blob: 0601c70ef51b7fe1bd439f61b0015c270d08f6a3 [file] [log] [blame]
% File src/library/base/man/noquote.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2021 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Class for \sQuote{no quote} Printing of Character Strings}
Print character strings without quotes.
noquote(obj, right = FALSE)
\method{print}{noquote}(x, quote = FALSE, right = FALSE, \dots)
\method{c}{noquote}(\dots, recursive = FALSE)
\item{obj}{any \R object, typically a vector of
\code{\link{character}} strings.}
\item{right}{optional \code{\link{logical}} eventually to be passed to
\code{print()}, used by \code{\link{print.default}()}, indicating
whether or not strings should be right aligned.}
\item{x}{an object of class \code{"noquote"}.}
\item{quote, \dots}{further options passed to next methods, such as \code{\link{print}}.}
\item{recursive}{for compatibility with the generic \code{\link{c}} function.}
\code{noquote} returns its argument as an object of class
\code{"noquote"}. There is a method for \code{c()} and subscript
method (\code{"[.noquote"}) which ensures that the class is not lost
by subsetting. The print method (\code{print.noquote}) prints
character strings \emph{without} quotes (\code{"...."} is printed as \verb{....}).
If \code{right} is specified in a call \code{print(x, right=*)}, it
takes precedence over a possible \code{right} setting of \code{x},
e.g., created by \code{x <- noquote(*, right=TRUE)}.
These functions exist both as utilities and as an example of using (S3)
\code{\link{class}} and object orientation.
\author{Martin Maechler \email{}}
\code{\link{methods}}, \code{\link{class}}, \code{\link{print}}.
nql <- noquote(letters)
nql[1:4] <- "oh"
cmp.logical <- function(log.v)
## Purpose: compact printing of logicals
log.v <- as.logical(log.v)
noquote(if(length(log.v) == 0)"()" else c(".","|")[1 + log.v])
cmp.logical(stats::runif(20) > 0.8)
chmat <- as.matrix(format(stackloss)) # a "typical" character matrix
## noquote(*, right=TRUE) so it prints exactly like a data frame
chmat <- noquote(chmat, right = TRUE)