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% File src/library/base/man/call.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2019 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Function Calls}
Create or test for objects of \code{\link{mode}} \code{"call"} (or
\code{"("}, see Details).
call(name, \dots)
\item{name}{a non-empty character string naming the function to be called.}
\item{\dots}{arguments to be part of the call.}
\item{x}{an arbitrary \R object.}
\item{\code{call} }{returns an unevaluated function call, that is, an
unevaluated expression which consists of the named function applied to
the given arguments (\code{name} must be a string which gives
the name of a function to be called). Note that although the call is
unevaluated, the arguments \code{\dots} are evaluated.
\code{call} is a primitive, so the first argument is
taken as \code{name} and the remaining arguments as arguments for the
constructed call: if the first argument is named the name must
partially match \code{name}.
\item{\code{} }{is used to determine whether \code{x} is a call (i.e.,
of mode \code{"call"} or \code{"("}). Note that
\item{\code{} is strictly equivalent to
\code{typeof(x) == "language"}.}
\item{\code{\link{is.language}()} is also true for calls (but also
for \code{\link{symbol}}s and \code{\link{expression}}s where
\code{} is false).}
\item{\code{}: }{Objects of mode \code{"list"} can be coerced to mode \code{"call"}.
The first element of the list becomes the function part of the call,
so should be a function or the name of one (as a symbol; a character string will not do).
If you think of using \code{<string>)}, consider using
\code{\link{str2lang}(*)} which is an efficient version of
Note that \code{\link{call}()} and \code{\link{}()}, when
applicable, are much preferable to these \code{\link{parse}()} based
All three are \link{primitive} functions.
\code{} is generic: you can write methods to handle specific
classes of objects, see \link{InternalMethods}.
\code{call} should not be used to attempt to evade restrictions on the
use of \code{.Internal} and other non-API calls.
\code{\link{}} for calling a function by name and argument
\code{\link{Recall}} for recursive calling of functions;
Producing \code{\link{call}}s etc from character: \code{\link{str2lang}} and
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988)
\emph{The New S Language}.
Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
\examples{ #-> FALSE: Functions are NOT calls
## set up a function call to round with argument 10.5
cl <- call("round", 10.5) # TRUE
identical(quote(round(10.5)), # <- less functional, but the same
cl) # TRUE
## such a call can also be evaluated.
eval(cl) # [1] 10
class(cl) # "call"
typeof(cl)# "language" && is.language(cl) # always TRUE for "call"s
A <- 10.5
call("round", A) # round(10.5)
call("round", quote(A)) # round(A)
f <- "round"
call(f, quote(A)) # round(A)
## if we want to supply a function we need to use or similar
f <- round
\dontrun{call(f, quote(A)) # error: first arg must be character}
(g <-, quote(A))))
## alternatively but less transparently
g <- list(f, quote(A))
mode(g) <- "call"
## see also the examples in the help for