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% File src/library/base/man/stopifnot.Rd
% Part of the R package,
% Copyright 1995-2020 R Core Team
% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
\title{Ensure the Truth of R Expressions}
If any of the expressions (in \code{\dots} or \code{exprs}) are not
\code{\link{all}} \code{TRUE}, \code{\link{stop}} is called, producing
an error message indicating the \emph{first} expression which was not
(\code{\link{all}}) true.
stopifnot(\dots, exprs, exprObject, local = TRUE)
\item{\dots, exprs}{any number of \R expressions, which should each
evaluate to (a logical vector of all) \code{\link{TRUE}}. Use
\emph{either} \code{\dots} \emph{or}
\code{exprs}, the latter typically an unevaluated expression of the
form \preformatted{\{
Note that e.g., positive numbers are \emph{not} \code{TRUE}, even when
they are coerced to \code{TRUE}, e.g., inside \code{if(.)} or in
arithmetic computations in \R.
If names are provided to \code{\dots}, they will be used in lieu of
the default error message.
\item{exprObject}{alternative to \code{exprs} or \code{...}:
an \sQuote{expression-like} object, typically an
\code{\link{expression}}, but also a \code{\link{call}}, a
\code{\link{name}}, or atomic constant such as \code{TRUE}.
\item{local}{(only when \code{exprs} is used:) indicates the
\code{\link{environment}} in which the expressions should be
evaluated; by default the one from where \code{stopifnot()} has been
This function is intended for use in regression tests or also argument
checking of functions, in particular to make them easier to read.
\code{stopifnot(A, B)} or equivalently \code{stopifnot(exprs= {A ;
B})} are conceptually equivalent to \preformatted{ \{ if(any( || !all(A)) stop(...);
if(any( || !all(B)) stop(...) \}}
Since \R version 3.6.0, \code{stopifnot()} no longer handles potential
errors or warnings (by \code{\link{tryCatch}()} etc) for each single
and may use \code{\link{}(<n>)} to get a meaningful and short
error message in case an expression did not evaluate to all TRUE. This
provides considerably less overhead.
Since \R version 3.5.0, expressions \emph{are} evaluated sequentially,
and hence evaluation stops as soon as there is a \dQuote{non-TRUE}, as
indicated by the above conceptual equivalence statement.
%%__ Too expensive {tryCatch(), in R 3.5.x} :
%% Further, when such an expression signals an error or
%% \code{\link{warning}}, the message produced no longer
%% contains the full \code{stopifnot} call, but just the erroneous
%% expression.
Also, since \R version 3.5.0, \code{stopifnot(exprs = { ... })} can be used
alternatively and may be preferable in the case of several
expressions, as they are more conveniently evaluated interactively
(\dQuote{no extraneous \code{,} }).
Since \R version 3.4.0, when an expression (from \code{\dots}) is not
true \emph{and} is a call to \code{\link{all.equal}}, the error
message will report the (first part of the) differences reported by
Trying to use the \code{stopifnot(exprs = ..)} version via a shortcut,
say, \preformatted{ assertWRONG <- function(exprs) stopifnot(exprs = exprs) }
is delicate and the above is \emph{not a good idea}. Contrary to \code{stopifnot()}
which takes care to evaluate the parts of \code{exprs} one by one and
stop at the first non-TRUE, the above short cut would typically evaluate
all parts of \code{exprs} and pass the result, i.e., typically of the
\emph{last} entry of \code{exprs} to \code{stopifnot()}.
However, a more careful version, \preformatted{ assert <- function(exprs) eval.parent(substitute(stopifnot(exprs = exprs))) }
may be a nice short cut for \code{stopifnot(exprs = *)} calls using the
more commonly known verb as function name.
(\code{\link{NULL}} if all statements in \code{\dots} are \code{TRUE}.)
\seealso{\code{\link{stop}}, \code{\link{warning}};
\code{\link{assertCondition}} in package \pkg{tools} complements
\code{stopifnot()} for testing warnings and errors.
stopifnot(1 == 1, all.equal(pi, 3.14159265), 1 < 2) # all TRUE
m <- matrix(c(1,3,3,1), 2, 2)
stopifnot(m == t(m), diag(m) == rep(1, 2)) # all(.) |=> TRUE
op <- options(error = expression(NULL))
# "disabling stop(.)" << Use with CARE! >>
stopifnot(length(10)) # gives an error: '1' is *not* TRUE
## even when if(1) "ok" works
stopifnot(all.equal(pi, 3.141593), 2 < 2, (1:10 < 12), "a" < "b")
## More convenient for interactive "line by line" evaluation:
stopifnot(exprs = {
all.equal(pi, 3.1415927)
2 < 2
1:10 < 12
"a" < "b"
eObj <- expression(2 < 3, 3 <= 3:6, 1:10 < 2)
stopifnot(exprObject = eObj)
stopifnot(exprObject = quote(3 == 3))
stopifnot(exprObject = TRUE)
# long all.equal() error messages are abbreviated:
stopifnot(all.equal(rep(list(pi),4), list(3.1, 3.14, 3.141, 3.1415)))
# The default error message can be overridden to be more informative:
m[1,2] <- 12
stopifnot("m must be symmetric"= m == t(m))
#=> Error: m must be symmetric
options(op) # revert to previous error handler