blob: 52af19ebe59ad591ca71aa2b652d75f3ef2110e2 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/utils/R/str.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2018 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
####------ str : show STRucture of an R object
str <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("str")
## FIXME: convert to use sQuote <- function(object, ...)
## Method to 'str' for 'data.frame' objects
if(! {
warning(" called with non-data.frame -- coercing to one.")
object <- data.frame(object)
## Show further classes // Assume that they do NOT have an own Method --
## not quite perfect ! (.Class = 'remaining classes', starting with current)
cl <- oldClass(object); cl <- cl[cl != "data.frame"] #- not THIS class
if(0 < length(cl)) cat("Classes", paste(sQuote(cl), collapse=", "), "and ")
cat("'data.frame': ", nrow(object), " obs. of ",
(p <- length(object)), " variable", if(p != 1)"s", if(p > 0)":",
"\n", sep = "")
## calling next method, usually str.default:
if(length(l <- list(...)) && any("give.length" == names(l)))
invisible(NextMethod("str", ...))
else invisible(NextMethod("str", give.length=FALSE,...))
str.Date <- str.POSIXt <- function(object, ...) {
cl <- oldClass(object)
## be careful to be fast for large object:
n <- length(object) # FIXME, could be NA
if(n == 0L) return(str.default(object))
if(n > 1000L) object <- object[seq_len(1000L)]
give.length <- TRUE ## default
## use 'give.length' when specified, else default = give.head
if(length(larg <- list(...))) {
nl <- names(larg)
which.head <- which(nl == "give.head")
if (any(Bgl <- nl == "give.length"))
give.length <- larg[[which(Bgl)]]
else if(length(which.head))
give.length <- larg[[which.head]]
if(length(which.head)) # eliminate it from arg.list
larg <- larg[ - which.head ]
if(is.numeric(larg[["nest.lev"]]) &&
is.numeric(larg[["vec.len"]])) # typical call from data.frame
## reduce length for typical call:
larg[["vec.len"]] <-
(larg[["width"]]- nchar(larg[["indent.str"]]) -31)%/% 19)
le.str <- if(give.length) paste0("[1:",as.character(n),"]")
cat(" ", cl[1L], le.str,", format: ", sep = "")
##, c(list(format(object), give.head = FALSE), larg))
## ensuring 'object' is *not* copied:
str.f.obj <- function(...) str(format(object), ...), c(list(give.head = FALSE), larg))
strOptions <- function(strict.width = "no", digits.d = 3, vec.len = 4,
drop.deparse.attr = TRUE,
formatNum = function(x, ...)
format(x, trim=TRUE, drop0trailing=TRUE, ...))
list(strict.width = strict.width, digits.d = digits.d, vec.len = vec.len,
drop.deparse.attr = drop.deparse.attr,
formatNum =
str.default <-
function(object, max.level = NA, vec.len = strO$vec.len,
digits.d = strO$digits.d,
nchar.max = 128, give.attr = TRUE,
drop.deparse.attr = strO$drop.deparse.attr,
give.head = TRUE, give.length = give.head,
width = getOption("width"), nest.lev = 0,
indent.str= paste(" ", max(0,nest.lev+1)), collapse= ".."),
comp.str="$ ", no.list = FALSE, envir = baseenv(),
strict.width = strO$strict.width,
formatNum = strO$formatNum, list.len = 99,
## Purpose: Display STRucture of any R - object (in a compact form).
## --- see HELP file --
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Martin Maechler <> 1990--1997
## strOptions() defaults for
oDefs <- c("vec.len", "digits.d", "strict.width", "formatNum",
## from
strO <- getOption("str")
if (!is.list(strO)) {
warning('invalid options("str") -- using defaults instead')
strO <- strOptions()
else {
if (!all(names(strO) %in% oDefs))
warning(gettextf("invalid components in options(\"str\"): %s",
paste(setdiff(names(strO), oDefs), collapse = ", ")),
domain = NA)
strO <- modifyList(strOptions(), strO)
strict.width <- match.arg(strict.width, choices = c("no", "cut", "wrap"))
if(strict.width != "no") {
## using eval() would be cleaner, but fails inside capture.output():
ss <- capture.output(str.default(object, max.level = max.level,
vec.len = vec.len, digits.d = digits.d,
nchar.max = nchar.max,
give.attr= give.attr, give.head= give.head,
give.length= give.length,
width = width, nest.lev = nest.lev,
indent.str = indent.str, comp.str= comp.str,
no.list= no.list ||,
envir = envir, strict.width = "no",
formatNum = formatNum, list.len = list.len,
...) )
if(strict.width == "wrap") {
nind <- nchar(indent.str) + 2
ss <- strwrap(ss, width = width, exdent = nind)
# wraps at white space (only)
if(length(iLong <- which(nchar(ss) > width))) { ## cut hard
sL <- ss[iLong]
k <- as.integer(width-2L)
if(any(i <- grepl("\"", substr(sL, k +1L, nchar(sL))))) {
## care *not* to cut off the closing " at end of
## string that's already truncated {-> maybe_truncate()} :
ss[iLong[ i]] <- paste0(substr(sL[ i], 1, k-1L), "\"..")
ss[iLong[!i]] <- paste0(substr(sL[!i], 1, k), "..")
} else {
ss[iLong] <- paste0(substr(sL, 1, k),"..")
cat(ss, sep = "\n")
oo <- options(digits = digits.d); on.exit(options(oo))
le <- length(object)[1L] # [1]: protect from nonsense
if( {
warning("'str.default': 'le' is NA, so taken as 0", immediate. = TRUE)
le <- 0
vec.len <- 0
nchar.w <- function(x) nchar(x, type="w", allowNA=TRUE)
ncharN <- function(x) {
r <- nchar(x, type="w", allowNA=TRUE)
if(anyNA(r)) {
iN <-
r[iN] <- nchar(x[iN], type="bytes")
## x: character ; using "global" 'nchar.max'
maybe_truncate <- function(x, nx = nchar.w(x), S = "\"", ch = "| __truncated__")
ok <- if(anyNA(nx)) ! else TRUE
if(any(lrg <- ok & nx > nchar.max)) {
nc <- nchar(ch <- paste0(S, ch))
if(nchar.max <= nc)
stop(gettextf("'nchar.max = %d' is too small", nchar.max), domain=NA)
x.lrg <- x[lrg]
tr.x <- strtrim(x.lrg, nchar.max - nc)
if(any(ii <- tr.x != x.lrg & paste0(tr.x, S) != x.lrg)) {
x[lrg][ii] <- paste0(tr.x[ii], ch)
pClass <- function(cls)
paste0("Class", if(length(cls) > 1) "es",
" '", paste(cls, collapse = "', '"), "' ")
nfS <- names(fStr <- formals())# names of all formal args to str.default()
##' Purpose: using short strSub() calls instead of long str() ones
##' @title Call str() on sub-parts, with mostly the *same* arguments
##' @param obj R object; always a "part" of the main 'object'
##' @param ... further arguments to str(), [often str.default()]
strSub <- function(obj, ...) {
## 'give.length', ...etc are *not* automatically passed down:
nf <- setdiff(nfS, c("object", "give.length", "comp.str", "no.list",
## drop & "obj" :
names([-(1:2)], "..."))
aList <- as.list(fStr)[nf]
aList[] <- lapply(nf, function(n) eval(
##, c(list(object=obj),aList,list(...)), quote=TRUE), *not* copying 'obj' str(obj, ...), c(aList, list(...)), quote = TRUE)
## le.str: not used for arrays:
le.str <-
if( " __no length(.)__ "
else if(give.length) {
if(le > 0) paste0("[1:", paste(le), "]") else "(0)"
} else ""
v.len <- vec.len # modify v.len, not vec.len!
## NON interesting attributes:
std.attr <- "names"
cl <- if((S4 <- isS4(object))) class(object) else oldClass(object)
has.class <- S4 || !is.null(cl) # S3 or S4
mod <- ""; <- FALSE
if(give.attr) a <- attributes(object)#-- save for later...
dCtrl <- eval(formals(deparse)$control)
if(drop.deparse.attr) dCtrl <- dCtrl[dCtrl != "showAttributes"]
deParse <- function(.) deparse(., width.cutoff = min(500L, max(20L, width-10L)),
control = dCtrl)
n.of. <- function(n, singl, plural) paste(n, ngettext(n, singl, plural))
n.of <- function(n, noun) n.of.(n, noun, paste0(noun,"s"))
arrLenstr <- function(obj) {
rnk <- length(di. <- dim(obj))
di <- paste0(ifelse(di. > 1, "1:",""), di.,
ifelse(di. > 0, "" ," "))
pDi <- function(...) paste(c("[", ..., "]"), collapse = "")
if(rnk == 1)
pDi(di[1L], "(1d)")
else pDi(paste0(di[-rnk], ", "), di[rnk])
if(is.ts <- stats::is.ts(object))
str1.ts <- function(o, lestr) {
tsp.a <- stats::tsp(o)
paste0(" Time-Series ", lestr, " from ", format(tsp.a[1L]),
" to ", format(tsp.a[2L]), ":")
if (is.null(object))
cat(" NULL\n")
else if(S4) {
trygetSlots <- function(x, nms) {
r <- tryCatch(sapply(nms, methods::slot, object=x, simplify = FALSE),
error = conditionMessage)
else {
warning("Not a validObject(): ", r, call.=FALSE) # instead of error
r <- attributes(x) ## "FIXME" low-level assumption about S4 slots
r <- r[names(r) != "class"]
dp <- list(methods::getDataPart(x, NULL.for.none=TRUE))
if(!is.null(dp)) names(dp) <- methods:::.dataSlot(nms)
c(r, dp)
if(methods::is(object,"envRefClass")) {
cld <- tryCatch(object$getClass(), error=function(e)e)
if(inherits(cld, "error")) {
cat("Prototypical reference class", " '", paste(cl, collapse = "', '"),
"' [package \"", attr(cl,"package"), "\"]\n", sep="")
## add a bit more info ??
nFlds <- names(cld@fieldClasses)
a <- sapply(nFlds, function(ch) object[[ch]], simplify = FALSE)
cat("Reference class", " '", paste(cl, collapse = "', '"),
"' [package \"", attr(cl,"package"), "\"] with ",
n.of(length(a), "field"), "\n", sep = "")
strSub(a, no.list=TRUE, give.length=give.length,
nest.lev = nest.lev + 1)
meths <- names(cld@refMethods)
oMeths <- meths[, methods:::envRefMethodNames))]
cat(indent.str, "and ", n.of(length(meths), "method"), sep = "")
sNms <- names(cld@slots)
if(lo <- length(oMeths)) {
cat(", of which", lo, ngettext(lo, "is", "are", domain = NA), " possibly relevant")
if ( || nest.lev < max.level)
strwrap(paste(sort(oMeths), collapse=", "),
indent = 2, exdent = 2,
prefix = indent.str, width=width),# exdent = nind),
sep = "\n")
else cat("\n")
if(length(sNms <- sNms[sNms != ".xData"])) {
cat(" and ", n.of(length(sNms), "slot"), "\n", sep="")
sls <- trygetSlots(object, sNms)
strSub(sls, comp.str = "@ ", no.list=TRUE, give.length=give.length,
indent.str = paste(indent.str,".."), nest.lev = nest.lev + 1)
else if(lo == 0) cat(".\n")
else { ## S4 non-envRefClass
sNms <- methods::.slotNames(object)
cat("Formal class", " '", paste(cl, collapse = "', '"),
"' [package \"", attr(cl,"package"), "\"] with ",
n.of(length(sNms), "slot"), "\n", sep = "")
a <- trygetSlots(object, sNms)
strSub(a, comp.str = "@ ", no.list=TRUE, give.length=give.length,
indent.str = paste(indent.str,".."), nest.lev = nest.lev + 1)
else if(is.function(object)) {
cat(if(is.null(ao <- args(object))) deParse(object)
else { dp <- deParse(ao); paste(dp[-length(dp)], collapse="\n") },"\n")
} else if(is.list(object)) { <- is.pairlist(object)
is.d.f <-
##?if(is.d.f) std.attr <- c(std.attr, "class", if(is.d.f) "row.names")
if(le == 0) {
if(is.d.f) std.attr <- c(std.attr, "class", "row.names")
else cat(" ", if(!is.null(names(object))) "Named ",
if("pair", "list()\n", sep = "")
} else { # list, length >= 1 :
if(irregCl <- has.class && identical(object[[1L]], object)) {
le <- length(object <- unclass(object))
std.attr <- c(std.attr, "class")
if(no.list || (has.class &&
any(sapply(paste0("str.", cl),
#use sys.function(.) ..
function(ob)exists(ob, mode= "function",
inherits= TRUE))))) {
## str.default is a 'NextMethod' : omit the 'List of ..'
std.attr <- c(std.attr, "class", if(is.d.f) "row.names")
} else { # need as.character here for double lengths.
cat(if( "Dotted pair list" else
if(irregCl) paste(pClass(cl), "hidden list") else "List",
" of ", as.character(le), "\n", sep = "")
if ( || nest.lev < max.level) {
nam.ob <-
if(is.null(nam.ob <- names(object)))"", le)
else { ncn <- nchar.w(nam.ob)
if(anyNA(ncn)) ## slower, but correct:
ncn <- vapply(nam.ob,, 0L)
format(nam.ob, width = max(ncn), justify="left")
for (i in seq_len(min(list.len,le) ) ) {
cat(indent.str, comp.str, nam.ob[i], ":", sep = "")
envir <- # pass envir for 'promise' components:
if(typeof(object[[i]]) == "promise") {
structure(object, nam=[i]))
} # else NULL
strSub(object[[i]], give.length=give.length,
nest.lev = nest.lev + 1,
indent.str = paste(indent.str,".."))
if(list.len < le)
cat(indent.str, "[list output truncated]\n")
} else { # not NULL, S4, function, or list
if (is.factor(object)) {
nl <- length(lev.att <- levels(object))
if(!is.character(lev.att)) {# should not happen..
warning("'object' does not have valid levels()")
nl <- 0
} else { ## protect against large nl:
w <- min(max(width/2, 10), 1000)
if(nl > w) lev.att <- lev.att[seq_len(w)]
n.l <- length(lev.att) # possibly n.l << nl
lev.att <- encodeString(lev.att, na.encode = FALSE, quote = '"')
ord <- is.ordered(object)
object <- unclass(object)
if(nl) {
## as from 2.1.0, quotes are included ==> '-2':
lenl <- cumsum(3 + (ncharN(lev.att) - 2))# level space
ml <- if(n.l <= 1 || lenl[n.l] <= 13)
n.l else which.max(lenl > 13)
lev.att <- maybe_truncate(lev.att[seq_len(ml)])
else # nl == 0
ml <- length(lev.att <- "")
lsep <- if(ord) "<" else ","
str1 <-
paste0(if(ord)" Ord.f" else " F", "actor",
if(is.array(object)) arrLenstr(object),
" w/ ", nl, " level", if(nl != 1) "s",
if(nl) " ",
if(nl) paste0(lev.att, collapse = lsep),
if(ml < nl) paste0(lsep, ".."), ":")
std.attr <- c("levels", "class", if(is.array(object)) "dim")
} else if(is.ts) {
str1 <- str1.ts(object,
if(isA <- is.array(object)) arrLenstr(object) else le.str)
std.attr <- c("tsp", "class", if(isA) "dim")
} else if(is.vector(object)
|| is.atomic(object)
##f fails for formula:
##f typeof(object) in {"symbol", "language"} =: is.symbolic(.):
##f || (is.language(object) && !is.expression(object))
|| (is.language(object) && !is.expression(object) && !any(cl == "formula")) ) {
if(is.atomic(object)) {
##-- atomic: numeric{dbl|int} complex character logical raw
mod <- substr(mode(object), 1, 4)
if (mod == "nume")
mod <- if(is.integer(object)) "int" else "num"
else if(mod == "char") { mod <- "chr"; <- TRUE }
else if(mod == "comp") mod <- "cplx" #- else: keep 'logi'
if(is.array(object)) {
le.str <- arrLenstr(object)
if(m <- match("AsIs", cl, 0L)) ## workaround bad format.AsIs()
oldClass(object) <- cl[-m]
std.attr <- "dim"
} else if(!is.null(names(object))) {
mod <- paste("Named", mod)
std.attr <- std.attr[std.attr != "names"]
if(has.class) {
cl <- cl[1L] # and "forget" potential other classes
if(cl != mod && substr(cl, 1L, nchar(mod)) != mod)
mod <- paste0("'",cl,"' ", mod)
## don't show the class *twice*
std.attr <- c(std.attr, "class")
str1 <-
if(le == 1 && !is.array(object)) paste(NULL, mod)
else paste0(" ", mod, if(le>0)" ", le.str)
} else { ##-- not atomic, but vector: #
mod <- typeof(object)#-- typeof(.) is more precise than mode!
str1 <- switch(mod,
call = " call",
language = " language",
symbol = " symbol",
expression = " ",# "expression(..)" by deParse(.)
name = " name",
##not in R:argument = "",# .Argument(.) by deParse(.)
## in R (once): comment.expression
## default :
paste(" #>#>", mod, NULL)
} else if(typeof(object) %in%
c("externalptr", "weakref", "environment", "bytecode")) {
## Careful here, we don't want to change pointer objects
le <- v.len <- 0
str1 <-
if(is.environment(object)) format(object)
else paste0("<", typeof(object), ">")
has.class <- TRUE # fake for later
std.attr <- "class"
## ideally we would figure out if as.character has a
## suitable method and use that.
} else if(has.class) {
cat("Class", if(length(cl) > 1) "es",
" '", paste(cl, collapse = "', '"), "' ", sep = "")
## If there's a str.<method>, it should have been called before!
uo <- unclass(object)
if(!is.null(attributes(uo)$class)) {
## another irregular case
xtr <- c(if(identical(uo, object)) { # trap infinite loop
class(uo) <- NULL
} else if(!is.object(object)) "not-object")
if(!is.null(xtr)) cat("{",xtr,"} ", sep = "")
strSub(uo, indent.str = paste(indent.str,".."), nest.lev = nest.lev + 1)
} else if(is.atomic(object)) {
if((1 == length(a <- attributes(object))) && (names(a) == "names"))
str1 <- paste(" Named vector", le.str)
else {
##-- atomic / not-vector "unclassified object" ---
str1 <- paste(" atomic", le.str)
} else if(typeof(object) == "promise") {
cat(" promise ")
if (!is.null(envir)) {
objExp <- eval(bquote(substitute(.(attr(envir, "nam")), envir)))
cat("to ")
} else cat(" <...>\n")
} else {
##-- NOT-atomic / not-vector "unclassified object" ---
##str1 <- paste(" ??? of length", le, ":")
str1 <- paste("length", le)
##-- end if else..if else... {still non-list case}
##-- This needs some improvement: Not list nor atomic --
if ((is.language(object) || !is.atomic(object)) && !has.class) {
##-- has.class superfluous --
mod <- mode(object)
give.mode <- FALSE
trimEnds <- function(ch) sub(" +$", '', sub("^ +", ' ', ch))
if (any(mod == c("call", "language", "(", "symbol"))
|| is.environment(object)) {
##give.mode <- !is.vector(object)# then it has not yet been done
if(mod == "(") give.mode <- TRUE
typ <- typeof(object)
object <- deParse(object)
le <- length(object) # is > 1 e.g. for {A;B} language <- function(x) x
v.len <- round(.5 * v.len)
if(le > 1 && typ=="language" && object[1L] == "{" && object[le]=="}") {
v.len <- v.len + 2
if(le >= 3) {
object <- c(object[1L],
paste(trimEnds(object[2:(le-1)]), collapse = ";"),
le <- length(object)
} else if (mod == "expression") { <- function(x) trimEnds(deParse(as.expression(x)))
v.len <- round(.75 * v.len)
} else if (mod == "name"){
object <- paste(object)#-- show `as' char
} else if (mod == "argument"){ <- deParse
} else {
give.mode <- TRUE
if(give.mode) str1 <- paste0(str1, ', mode "', mod,'":')
} else if(is.logical(object)) {
v.len <- 1.5 * v.len # was '3' originally (but S prints 'T' 'F' ..) <- formatNum
} else if(is.numeric(object)) {
iv.len <- round(2.5 * v.len)
if(iSurv <- inherits(object, "Surv"))
std.attr <- c(std.attr, "class")
int.surv <- iSurv || is.integer(object)
if(!int.surv) {
ob <- if(le > iv.len) object[seq_len(iv.len)] else object
ao <- abs(ob <- unclass(ob[!]))
else if(iSurv) {
nc <- ncol(object)
le <- length(object <- as.character(object))
if(int.surv || (all(ao > 1e-10 | ao==0) && all(ao < 1e10| ao==0) &&
all(abs(ob - signif(ob, digits.d)) <= 9e-16*ao))) {
if(!iSurv || nc == 2L) # "Surv" : implemented as matrix
## use integer-like length
v.len <- iv.len <- formatNum
} else {
v.len <- round(1.25 * v.len) <- formatNum
} else if(is.complex(object)) {
v.len <- round(.75 * v.len) <- formatNum
if( {
## if object is very long, drop the rest which won't be used anyway:
max.len <- max(100L, width %/% 3L + 1L, if(!missing(vec.len)) vec.len)
if(le > max.len) le <- length(object <- object[seq_len(max.len)])
## For very long strings, truncated later anyway,
## both nchar(*, type="w") and encodeString() are too expensive
trimWidth <- as.integer(nchar.max)
## FIXME: need combined encode.and.trim.string(object, m) with O(m) !
encObj <- tryCatch(strtrim(object, trimWidth), error=function(e) NULL)
encObj <-
if(is.null(encObj)) { # must first encodeString() before we can trim
e <- encodeString(object, quote= '"', na.encode= FALSE)
r <- tryCatch(strtrim(e, trimWidth), error=function(.) NULL)
## What else can we try?
if(is.null(r)) e else r
encodeString(encObj, quote= '"', na.encode= FALSE)
if(le > 0) ## truncate if LONG char:
encObj <- maybe_truncate(encObj)
v.len <-
if(missing(vec.len)) {
max(1,sum(cumsum(1 + if(le>0) ncharN(encObj) else 0) <
width - (4 + 5*nest.lev + nchar(str1, type="w"))))
} # '5*ne..' above is fudge factor
else round(v.len)
ile <- min(le, v.len)
if(ile >= 1)
object <- encObj[seq_len(ile)]
formObj <- function(x) paste(as.character(x), collapse = " ")
else { # not
if(!exists("")) <-
if(mod == "num" || mod == "cplx") format else as.character
## v.len <- max(1,round(v.len))
ile <- min(v.len, le)
formObj <- function(x) maybe_truncate(paste(, collapse = " "),
S = "") # *not* string-like
cat(if(give.head) paste0(str1, " "),
formObj(if(ile >= 1) object[seq_len(ile)] else if(v.len > 0) object),
if(le > v.len) " ...", "\n", sep = "")
} ## else (not function nor list)----------------------------------------
if(give.attr) { ## possible: || has.class && any(cl == "terms")
nam <- names(a)
for (i in seq_along(a))
if (all(nam[i] != std.attr)) {# only `non-standard' attributes:
cat(indent.str, paste0('- attr(*, "', nam[i], '")='), sep = "")
strSub(a[[i]], give.length = give.length,
indent.str = paste(indent.str, ".."), nest.lev = nest.lev+1)
invisible() ## invisible(object)#-- is SLOOOOW on large objects
}# end of `str.default()'
## An extended `ls()' whose print method will use str() :
ls.str <-
function (pos = -1, name, envir, all.names = FALSE, pattern, mode = "any")
if(missing(envir)) ## [for "lazy" reasons, this fails as default]
envir <- as.environment(pos)
nms <- ls(name, envir = envir, all.names=all.names, pattern=pattern)
r <- vapply(nms, exists, NA, envir=envir, mode=mode, inherits=FALSE)
structure(nms[r], envir = envir, mode = mode, class = "ls_str")
lsf.str <- function(pos = -1, envir, ...) {
if(missing(envir)) ## [for "lazy" reasons, this fails as default]
envir <- as.environment(pos)
ls.str(pos=pos, envir=envir, mode = "function", ...)
print.ls_str <- function(x, max.level = 1, give.attr = FALSE,
..., digits = max(1, getOption("str")$digits.d))
E <- attr(x, "envir")
M <- attr(x, "mode")
args <- list(...)
if(length(args) && "digits.d" %in% names(args)) {
digits <- args$digits.d
warning("'digits' and 'digits.d' are both specified and the latter is not used")
args$digits.d <- NULL
strargs <- c(list(max.level = max.level, give.attr = give.attr,
digits.d = digits), args)
n. <- substr(tempfile("ls_str_", tmpdir=""), 2L, 20L)
for(nam in x) {
cat(nam, ": ")
## check missingness, e.g. inside debug(.) :
##__ Why does this give too many <missing> in some case?
##__ if(eval(substitute(missing(.), list(. =,
##__ envir = E))
##__ cat("<missing>\n")
##__ else
##__ str(get(nam, envir = E, mode = M),
##__ max.level = max.level, give.attr = give.attr, ...)
eA <- sprintf("%s:%s", nam, n.)
o <- tryCatch(get(nam, envir = E, mode = M),
error = function(e){ attr(e, eA) <- TRUE; e })
if(inherits(o, "error") && isTRUE(attr(o, eA))) {
cat(## FIXME: only works with "C" (or English) LC_MESSAGES locale!
if(length(grep("missing|not found", o$message)))
"<missing>" else o$message, "\n", sep = "")
else {
##, c(list(o), strargs),
## quote = || is.symbol(o)) # protect calls from eval.
## ensuring 'obj' is *not* copied:
strO <- function(...) str(o, ...), strargs, quote = || is.symbol(o))
# protect calls from eval.