blob: eaf44a40eba6545e5465de71041cc8aff4a52c10 [file] [log] [blame]
make_sysdata_rda <-
## Get the codes and descriptions from the
## <>
## web page, and merge with the information on usage for R.
## Codes are also listed at
## <>
## which also contains discontinued codes, identified by a hyphen
## preceding the code.
## <>
doc <- xml2::read_html("")
dt <- trimws(xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(doc, "//dl[4]//dt")))
dd <- trimws(xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(doc, "//dl[4]//dd")))
## Drop obsolete stuff and pointers to it.
re <- "(.*) \\[(.*)\\]"
ind <- grepl(re, dt)
MARC_relator_db <- = sub(re, "\\1", dt[ind]),
code = sub(re, "\\2", dt[ind]),
description = sub("\n\t UF.*", "", dd[ind]),
usage = ""),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
MARC_R_usage <-
c("aut" = "Use for full authors who have made substantial contributions to\nthe package and should show up in the package citation.",
"com" = "Use for package maintainers that collected code (potentially in\nother languages) but did not make further substantial\ncontributions to the package.",
"cph" = "Use for all copyright holders.",
"cre" = "Use for the package maintainer.",
"ctb" = "Use for authors who have made smaller contributions (such as\ncode patches etc.) but should not show up in the package\ncitation.",
"ctr" = "Use for authors who have been contracted to write (parts of) the\npackage and hence do not own intellectual property.",
"dtc" = "Use for persons who contributed data sets for the package.",
"fnd" = "Use for persons or organizations that furnished financial support\nfor the development of the package",
"rev" = "Use for persons or organizations responsible for reviewing\n(parts of) the package.",
"ths" = "If the package is part of a thesis, use for the thesis advisor.",
"trl" = "If the R code is merely a translation from another language\n(typically S), use for the translator to R.")
MARC_R_usage <- data.frame(code = names(MARC_R_usage),
usage = c(MARC_R_usage),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = NULL)
pos <- match(MARC_relator_db$code, MARC_R_usage$code, nomatch = 0L)
MARC_relator_db$usage[pos > 0L] <-
gsub("\n", " ", MARC_R_usage$usage[pos])
MARC_relator_db_codes_used_with_R <-
sort(MARC_relator_db[nchar(MARC_relator_db$usage) > 0L, "code"])
## Using dump() to provide a plain text representation results in
## non-ASCII string constants without appropriate encoding info.
## c69417 manually changed to Unicode escapes, which however is not
## straightforward to achieve programmatically. Hence, instead of
## using dump() to a text 'MARC.R' file use save() to a binary
## 'sysdata.rda' file.
file = "sysdata.rda",
compress = TRUE)