blob: 0f2ae140b935411a5cfdd5e394eb9981ec59114b [file] [log] [blame]
\title{Collect and Summarize Errors From List}
Collect errors (class \code{"error"}, typically from \code{\link{tryCatch}})
from a list \code{x} into a \dQuote{summary warning}, by default
produce a \code{\link{warning}} and keep that message as
\code{"warningMsg"} attribute.
warnErrList(x, warn = TRUE, errValue = NULL)
\item{x}{a \code{\link{list}}, typically from applying models to a
list of data (sub)sets, e.g., using \code{\link{tryCatch}(*, error = identity)}.
\item{warn}{logical indicating if \code{\link{warning}()} should be
\item{errValue}{the value with which errors should be replaced.}
a \code{\link{list}} of the same length and names as the \code{x}
argument, with the error components replaced by \code{errValue},
\code{\link{NULL}} by default, and summarized in the
\code{"warningMsg"} attribute.
The \code{warnErrList()} utility has been used in
\code{\link[nlme]{lmList}()} and \code{\link[nlme]{nlsList}()} in
recommended package \CRANpkg{nlme} forever.
## Regression for each Chick:
ChWtgrps <- split(ChickWeight, ChickWeight[,"Chick"])
sapply(ChWtgrps, nrow)# typically 12 obs.
nlis1 <- lapply(ChWtgrps, function(DAT) tryCatch(error = identity,
lm(weight ~ (Time + I(Time^2)) * Diet, data = DAT)))
nl1 <- warnErrList(nlis1) #-> warning :
## 50 times the same error (as Diet has only one level in each group)
stopifnot(sapply(nl1, is.null)) ## all errors --> all replaced by NULL
nlis2 <- lapply(ChWtgrps, function(DAT) tryCatch(error = identity,
lm(weight ~ Time + I(Time^2), data = DAT)))
nl2 <- warnErrList(nlis2)
stopifnot(identical(nl2, nlis2)) # because there was *no* error at all
nlis3 <- lapply(ChWtgrps, function(DAT) tryCatch(error = identity,
lm(weight ~ poly(Time, 3), data = DAT)))
nl3 <- warnErrList(nlis3) # 1 error caught:
stopifnot(inherits(nlis3[[1]], "error")
, identical(nl3[-1], nlis3[-1])
, is.null(nl3[[1]])
## With different error messages
if(requireNamespace("nlme")) { # almost always, as it is recommended
data(Soybean, package="nlme")
attr(Soybean, "formula") #-> weight ~ Time | Plot => split by "Plot":
L <- lapply(split(Soybean, Soybean[,"Plot"]),
function(DD) tryCatch(error = identity,
nls(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal), data = DD)))
Lw <- warnErrList(L)
} # if <nlme>