blob: 3c617b13b03603309c54bc28c7fe92c556da79f5 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/base/man/bindenv.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2018 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Binding and Environment Locking, Active Bindings}
lockEnvironment(env, bindings = FALSE)
lockBinding(sym, env)
unlockBinding(sym, env)
bindingIsLocked(sym, env)
makeActiveBinding(sym, fun, env)
bindingIsActive(sym, env)
activeBindingFunction(sym, env)
\item{env}{an environment.}
\item{bindings}{logical specifying whether bindings should be locked.}
\item{sym}{a name object or character string.}
\item{fun}{a function taking zero or one arguments.}
These functions represent an interface for adjustments
to environments and bindings within environments. They allow for
locking environments as well as individual bindings, and for linking
a variable to a function.
The function \code{lockEnvironment} locks its environment argument.
Locking the
environment prevents adding or removing variable bindings from the
environment. Changing the value of a variable is still possible unless
the binding has been locked. The namespace environments of packages
with namespaces are locked when loaded.
\code{lockBinding} locks individual bindings in the specified
environment. The value of a locked binding cannot be changed. Locked
bindings may be removed from an environment unless the environment is
\code{makeActiveBinding} installs \code{fun} in environment \code{env}
so that getting the value of \code{sym} calls \code{fun} with no
arguments, and assigning to \code{sym} calls \code{fun} with one
argument, the value to be assigned. This allows the implementation of
things like C variables linked to \R variables and variables linked to
databases, and is used to implement \code{\link{setRefClass}}. It may
also be useful for making thread-safe versions of some system globals.
Currently active bindings are not preserved during package installation,
but they can be created in \code{\link{.onLoad}}.
The \code{bindingIsLocked} and \code{environmentIsLocked} return a
length-one logical vector. The remaining functions return
\code{NULL}, invisibly.
# locking environments
e <- new.env()
assign("x", 1, envir = e)
get("x", envir = e)
get("x", envir = e)
assign("x", 2, envir = e)
try(assign("y", 2, envir = e)) # error
# locking bindings
e <- new.env()
assign("x", 1, envir = e)
get("x", envir = e)
lockBinding("x", e)
try(assign("x", 2, envir = e)) # error
unlockBinding("x", e)
assign("x", 2, envir = e)
get("x", envir = e)
# active bindings
f <- local( {
x <- 1
function(v) {
if (missing(v))
else {
x <<- v
makeActiveBinding("fred", f, .GlobalEnv)
bindingIsActive("fred", .GlobalEnv)
fred <- 2
\author{Luke Tierney}