blob: 05bd01b3e75d1cbd218dcfd565ec5930da4d5cbf [file] [log] [blame]
Register S3 Methods
Register S3 methods in R scripts.
.S3method(generic, class, method)
\item{generic}{a character string naming an S3 generic function.}
\item{class}{a character string naming an S3 class.}
\item{method}{a character string or function giving the S3 method to
be registered. If not given, the function named
\code{\var{generic}.\var{class}} is used.}
This function should only be used in R scripts: for package code, one
should use the corresponding \samp{S3method} \file{NAMESPACE} directive.
## Create a generic function and register a method for objects
## inheriting from class 'cls':
gen <- function(x) UseMethod("gen")
met <- function(x) writeLines("Hello world.")
.S3method("gen", "cls", met)
## Create an object inheriting from class 'cls', and call the
## generic on it:
x <- structure(123, class = "cls")