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% File src/library/base/man/conditions.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2020 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Condition Handling and Recovery}
These functions provide a mechanism for handling unusual conditions,
including errors and warnings.
tryCatch(expr, \dots, finally)
withCallingHandlers(expr, \dots)
simpleCondition(message, call = NULL)
simpleError (message, call = NULL)
simpleWarning (message, call = NULL)
simpleMessage (message, call = NULL)
errorCondition(message, ..., class = NULL, call = NULL)
warningCondition(message, ..., class = NULL, call = NULL)
\method{as.character}{condition}(x, \dots)
\method{as.character}{error}(x, \dots)
\method{print}{condition}(x, \dots)
\method{print}{restart}(x, \dots)
withRestarts(expr, \dots)
computeRestarts(cond = NULL)
findRestart(name, cond = NULL)
invokeRestart(r, \dots)
tryInvokeRestart(r, \dots)
.signalSimpleWarning(msg, call)
.handleSimpleError(h, msg, call)
\item{c}{a condition object.}
\item{call}{call expression.}
\item{cond}{a condition object.}
\item{expr}{expression to be evaluated.}
\item{finally}{expression to be evaluated before returning or exiting.}
\item{message}{character string.}
\item{msg}{character string.}
\item{name}{character string naming a restart.}
\item{r}{restart object.}
\item{class}{character string naming a condition class.}
\item{\dots}{additional arguments; see details below.}
The condition system provides a mechanism for signaling and
handling unusual conditions, including errors and warnings.
Conditions are represented as objects that contain information
about the condition that occurred, such as a message and the call in
which the condition occurred. Currently conditions are S3-style
objects, though this may eventually change.
Conditions are objects inheriting from the abstract class
\code{condition}. Errors and warnings are objects inheriting
from the abstract subclasses \code{error} and \code{warning}.
The class \code{simpleError} is the class used by \code{stop}
and all internal error signals. Similarly, \code{simpleWarning}
is used by \code{warning}, and \code{simpleMessage} is used by
\code{message}. The constructors by the same names take a string
describing the condition as argument and an optional call. The
functions \code{conditionMessage} and \code{conditionCall} are
generic functions that return the message and call of a condition.
The function \code{errorCondition} can be
used to construct error conditions of a particular class with
additional fields specified as the \code{\dots} argument.
\code{warningCondition} is analogous for warnings.
Conditions are signaled by \code{signalCondition}. In addition,
the \code{stop} and \code{warning} functions have been modified to
also accept condition arguments.
The function \code{tryCatch} evaluates its expression argument
in a context where the handlers provided in the \code{\dots}
argument are available. The \code{finally} expression is then
evaluated in the context in which \code{tryCatch} was called; that
is, the handlers supplied to the current \code{tryCatch} call are
not active when the \code{finally} expression is evaluated.
Handlers provided in the \code{\dots} argument to \code{tryCatch}
are established for the duration of the evaluation of \code{expr}.
If no condition is signaled when evaluating \code{expr} then
\code{tryCatch} returns the value of the expression.
If a condition is signaled while evaluating \code{expr} then
established handlers are checked, starting with the most recently
established ones, for one matching the class of the condition.
When several handlers are supplied in a single \code{tryCatch} then
the first one is considered more recent than the second. If a
handler is found then control is transferred to the
\code{tryCatch} call that established the handler, the handler
found and all more recent handlers are disestablished, the handler
is called with the condition as its argument, and the result
returned by the handler is returned as the value of the
\code{tryCatch} call.
Calling handlers are established by \code{withCallingHandlers}. If
a condition is signaled and the applicable handler is a calling
handler, then the handler is called by \code{signalCondition} in
the context where the condition was signaled but with the available
handlers restricted to those below the handler called in the
handler stack. If the handler returns, then the next handler is
tried; once the last handler has been tried, \code{signalCondition}
returns \code{NULL}.
\code{globalCallingHandlers} establishes calling handlers globally.
These handlers are only called as a last resort, after the other
handlers dynamically registered with \code{withCallingHandlers} have
been invoked. They are called before the \code{error} global option
(which is the legacy interface for global handling of errors).
Registering the same handler multiple times moves that handler on
top of the stack, which ensures that it is called first. Global
handlers are a good place to define a general purpose logger (for
instance saving the last error object in the global workspace) or a
general recovery strategy (e.g. installing missing packages via the
\code{retry_loadNamespace} restart).
Like \code{withCallingHandlers} and \code{tryCatch},
\code{globalCallingHandlers} takes named handlers. Unlike these
functions, it also has an \code{\link{options}}-like interface: you
can establish handlers by passing a single list of named handlers.
To unregister all global handlers, supply a single `NULL`. The list
of deleted handlers is returned invisibly. Finally, calling
\code{globalCallingHandlers} without arguments returns the list of
currently established handlers, visibly.
User interrupts signal a condition of class \code{interrupt} that
inherits directly from class \code{condition} before executing the
default interrupt action.
Restarts are used for establishing recovery protocols. They can be
established using \code{withRestarts}. One pre-established restart is
an \code{abort} restart that represents a jump to top level.
\code{findRestart} and \code{computeRestarts} find the available
restarts. \code{findRestart} returns the most recently established
restart of the specified name. \code{computeRestarts} returns a
list of all restarts. Both can be given a condition argument and
will then ignore restarts that do not apply to the condition.
\code{invokeRestart} transfers control to the point where the
specified restart was established and calls the restart's handler with the
arguments, if any, given as additional arguments to
\code{invokeRestart}. The restart argument to \code{invokeRestart}
can be a character string, in which case \code{findRestart} is used
to find the restart. If no restart is found, an error is thrown.
\code{tryInvokeRestart} is a variant of \code{invokeRestart} that
returns silently when the restart cannot be found with
\code{findRestart}. Because a condition of a given class might be
signalled with arbitrary protocols (error, warning, etc), it is
recommended to use this permissive variant whenever you are handling
conditions signalled from a foreign context. For instance, invocation
of a \code{"muffleWarning"} restart should be optional because the
warning might have been signalled by the user or from a different
package with the \code{stop} or \code{message} protocols. Only use
\code{invokeRestart} when you have control of the signalling context,
or when it is a logical error if the restart is not available.
New restarts for \code{withRestarts} can be specified in several ways.
The simplest is in \code{name = function} form where the function is
the handler to call when the restart is invoked. Another simple
variant is as \code{name = string} where the string is stored in the
\code{description} field of the restart object returned by
\code{findRestart}; in this case the handler ignores its arguments
and returns \code{NULL}. The most flexible form of a restart
specification is as a list that can include several fields, including
\code{handler}, \code{description}, and \code{test}. The
\code{test} field should contain a function of one argument, a
condition, that returns \code{TRUE} if the restart applies to the
condition and \code{FALSE} if it does not; the default function
returns \code{TRUE} for all conditions.
One additional field that can be specified for a restart is
\code{interactive}. This should be a function of no arguments that
returns a list of arguments to pass to the restart handler. The list
could be obtained by interacting with the user if necessary. The
function \code{invokeRestartInteractively} calls this function to
obtain the arguments to use when invoking the restart. The default
\code{interactive} method queries the user for values for the
formal arguments of the handler function.
Interrupts can be suspended while evaluating an expression using
\code{suspendInterrupts}. Subexpression can be evaluated with
interrupts enabled using \code{allowInterrupts}. These functions
can be used to make sure cleanup handlers cannot be interrupted.
\code{.signalSimpleWarning}, \code{.handleSimpleError}, and
\code{.tryResumeInterrupt} are used internally and should not be
called directly.
\references{The \code{tryCatch} mechanism is similar to Java
error handling. Calling handlers are based on Common Lisp and
Dylan. Restarts are based on the Common Lisp restart mechanism.}
\seealso{\code{\link{stop}} and \code{\link{warning}} signal conditions,
and \code{\link{try}} is essentially a simplified version of
\code{\link{assertCondition}} in package \pkg{tools} \emph{tests}
that conditions are signalled and works with several of the above
tryCatch(1, finally = print("Hello"))
e <- simpleError("test error")
tryCatch(stop(e), finally = print("Hello"))
tryCatch(stop("fred"), finally = print("Hello"))
tryCatch(stop(e), error = function(e) e, finally = print("Hello"))
tryCatch(stop("fred"), error = function(e) e, finally = print("Hello"))
withCallingHandlers({ warning("A"); 1+2 }, warning = function(w) {})
{ withRestarts(stop("A"), abort = function() {}); 1 }
withRestarts(invokeRestart("foo", 1, 2), foo = function(x, y) {x + y})
##--> More examples are part of
##--> demo(error.catching)