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% File src/library/base/man/formals.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2020 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Access to and Manipulation of the Formal Arguments}
Get or set the formal arguments of a \code{\link{function}}.
formals(fun = sys.function(sys.parent()), envir = parent.frame())
formals(fun, envir = environment(fun)) <- value
\item{fun}{a \code{\link{function}}, or see \sQuote{Details}.}
\item{envir}{\code{\link{environment}} in which the function should be
defined (or found via \code{\link{get}()} in the first case and when
\code{fun} a character string).}
\item{value}{a \code{\link{list}} (or \code{\link{pairlist}}) of \R expressions.}
For the first form, \code{fun} can also be a character string naming
the function to be manipulated, which is searched for in \code{envir},
by default from the parent
frame. If it is not specified, the function calling \code{formals} is
Only \emph{closures} have formals, not primitive functions.
\code{formals} returns the formal argument list of the function
specified, as a \code{\link{pairlist}}, or \code{NULL} for a
non-function or primitive.
The replacement form sets the formals of a function to the
list/pairlist on the right hand side, and (potentially) resets the
environment of the function, dropping \code{\link{attributes}}.
\code{\link{formalArgs}} (from \pkg{methods}), a shortcut for \code{names(formals(.))}.
\code{\link{args}} for a human-readable version,
\code{\link{alist}} to \emph{construct} a typical formals \code{value},
see the examples.
The three parts of a (non-primitive) \code{\link{function}} are its
\code{formals}, \code{\link{body}}, and \code{\link{environment}}.
## If you just want the names of the arguments, use formalArgs instead.
methods:: formalArgs(lm) # same
## formals returns a pairlist. Arguments with no default have type symbol (aka name).
## formals returns NULL for primitive functions. Use it in combination with
## args for this case.
## You can overwrite the formal arguments of a function (though this is
## advanced, dangerous coding).
f <- function(x) a + b
formals(f) <- alist(a = , b = 3)
f # function(a, b = 3) a + b
f(2) # result = 5