blob: 0cb5624b01fc30695393f9996a69d4689c3109a9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* GraphApp - Cross-Platform Graphics Programming Library.
* File: drawing.c -- all the drawing functions are here.
* Platform: Windows Version: 2.40 Date: 1998/05/05
* Version: 1.00 Changes: Original version by Lachlan Patrick.
* Version: 1.60 Changes: drawarc/fillarc(r,0,360) now encloses.
* New fillellipse() function replaces Windows Ellipse().
* Version: 2.00 Changes: New class system implemented.
* Version: 2.02 Changes: Added support for functions like MoveToEx.
* Version: 2.15 Changes: Fixed brush origins problem.
* Version: 2.20 Changes: Moved some arrays from context.c to here.
* Version: 2.40 Changes: Moved drawimage to this file.
/* Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Lachlan Patrick
This file is part of GraphApp, a cross-platform C graphics library.
GraphApp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License.
GraphApp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
See the file COPYLIB.TXT for details.
/* Copyright (C) 2004 The R Foundation
Changes for R:
Remove assumption of current->dest being non-NULL
#include "internal.h"
#if (WINVER < 0x030a)
#define MoveToEx move_to_ex
#define GetCurrentPositionEx get_current_position_ex
#define GetTextExtentPoint get_text_extent_point
int move_to_ex(HDC hdc, int x, int y, POINT *p);
int get_current_position_ex(HDC hdc, POINT *p);
int get_text_extent_point(HDC hdc, const char *str, int len, SIZE *s);
static int move_to_ex(HDC hdc, int x, int y, POINT *p)
DWORD result = MoveTo(hdc, x, y);
if (p) {
p->x = LOWORD(result);
p->y = HIWORD(result);
return 1;
static int get_current_position_ex(HDC hdc, POINT *p)
DWORD result = GetCurrentPosition(hdc);
if (p) {
p->x = LOWORD(result);
p->y = HIWORD(result);
return 1;
static int get_text_extent_point(HDC hdc, const char *str, int len, SIZE *s)
DWORD result = GetTextExtent(hdc, str, len);
if (s) {
s->cx = LOWORD(result);
s->cy = HIWORD(result);
return 1;
#endif /* WINVER < 0x030a */
* Windows transfer modes corresponding to bitblt operations.
static long copy_mode[16] = {
BLACKNESS, /* Zeros */
0x00220326L, /* DandnotS */
NOTSRCCOPY, /* notS */
SRCERASE, /* notDandS */
DSTINVERT, /* notD */
SRCINVERT, /* DxorS */
0x007700E6L, /* DnandS */
SRCAND, /* DandS */
0x00990066L, /* DxnorS */
0x00AA0029L, /* D */ /* = no-op */
MERGEPAINT, /* DornotS */
SRCCOPY, /* S */
0x00DD0228L, /* notDorS */
SRCPAINT, /* DorS */
WHITENESS /* Ones */
* Windows transfer modes corresponding to patblt operations.
static long pat_mode[16] = {
BLACKNESS, /* Zeros */
0x000500A9L, /* DnorP */
0x000A0329L, /* DandnotP */
0x000F0001L, /* notP */
0x00500325L, /* notDandP */
DSTINVERT, /* notD */
PATINVERT, /* DxorP */
0x005F00E9L, /* DnandP */
0x00A000C9L, /* DandP */
0x00A50065L, /* DxnorP */
0x00AA0029L, /* D */ /* = no-op */
0x00AF0229L, /* DornotP */
PATCOPY, /* P */
0x00F50225L, /* notDorP */
0x00FA0089L, /* DorP */
WHITENESS /* Ones */
* Windows transfer modes corresponding to pen drawing.
static int pen_mode[16] = {
R2_BLACK, /* Zeros */
R2_MASKNOTPEN, /* DandnotS */
R2_NOTCOPYPEN, /* notS */
R2_MASKPENNOT, /* notDandS */
R2_NOT, /* notD */
R2_XORPEN, /* DxorS */
R2_NOTMASKPEN, /* DnandS */
R2_MASKPEN, /* DandS */
R2_NOTXORPEN, /* DxnorS */
R2_NOP, /* D */ /* = no-op */
R2_MERGENOTPEN, /* DornotS */
R2_COPYPEN, /* S */
R2_MERGEPENNOT, /* notDorS */
R2_MERGEPEN, /* DorS */
R2_WHITE /* Ones */
* Some clipping functions.
rect getcliprect(void)
rect r;
GetClipBox(dc, &R);
r.x = R.left;
r.y =;
r.width = R.right - R.left;
r.height = R.bottom -;
return r;
void setcliprect(rect r)
HRGN rgn;
rgn = CreateRectRgn(r.x, r.y, r.x+r.width, r.y+r.height);
SelectClipRgn(dc, rgn);
* Ensure that drawing is possible by creating DCs and windows
* as necessary.
window simple_window(void)
window w;
w = newwindow("Graphics", rect(0,0,0,0), StandardWindow);
return w;
* Fix brush origins.
void fix_brush(HDC dc, drawing obj, HBRUSH brush)
HWND hwnd;
drawing parent;
parent = parentwindow(obj);
if (! parent)
hwnd = parent->handle;
p.x = p.y = 0;
ClientToScreen(hwnd, &p);
if (brush)
#if (WINVER <= 0x030a)
/* Microsoft keeps changing which functions they include in GDI.DLL */
/* But this function should work on systems before Win 95 */
SetBrushOrg(dc, p.x, p.y);
/* And this function should work on Win 95 and NT */
SetBrushOrgEx(dc, p.x, p.y, &p);
* All drawing functions call enabledrawing.
static void enable_drawing(void)
if (! current->dest) {
if (! current_window)
current_window = simple_window();
if (! dc)
dc = get_context(current->dest);
fix_brush(dc, current->dest, the_brush);
* Drawing functions begin here.
void bitblt(bitmap db, bitmap sb, point p, rect r, int mode)
HDC src;
HDC dst;
dst = get_context((object)db);
src = get_context((object)sb);
BitBlt(dst, p.x, p.y, r.width, r.height, src, r.x, r.y,
void scrollrect(point dp, rect r)
rect cliprect;
if (current->dest) cliprect = getrect(current->dest);
else return;
ScrollDC(dc, dp.x-r.x, dp.y-r.y,
rect2RECT(&r), rect2RECT(&cliprect), 0, NULL);
void copyrect(bitmap sb, point p, rect r)
if (current->dest) bitblt(current->dest, sb, p, r, S);
void texturerect(bitmap sb, rect dr)
long x, y, sw, sh, sdx, sdy;
long right, bottom;
rect sr,r;
sr = getrect(sb);
sw = sr.width;
sh = sr.height;
right = dr.x + dr.width;
bottom = dr.y + dr.height;
for (y = dr.y; y <= bottom; y += sh)
for (x = dr.x; x <= right; x += sw) {
/* reduce size of source rectangle for clipping */
if (x+sw > right) sdx = right - x;
else sdx = sw;
if (y+sh > bottom) sdy = bottom - y;
else sdy = sh;
r = rect(sr.x, sr.y, sdx, sdy);
copyrect(sb, pt(x,y), r);
void invertrect(rect r)
PatBlt(dc, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, DSTINVERT);
rgb getpixel(point p)
rgb c;
c = GetPixel(dc, p.x, p.y);
c = ((c&0x000000FFL)<<16) | (c&0x0000FF00L) |
return c;
void setpixel(point p, rgb c)
rgb old = current->hue;
SelectObject(dc, the_brush);
PatBlt(dc, p.x, p.y, 1, 1, pat_mode[current->mode]);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
void moveto(point p)
current->p = p;
void lineto(point p)
drawline(current->p, p);
void drawpoint(point p)
setpixel(p, current->hue);
void drawline(point p1, point p2)
if ((p1.x == p2.x) && (p1.y == p2.y))
return; /* same point so draw nothing */
SelectObject(dc, the_pen);
SetROP2(dc, pen_mode[current->mode]);
MoveToEx(dc, p1.x, p1.y, NULL);
LineTo(dc, p2.x, p2.y);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
void drawrect(rect r)
SelectObject(dc, the_pen);
SetROP2(dc, pen_mode[current->mode]);
Rectangle(dc, r.x, r.y, r.x+r.width, r.y+r.height);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
void fillrect(rect r)
SelectObject(dc, the_brush);
PatBlt(dc, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, pat_mode[current->mode]);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
#define deg2rad(deg) ((deg)*2*Pi/360)
void drawarc(rect r, int start_angle, int end_angle)
point p0, p1, p2;
double start, end;
int fudge;
if (start_angle == end_angle)
if (((end_angle - start_angle) % 360) == 0) {
drawarc(r, 0, 180);
drawarc(r, 180, 360);
start = deg2rad(start_angle);
end = deg2rad(end_angle);
p0 = midpt(topleft(r), bottomright(r));
p1.x = p0.x + (int)(cos(start) * 512); /* arbitrary hypotenuse */
p1.y = p0.y - (int)(sin(start) * 512);
p2.x = p0.x + (int)(cos(end) * 512);
p2.y = p0.y - (int)(sin(end) * 512);
SelectObject(dc, the_pen);
SetROP2(dc, pen_mode[current->mode]);
if (current->linewidth % 2) /* Ask Bill Gates why we need this */
fudge = 0;
fudge = 1;
Arc(dc, r.x, r.y, r.x+r.width+fudge, r.y+r.height+fudge,
p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
void fillarc(rect r, int start_angle, int end_angle)
point p0, p1, p2;
double start, end;
if (start_angle == end_angle)
if (((end_angle - start_angle) % 360) == 0) {
start = deg2rad(start_angle);
end = deg2rad(end_angle);
p0 = midpt(topleft(r), bottomright(r));
p1.x = p0.x + (int)(cos(start) * 512); /* arbitrary hypotenuse */
p1.y = p0.y - (int)(sin(start) * 512);
p2.x = p0.x + (int)(cos(end) * 512);
p2.y = p0.y - (int)(sin(end) * 512);
SelectObject(dc, the_brush);
SetROP2(dc, pen_mode[current->mode]);
Pie(dc, r.x, r.y, r.x+r.width+1, r.y+r.height+1,
p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
void drawellipse(rect r)
SelectObject(dc, the_pen);
SetROP2(dc, pen_mode[current->mode]);
Ellipse(dc, r.x, r.y, r.x+r.width, r.y+r.height);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
* The old fillellipse function.
* This function used the inbuilt Windows Ellipse function,
* which is not symmetric and also produces strange results
* at low sizes (the 'ellipses' look egg-shaped).
void oldfillellipse(rect r)
SelectObject(dc, the_brush);
SetROP2(dc, pen_mode[current->mode]);
Ellipse(dc, r.x, r.y, r.x+r.width+1, r.y+r.height+1);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
* Fill an ellipse using a stored rectangle algorithm.
* This algorithm is horizontally and vertically symmetrical,
* unlike the inbuilt Windows 3.1 algorithm, and also
* produces better looking ellipses at small sizes.
#define fastfillrect(x,y,w,h) PatBlt(dc,(x),(y),(w),(h),mode)
void fillellipse(rect r)
{ /* e(x,y) = b*b*x*x + a*a*y*y - a*a*b*b */
register long mode = pat_mode[current->mode];
int w_odd = (r.width & 0x0001);
int h_odd = (r.height & 0x0001);
int a = r.width >> 1;
int b = r.height >> 1;
point c = pt(r.x+a,r.y+b);
int x = 0;
int y = b;
long a2 = a*a;
long b2 = b*b;
long xcrit = ((a2+a2+a2) >> 2) + 1;
long ycrit = ((b2+b2+b2) >> 2) + 1;
long t = b2 + a2 - (a2+a2)*b; /* t = e(x+1,y-1) */
long dxt = b2*(3+x+x);
long dyt = a2*(3-y-y);
int d2xt = b2+b2;
int d2yt = a2+a2;
int stored = 0;
int sx = 0, sy = 0, sh = 0; /* stored values of x, y, height */
if ((r.width > 31) && (r.height > 31)) {
if ((r.width < 3) || (r.height < 3)) {
SelectObject(dc, the_brush);
if (w_odd == 0) {
while (y > 0) {
if (stored) {
if (sx != x) { /* output stored rect */
stored = 0;
else /* increment height of stored rect */
if (t + a2*y < xcrit) { /* e(x+1,y-1/2) <= 0 */
/* move left and right to encounter edge */
x += 1;
t += dxt;
dxt += d2xt;
} else if (t - b2*x >= ycrit) { /* e(x+1/2,y-1) > 0 */
/* drop down one line */
if (!stored) {
sx = x;
sy = y;
sh = 1;
stored = 1;
y -= 1;
t += dyt;
dyt += d2yt;
} else {
/* drop diagonally down and out */
if (!stored) {
sx = x;
sy = y;
sh = 1;
stored = 1;
x += 1;
y -= 1;
t += dxt + dyt;
dxt += d2xt;
dyt += d2yt;
if (stored) { /* output stored rectangle */
stored = 0;
if (x <= a){
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
void drawroundrect(rect r)
int minimum, radius;
SelectObject(dc, the_pen);
SetROP2(dc, pen_mode[current->mode]);
minimum = min(r.width, r.height);
if ((radius = minimum/2) < 16)
radius = 16;
RoundRect(dc, r.x, r.y, r.x+r.width, r.y+r.height,
radius, radius);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
void fillroundrect(rect r)
int minimum, radius;
SelectObject(dc, the_brush);
SetROP2(dc, pen_mode[current->mode]);
minimum = min(r.width, r.height);
if ((radius = minimum/2) < 16)
radius = 16;
RoundRect(dc, r.x, r.y, r.x+r.width+1, r.y+r.height+1,
radius, radius);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
void drawpolygon(point *p, int n)
SelectObject(dc, the_pen);
SetROP2(dc, pen_mode[current->mode]);
Polyline(dc, (POINT FAR *) p, n);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
void fillpolygon(point *p, int n)
SelectObject(dc, the_brush);
SetROP2(dc, pen_mode[current->mode]);
Polygon(dc, (POINT FAR *) p, n);
SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH));
* String drawing functions.
* Drawstr returns the width of the string drawn.
int drawstr(point p, const char *s)
POINT curr_pos;
int width;
HFONT old;
SetTextColor(dc, win_rgb); /* set colour */
if (! current->fnt)
current->fnt = SystemFont;
old = SelectObject(dc, current->fnt->handle);
MoveToEx(dc, p.x, p.y, NULL);
SetTextAlign(dc, TA_LEFT | TA_UPDATECP);
TextOut(dc, p.x, p.y, s, strlen(s));
GetCurrentPositionEx(dc, &curr_pos);
width = curr_pos.x - p.x;
SelectObject(dc, old);
/* always leave a DC with no real font selected */
return width;
rect strrect(font f, const char *s)
SIZE size;
long h;
HFONT old;
HDC dc;
if (! f)
f = SystemFont;
h = getheight(f);
dc = GetDC(0); /* get screen dc */
old = SelectObject(dc, f->handle);
GetTextExtentPoint(dc, (LPSTR) s, strlen(s), &size);
SelectObject(dc, old);
ReleaseDC(0, dc);
return rect(0,0,, h);
point strsize(font f, const char *s)
rect r = strrect(f,s);
return pt(r.width, r.height);
int strwidth(font f, const char *s)
rect r = strrect(f,s);
return r.width;
* Draw an image:
void drawimage(image img, rect dr, rect sr)
bitmap b;
image i = img;
if (! img)
dr = rcanon(dr);
if ((dr.width != img->width) || (dr.height != img->height))
i = scaleimage(img, rect(0,0,dr.width,dr.height), sr);
b = imagetobitmap(i);
copyrect(b, pt(dr.x,dr.y), getrect(b));
if (i != img)