blob: 665513f1689ed0f2d1ea86dfe5f53095252dd644 [file] [log] [blame]
* GraphApp - Cross-Platform Graphics Programming Library.
* File: bitmaps.c -- functions for creating a detroying bitmaps.
* Platform: Windows Version: 2.40 Date: 1998/05/05
* Version: 1.00 Changes: Original version by Lachlan Patrick.
* Version: 2.00 Changes: New object class system implemented.
* Version: 2.15 Changes: Improved bitmap data formats.
* Version: 2.30 Changes: Now uses bitmap_base.
* Version: 2.40 Changes: Fast image to bitmap conversion.
/* Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Lachlan Patrick
This file is part of GraphApp, a cross-platform C graphics library.
GraphApp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License.
GraphApp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
See the file COPYLIB.TXT for details.
#include "internal.h"
* Internal bitmap deletion function.
static void private_delbitmap(bitmap obj)
if (obj->handle)
DeleteObject((HBITMAP) obj->handle);
* Create/return the base bitmap object.
static object get_bitmap_base(void)
static object bitmap_base = NULL;
if (! bitmap_base)
bitmap_base = new_object(BaseObject, 0, NULL);
return bitmap_base;
* Create a white bitmap.
bitmap newbitmap(int width, int height, int depth)
HBITMAP hb, old;
HDC dc, screendc;
screendc = GetDC(0); /* get screen dc */
if (depth == 1) /* monochrome bitmap required */
hb = CreateBitmap(width, height, 1, 1, 0);
else /* colour bitmap required */
hb = CreateCompatibleBitmap(screendc, width, height);
if (! hb) {
ReleaseDC(0, screendc);
return NULL;
dc = CreateCompatibleDC(screendc);
old = SelectObject(dc, hb);
PatBlt(dc, 0, 0, width, height, WHITENESS);
SelectObject(dc, old);
ReleaseDC(0, screendc);
GetObject(hb, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR) &bm);
bitmap obj = new_object(BitmapObject, hb, get_bitmap_base());
if (! obj) {
return NULL;
obj->rect = rect(0,0,width,height);
obj->depth = (bm.bmPlanes * bm.bmBitsPixel);
obj->die = private_delbitmap;
return obj;
* Check an image to see if there are any transparent pixels.
* Return 1 as soon as a transparent pixel is found, 0 if none are.
int has_transparent_pixels(image img)
int i, width, height, total;
rgb *palette;
GAbyte *pixel8;
rgb *pixel32;
rgb col;
if (! img)
return 0;
width = getwidth(img);
height = getheight(img);
total = width * height;
palette = getpalette(img);
pixel8 = getpixels(img);
pixel32 = (rgb *) pixel8;
if (getdepth(img) == 8) {
for (i=0; i < total; i++) {
col = pixel8[i];
col = palette[col];
if (getalpha(col) > 0x7F)
return 1;
else {
for (i=0; i < total; i++) {
col = pixel32[i];
if (getalpha(col) > 0x7F)
return 1;
return 0;
* Create a bitmap version of an image.
// See also
bitmap imagetobitmap(image img)
unsigned row_bytes;
unsigned size;
if (!img) return NULL;
/* remember some facts about the image */
int width = getwidth(img), height = getheight(img);
int depth = getdepth(img);
rgb *palette = getpalette(img);
int palsize = getpalettesize(img);
GAbyte *pixel8 = getpixels(img);
rgb *pixel32 = (rgb *) pixel8;
/* create DIB info in memory */
size = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 4; /* Why + 4 ? */
size += (sizeof(RGBQUAD) * palsize);
/* rows need to be whole (4-byte) words */
if (depth == 8) row_bytes = ((width + 3) / 4) * 4;
else if (depth == 24) row_bytes = (((width * 3) + 3) / 4) * 4;
else row_bytes = 4 * width;
size += (row_bytes * height);
/* create the block, align on LONG boundary
malloc will have done the alignment, which needs to
be for pointers.
GAbyte *block = array(size, GAbyte);
/* assign header info */
bmi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmi->bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
bmi->bmiHeader.biHeight = -height; // use negative value to flip
bmi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = depth;
bmi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmi->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = palsize;
/* assign colour table */
for (int i = 0; i < palsize; i++) {
rgb colour = palette[i];
GAbyte *data = (GAbyte *) (& bmi->bmiColors[i]);
data[0] = getblue(colour);
data[1] = getgreen(colour);
data[2] = getred(colour);
data[3] = 0;
/* assign the bitmap data itself */
GAbyte *data = (GAbyte *) (&bmi->bmiColors[palsize]);
if (depth == 8)
for (unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) {
// memcpy(data + y * row_bytes, pixel8 + y * width, width);
for (unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++)
data[y * row_bytes + x] = pixel8[y * width + x];
else if (depth == 24)
for (unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) {
rgb colour = pixel32[y * width + x];
int i = y * row_bytes + 3*x;
data[i] = getblue(colour);
data[i+1] = getgreen(colour);
data[i+2] = getred(colour);
else memcpy(data, pixel32, 4*height*width);
/* Create the bitmap from the DIB data.
Could also use CreateDIBsection */
HDC screendc = GetDC(0);
HBITMAP hb = CreateDIBitmap(screendc, &bmi->bmiHeader, CBM_INIT,
data, bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
ReleaseDC(0, screendc);
/* tidy up */
/* create the bitmap */
bitmap obj = new_object(BitmapObject, hb, get_bitmap_base());
if (!obj) {
return NULL;
obj->rect = rect(0, 0, width, height);
obj->depth = depth;
obj->die = private_delbitmap;
return obj;
#ifdef UNUSED
* The loadicon function returns a HBITMAP of an ICON from resources.
static bitmap loadicon(const char *name)
HDC dc;
bitmap obj;
if (this_instance == 0)
return NULL;
if ((i = LoadIcon(this_instance, name)) == 0)
return NULL;
if ((obj = newbitmap(32, 32, 0)) == NULL)
return NULL;
dc = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
old = SelectObject(dc, (HBITMAP)obj->handle);
DrawIcon(dc, 0, 0, i);
SelectObject(dc, old);
return obj;
* The loadpict function returns BITMAP resources.
static bitmap loadpict(const char *name)
bitmap obj;
if (this_instance == 0)
return NULL;
hb = LoadBitmap(this_instance, name);
GetObject(hb, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR) &bm);
obj = new_object(BitmapObject, hb, get_bitmap_base());
if (obj) {
obj->rect = rect(0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight);
obj->depth = (bm.bmPlanes * bm.bmBitsPixel);
obj->die = private_delbitmap;
return obj;
* The loadbitmap function finds and returns bitmaps from resources,
* or from an image file.
bitmap loadbitmap(const char *name)
bitmap obj;
if ((obj = loadpict(name)) != NULL)
return obj;
if ((obj = loadicon(name)) != NULL)
return obj;
if ((obj = imagetobitmap(loadimage(name))) != NULL)
return obj;
return NULL;
* The following functions are obsolete from version 2.4.
void setbitmapdata(bitmap obj, unsigned char *data)
rect r;
int depth, size, row_bytes;
int x, y;
unsigned char *newdata = NULL;
r = obj->rect;
depth = obj->depth;
/* Calculate source row bytes. */
row_bytes = ((depth * r.width) + 7) / 8;
/* Each row must be a multiple of 16 bits wide. */
if (row_bytes % 2) {
/* Odd number of bytes, must assign into new array. */
size = (row_bytes+1) * r.height;
newdata = array (size, GAbyte);
if (! newdata)
for (y=0; y<r.height; y++) {
for (x=0; x<row_bytes; x++) {
newdata[y*(row_bytes+1)+x] =
SetBitmapBits((HBITMAP)obj->handle, size,
} else {
/* Correct format already! */
size = row_bytes * r.height;
SetBitmapBits((HBITMAP)obj->handle, size, (LPSTR)data);
void getbitmapdata(bitmap obj, unsigned char *data)
rect r;
int depth, size, row_bytes;
int x, y;
unsigned char *newdata = NULL;
r = obj->rect;
depth = obj->depth;
/* Calculate destination row bytes. */
row_bytes = ((depth * r.width) + 7) / 8;
/* Each row must be a multiple of 16 bits wide. */
if (row_bytes % 2) {
/* Odd number of bytes, must assign into new array. */
size = (row_bytes+1) * r.height;
newdata = array (size, GAbyte);
if (! newdata)
GetBitmapBits((HBITMAP)obj->handle, size,
for (y=0; y<r.height; y++) {
for (x=0; x<row_bytes; x++) {
data[y*row_bytes+x] =
} else {
/* Correct format already! */
size = row_bytes * r.height;
GetBitmapBits((HBITMAP)obj->handle, size, (LPSTR)data);
bitmap createbitmap(int width, int height, int depth, unsigned char *data)
bitmap obj;
if ((obj = newbitmap(width, height, depth)) == NULL)
return NULL;
if (data)
setbitmapdata(obj, data);
return obj;
void getbitmapdata2(bitmap obj, unsigned char **data)
rect r = obj->rect;
int depth = 32, size, ret;
bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = r.width;
bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -r.height;
bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = depth;
bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
size = 4 * r.width * r.height;
*data = (unsigned char *) malloc(size);
if(*data) {
ret = GetDIBits(get_context(obj), (HBITMAP)obj->handle,
0, r.height, (LPSTR)*data, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
if(!ret) {
*data = NULL;