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% File src/library/base/man/rank.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2022 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Sample Ranks}
Returns the sample ranks of the values in a vector. Ties (i.e., equal
values) and missing values can be handled in several ways.
rank(x, na.last = TRUE,
ties.method = c("average", "first", "last", "random", "max", "min"))
\arguments{% x: actually, only x[!] must be such a vector
\item{x}{a numeric, complex, character or logical vector.}
\item{na.last}{a logical or character string controlling the treatment
of \code{\link{NA}}s. If \code{TRUE}, missing values in the data are
put last; if \code{FALSE}, they are put first; if \code{NA}, they
are removed; if \code{"keep"} they are kept with rank \code{NA}.}
\item{ties.method}{a character string specifying how ties are treated,
see \sQuote{Details}; can be abbreviated.}
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988)
\emph{The New S Language}.
Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
If all components are different (and no \code{NA}s), the ranks are
well defined, with values in \code{seq_along(x)}. With some values equal
(called \sQuote{ties}), the argument \code{ties.method} determines the
result at the corresponding indices. The \code{"first"} method results
in a permutation with increasing values at each index set of ties, and
analogously \code{"last"} with decreasing values. The
\code{"random"} method puts these in random order whereas the
default, \code{"average"}, replaces them by their mean, and
\code{"max"} and \code{"min"} replaces them by their maximum and
minimum respectively, the latter being the typical sports
\code{NA} values are never considered to be equal: for \code{na.last =
TRUE} and \code{na.last = FALSE} they are given distinct ranks in
the order in which they occur in \code{x}.
\strong{NB}: \code{rank} is not itself generic but \code{\link{xtfrm}}
is, and \code{rank(xtfrm(x), ....)} will have the desired result if
there is a \code{xtfrm} method. Otherwise, \code{rank} will make use
of \code{==}, \code{>}, \code{} and extraction methods for
classed objects, possibly rather slowly.
A numeric vector of the same length as \code{x} with names copied from
\code{x} (unless \code{na.last = NA}, when missing values are
removed). The vector is of integer type unless \code{x} is a long
vector or \code{ties.method = "average"} when it is of double type
(whether or not there are any ties).
\code{\link{order}} and \code{\link{sort}};
\code{\link{xtfrm}}, see above.
(r1 <- rank(x1 <- c(3, 1, 4, 15, 92)))
x2 <- c(3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5)
names(x2) <- letters[1:11]
(r2 <- rank(x2)) # ties are averaged
## rank() is "idempotent": rank(rank(x)) == rank(x) :
stopifnot(rank(r1) == r1, rank(r2) == r2)
## ranks without averaging
rank(x2, ties.method= "first") # first occurrence wins
rank(x2, ties.method= "last") # last occurrence wins
rank(x2, ties.method= "random") # ties broken at random
rank(x2, ties.method= "random") # and again
## keep ties ties, no average
(rma <- rank(x2, ties.method= "max")) # as used classically
(rmi <- rank(x2, ties.method= "min")) # as in Sports
stopifnot(rma + rmi == round(r2 + r2))
## Comparing all tie.methods:
tMeth <- eval(formals(rank)$ties.method)
rx2 <- sapply(tMeth, function(M) rank(x2, ties.method=M))
cbind(x2, rx2)
## ties.method's does not matter w/o ties:
x <- sample(47)
rx <- sapply(tMeth, function(MM) rank(x, ties.method=MM))
stopifnot(all(rx[,1] == rx))