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% File src/library/utils/man/localeToCharset.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2009 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
Select a Suitable Encoding Name from a Locale Name
This functions aims to find a suitable coding for the locale named, by
default the current locale, and if it is a UTF-8 locale a suitable
single-byte encoding.
localeToCharset(locale = Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE"))
\item{locale}{character string naming a locale.}
The operation differs by OS.
\item{On Windows,}{a locale is specified like \code{"English_United Kingdom.1252"}.
The final component gives the codepage, and this defines the encoding.
\item{On Unix-alikes:}{
Locale names are normally like \code{es_MX.iso88591}. If final
component indicates an encoding and it is not \code{utf8} we just need
to look up the equivalent encoding name. Otherwise, the language
(here \code{es}) is used to choose a primary or fallback encoding.
In the \code{C} locale the answer will be \code{"ASCII"}.
A character vector naming an encoding and possibly a fallback
single-encoding, \code{NA} if unknown.
The encoding names are those used by \code{libiconv}, and ought also
to work with \code{glibc} but maybe not with commercial Unixen.
\code{\link{Sys.getlocale}}, \code{\link{iconv}}.
\keyword{ utilities }