blob: 3b8c2eebe7e001b051e63f6a2002ea0618926bad [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/base/man/as.environment.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2013 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{ Coerce to an Environment Object }
A generic function coercing an \R object to an
\code{\link{environment}}. A number or a character string is
converted to the corresponding environment on the search path.
\item{x}{an \R object to convert. If it is already an
environment, just return it. If it is a positive number, return the
environment corresponding to that position on the search list. If it
is \code{-1}, the environment it is called from. If
it is a character string, match the string to the names on the
search list.
If it is a list, the equivalent of \code{\link{list2env}(x,
parent = emptyenv())} is returned.
If \code{\link{is.object}(x)} is true and it has a \code{\link{class}}
for which an \code{as.environment} method is found, that is used.
The corresponding environment object.
This is a \link{primitive} generic function: you can write methods to
handle specific classes of objects, see \link{InternalMethods}.
\author{ John Chambers }
\code{\link{environment}} for creation and manipulation,
as.environment(1) ## the global environment
identical(globalenv(), as.environment(1)) ## is TRUE
try( ## <<- stats need not be attached
ee <- as.environment(list(a = "A", b = pi, ch = letters[1:8]))
ls(ee) # names of objects in ee