blob: 736de654dc0f2129884917556261e64e8768bace [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/utils/R/tar.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2018 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
untar <- function(tarfile, files = NULL, list = FALSE, exdir = ".",
compressed = NA, extras = NULL, verbose = FALSE,
restore_times = TRUE,
support_old_tars = Sys.getenv("R_SUPPORT_OLD_TARS", FALSE),
tar = Sys.getenv("TAR"))
if (inherits(tarfile, "connection") || identical(tar, "internal")) {
if (!missing(compressed))
warning("argument 'compressed' is ignored for the internal method")
return(untar2(tarfile, files, list, exdir, restore_times))
if (!(is.character(tarfile) && length(tarfile) == 1L))
stop("invalid 'tarfile' argument")
tarfile <- path.expand(tarfile)
support_old_tars <- isTRUE(as.logical(support_old_tars))
TAR <- tar
if (!nzchar(TAR) && .Platform$OS.type == "windows" &&
nzchar(Sys.which("tar.exe"))) TAR <- "tar.exe"
if (!nzchar(TAR) || TAR == "internal")
return(untar2(tarfile, files, list, exdir))
## The ability of external tar commands to handle compressed tarfiles
## automagically varies and is poorly documented.
## E.g. macOS says its tar handles bzip2 but does not mention xz nor lzma.
## (And it supports -J and --lzma flags not mentioned by man tar.)
## But as all commonly-used tars do (some commercial Unix do not,
## but GNU tar is commonly used there).
cflag <- ""
if (!missing(compressed))
warning("untar(compressed=) is deprecated", call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
if (is.character(compressed)) {
cflag <- switch(match.arg(compressed, c("gzip", "bzip2", "xz")),
"gzip" = "z", "bzip2" = "j", "xz" = "J")
} else if (is.logical(compressed)) {
if ( && support_old_tars) {
magic <- readBin(tarfile, "raw", n = 6L)
if(all(magic[1:2] == c(0x1f, 0x8b))) cflag <- "z"
else if(all(magic[1:2] == c(0x1f, 0x9d))) cflag <- "z" # compress
else if(rawToChar(magic[1:3]) == "BZh") cflag <- "j"
## (
else if(all(magic[1:6] == c(0xFD, 0x37, 0x7A, 0x58, 0x5A, 0x00))) cflag <- "J"
} else if (isTRUE(compressed)) cflag <- "z"
} else stop("'compressed' must be logical or character")
if (support_old_tars) {
if (cflag == "z")
if (nzchar(ZIP <- Sys.getenv("R_GZIPCMD"))) {
TAR <- paste(ZIP, "-dc", shQuote(tarfile), "|", TAR)
tarfile <- "-"
cflag <- ""
} else stop(sprintf("No %s command found", sQuote("gzip")))
if (cflag == "j")
if (nzchar(ZIP <- Sys.getenv("R_BZIPCMD"))) {
TAR <- paste(ZIP, "-dc", shQuote(tarfile), "|", TAR)
tarfile <- "-"
cflag <- ""
} else stop(sprintf("No %s command found", sQuote("bzip2")))
if (cflag == "J")
if (nzchar(Sys.which("xz"))) {
TAR <- paste("xz -dc", shQuote(tarfile), "|", TAR)
tarfile <- "-"
cflag <- ""
} else stop(sprintf("No %s command found", sQuote("xz")))
if (list) {
## TAR might be a command+flags or piped commands, so don't quote it
cmd <- paste0(TAR, " -", cflag, "tf ", shQuote(tarfile))
if (length(extras)) cmd <- paste(cmd, extras, collapse = " ")
if (verbose) message("untar: using cmd = ", sQuote(cmd), domain = NA)
system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
} else {
if (!restore_times) cflag <- paste0(cflag, "m")
cmd <- paste0(TAR, " -", cflag, "xf ", shQuote(tarfile))
if (!missing(exdir)) {
if (!dir.exists(exdir)) {
if(!dir.create(exdir, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))
stop(gettextf("failed to create directory %s", sQuote(exdir)),
domain = NA)
cmd <- if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
## some versions of tar.exe need / here
paste(cmd, "-C", shQuote(gsub("\\", "/", exdir, fixed=TRUE)))
paste(cmd, "-C", shQuote(exdir))
if (length(extras)) cmd <- paste(cmd, extras, collapse = " ")
if (length(files))
cmd <- paste(cmd, paste(shQuote(files), collapse = " "))
if (verbose) message("untar: using cmd = ", sQuote(cmd), domain = NA)
res <- system(cmd)
if (res) warning(sQuote(cmd), " returned error code ", res,
domain = NA)
untar2 <- function(tarfile, files = NULL, list = FALSE, exdir = ".",
restore_times = TRUE)
## might be used with len = 12, so result of more than max int
getOctD <- function(x, offset, len)
x <- 0.0
for(i in offset + seq_len(len)) {
z <- block[i]
if(!as.integer(z)) break; # terminate on nul
" " = {},
{x <- 8*x + (as.integer(z)-48L)},
stop("invalid octal digit")
getOct <- function(x, offset, len)
as.integer(getOctD(x, offset, len))
mydir.create <- function(path, ...) {
## for Windows' sake
path <- sub("[\\/]$", "", path)
if(dir.exists(path)) return()
if(!dir.create(path, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ...))
stop(gettextf("failed to create directory %s", sQuote(path)),
domain = NA)
warn1 <- character()
## A tar file is a set of 512 byte records,
## a header record followed by file contents (zero-padded).
## See
if(is.character(tarfile) && length(tarfile) == 1L) {
con <- gzfile(path.expand(tarfile), "rb") # reads compressed formats
} else if(inherits(tarfile, "connection")) {
con <- tarfile
## solves file("foo.tar.gz") automagically, but unneeded for "*.tar":
## if(summary(con)$class != "gzcon") con <- gzcon(con)
## ==> prefer the gzfile() error message below
else stop("'tarfile' must be a character string or a connection")
## now 'con' is a connection
if (exdir != ".") {
od <- setwd(exdir)
on.exit(setwd(od), add = TRUE)
contents <- character()
llink <- lname <- lsize <- NULL
block <- readBin(con, "raw", n = 512L)
if(!length(block)) break
if(length(block) < 512L)
stop(if(is.character(tarfile)) "incomplete block on file"
else "incomplete block: rather use gzfile(.) created connection?")
if(all(block == 0)) break
## This should be non-empty, but whole name could be in prefix
w <- which(block[1:100] > 0)
ns <- if(length(w)) max(w) else 0
name <- rawToChar(block[seq_len(ns)])
magic <- rawToChar(block[258:262])
if ((magic == "ustar") && block[346L] > 0) {
ns <- max(which(block[346:500] > 0))
prefix <- rawToChar(block[345L+seq_len(ns)])
name <- file.path(prefix, name)
ns <- nchar(name, "b")
if (ns <= 0) stop("invalid name field in tarball")
## mode zero-padded 8 bytes (including nul) at 101
## Aargh: bsdtar has this one incorrectly with 6 bytes+space
mode <- as.octmode(getOct(block, 100, 8))
size <- getOctD(block, 124, 12)
ts <- getOctD(block, 136, 12)
ft <- as.POSIXct(as.numeric(ts), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "UTC")
csum <- getOct(block, 148, 8)
block[149:156] <- charToRaw(" ")
xx <- as.integer(block)
checksum <- sum(xx) %% 2^24 # 6 bytes
if(csum != checksum) {
## try it with signed bytes.
checksum <- sum(ifelse(xx > 127L, xx - 128L, xx)) %% 2^24 # 6 bytes
if(csum != checksum)
warning(gettextf("checksum error for entry '%s'", name),
domain = NA)
type <- block[157L]
ctype <- rawToChar(type)
# message(sprintf("%s, %d: '%s'", ctype, size, name))
if(type %in% c(0L, 7L) || ctype == "0") {
## regular or high-performance file
if(!is.null(lname)) {name <- lname; lname <- NULL}
if(!is.null(lsize)) {size <- lsize; lsize <- NULL}
contents <- c(contents, name)
remain <- size
dothis <- !list
if(dothis && length(files)) dothis <- name %in% files
if(dothis) {
out <- file(name, "wb")
for(i in seq_len(ceiling(size/512L))) {
block <- readBin(con, "raw", n = 512L)
if(length(block) < 512L)
stop("incomplete block on file")
if (dothis) {
writeBin(block[seq_len(min(512L, remain))], out)
remain <- remain - 512L
if(dothis) {
Sys.chmod(name, mode, FALSE) # override umask
if(restore_times) Sys.setFileTime(name, ft)
} else if(ctype %in% c("1", "2")) {
## hard and symbolic links
contents <- c(contents, name)
ns <- max(which(block[158:257] > 0))
name2 <- rawToChar(block[157L + seq_len(ns)])
if(!is.null(lname)) {name <- lname; lname <- NULL}
if(!is.null(llink)) {name2 <- llink; llink <- NULL}
if(!list) {
if(ctype == "1") {
if (!, name)) { # will give a warning
## link failed, so try a file copy
if(file.copy(name2, name))
warn1 <- c(warn1, "restoring hard link as a file copy")
warning(gettextf("failed to copy %s to %s", sQuote(name2), sQuote(name)), domain = NA)
} else {
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
## this will not work for links to dirs
from <- file.path(dirname(name), name2)
if (!file.copy(from, name))
warning(gettextf("failed to copy %s to %s", sQuote(from), sQuote(name)), domain = NA)
warn1 <- c(warn1, "restoring symbolic link as a file copy")
} else {
od0 <- setwd(dirname(name))
nm <- basename(name)
if(!file.symlink(name2, nm)) { # will give a warning
## so try a file copy: will not work for links to dirs
if (file.copy(name2, nm))
warn1 <- c(warn1, "restoring symbolic link as a file copy")
warning(gettextf("failed to copy %s to %s", sQuote(from), sQuote(name)), domain = NA)
} else if(ctype %in% c("3", "4")) {
## 3 and 4 are devices
warn1 <- c(warn1, "skipping devices")
} else if(ctype == "5") {
## directory
contents <- c(contents, name)
if(!list) {
Sys.chmod(name, mode, TRUE) # FIXME: check result
## no point is setting time, as dir will be populated later.
} else if(ctype == "6") {
## 6 is a fifo
warn1 <- c(warn1, "skipping fifos")
} else if(ctype %in% c("L", "K")) {
## These are GNU extensions that are widely supported
## They use one or more blocks to store the name of
## a file or link or of a link target.
name_size <- 512L * ceiling(size/512L)
block <- readBin(con, "raw", n = name_size)
if(length(block) < name_size)
stop("incomplete block on file")
ns <- max(which(block > 0)) # size on file may or may not include final nul
if(ctype == "L")
lname <- rawToChar(block[seq_len(ns)])
llink <- rawToChar(block[seq_len(ns)])
} else if(ctype == "x") {
## pax headers misused by bsdtar.
warn1 <- c(warn1, "using pax extended headers")
info <- readBin(con, "raw", n = 512L*ceiling(size/512L))
info <- strsplit(rawToChar(info), "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
hcs <- grep("[0-9]* hdrcharset=", info, useBytes = TRUE,
value = TRUE)
if(length(hcs)) {
hcs <- sub("[0-9]* hdrcharset=", hcs, useBytes = TRUE)
isUTF8 <- identical(hcs, "ISO-IR 10646 2000 UTF-8")
path <- grep("[0-9]* path=", info, useBytes = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if(length(path)) {
lname <- sub("[0-9]* path=", "", path, useBytes = TRUE)
if(isUTF8) Encoding(lname) <- "UTF-8"
linkpath <- grep("[0-9]* linkpath=", info, useBytes = TRUE,
value = TRUE)
if(length(linkpath)) {
llink <- sub("[0-9]* linkpath=", "", linkpath, useBytes = TRUE)
if(isUTF8) Encoding(llink) <- "UTF-8"
size <- grep("[0-9]* size=", info, useBytes = TRUE, value = TRUE)
lsize <- as.integer(sub("[0-9]* size=", "", size))
} else if(ctype == "g") {
warn1 <- c(warn1, "skipping pax global extended headers")
readBin(con, "raw", n = 512L*ceiling(size/512L))
} else stop("unsupported entry type ", sQuote(ctype))
if(length(warn1)) {
warn1 <- unique(warn1)
for (w in warn1) warning(w, domain = NA)
if(list) contents else invisible(0L)
tar <- function(tarfile, files = NULL,
compression = c("none", "gzip", "bzip2", "xz"),
compression_level = 6, tar = Sys.getenv("tar"),
extra_flags = "")
if(is.character(tarfile)) {
if(nzchar(tar) && tar != "internal") {
## Assume external command will expand directories,
## so keep command-line as simple as possible
## But files = '.' will not work as tarfile would be included.
if(is.null(files)) {
files <- list.files(all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE,
include.dirs = TRUE)
files <- setdiff(files, c("./.", "./.."))
## Could pipe through gzip etc: might be safer for xz
## as -J was lzma in GNU tar 1.20:21
## NetBSD < 8 used --xz not -J
## OpenBSD and Heirloom Toolchest have no support for xz
flags <- switch(match.arg(compression),
"none" = "-cf",
"gzip" = "-zcf",
"bzip2" = "-jcf",
"xz" = "-Jcf")
if (grepl("darwin", R.version$os)) {
## Precaution for macOS to omit resource forks
## This is supposed to work for >= 10.5 (Leopard).
tar <- paste("COPYFILE_DISABLE=1", tar)
if (is.null(extra_flags)) extra_flags <- ""
## precaution added in R 3.5.0 for over-long command lines
nc <- nchar(ff <- paste(shQuote(files), collapse=" "))
## -T is not supported by Solaris nor Heirloom Toolchest's tar
if(nc > 1000 &&
any(grepl("(GNU tar|libarchive)",
tryCatch(system(paste(tar, "--version"), intern = TRUE),
error = function(e) "")))) {
tf <- tempfile("Rtar"); on.exit(unlink(tf))
writeLines(files, tf)
cmd <- paste(tar, extra_flags, flags, shQuote(tarfile),
"-T", shQuote(tf))
} else {
## 'tar' might be a command + flags, so don't quote it
cmd <- paste(tar, extra_flags, flags, shQuote(tarfile), ff)
### ----- from here on, using internal code -----
## must do this before tarfile is created
if(is.null(files)) files <- "."
files <- list.files(files, recursive = TRUE, all.files = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE)
con <- switch(match.arg(compression),
"none" = file(tarfile, "wb"),
"gzip" = gzfile(tarfile, "wb", compression = compression_level),
"bzip2" = bzfile(tarfile, "wb", compression = compression_level),
"xz" = xzfile(tarfile, "wb", compression = compression_level))
} else if(inherits(tarfile, "connection")) con <- tarfile
else stop("'tarfile' must be a character string or a connection")
## (Comment from 2013)
## FIXME: eventually we should use the pax extension, but
## that was first supported in R 2.15.3.
GNUname <- function(name, link = FALSE)
header <- raw(512L)
n1 <- charToRaw("ExtendedName")
header[seq_along(n1)] <- n1
header[157L] <- charToRaw(ifelse(link, "K", "L"))
size <- length(name)
header[125:135] <- charToRaw(sprintf("%011o", as.integer(size)))
header[149:156] <- charToRaw(" ")
checksum <- sum(as.integer(header)) %% 2^24 # 6 bytes
header[149:154] <- charToRaw(sprintf("%06o", as.integer(checksum)))
header[155L] <- as.raw(0L)
writeBin(header, con)
writeBin(name, con)
ssize <- 512L * ceiling(size/512L)
if(ssize > size) writeBin(raw(ssize - size), con)
warn1 <- character()
invalid_uid <- invalid_gid <- FALSE
for (f in unique(files)) {
info <-
if($size)) {
warning(gettextf("file '%s' not found", f), domain = NA)
header <- raw(512L)
## add trailing / to dirs.
if(info$isdir && !endsWith(f, "/")) f <- paste0(f, "/")
name <- charToRaw(f)
if(length(name) > 100L) {
## best possible case: 155+/+100
if(length(name) > 256L) OK <- FALSE
else {
## do not want to split on terminal /
m <- length(name)
s <- max(which(name[1:min(156, m - 1L)] == charToRaw("/")))
if(is.infinite(s) || s + 100L < length(name)) OK <- FALSE
warning("storing paths of more than 100 bytes is not portable:\n ",
sQuote(f), domain = NA)
if (OK) {
prefix <- name[1:(s-1L)]
name <- name[-(1:s)]
header[345L+seq_along(prefix)] <- prefix
} else {
name <- charToRaw("dummy")
warn1 <- c(warn1, "using GNU extension for long pathname")
header[seq_along(name)] <- name
mode <- info$mode
## for use by R CMD build
if (is.null(extra_flags) && grepl("/(configure|cleanup)$", f) &&
(mode & "111") != as.octmode("111")) {
warning(gettextf("file '%s' did not have execute permissions: corrected", f), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
mode <- mode | "111"
header[101:107] <- charToRaw(sprintf("%07o", mode))
## Windows does not have uid, gid: defaults to 0, which isn't great
uid <- info$uid
## uids are supposed to be less than 'nobody' (32767)
## but it seems there are broken ones around: PR#15436
if(!is.null(uid) && ! {
if(uid < 0L || uid > 32767L) {invalid_uid <- TRUE; uid <- 32767L}
header[109:115] <- charToRaw(sprintf("%07o", uid))
gid <- info$gid
if(!is.null(gid) && ! {
if(gid < 0L || gid > 32767L) {invalid_gid <- TRUE; gid <- 32767L}
header[117:123] <- charToRaw(sprintf("%07o", gid))
header[137:147] <- charToRaw(sprintf("%011o", as.integer(info$mtime)))
if (info$isdir) header[157L] <- charToRaw("5")
else {
lnk <- Sys.readlink(f)
if( lnk <- ""
header[157L] <- charToRaw(ifelse(nzchar(lnk), "2", "0"))
if(nzchar(lnk)) {
if(nchar(lnk, "b") > 100L) {
## stop("linked path is too long")
GNUname(charToRaw(lnk), TRUE)
warn1 <- c(warn1, "using GNU extension for long linkname")
lnk <- "dummy"
header[157L + seq_len(nchar(lnk))] <- charToRaw(lnk)
size <- 0
## size is 0 for directories and it seems for links.
size <- ifelse(info$isdir, 0, info$size)
if(size >= 8^11) stop("file size is limited to 8GB")
header[125:135] <- .Call(C_octsize, size)
## the next two are what POSIX says, not what GNU tar does.
header[258:262] <- charToRaw("ustar")
header[264:265] <- charToRaw("0")
## Windows does not have uname, grname
s <- info$uname
if(!is.null(s) && ! {
ns <- nchar(s, "b")
header[265L + (1:ns)] <- charToRaw(s)
s <- info$grname
if(!is.null(s) && ! {
ns <- nchar(s, "b")
header[297L + (1:ns)] <- charToRaw(s)
header[149:156] <- charToRaw(" ")
checksum <- sum(as.integer(header)) %% 2^24 # 6 bytes
header[149:154] <- charToRaw(sprintf("%06o", as.integer(checksum)))
header[155L] <- as.raw(0L)
writeBin(header, con)
if(info$isdir || nzchar(lnk)) next
inf <- file(f, "rb")
for(i in seq_len(ceiling(info$size/512L))) {
block <- readBin(inf, "raw", 512L)
writeBin(block, con)
if( (n <- length(block)) < 512L) writeBin(raw(512L - n), con)
if (invalid_uid)
warning(gettextf("invalid uid value replaced by that for user 'nobody'", uid),
domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
if (invalid_gid)
warning(gettextf("invalid gid value replaced by that for user 'nobody'", uid),
domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
## trailer is two blocks of nuls.
block <- raw(512L)
writeBin(block, con)
writeBin(block, con)
if(length(warn1)) {
warn1 <- unique(warn1)
for (w in warn1) warning(w, domain = NA)