blob: 28e30e7dbb23e14b990ada1250111978c30ce030 [file] [log] [blame]
# File src/library/utils/R/windows/install.packages.R
# Part of the R package,
# Copyright (C) 1995-2019 The R Core Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
## Unexported helper
unpackPkgZip <- function(pkg, pkgname, lib, libs_only = FALSE,
lock = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, reuse_lockdir = FALSE)
.zip.unpack <- function(zipname, dest)
if(file.exists(zipname)) {
if((unzip <- getOption("unzip")) != "internal") {
system(paste(shQuote(unzip), "-oq", zipname, "-d", dest),
show.output.on.console = FALSE, invisible = TRUE)
} else unzip(zipname, exdir = dest)
} else stop(gettextf("zip file %s not found",
sQuote(zipname)), domain = NA)
## Create a temporary directory and unpack the zip to it
## then get the real package name, copying the
## dir over to the appropriate install dir.
lib <- normalizePath(lib, mustWork = TRUE)
tmpDir <- tempfile(, lib)
if (!dir.create(tmpDir))
stop(gettextf("unable to create temporary directory %s",
sQuote(normalizePath(tmpDir, mustWork = FALSE))),
domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
cDir <- getwd()
## need to ensure we are not in tmpDir when unlinking is attempted
on.exit(unlink(tmpDir, recursive=TRUE), add = TRUE)
res <- .zip.unpack(pkg, tmpDir)
res <- tools::checkMD5sums(pkgname, file.path(tmpDir, pkgname))
if(!quiet && ! && res) {
cat(gettextf("package %s successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked\n",
desc <- read.dcf(file.path(pkgname, "DESCRIPTION"),
c("Package", "Type"))
if(desc[1L, "Type"] %in% "Translation") {
fp <- file.path(pkgname, "share", "locale")
if(file.exists(fp)) {
langs <- dir(fp)
for(lang in langs) {
path0 <- file.path(fp, lang, "LC_MESSAGES")
mos <- dir(path0, full.names = TRUE)
path <- file.path(R.home("share"), "locale", lang,
if(!dir.create(path, FALSE, TRUE))
warning(gettextf("failed to create %s", sQuote(path)),
domain = NA)
res <- file.copy(mos, path, overwrite = TRUE)
warning(gettextf("failed to create %s",
paste(sQuote(mos[!res]), collapse=",")),
domain = NA)
fp <- file.path(pkgname, "library")
if(file.exists(fp)) {
spkgs <- dir(fp)
for(spkg in spkgs) {
langs <- dir(file.path(fp, spkg, "po"))
for(lang in langs) {
path0 <- file.path(fp, spkg, "po", lang, "LC_MESSAGES")
mos <- dir(path0, full.names = TRUE)
path <- file.path(R.home(), "library", spkg, "po",
lang, "LC_MESSAGES")
if(!dir.create(path, FALSE, TRUE))
warning(gettextf("failed to create %s",
sQuote(path)), domain = NA)
res <- file.copy(mos, path, overwrite = TRUE)
warning(gettextf("failed to create %s",
paste(sQuote(mos[!res]), collapse=",")),
domain = NA)
} else {
instPath <- file.path(lib, pkgname)
if(identical(lock, "pkglock") || isTRUE(lock)) {
## This is code adapted from tools:::.install_packages
lockdir <- if(identical(lock, "pkglock"))
file.path(lib, paste0("00LOCK-", pkgname))
else file.path(lib, "00LOCK")
if (!reuse_lockdir) {
if (file.exists(lockdir)) {
stop(gettextf("ERROR: failed to lock directory %s for modifying\nTry removing %s",
sQuote(lib), sQuote(lockdir)), domain = NA)
dir.create(lockdir, recursive = TRUE)
if (!dir.exists(lockdir))
stop(gettextf("ERROR: failed to create lock directory %s",
sQuote(lockdir)), domain = NA)
## Back up a previous version
if (file.exists(instPath)) {
file.copy(instPath, lockdir, recursive = TRUE)
if (restorePrevious) {
try(unlink(instPath, recursive = TRUE))
savedcopy <- file.path(lockdir, pkgname)
file.copy(savedcopy, lib, recursive = TRUE)
warning(gettextf("restored %s", sQuote(pkgname)),
domain = NA, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
}, add=TRUE)
restorePrevious <- FALSE
ldel <- if (reuse_lockdir)
file.path(lockdir, pkgname)
else lockdir
unlink(ldel, recursive = TRUE)
}, add=TRUE)
if(libs_only) {
if (!file_test("-d", file.path(instPath, "libs")))
warning(gettextf("there is no 'libs' directory in package %s",
domain = NA, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
## copy over the subdirs of 'libs', removing if already there
for(sub in c("i386", "x64"))
if (file_test("-d", file.path(tmpDir, pkgname, "libs", sub))) {
unlink(file.path(instPath, "libs", sub), recursive = TRUE)
ret <- file.copy(file.path(tmpDir, pkgname, "libs", sub),
file.path(instPath, "libs"),
recursive = TRUE)
if(any(!ret)) {
warning(gettextf("unable to move temporary installation %s to %s",
sQuote(normalizePath(file.path(tmpDir, pkgname, "libs", sub), mustWork = FALSE)),
sQuote(normalizePath(file.path(instPath, "libs"), mustWork = FALSE))),
domain = NA, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
restorePrevious <- TRUE # Might not be used
## update 'Archs': copied from tools:::.install.packages
fi <-, "libs", "*")))
dirs <- row.names(fi[fi$isdir %in% TRUE])
if (length(dirs)) {
descfile <- file.path(instPath, "DESCRIPTION")
olddesc <- readLines(descfile)
olddesc <- grep("^Archs:", olddesc,
invert = TRUE, value = TRUE, useBytes = TRUE)
newdesc <- c(olddesc,
paste(basename(dirs), collapse=", "))
writeLines(newdesc, descfile, useBytes = TRUE)
} else {
## If the package is already installed, remove it. If it
## isn't there, the unlink call will still return success.
ret <- unlink(instPath, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE)
if (ret == 0) {
## Move the new package to the install lib
## file.rename automatically retries few times if necessary
## due to anti-virus interference
ret <- file.rename(file.path(tmpDir, pkgname), instPath)
if(!ret) {
warning(gettextf("unable to move temporary installation %s to %s",
sQuote(normalizePath(file.path(tmpDir, pkgname), mustWork = FALSE)),
sQuote(normalizePath(instPath, mustWork = FALSE))),
domain = NA, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
restorePrevious <- TRUE # Might not be used
} else {
warning(gettextf("cannot remove prior installation of package %s",
domain = NA, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
restorePrevious <- TRUE # Might not be used
## called as
# .install.winbinary(pkgs = pkgs, lib = lib, contriburl = contriburl,
# method = method, available = available,
# destdir = destdir,
# dependencies = dependencies,
# libs_only = libs_only, ...)
.install.winbinary <-
function(pkgs, lib, repos = getOption("repos"),
contriburl = contrib.url(repos),
method, available = NULL, destdir = NULL,
dependencies = FALSE, libs_only = FALSE,
lock = getOption("install.lock", TRUE), quiet = FALSE, ...)
if(!length(pkgs)) return(invisible())
## look for package in use.
pkgnames <- basename(pkgs)
pkgnames <- sub("\\.zip$", "", pkgnames)
pkgnames <- sub("_[0-9.-]+$", "", pkgnames)
## there is no guarantee we have got the package name right:
## might contain package bar or Foo or FOO or ....
## but we can't tell without trying to unpack it.
inuse <- search()
inuse <- sub("^package:", "", inuse[grep("^package:", inuse)])
inuse <- pkgnames %in% inuse
if(any(inuse)) {
"package %s is in use and will not be installed",
"packages %s are in use and will not be installed"),
paste(sQuote(pkgnames[inuse]), collapse=", ")),
call. = FALSE, domain = NA, immediate. = TRUE)
pkgs <- pkgs[!inuse]
pkgnames <- pkgnames[!inuse]
if(is.null(contriburl)) {
for(i in seq_along(pkgs)) {
if([i])) next
unpackPkgZip(pkgs[i], pkgnames[i], lib, libs_only, lock, quiet)
tmpd <- destdir
nonlocalcran <- length(grep("^file:", contriburl)) < length(contriburl)
if(is.null(destdir) && nonlocalcran) {
tmpd <- file.path(tempdir(), "downloaded_packages")
if (!file.exists(tmpd) && !dir.create(tmpd))
stop(gettextf("unable to create temporary directory %s",
sQuote(normalizePath(tmpd, mustWork = FALSE))),
domain = NA)
available <- available.packages(contriburl = contriburl,
method = method, ...)
pkgs <- getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib, binary = TRUE)
foundpkgs <- download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available = available,
contriburl = contriburl, method = method,
type = "win.binary", quiet = quiet, ...)
if(length(foundpkgs)) {
update <- unique(cbind(pkgs, lib))
colnames(update) <- c("Package", "LibPath")
for(lib in unique(update[,"LibPath"])) {
oklib <- lib == update[,"LibPath"]
for(p in update[oklib, "Package"])
okp <- p == foundpkgs[, 1L]
unpackPkgZip(foundpkgs[okp, 2L], foundpkgs[okp, 1L],
lib, libs_only, lock)
if(!quiet && !is.null(tmpd) && is.null(destdir))
## tends to be a long path on Windows
cat("\n", gettextf("The downloaded binary packages are in\n\t%s",
normalizePath(tmpd, mustWork = FALSE)),
"\n", sep = "")
} else if(!is.null(tmpd) && is.null(destdir)) unlink(tmpd, recursive = TRUE)
menuInstallPkgs <- function(type = getOption("pkgType"))
install.packages(lib=.libPaths()[1L], dependencies=NA, type=type)
menuInstallLocal <- function()
files <- choose.files('',filters=Filters[c('zip','tarball', 'All'),])
zips <- endsWith(files, ".zip")
tarballs <- endsWith(files, ".tar.gz")
bad <- !(zips | tarballs)
if (any(bad))
stop("Only '*.zip' and '*.tar.gz' files can be installed.")
if (any(zips)) install.packages(files[zips],
.libPaths()[1L], repos = NULL, type = "binary")
if (any(tarballs)) install.packages(files[tarballs],
.libPaths()[1L], repos = NULL, type = "source")
### Deprecated in 2.13.0, defunct in 2.14.0
zip.unpack <- function(zipname, dest) .Defunct("unzip")