blob: 7e40f32e205342bc330313568b64f9e957b16ffd [file] [log] [blame]
Create Data Frame From List
Create a data frame from a list of variables.
list2DF(x = list(), nrow = 0)
A list of same-length variables for the data frame.
An integer giving the desired number of rows for the data frame in
case \code{x} gives no variables (i.e., has length zero).
Note that all list elements are taken \dQuote{as is}.
A data frame with the given variables.
## Create a data frame holding a list of character vectors and the
## corresponding lengths:
x <- list(character(), "A", c("B", "C"))
n <- lengths(x)
list2DF(list(x = x, n = n))
## Create data frames with no variables and the desired number of rows:
list2DF(nrow = 3L)