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% File src/library/utils/man/packageDescription.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2017 R Core Team
% Copyright 2005-2017 The R Foundation
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Package Description}
Parses and returns the \file{DESCRIPTION} file of a package as a
Utility functions return (transformed) parts of that.
packageDescription(pkg, lib.loc = NULL, fields = NULL,
drop = TRUE, encoding = "")
packageVersion(pkg, lib.loc = NULL)
packageDate(pkg, lib.loc = NULL,
date.fields = c("Date", "Packaged", "Date/Publication", "Built"),
tryFormats = c("\%Y-\%m-\%d", "\%Y/\%m/\%d", "\%D", "\%m/\%d/\%y"),
desc = packageDescription(pkg, lib.loc=lib.loc, fields=date.fields))
\item{pkg}{a character string with the package name.}
\item{lib.loc}{a character vector of directory names of \R libraries,
or \code{NULL}. The default value of \code{NULL} corresponds to all
libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded
packages and namespaces are searched before the libraries.}
\item{fields}{a character vector giving the tags of fields to return
(if other fields occur in the file they are ignored).}
\item{drop}{If \code{TRUE} and the length of \code{fields} is 1, then
a single character string with the value of the respective field is
returned instead of an object of class \code{"packageDescription"}.}
\item{encoding}{If there is an \code{Encoding} field, to what encoding
should re-encoding be attempted? If \code{NA}, no re-encoding. The
other values are as used by \code{\link{iconv}}, so the default
\code{""} indicates the encoding of the current locale.}
\item{date.fields}{character vector of field tags to be tried. The
first for which \code{\link{as.Date}(.)} is not \code{\link{NA}}
will be returned. (Partly experimental, see \emph{Note}.)}
\item{tryFormats}{date formats to try, see \code{\link{as.Date.character}()}.}
\item{desc}{optionally, a named \code{\link{list}} with components
named from \code{date.fields}; where the default is fine, a
complete \code{packageDescription()} maybe specified as well.}
\item{built}{for \code{asDateBuilt()}, a \code{\link{character}}
string as from \code{packageDescription(*, fields="Built")}.}
A package will not be \sQuote{found} unless it has a \file{DESCRIPTION} file
which contains a valid \code{Version} field. Different warnings are
given when no package directory is found and when there is a suitable
directory but no valid \file{DESCRIPTION} file.
An \link{attach}ed environment named to look like a package
(e.g., \code{package:utils2}) will be ignored.
\code{packageVersion()} is a convenience shortcut, allowing things
like \code{if (packageVersion("MASS") < "7.3") { do.things } }.
For \code{packageDate()}, if \code{desc} is valid, both \code{pkg} and
\code{lib.loc} are not made use of.
\note{The default behavior of \code{packageDate()}, notably for
\code{date.fields}, is somewhat experimental and may change. Using
\code{date.fields = <string>}
If a \file{DESCRIPTION} file for the given package is found and can
successfully be read, \code{packageDescription} returns an object of
class \code{"packageDescription"}, which is a named list with the
values of the (given) fields as elements and the tags as names, unless
\code{drop = TRUE}.
If parsing the \file{DESCRIPTION} file was not successful, it returns
a named list of \code{NA}s with the field tags as names if \code{fields}
is not null, and \code{NA} otherwise.
\code{packageVersion()} returns a (length-one) object of class
\code{packageDate()} will return a \code{"Date"} object from
\code{\link{as.Date}()} or \code{NA}.
\code{asDateBuilt(built)} returns a \code{"Date"} object or signals an
error if \code{built} is invalid.
packageDescription("stats", fields = c("Package", "Version"))
packageDescription("stats", fields = "Version")
packageDescription("stats", fields = "Version", drop = FALSE)
if(packageVersion("MASS") < "7.3.29")
message("you need to update 'MASS'")
pu <- packageDate("utils")
stopifnot(identical(pu, packageDate(desc = packageDescription("utils"))),
identical(pu, packageDate("stats"))) # as "utils" and "stats" are
# both 'base R' and "Built" at same time