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% File src/library/base/man/nchar.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2021 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Count the Number of Characters (or Bytes or Width)}
nchar(x, type = "chars", allowNA = FALSE, keepNA = NA)
nzchar(x, keepNA = FALSE)
\code{nchar} takes a character vector as an argument and
returns a vector whose elements contain the sizes of
the corresponding elements of \code{x}. Internally, it is a generic,
for which methods can be defined (see \link{InternalMethods}).
\code{nzchar} is a fast way to find out if elements of a character
vector are non-empty strings.
\item{x}{character vector, or a vector to be coerced to a character
vector. Giving a factor is an error.}
\item{type}{character string: partial matching to one of
\code{c("bytes", "chars", "width")}. See \sQuote{Details}.}
\item{allowNA}{logical: should \code{NA} be returned for invalid
multibyte strings or \code{"bytes"}-encoded strings (rather than
throwing an error)?}
\item{keepNA}{logical: should \code{NA} be returned when
\code{x} is \code{\link{NA}}? If false, \code{nchar()} returns
\code{2}, as that is the number of printing characters used when
strings are written to output, and \code{nzchar()} is \code{TRUE}. The
default for \code{nchar()}, \code{NA}, means to use \code{keepNA = TRUE}
unless \code{type} is \code{"width"}.}
The \sQuote{size} of a character string can be measured in one of
three ways (corresponding to the \code{type} argument):
\item{\code{bytes}}{The number of bytes needed to store the string
(plus in C a final terminator which is not counted).}
\item{\code{chars}}{The number of characters.}
\item{\code{width}}{The number of columns \code{\link{cat}} will use to
print the string in a monospaced font. The same as \code{chars}
if this cannot be calculated.}
These will often be the same, and usually will be in single-byte
locales (but note how \code{type} determines the default for
\code{keepNA}). There will be differences between the first two with
multibyte character sequences, e.g.\sspace{}in UTF-8 locales.
The internal equivalent of the default method of
\code{\link{as.character}} is performed on \code{x} (so there is no
method dispatch). If you want to operate on non-vector objects
passing them through \code{\link{deparse}} first will be required.
For \code{nchar}, an integer vector giving the sizes of each element.
For missing values (i.e., \code{NA}, i.e., \code{\link{NA_character_}}),
\code{nchar()} returns \code{\link{NA_integer_}} if \code{keepNA} is
true, and \code{2}, the number of printing characters, if false.
\code{type = "width"} gives (an approximation to) the number of
columns used in printing each element in a terminal font, taking into
account double-width, zero-width and \sQuote{composing} characters.
The approximation is likely to be poor when there are unassigned or
non-printing characters.
If \code{allowNA = TRUE} and an element is detected as invalid in a
multi-byte character set such as UTF-8, its number of characters and
the width will be \code{NA}. Otherwise the number of characters will
be non-negative, so \code{!, "chars", TRUE))} is a test
of validity.
A character string marked with \code{"bytes"} encoding (see
\code{\link{Encoding}}) has a number of bytes, but neither a known
number of characters nor a width, so the latter two types are
\code{NA} if \code{allowNA = TRUE}, otherwise an error.
Names, dims and dimnames are copied from the input.
For \code{nzchar}, a logical vector of the same length as \code{x},
true if and only if the element has non-zero size; if the element is
\code{NA}, \code{nzchar()} is true when \code{keepNA} is false (the
default) or \code{NA}, and \code{NA} otherwise.
This does \strong{not} by default give the number of characters that
will be used to \code{print()} the string. Use
\code{\link{encodeString}} to find that.
#ifdef windows
This is particularly important on Windows when \samp{\\uxxxx}
sequences have been used to enter Unicode characters not representable
in the current encoding. Thus \code{nchar("\\u2642")} is \code{1},
and it is printed in \code{Rgui} as one character, but it will be
printed in \code{Rterm} as \code{<U+2642>}, which is what
\code{encodeString} gives.
#ifdef unix
Where character strings have been marked as UTF-8, the number of
characters and widths will be computed in UTF-8, even though printing
may use escapes such as \samp{<U+2642>} in a non-UTF-8 locale.
The concept of \sQuote{width} is a slippery one even in a monospaced
font. Some human languages have the concept of \emph{combining}
characters, in which two or more characters are rendered together: an
example would be \code{"y\u306"}, which is two characters of width
one: combining characters are given width zero, and there are other
zero-width characters such as the zero-width space \code{"\u200b"}.
Some East Asian languages have \sQuote{wide} characters, ideographs
which are conventionally printed across two columns when mixed with
ASCII and other \sQuote{narrow} characters in those languages. The
problem is that whether a computer prints wide characters over two or
one columns depends on the font, with it not being uncommon to use two
columns in a font intended for East Asian users and a single column in
a \sQuote{Western} font. Unicode has encodings for \sQuote{fullwidth}
versions of ASCII characters and \sQuote{halfwidth} versions of
Katakana (Japanese) and Hangul (Korean) characters. Then there is the
\sQuote{East Asian Ambiguous class} (Greek, Cyrillic, signs, some
accented Latin chars, etc), for which the historical practice was to
use two columns in East Asia and one elsewhere. The width quoted by
\code{nchar} for characters in that class (and some others) depends on
the locale, being one except in some East Asian locales on some OSes
(notably Windows).
Control characters are usually given width zero: this includes CR and
LF. Computing the width of a string containing control characters
should be avoided (and may depend on the OS and \R version).
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988)
\emph{The New S Language}.
Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
Unicode Standard Annex #11: \emph{East Asian Width.}
\code{\link{strwidth}} giving width of strings for plotting;
\code{\link{paste}}, \code{\link{substr}}, \code{\link{strsplit}}
x <- c("asfef", "qwerty", "yuiop[", "b", "stuff.blah.yech")
# 5 6 6 1 15
# 18 17 <-- unless mean differs from base::mean
## NA behaviour as function of keepNA=* :
logi <- setNames(, c(FALSE, NA, TRUE))
sapply(logi, \(k) data.frame(nchar = nchar (NA, keepNA=k),
nzchar = nzchar(NA, keepNA=k)))
x[3] <- NA; x
nchar(x, keepNA= TRUE) # 5 6 NA 1 15
nchar(x, keepNA=FALSE) # 5 6 2 1 15
stopifnot(identical(nchar(x ), nchar(x, keepNA= TRUE)),
identical(nchar(x, "w"), nchar(x, keepNA=FALSE)),
##' nchar() for all three types :
nchars <- function(x, ...)
vapply(c("chars", "bytes", "width"),
function(tp) nchar(x, tp, ...), integer(length(x)))
nchars("\\u200b") # in R versions (>= 2015-09-xx):
## chars bytes width
## 1 3 0
data.frame(x, nchars(x)) ## all three types : same unless for NA
## force the same by forcing 'keepNA':
(ncT <- nchars(x, keepNA = TRUE)) ## .... NA NA NA ....
(ncF <- nchars(x, keepNA = FALSE))## .... 2 2 2 ....
stopifnot(apply(ncT, 1, function(.) length(unique(.))) == 1,
apply(ncF, 1, function(.) length(unique(.))) == 1)