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% File src/library/base/man/getwd.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2019 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Get or Set Working Directory}
\item{dir}{A character string: \link{tilde expansion} will be done.}
\code{getwd} returns an absolute filepath representing the current
working directory of the \R process; \code{setwd(dir)} is used to set
the working directory to \code{dir}.
See \link{files} for how file paths with marked encodings are interpreted.
Note that the return value is said to be \strong{an} absolute
filepath: there can be more than one representation of the path to a
directory and on some OSes the value returned can differ after
changing directories and changing back to the same directory (for
example if symbolic links have been traversed).
\code{\link{list.files}} for the \emph{contents} of a directory.
\code{\link{normalizePath}} for a \sQuote{canonical} path name.
\code{getwd} returns a character string or \code{NULL} if the working
directory is not available.
On Windows the path returned will use \code{/} as the path separator
and be encoded in UTF-8. The path will not have a trailing \code{/}
unless it is the root directory (of a drive or share on Windows).
\code{setwd} returns the current directory before the change,
invisibly and with the same conventions as \code{getwd}. It will give
an error if it does not succeed (including if it is not implemented).
(WD <- getwd())
if (!is.null(WD)) setwd(WD)