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% File src/library/base/man/delayedAssign.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2015 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Delay Evaluation}
\code{delayedAssign} creates a \emph{promise} to evaluate the given
expression if its value is requested. This provides direct access
to the \emph{lazy evaluation} mechanism used by \R for the evaluation
of (interpreted) functions.
delayedAssign(x, value, eval.env = parent.frame(1),
assign.env = parent.frame(1))
\item{x}{a variable name (given as a quoted string in the function call)}
\item{value}{an expression to be assigned to \code{x}}
\item{eval.env}{an environment in which to evaluate \code{value}}
\item{assign.env}{an environment in which to assign \code{x}}
This function is invoked for its side effect, which is assigning
a promise to evaluate \code{value} to the variable \code{x}.
Both \code{eval.env} and \code{assign.env} default to the currently active
The expression assigned to a promise by \code{delayedAssign} will
not be evaluated until it is eventually \sQuote{forced}. This happens when
the variable is first accessed.
When the promise is eventually forced, it is evaluated within the
environment specified by \code{eval.env} (whose contents may have changed in
the meantime). After that, the value is fixed and the expression will
not be evaluated again.
\code{\link{substitute}}, to see the expression associated with a
promise, if \code{assign.env} is not the \code{\link{.GlobalEnv}}.
msg <- "old"
delayedAssign("x", msg)
substitute(x) # shows only 'x', as it is in the global env.
msg <- "new!"
x # new!
delayedAssign("x", {
for(i in 1:3)
x^2 #- yippee
x^2 #- simple number
ne <- new.env()
delayedAssign("x", pi + 2, assign.env = ne)
## See the promise {without "forcing" (i.e. evaluating) it}:
substitute(x, ne) # 'pi + 2'
\dontshow{stopifnot(identical(substitute(x,ne), quote(pi + 2)))}
### Promises in an environment [for advanced users]: ---------------------
e <- (function(x, y = 1, z) environment())(cos, "y", {cat(" HO!\n"); pi+2})
## How can we look at all promises in an env (w/o forcing them)?
gete <- function(e_)
function(n) eval(substitute(substitute(X, e_), list(X=n))))
(exps <- gete(e))
sapply(exps, typeof)
(le <- as.list(e)) # evaluates ("force"s) the promises
stopifnot(identical(unname(le), lapply(exps, eval))) # and another "Ho!"