blob: 9da9c5ec9cc1762ac6053b6af600cf368627f8cf [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/utils/man/select.list.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Select Items from a List}
Select item(s) from a character vector.
select.list(choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
title = NULL, graphics = getOption(""))
\item{choices}{a character vector of items.}
\item{preselect}{a character vector, or \code{NULL}. If non-null and
if the string(s) appear in the list, the item(s) are selected
\item{multiple}{logical: can more than one item be selected?}
\item{title}{optional character string for window title, or
\code{NULL} for no title.}
\item{graphics}{logical: should a graphical widget be used?}
The normal default is \code{graphics = TRUE}.
\item{On Windows,}{this brings up a modal dialog box with a (scrollable) list
of items, which can be selected by the mouse. If \code{multiple} is
true, further items can be selected or deselected by holding the
control key down whilst selecting, and shift-clicking can be used to
select ranges.
Normal termination is via the \sQuote{OK} button or by hitting Enter or
double-clicking an item. Selection can be aborted via the
\sQuote{Cancel} button or pressing Escape.}
\item{Under the macOS GUI,}{this brings up a modal dialog box
with a (scrollable) list of items, which can be selected by the mouse.}
\item{On other Unix-like platforms}{it will use a Tcl/Tk listbox
widget if possible.}
If \code{graphics} is FALSE or no graphical widget is available it
displays a text list from which the user can choose by number(s). The
\code{multiple = FALSE} case uses \code{\link{menu}}. Preselection is
only supported for \code{multiple = TRUE}, where it is indicated by a
\code{"+"} preceding the item.
It is an error to use \code{select.list} in a non-interactive session.
A character vector of selected items. If \code{multiple} is false and
no item was selected (or \code{Cancel} was used), \code{""} is
returned. If \code{multiple} is true and no item was selected (or
\code{Cancel} was used) then a character vector of length 0 is returned.
\code{\link{menu}}, \code{\link{tk_select.list}} for a graphical
version using Tcl/Tk.
select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE)))