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% File src/library/base/man/ns-load.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2021 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Loading and Unloading Name Spaces}
%% Currently considered "main" help page on namespaces
%% --------------- -> \references{}, \seealso{}
Functions to load and unload name spaces.
attachNamespace(ns, pos = 2L, depends = NULL, exclude, include.only)
loadNamespace(package, lib.loc = NULL,
keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs"),
partial = FALSE, versionCheck = NULL, = getOption(""))
requireNamespace(package, ..., quietly = FALSE)
\item{ns}{string or name space object.}
\item{pos}{integer specifying position to attach.}
\item{depends}{\code{NULL} or a character vector of dependencies to be
recorded in object \code{.Depends} in the package.}
\item{package}{string naming the package/name space to load.}
\item{lib.loc}{character vector specifying library search path (the location
of \R library trees to search through.}
\item{keep.source}{Now ignored except during package installation.}
\item{}{Ignored except during package installation.}
\item{partial}{logical; if true, stop just after loading code.}
\item{versionCheck}{\code{NULL} or a version specification (a list
with components \code{op} and \code{version}).}
\item{quietly}{logical: should progress and error messages be suppressed?}
\item{name}{string or \sQuote{name}, see \code{\link{as.symbol}},
of a package, e.g., \code{"stats"}.}
\item{exclude, include.only}{character vectors; see \code{\link{library}}.}
\item{\dots}{further arguments to be passed to \code{loadNamespace}.}
The functions \code{loadNamespace} and \code{attachNamespace} are
usually called implicitly when \code{\link{library}} is used to load a name
space and any imports needed. However it may be useful at times to
call these functions directly.
\code{loadNamespace} loads the specified name space and registers it in
an internal data base. A request to load a name space when one of that
name is already loaded has no effect. The arguments have the same
meaning as the corresponding arguments to \code{\link{library}}, whose
help page explains the details of how a particular installed package
comes to be chosen. After loading, \code{loadNamespace} looks for a
hook function named \code{\link{.onLoad}} as an internal variable in
the name space (it should not be exported). Partial loading is used
to support installation with lazy-loading.
Optionally the package licence is checked during loading: see section
\sQuote{Licenses} in the help for \code{\link{library}}.
\code{loadNamespace} does not attach the name space it loads to the
search path. \code{attachNamespace} can be used to attach a frame
containing the exported values of a name space to the search path (but
this is almost always done \emph{via} \code{\link{library}}). The
hook function \code{\link{.onAttach}} is run after the name space
exports are attached.
\code{requireNamespace} is a wrapper for \code{loadNamespace}
analogous to \code{\link{require}} that returns a logical value.
\code{loadedNamespaces} returns a character vector of the names of
the loaded name spaces.
\code{isNamespaceLoaded(pkg)} is equivalent to but more efficient than
\code{pkg \%in\% loadedNamespaces()}.
\code{unloadNamespace} can be used to attempt to force a name space to
be unloaded. If the name space is attached, it is first
\code{\link{detach}}ed, thereby running a \code{\link{.onDetach}} or
\code{.Last.lib} function in the name space if one is exported. An
error is signaled and the name space is not unloaded if the name space
is imported by other loaded name spaces. If defined, a hook function
\code{\link{.onUnload}} is run before removing the name space from the
internal registry.
See the comments in the help for \code{\link{detach}} about some
issues with unloading and reloading name spaces.
\code{attachNamespace} returns invisibly the package environment it
adds to the search path.
\code{loadNamespace} returns the name space environment, either one
already loaded or the one the function causes to be loaded.
\code{requireNamespace} returns \code{TRUE} if it succeeds or
\code{loadedNamespaces} returns a \code{\link{character}} vector.
\code{unloadNamespace} returns \code{NULL}, invisibly.
As from \R 4.1.0 the operation of \code{loadNamespace} can be traced,
which can help track down the causes of unexpected messages (including
which package(s) they come from since \code{loadNamespace} is called in
many ways including from itself and by \code{::} and can be called by
\code{load}). Setting the environment variable
\env{_R_TRACE_LOADNAMESPACE_} to a numerical value will generate
additional messages on progress. Non-zero values,
e.g.\sspace{}\code{1}, report which namespace is being loaded and when
loading completes: values \code{2} to \code{4} report in increasing
detail. Negative values are reserved for tracing specific features and
their current meanings are documented in source-code comments.
Loading standard packages is never traced.
\code{\link{getNamespace}}, \code{\link{asNamespace}},
\code{\link{topenv}}, \code{\link{.onLoad}} (etc);
further \code{\link{environment}}.
The \sQuote{Writing R Extensions} manual, section \dQuote{Package namespaces}.
\author{Luke Tierney and R-core}
(lns <- loadedNamespaces())
statL <- isNamespaceLoaded("stats")% checks work also when it is *not* loaded
stopifnot( identical(statL, "stats" \%in\% lns) )
## The string "foo" and the symbol 'foo' can be used interchangably here:
stopifnot( identical(isNamespaceLoaded( "foo" ), FALSE),
identical(isNamespaceLoaded(quote(foo)), FALSE),
identical(isNamespaceLoaded(quote(stats)), statL))
hasS <- isNamespaceLoaded("splines") # (to restore if needed)
Sns <- asNamespace("splines") # loads it if not already
stopifnot( isNamespaceLoaded("splines"))
unloadNamespace(Sns) # unloading the NS 'object'
stopifnot( ! isNamespaceLoaded("splines"))
if (hasS) loadNamespace("splines") # (restoring previous state)