variables
## (depending on the specified value of "").
## we do this here so that columns match up
if(cols != length(data)) { # this should never happen
warning("cols = ", cols, " != length(data) = ", length(data),
domain = NA)
cols <- length(data)
if(is.logical( { <- rep_len(, cols)
} else if(is.numeric( {
if(any( < 1 | > cols))
stop("invalid numeric '' expression")
i <-, cols)
i[] <- TRUE <- i
} else if(is.character( {
i <- match(, col.names, 0L)
if(any(i <= 0L))
warning("not all columns named in '' exist")
i <- i[i > 0L] <-, cols)[i] <- TRUE
} else if (length( != cols)
stop(gettextf("'' has the wrong length %d != cols = %d",
length(, cols), domain = NA)
do <- keep & !known # & !
if(rlabp) do[1L] <- FALSE # don't convert "row.names"
for (i in (1L:cols)[do]) {
data[[i]] <-
if ([i])) {
if (any(types[,i] == "character")) {
if (stringsAsFactors && ![i]) as.factor(data[[i]])
else data[[i]]
} else
type.convert(data[[i]], =[i], dec = dec,
na.strings = character(0L), numerals=numerals)
## as na.strings have already been converted to <NA>
else if (colClasses[i] == "factor") as.factor(data[[i]])
else if (colClasses[i] == "Date") as.Date(data[[i]])
else if (colClasses[i] == "POSIXct") as.POSIXct(data[[i]])
else methods::as(data[[i]], colClasses[i])
## now determine row names
compactRN <- TRUE
if (missing(row.names)) {
if (rlabp) {
row.names <- data[[1L]]
data <- data[-1L]
keep <- keep[-1L]
compactRN <- FALSE
else row.names <- .set_row_names(as.integer(nlines))
} else if (is.null(row.names)) {
row.names <- .set_row_names(as.integer(nlines))
} else if (is.character(row.names)) {
compactRN <- FALSE
if (length(row.names) == 1L) {
rowvar <- (1L:cols)[match(col.names, row.names, 0L) == 1L]
row.names <- data[[rowvar]]
data <- data[-rowvar]
keep <- keep[-rowvar]
} else if (is.numeric(row.names) && length(row.names) == 1L) {
compactRN <- FALSE
rlabp <- row.names
row.names <- data[[rlabp]]
data <- data[-rlabp]
keep <- keep[-rlabp]
} else stop("invalid 'row.names' specification")
data <- data[keep]
## rownames<- is interpreted, so avoid it for efficiency (it will copy)
if(is.object(row.names) || !(is.integer(row.names)) )
row.names <- as.character(row.names)
if(!compactRN) {
if (length(row.names) != nlines)
stop("invalid 'row.names' length")
if (anyDuplicated(row.names))
stop("duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed")
if (anyNA(row.names))
stop("missing values in 'row.names' are not allowed")
## this is extremely underhanded
## we should use the constructor function ...
## don't try this at home kids
attr(data, "row.names") <- row.names